const { promises: fs } = require("fs"); const childProcess = require("child_process"); const path = require("path"); const tests = { Amazon: "", BBC: "", Bootstrap: "", Bing: "", "Coding Horror": "", "ECMA-262": "", Google: "", "Hacker News": "", "NY Times": "", Reddit: "", "Stack Overflow": "", Twitter: "", Wikipedia: "", }; const fetchTest = (name, url) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // Use curl to follow redirects without needing a Node.js library. childProcess.execFile( "curl", [ "-H", `User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; rv:71.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/71.0`, "-H", "Accept: */*", "-fLSs", url, ], (error, stdout, stderr) => { if (error) { return reject(error); } if (stderr) { return reject(new Error(`stderr: ${stderr}`)); } resolve([name, stdout]); } ); }); (async () => { const existing = await fs.readdir(path.join(__dirname, "tests")); await Promise.all( => fs.unlink(path.join(__dirname, "tests", e))) ); // Format after fetching as formatting is synchronous and can take so long that connections get dropped by server due to inactivity. for (const [name, html] of await Promise.all( Object.entries(tests).map(([name, url]) => fetchTest(name, url)) )) { // Apply some fixes to HTML. const fixed = html // Fix early termination of conditional comment in Amazon. .replace("-->\n", "\n") // Fix closing of void tag in Amazon. .replace(/><\/hr>/g, "/>") // Fix extra '' in BBC. .replace( "", "" ) // Fix broken attribute value in Stack Overflow. .replace('height=151"', 'height="151"'); await fs.writeFile(path.join(__dirname, "tests", name), fixed); } })().catch(console.error);