use std::cmp::max; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::env; use std::fs::File; use std::io::Write; use std::path::Path; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; fn create_byte_string_literal(bytes: &[u8]) -> String { format!("b\"{}\"", bytes .iter() .map(|&b| if b >= b' ' && b <= b'~' && b != b'\\' && b != b'"' { (b as char).to_string() } else { format!("\\x{:02x}", b) }) .collect::()) } fn read_json(name: &str) -> T where for<'de> T: Deserialize<'de> { let patterns_path = Path::new("gen").join(format!("{}.json", name)); let patterns_file = File::open(patterns_path).unwrap(); serde_json::from_reader(patterns_file).unwrap() } fn write_rs(name: &str, code: String) -> () { let out_dir = env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap(); let dest_path = Path::new(&out_dir).join(format!("gen_{}.rs", name)); let mut dest_file = File::create(&dest_path).unwrap(); dest_file.write_all(code.as_bytes()).unwrap(); } struct AutoIncrement { next_val: usize, } impl AutoIncrement { fn new() -> AutoIncrement { AutoIncrement { next_val: 0 } } fn next(&mut self) -> usize { let v = self.next_val; self.next_val += 1; v } } struct TrieBuilderNode { children: HashMap, value_as_code: Option, } #[derive(Debug)] struct TrieStats { max_cluster_holes: usize, max_cluster_length: usize, max_clusters_single_node: usize, total_clusters: usize, total_leaves: usize, total_nodes: usize, } fn snake_case(n: &Vec) -> String { n .iter() .map(|w| w.to_uppercase()) .collect::>() .join("_") } fn camel_case(n: &Vec) -> String { n .iter() .map(|w| format!( "{}{}", w.as_bytes()[0].to_ascii_uppercase() as char, std::str::from_utf8(&w.as_bytes()[1..]).unwrap(), )) .collect::>() .join("") } impl TrieBuilderNode { fn new() -> TrieBuilderNode { TrieBuilderNode { children: HashMap::new(), value_as_code: None, } } fn add(&mut self, pat: &str, val: String) -> () { let mut current = self; for c in pat.chars() { if !current.children.contains_key(&c) { current.children.insert(c, TrieBuilderNode::new()); }; current = current.children.get_mut(&c).unwrap(); }; assert!(current.value_as_code.is_none()); current.value_as_code = Some(val); } fn _node_var_name(trie_name: &Vec, node_id: usize) -> String { format!("{}_TRIE_NODE_{}", snake_case(trie_name), node_id) } fn _node_type_name(trie_name: &Vec, node_id: usize) -> String { format!("{}TrieNode{}", camel_case(trie_name), node_id) } fn _build(&self, ai: &mut AutoIncrement, stats: &mut TrieStats, name: &Vec, value_type: &str, out: &mut String) -> usize { let id =; let node_type_name = if self.children.is_empty() { format!("TrieLeafNode::<{}>", value_type) } else { TrieBuilderNode::_node_type_name(name, id) }; let node_var_name = TrieBuilderNode::_node_var_name(name, id); let mut child_chars: Vec = self.children.keys().map(|e| *e).collect(); child_chars.sort(); // Each cluster is a vector of pairs of child character and corresponding child node ID. let mut child_char_clusters: Vec>> = vec![]; let mut last_char: Option = None; for c in child_chars { let p = c as u32; debug_assert!(p <= 0x7f); // Allow a maximum gap length of 3 between any two children. // Create a new vector if first char or last char is more than 3 character positions away. if last_char.filter(|last| last + 3 >= p).is_none() { child_char_clusters.push(Vec::new()); } else { // Fill any gap with None values. for _ in last_char.unwrap()..p - 1 { child_char_clusters.last_mut().unwrap().push(None); }; }; child_char_clusters.last_mut().unwrap().push( Some((c as u8, self.children.get(&c).unwrap()._build(ai, stats, name, value_type, out))) ); last_char = Some(p); }; child_char_clusters.sort_by(|a, b| b.len().cmp(&a.len())); stats.max_cluster_holes = max(stats.max_cluster_holes, child_char_clusters.iter().map(|c| c.iter().filter(|c| c.is_none()).count()).max().unwrap_or(0)); stats.max_cluster_length = max(stats.max_cluster_length, child_char_clusters.iter().map(|c| c.len()).max().unwrap_or(0)); stats.max_clusters_single_node = max(stats.max_clusters_single_node, child_char_clusters.len()); stats.total_clusters += child_char_clusters.len(); stats.total_leaves += self.children.is_empty() as usize; stats.total_nodes += 1; if !self.children.is_empty() { out.push_str(format!("struct {} {{\n", node_type_name).as_str()); out.push_str(format!("\tvalue: Option<{}>,\n", value_type).as_str()); for (cluster_no, cluster) in child_char_clusters.iter().enumerate() { if cluster.len() == 1 { // Even though child node always exists, wrap in Option as return value for get_child is Option. out.push_str(format!("\tcluster_{}: Option<&'static dyn ITrieNode<{}>>,\n", cluster_no, value_type).as_str()); } else { out.push_str(format!("\tcluster_{}: [Option<&'static dyn ITrieNode<{}>>; {}],\n", cluster_no, value_type, cluster.len()).as_str()); }; }; out.push_str("}\n"); // TODO Investigate Send + Sync. out.push_str(format!("unsafe impl Send for {} {{}}\n", node_type_name).as_str()); out.push_str(format!("unsafe impl Sync for {} {{}}\n", node_type_name).as_str()); out.push_str(format!("impl ITrieNode<{}> for {} {{\n", value_type, node_type_name).as_str()); out.push_str(format!("\tfn get_value(&self) -> Option<{}> {{ self.value }}\n", value_type).as_str()); let mut get_child_fn_branches: Vec = Vec::new(); for (cluster_no, cluster) in child_char_clusters.iter().enumerate() { if cluster.len() == 1 { get_child_fn_branches.push(format!("if c == {} {{ self.cluster_{} }}", cluster.first().unwrap().unwrap().0, cluster_no)); } else { let min = cluster.first().unwrap().unwrap(); let max = cluster.last().unwrap().unwrap(); get_child_fn_branches.push(format!("if c >= {} && c <= {} {{ self.cluster_{}[(c - {}) as usize] }}", min.0, max.0, cluster_no, min.0)); }; }; get_child_fn_branches.push("{ None }".to_string()); let get_child_fn_code = get_child_fn_branches.join("\n\t\telse "); out.push_str(format!( "\tfn get_child(&self, {}c: u8) -> Option<&dyn ITrieNode<{}>> {{\n\t\t{}\n\t}}\n", // Prefix `c` parameter with underscore if unused to suppress compiler warnings. if child_char_clusters.is_empty() { "_" } else { "" }, value_type, get_child_fn_code, ).as_str()); out.push_str("}\n"); }; out.push_str(format!("static {}: &(dyn ITrieNode<{}> + Send + Sync) = &{} {{\n", node_var_name, value_type, node_type_name).as_str()); out.push_str(format!("\tvalue: {},\n", match &self.value_as_code { Some(v) => format!("Some({})", v), None => "None".to_string(), }.as_str()).as_str()); for (cluster_no, cluster) in child_char_clusters.iter().enumerate() { if cluster.len() == 1 { out.push_str(format!("\tcluster_{}: Some({}),\n", cluster_no, TrieBuilderNode::_node_var_name( name, cluster.first().unwrap().unwrap().1), ).as_str()); } else { out.push_str(format!("\tcluster_{}: [{}],\n", cluster_no, cluster.iter().map(|child| match child { Some((_, child_id)) => format!("Some({})", TrieBuilderNode::_node_var_name(name, *child_id)), None => "None".to_string(), }).collect::>().join(", ")).as_str()); }; }; out.push_str("};\n\n"); id } fn build(&mut self, name: &str, value_type: &str) -> String { let name_words = name.split(' ').map(|w| w.to_string()).collect::>(); let mut code = String::new(); let mut stats = TrieStats { max_cluster_holes: 0, max_cluster_length: 0, max_clusters_single_node: 0, total_clusters: 0, total_leaves: 0, total_nodes: 0, }; let root_id = self._build(&mut AutoIncrement::new(), &mut stats, &name_words, value_type, &mut code); println!("{} {:?}", name, stats); // Make trie root public and use proper variable name. code.replace( format!("static {}:", TrieBuilderNode::_node_var_name(&name_words, root_id)).as_str(), format!("pub static {}:", snake_case(&name_words)).as_str(), ) } } fn build_pattern(pattern: String) -> String { assert!(pattern.is_ascii()); let seq = pattern.as_bytes(); let mut max_prefix_len = 0usize; let mut table = vec![0usize; seq.len()]; let mut i = 1; while i < seq.len() { if seq[i] == seq[max_prefix_len] { max_prefix_len += 1; table[i] = max_prefix_len; i += 1; } else { if max_prefix_len != 0 { max_prefix_len = table[max_prefix_len - 1]; } else { table[i] = 0; i += 1; }; }; }; format!("SinglePattern {{ seq: {}, table: &[{}] }}", create_byte_string_literal(pattern.as_bytes()), table.iter().map(|v| v.to_string()).collect::>().join(", ")) } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)] struct Entity { codepoints: Vec, characters: String, } fn generate_entities() { // Read named entities map from JSON file. let entities: HashMap = read_json("entities"); // Add entities to trie builder. let mut trie_builder = TrieBuilderNode::new(); for (rep, entity) in entities { if rep.as_bytes().len() < entity.characters.as_bytes().len() { // Since we're minifying in place, we need to guarantee we'll never write something longer than source. println!("Entity {} is shorter than decoded UTF-8 bytes, skipping...", rep); } else { trie_builder.add(&rep[1..], create_byte_string_literal(entity.characters.as_bytes())); }; }; // Generate trie code from builder. let trie_code ="entity references", "&'static [u8]"); // Write trie code to output Rust file. write_rs("entities", trie_code); } fn generate_patterns() { let patterns: HashMap = read_json("patterns"); for (name, pattern) in patterns { let mut code = String::new(); code.push_str(format!("static {}: &SinglePattern = &{};", name, build_pattern(pattern)).as_str()); write_rs(format!("pattern_{}", name).as_str(), code); }; } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)] struct Trie { value_type: String, values: HashMap, } fn generate_tries() { let tries: HashMap = read_json("tries"); for (name, trie) in tries { let mut trie_builder = TrieBuilderNode::new(); for (seq, value_code) in trie.values { trie_builder.add(seq.as_str(), value_code); }; let trie_code =, trie.value_type.as_str()); write_rs(format!("trie_{}", name).as_str(), trie_code); } } fn main() { generate_entities(); generate_patterns(); generate_tries(); }