#include #include #include #include #define NAPI_VERSION 1 #include typedef struct Cfg Cfg; #include static inline void* assert_malloc(size_t bytes) { void* ptr = malloc(bytes); if (ptr == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "[Node.js minify-html] Internal assertion error: failed to allocate memory\n"); exit(67); } return ptr; } static inline void assert_ok(napi_status status) { if (status != napi_ok) { fprintf(stderr, "[Node.js minify-html] Internal assertion error: N-API status not OK\n"); exit(67); } } static inline napi_value get_undefined(napi_env env) { napi_value undefined; assert_ok(napi_get_undefined(env, &undefined)); return undefined; } typedef napi_status (*napi_is_pred)(napi_env env, napi_value value, bool* result); static inline bool napi_is(napi_env env, napi_value value, napi_is_pred pred) { bool res; assert_ok(pred(env, value, &res)); return res; } typedef struct js_min_buf_metadata { napi_ref src_buf_ref; } js_min_buf_metadata; void js_cfg_finalizer(napi_env env, void* finalize_data, void* _finalize_hint) { ffi_drop_cfg((Cfg const*) finalize_data); } void js_min_buf_finalizer(napi_env env, void* _finalize_data, void* finalize_hint) { js_min_buf_metadata* metadata = (js_min_buf_metadata*) finalize_hint; assert_ok(napi_delete_reference(env, metadata->src_buf_ref)); free(metadata); } void js_copy_min_buf_finalizer(napi_env env, void* _finalize_data, void* finalize_hint) { free(finalize_hint); } napi_value node_method_create_configuration(napi_env env, napi_callback_info info) { napi_value undefined = get_undefined(env); size_t argc = 1; napi_value argv[1]; napi_value _this; void* _data; // Get the arguments. if (napi_get_cb_info(env, info, &argc, argv, &_this, &_data) != napi_ok) { assert_ok(napi_throw_error(env, NULL, "Failed to get callback info")); return undefined; } napi_value obj_arg = argv[0]; #define GET_CFG_PROP(prop) \ bool prop = false; \ napi_value prop##_value; \ if (napi_get_named_property(env, obj_arg, #prop, &prop##_value) == napi_ok) { \ /* It's OK if this fails. */ napi_get_value_bool(env, prop##_value, &prop); \ } GET_CFG_PROP(keep_closing_tags); GET_CFG_PROP(keep_comments); GET_CFG_PROP(keep_html_and_head_opening_tags); GET_CFG_PROP(keep_spaces_between_attributes); GET_CFG_PROP(minify_css); GET_CFG_PROP(minify_js); GET_CFG_PROP(remove_bangs); GET_CFG_PROP(remove_processing_instructions); Cfg const* cfg = ffi_create_cfg( keep_closing_tags, keep_comments, keep_html_and_head_opening_tags, keep_spaces_between_attributes, minify_css, minify_js, remove_bangs, remove_processing_instructions ); napi_value js_cfg; if (napi_create_external(env, (void*) cfg, js_cfg_finalizer, NULL, &js_cfg) != napi_ok) { assert_ok(napi_throw_error(env, NULL, "Failed to create return value")); return undefined; } return js_cfg; } napi_value node_method_minify_in_place(napi_env env, napi_callback_info info) { napi_value undefined = get_undefined(env); napi_value min_buf_rv = undefined; bool buffer_arg_ref_set = false; napi_ref buffer_arg_ref; js_min_buf_metadata* min_buf_meta = NULL; size_t argc = 2; napi_value argv[2]; napi_value _this; void* _data; // Get the arguments. if (napi_get_cb_info(env, info, &argc, argv, &_this, &_data) != napi_ok) { assert_ok(napi_throw_error(env, NULL, "Failed to get callback info")); goto rollback; } napi_value buffer_arg = argv[0]; napi_value js_cfg_arg = argv[1]; // Ensure buffer lives along side minified buffer (both point to same memory). if (napi_create_reference(env, buffer_arg, 1, &buffer_arg_ref) != napi_ok) { assert_ok(napi_throw_error(env, NULL, "Failed to create reference for source buffer")); goto rollback; } buffer_arg_ref_set = true; // Get pointer to bytes in buffer. void* buffer_data; size_t buffer_len; if (napi_get_buffer_info(env, buffer_arg, &buffer_data, &buffer_len) != napi_ok || buffer_data == NULL) { assert_ok(napi_throw_type_error(env, NULL, "Failed to read source buffer")); goto rollback; } // Get Cfg. void* cfg_raw; if (napi_get_value_external(env, js_cfg_arg, &cfg_raw) != napi_ok) { assert_ok(napi_throw_type_error(env, NULL, "Failed to get configuration")); goto rollback; } Cfg const* cfg = (Cfg const*) cfg_raw; // Run minifier in place. size_t min_len; ffi_in_place(buffer_data, buffer_len, cfg, &min_len); // Create minified buffer with underlying source memory but minified length. min_buf_meta = assert_malloc(sizeof(js_min_buf_metadata)); min_buf_meta->src_buf_ref = buffer_arg_ref; if (napi_create_external_buffer(env, min_len, buffer_data, js_min_buf_finalizer, min_buf_meta, &min_buf_rv) != napi_ok) { assert_ok(napi_throw_error(env, NULL, "Failed to create minified buffer")); goto rollback; } goto cleanup; rollback: if (buffer_arg_ref_set) { // Release source buffer. assert_ok(napi_delete_reference(env, buffer_arg_ref)); } free(min_buf_meta); cleanup: return min_buf_rv; } napi_value node_method_minify(napi_env env, napi_callback_info info) { napi_value undefined = get_undefined(env); napi_value min_buf_rv = undefined; void* src_data_copy = NULL; size_t argc = 2; napi_value argv[2]; napi_value _this; void* _data; // Get the arguments. if (napi_get_cb_info(env, info, &argc, argv, &_this, &_data) != napi_ok) { assert_ok(napi_throw_error(env, NULL, "Failed to get callback info")); goto rollback; } napi_value src_arg = argv[0]; napi_value js_cfg_arg = argv[1]; size_t src_data_len; if (napi_is(env, src_arg, napi_is_buffer)) { // Get pointer to bytes in buffer. void* buffer_data; if (napi_get_buffer_info(env, src_arg, &buffer_data, &src_data_len) != napi_ok || buffer_data == NULL) { assert_ok(napi_throw_type_error(env, NULL, "Failed to read source buffer")); goto rollback; } src_data_copy = assert_malloc(src_data_len); memcpy(src_data_copy, buffer_data, src_data_len); } else { // Assume string. if (napi_get_value_string_utf8(env, src_arg, NULL, 0, &src_data_len) != napi_ok) { assert_ok(napi_throw_type_error(env, NULL, "Failed to read source string")); goto rollback; } src_data_copy = assert_malloc(src_data_len + 1); size_t bytes_copied; if (napi_get_value_string_utf8(env, src_arg, src_data_copy, src_data_len + 1, &bytes_copied) != napi_ok || bytes_copied != src_data_len) { assert_ok(napi_throw_error(env, NULL, "Failed to copy source string")); goto rollback; } } // Get Cfg. void* cfg_raw; if (napi_get_value_external(env, js_cfg_arg, &cfg_raw) != napi_ok) { assert_ok(napi_throw_type_error(env, NULL, "Failed to get configuration")); goto rollback; } Cfg const* cfg = (Cfg const*) cfg_raw; // Run minifier in place. size_t min_len; ffi_in_place(src_data_copy, src_data_len, cfg, &min_len); // Create minified buffer with copied memory. if (napi_create_external_buffer(env, min_len, src_data_copy, js_copy_min_buf_finalizer, src_data_copy, &min_buf_rv) != napi_ok) { assert_ok(napi_throw_error(env, NULL, "Failed to create minified buffer")); goto rollback; } goto cleanup; rollback: free(src_data_copy); cleanup: return min_buf_rv; } static inline void define_method(napi_env env, napi_value exports, char const* name, napi_callback cb) { napi_value js_fn; assert_ok(napi_create_function(env, name, NAPI_AUTO_LENGTH, cb, NULL, &js_fn)); assert_ok(napi_set_named_property(env, exports, name, js_fn)); } napi_value node_module_init(napi_env env, napi_value exports) { define_method(env, exports, "createConfiguration", node_method_create_configuration); define_method(env, exports, "minify", node_method_minify); define_method(env, exports, "minifyInPlace", node_method_minify_in_place); return exports; } NAPI_MODULE(NODE_GYP_MODULE_NAME, node_module_init)