const benchmark = require('benchmark'); const childProcess = require('child_process'); const minimist = require('minimist'); const path = require('path'); const minifiers = require('./minifiers'); const results = require('./results'); const tests = require('./tests'); const args = minimist(process.argv.slice(2)); const shouldRunRust = !!args.rust; const cmd = (command, ...args) => { const throwErr = msg => { throw new Error(`${msg}\n ${command} ${args.join(' ')}`); }; const {status, signal, error, stdout, stderr} = childProcess.spawnSync(command,, { stdio: ['ignore', 'pipe', 'pipe'], encoding: 'utf8', }); if (error) { throwErr(error.message); } if (signal) { throwErr(`Command exited with signal ${signal}`); } if (status !== 0) { throwErr(`Command exited with status ${status}`); } if (stderr) { throwErr(`stderr: ${stderr}`); } return stdout; }; const fromEntries = entries => { if (Object.fromEntries) return Object.fromEntries(entries); const obj = {}; for (const [prop, val] of entries) obj[prop] = val; return obj; }; const runTest = test => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // Run JS libraries. const suite = new benchmark.Suite(); for (const m of Object.keys(minifiers)) { suite.add(m, () => { minifiers[m](test.contentAsString, test.contentAsBuffer); }); } suite .on('cycle', event =>, .on('complete', () => resolve(fromEntries( => [, b.hz])))) .on('error', reject) .run({'async': true}); }); (async () => { const speeds = fromEntries( => [, {}])); // Run Rust library. if (shouldRunRust) { for (const [testName, testOps] of JSON.parse(cmd( path.join(__dirname, 'minify-html-bench', 'target', 'release', 'minify-html-bench'), '--iterations', 512, '--tests', path.join(__dirname, 'tests'), ))) { Object.assign(speeds[testName], {['minify-html']: testOps}); } } for (const t of tests) { Object.assign(speeds[], await runTest(t)); } results.writeSpeedResults(speeds); })();