// Official spec defined code points. // See https://infra.spec.whatwg.org/#code-points for spec. import {writeFileSync} from 'fs'; import {RUST_OUT_DIR} from './_common'; import {join} from 'path'; const rangeInclusive = (from: number, to: number) => Array.from({length: to - from + 1}, (_, i) => from + i); const invert = (codepoints: number[]) => Array.from({length: 256}, (_, i) => codepoints.includes(i) ? undefined : i).filter(c => c != undefined); const c = (char: string) => char.charCodeAt(0); // Also update gen/tries.json when changing whitespace definition. const WHITESPACE = [0x09, 0x0a, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x20]; const C0_CONTROL = rangeInclusive(0, 0x1f); const CONTROL = [...C0_CONTROL, ...rangeInclusive(0x7f, 0x9f)]; const DIGIT = rangeInclusive(c('0'), c('9')); const UPPER_HEX_ALPHA = [...rangeInclusive(c('A'), c('F'))]; const LOWER_HEX_ALPHA = [...rangeInclusive(c('a'), c('f'))]; const HEX_DIGIT = [...DIGIT, ...UPPER_HEX_ALPHA, ...LOWER_HEX_ALPHA]; const UPPER_ALPHA = rangeInclusive(c('A'), c('Z')); const LOWER_ALPHA = rangeInclusive(c('a'), c('z')); const ALPHA = [...UPPER_ALPHA, ...LOWER_ALPHA]; const ALPHANUMERIC = [...DIGIT, ...ALPHA]; const ALPHANUMERIC_OR_EQUALS = [...DIGIT, ...ALPHA, c('=')]; // Browsers are much more lax than the spec with regards to attribute names. // See https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/syntax.html#syntax-attribute-name for spec. // To understand browser behaviour, try parsing: /* */ const WHITESPACE_OR_SLASH = [...WHITESPACE, c('/')]; const DOUBLE_QUOTE = [c('"')]; const SINGLE_QUOTE = [c('\'')]; // Valid attribute quote characters. // See https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/introduction.html#intro-early-example for spec. // Backtick is not a valid quote character according to spec. const ATTR_QUOTE = [...DOUBLE_QUOTE, ...SINGLE_QUOTE]; // Valid unquoted attribute value characters. // See https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/syntax.html#unquoted for spec. // Browsers seem to simply consider any characters until whitespace or `>` part of an unquoted attribute value, despite the spec having more restrictions on allowed characters. const NOT_UNQUOTED_ATTR_VAL_CHAR = [...WHITESPACE, c('>')]; // Tag names may only use ASCII alphanumerics. However, some people also use `:` and `-`. // See https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/syntax.html#syntax-tag-name for spec. const TAG_NAME_CHAR = [...ALPHANUMERIC, c(':'), c('-')]; const output = ` pub struct Lookup { table: [bool; 256], } impl std::ops::Index for Lookup { type Output = bool; #[inline(always)] fn index(&self, c: u8) -> &Self::Output { // \`c\` is definitely below 256 so it's always safe to directly index table without checking. unsafe { self.table.get_unchecked(c as usize) } } } ` + Object.entries({ WHITESPACE, DIGIT, UPPER_HEX_ALPHA, LOWER_HEX_ALPHA, HEX_DIGIT, ALPHANUMERIC_OR_EQUALS, WHITESPACE_OR_SLASH, DOUBLE_QUOTE, SINGLE_QUOTE, ATTR_QUOTE, NOT_UNQUOTED_ATTR_VAL_CHAR, TAG_NAME_CHAR, }) .map(([name, points]) => (` pub static ${name}: &'static Lookup = &Lookup { table: [${ Array.from({length: 256}, (_, i) => points.includes(i)).join(', ') }], };`)) .join('\n\n'); writeFileSync(join(RUST_OUT_DIR, 'codepoints.rs'), output);