use std::collections::HashMap; use std::env; use std::fs::File; use std::io::Write; use std::ops::{Index, IndexMut}; use std::path::Path; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; fn create_byte_string_literal(bytes: &[u8]) -> String { format!("b\"{}\"", bytes .iter() .map(|&b| if b >= b' ' && b <= b'~' && b != b'\\' && b != b'"' { (b as char).to_string() } else { format!("\\x{:02x}", b) }) .collect::()) } fn read_json(name: &str) -> T where for<'de> T: Deserialize<'de> { let patterns_path = Path::new("gen").join(format!("{}.json", name)); let patterns_file = File::open(patterns_path).unwrap(); serde_json::from_reader(patterns_file).unwrap() } fn write_rs(name: &str, code: String) -> () { let out_dir = env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap(); let dest_path = Path::new(&out_dir).join(format!("gen_{}.rs", name)); let mut dest_file = File::create(&dest_path).unwrap(); dest_file.write_all(code.as_bytes()).unwrap(); } fn name_words(n: &str) -> Vec { n.split(' ').map(|w| w.to_string()).collect::>() } fn snake_case(n: &Vec) -> String { n.iter().map(|w| w.to_uppercase()).collect::>().join("_") } fn camel_case(n: &Vec) -> String { n.iter().map(|w| format!( "{}{}", w.as_bytes()[0].to_ascii_uppercase() as char, std::str::from_utf8(&w.as_bytes()[1..]).unwrap(), )).collect::>().join("") } pub struct TwoDimensionalArray { data: Vec, cols: usize, } impl TwoDimensionalArray { pub fn new(rows: usize, cols: usize) -> TwoDimensionalArray { TwoDimensionalArray { data: vec![0usize; rows * cols], cols, } } pub fn prebuilt(data: Vec, cols: usize) -> TwoDimensionalArray { TwoDimensionalArray { data, cols } } } type TwoDimensionalArrayIndex = (usize, usize); impl Index for TwoDimensionalArray { type Output = usize; fn index(&self, (row, col): TwoDimensionalArrayIndex) -> &Self::Output { &[row * self.cols + col] } } impl IndexMut for TwoDimensionalArray { fn index_mut(&mut self, (row, col): TwoDimensionalArrayIndex) -> &mut Self::Output { &mut[row * self.cols + col] } } fn build_pattern(pattern: String) -> String { assert!(pattern.is_ascii()); let seq = pattern.as_bytes(); let dfa = &mut TwoDimensionalArray::new(256, seq.len()); dfa[(seq[0] as usize, 0)] = 1; let mut x = 0; let mut j = 1; while j < seq.len() { for c in 0..256 { dfa[(c, j)] = dfa[(c, x)]; }; dfa[(seq[j] as usize, j)] = j + 1; x = dfa[(seq[j] as usize, x)]; j += 1; }; format!( "crate::pattern::SinglePattern::prebuilt(&[{}], {})",|v| v.to_string()).collect::>().join(", "), seq.len(), ) } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)] struct TagAttr { boolean: bool, redundant_if_empty: bool, collapse_and_trim: bool, default_value: Option, } impl TagAttr { fn code(&self) -> String { format!(r" AttributeMinification {{ boolean: {boolean}, redundant_if_empty: {redundant_if_empty}, collapse_and_trim: {collapse_and_trim}, default_value: {default_value}, }} ", boolean = self.boolean, redundant_if_empty = self.redundant_if_empty, collapse_and_trim = self.collapse_and_trim, default_value = match &self.default_value { Some(val) => format!("Some({})", create_byte_string_literal(val.as_bytes())), None => "None".to_string(), }, ) } } fn generate_attr_map() { let attrs: HashMap>> = read_json("attrs"); let mut code = String::new(); for (attr_name, namespaces) in attrs.iter() { let mut by_namespace_code = String::new(); by_namespace_code.push_str(format!("static {}_ATTR: ByNamespace = ByNamespace {{\n", attr_name.to_uppercase()).as_str()); for namespace in ["html".to_string(), "svg".to_string()].iter() { by_namespace_code.push_str(format!("\t{}: ", namespace).as_str()); match namespaces.get(namespace) { None => by_namespace_code.push_str("None"), Some(tags_map) => { if let Some(global_attr) = tags_map.get("*") { code.push_str(format!( "static {}_{}_ATTR: &AttrMapEntry = &AttrMapEntry::AllNamespaceElements({});\n\n", namespace.to_uppercase(), attr_name.to_uppercase(), global_attr.code(), ).as_str()); } else { code.push_str(format!( "static {}_{}_ATTR: &AttrMapEntry = &AttrMapEntry::SpecificNamespaceElements(phf::phf_map! {{\n{}\n}});\n\n", namespace.to_uppercase(), attr_name.to_uppercase(), tags_map .iter() .map(|(tag_name, tag_attr)| format!( "b\"{}\" => {}", tag_name, tag_attr.code(), )) .collect::>() .join(",\n"), ).as_str()); }; by_namespace_code.push_str(format!("Some({}_{}_ATTR)", namespace.to_uppercase(), attr_name.to_uppercase()).as_str()); } }; by_namespace_code.push_str(",\n"); }; by_namespace_code.push_str("};\n\n"); code.push_str(&by_namespace_code); }; code.push_str("pub static ATTRS: AttrMap = AttrMap::new(phf::phf_map! {\n"); for attr_name in attrs.keys() { code.push_str(format!("\tb\"{}\" => {}_ATTR,\n", attr_name, attr_name.to_uppercase()).as_str()); }; code.push_str("});\n\n"); write_rs("attrs", code); } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)] struct Entity { codepoints: Vec, characters: String, } pub struct TrieBuilderNode { value: Option, children: Vec>, } struct TrieBuilderGenerationContext<'t, 'v, 'o> { trie_name: &'t str, value_type: &'v str, next_id: usize, out: &'o mut String, } impl<'t, 'v, 'o> TrieBuilderGenerationContext<'t, 'v, 'o> { pub fn id(&mut self) -> usize { let next = self.next_id; self.next_id += 1; next } } impl TrieBuilderNode { pub fn new() -> TrieBuilderNode { let mut children = Vec::new(); for _ in 0..256 { children.push(None); }; TrieBuilderNode { value: None, children } } pub fn add(&mut self, seq: &[u8], value: String) -> () { let mut current = self; for c in seq.iter() { current = current.children[*c as usize].get_or_insert_with(|| TrieBuilderNode::new()); }; current.value.replace(value); } fn _generated_node_var_name(&self, trie_name: &str, node_id: usize) -> String { format!("{trie_name}_NODE_{node_id}", trie_name = trie_name, node_id = node_id) } fn _generate(&self, ctx: &mut TrieBuilderGenerationContext) -> usize { let children = self.children.iter().map(|c| match c { None => "None".to_string(), Some(c) => { let child_id = c._generate(ctx); format!("Some({})", self._generated_node_var_name(ctx.trie_name, child_id)) } }).collect::>().join(", "); let id =; let code = format!( "static {var_name}: &'static crate::pattern::TrieNode<{value_type}> = &crate::pattern::TrieNode {{\n\tvalue: {value},\n\tchildren: [{children}],\n}};\n\n", var_name = self._generated_node_var_name(ctx.trie_name, id), value_type = ctx.value_type, value = self.value.as_ref().map_or("None".to_string(), |v| format!("Some({})", v)), children = children, ); ctx.out.push_str(code.as_str()); id } pub fn generate(&self, trie_name: &str, value_type: &str) -> String { let mut out = String::new(); let mut ctx = TrieBuilderGenerationContext { trie_name, value_type, next_id: 0, out: &mut out, }; let root_id = self._generate(&mut ctx); // Make root node public and use proper name. ctx.out.replace( format!("static {}", self._generated_node_var_name(trie_name, root_id)).as_str(), format!("pub static {}", trie_name).as_str() ) } } fn generate_entities() { // Read named entities map from JSON file. let entities: HashMap = read_json("entities"); // Add entities to trie builder. let mut trie_builder: TrieBuilderNode = TrieBuilderNode::new(); for (rep, entity) in entities { let val = if rep.as_bytes().len() < entity.characters.as_bytes().len() { // Since we're minifying in place, we need to guarantee we'll never write something longer than source. println!("Entity {} is shorter than decoded UTF-8 bytes...", rep); // Include '&' in value. create_byte_string_literal(rep.as_bytes()) } else { create_byte_string_literal(entity.characters.as_bytes()) }; trie_builder.add(&(rep.as_bytes())[1..], val); }; // Write trie code to output Rust file. write_rs("entities", trie_builder.generate( "ENTITY_REFERENCES", "&'static [u8]", )); } fn generate_patterns() { let patterns: HashMap = read_json("patterns"); for (name, pattern) in patterns { let mut code = String::new(); code.push_str(format!("static {}: &crate::pattern::SinglePattern = &{};", name, build_pattern(pattern)).as_str()); write_rs(format!("pattern_{}", name).as_str(), code); }; } fn main() { generate_attr_map(); generate_entities(); generate_patterns(); }