import {EOL} from 'os'; const customCharClasses = { tagName: '[a-zA-Z-]', attrName: '[a-zA-Z-]', }; const whitespaceClass = [' ', '\r', '\n', '\t', '\v', '\f']; const charRange = (from: string, to: string) => { const res = []; for (let i = from.charCodeAt(0); i <= to.charCodeAt(0); i++) { res.push(String.fromCharCode(i)); } return res; }; const parsePatternEscape = (pat: string, at: number): string[] => { switch (pat[at]) { case '\\': return ['\\']; case ']': return [']']; case '<': return ['<']; case 'w': return whitespaceClass; default: throw new Error(`Unknown pattern escape: ${pat[at]}`); } }; const parsePatternClass = (pat: string, from: number): [string[], number] => { const chars: string[] = []; for (let i = from; i < pat.length; i++) { switch (pat[i]) { case '\\': chars.push(...parsePatternEscape(pat, ++i)); break; case ']': return [chars, i]; default: if (pat[i + 1] === '-' && pat[i + 2] !== undefined) { chars.push(...charRange(pat[i], pat[i + 2])); i += 2; } else { chars.push(pat[i]); } break; } } throw new Error(`Unexpected end of pattern: ${pat}`); }; const parsePatternCustomClass = (pat: string, from: number): [string[], number] => { const endIdx = pat.indexOf('>', from); if (endIdx == -1) throw new Error(`Unexpected end of pattern: ${pat}`); return [parsePatternClass(customCharClasses[pat.slice(from, endIdx)], 1)[0], endIdx]; }; export const parsePattern = (pat: string): string[][] => { const res: string[][] = []; for (let i = 0; i < pat.length; i++) { switch (pat[i]) { case '\\': res.push(parsePatternEscape(pat, ++i)); break; case '[': const sg = parsePatternClass(pat, i + 1); res.push(sg[0]); i = sg[1]; break; case '<': const cc = parsePatternCustomClass(pat, i + 1); res.push(cc[0]); i = cc[1]; break; default: res.push([pat[i]]); } } return res; }; type Node = { children: Node[]; value?: string; }; const createNode = (value?: string) => ({value, children: []}); export class TrieBuilder { private readonly root: Node = createNode(); private readonly variables: string[] = []; private nextId: number = 0; private readonly codeCache: Map = new Map(); constructor ( private readonly name: string, private readonly valueType: string, ) { } fillRemaining (val: string): this { const {children} = this.root; for (let i = 0; i < 256; i++) { children[i] = children[i] || createNode(val); } return this; } add (seq: string, val: string): this { let cur: Node = this.root; for (let i = 0; i < seq.length; i++) { const c = seq.charCodeAt(i); if (c > 255) throw new Error('Not a byte'); cur = cur.children[c] = cur.children[c] || createNode(); } cur.value = val; return this; } addPattern (pattern: string[][], val: string): this { let cur: Node[] = [this.root]; for (const cls of pattern) { const next: Node[] = []; for (let i = 0; i < cls.length; i++) { if (cls[i].length !== 1) throw new Error(`Not a byte`); const c = cls[i].charCodeAt(0); if (c > 255) throw new Error('Not a byte'); next.push( => n.children[c] = n.children[c] || createNode())); } cur = next; } cur.forEach(n => n.value = val); return this; } // Generate the code for a node's variable name and value, and return the name. private generateNode (node: Node): string { // Only generate defined children to cut down on size of array, which would otherwise // bog down compile time and binary size for large trees with lots of nodes. // If array is empty, just use zero. const firstIdx = node.children.length && node.children.findIndex(v => v); const children = Array.from( {length: node.children.length - firstIdx}, (_, i) => node.children[i + firstIdx] ? `Some(${this.generateNode(node.children[i + firstIdx])})` : 'None', ).join(', '); const value = node.value === undefined ? 'None' : `Some(${node.value})`; const varValue = `&crate::pattern::TrieNode { offset: ${firstIdx}, value: ${value}, children: &[${children}], }`; const existingVarName = this.codeCache.get(varValue); if (existingVarName) { return existingVarName; } const name = `${}_NODE_${this.nextId++}`; this.variables.push(`static ${name}: &'static crate::pattern::TrieNode<${this.valueType}> = ${varValue};`); this.codeCache.set(varValue, name); return name; } generate (): string { this.variables.splice(0, this.variables.length); this.nextId = 0; const rootName = this.generateNode(this.root); // Make root node public and use proper name. return this.variables.join(EOL + EOL).replace(`static ${rootName}`, `pub static ${}`); } }