// Based on the data sourced from https://html.spec.whatwg.org/entities.json: // - Entity names can have [A-Za-z0-9] characters, and are case sensitive. // - Some character entity references do not end with a semicolon. // - All of these entities also have a corresponding entity with semicolon. // - The longest name is "CounterClockwiseContourIntegral", with length 31 // (excluding leading ampersand and trailing semicolon). // - All entity names are at least 2 characters long. // - Some named entities are actually shorter than their decoded characters as UTF-8. // Browser implementation behaviour to consider: // - Browsers match longest sequence of characters that would form a valid entity. // - Names must match case sensitively. // - For a numeric entity, browsers actually consume an unlimited amount of digits, but decode to 0xFFFD if not a valid // Unicode Scalar Value. use crate::gen::entities::{ENTITY, EntityType}; use crate::pattern::TrieNodeMatch; use std::char::from_u32; use crate::proc::Processor; use crate::gen::codepoints::{DIGIT, HEX_DIGIT, LOWER_HEX_DIGIT, UPPER_HEX_DIGIT, Lookup}; #[inline(always)] fn parse_numeric_entity(code: &mut [u8], read_start: usize, prefix_len: usize, write_pos: usize, digit_lookup: &'static Lookup, on_digit: fn(u32, u8) -> u32, max_digits: u8) -> (usize, usize) { let mut value = 0u32; let mut digits = 0; let mut read_next = read_start; // Skip initial zeros. while code.get(read_next).filter(|c| **c == b'0').is_some() { read_next += 1; }; // Browser will still continue to consume digits past max_digits. loop { match code.get(read_next) { Some(&c) if digit_lookup[c] => { // We don't care about overflow, as it will be considered malformed past max_digits anyway. value = on_digit(value, c); read_next += 1; digits += 1; } _ => break, }; }; // Semicolon is required by spec but seems to be optional in actual browser behaviour. if let Some(b';') = code.get(read_next) { read_next += 1; }; // Browsers decode to a replacement character (U+FFFD) if malformed. let char = Some(value) .filter(|_| digits <= max_digits) .and_then(|v| from_u32(v)) .unwrap_or('\u{FFFD}'); (read_next - read_start + prefix_len, char.encode_utf8(&mut code[write_pos..]).len()) } // Parse the entity and write its decoded value at the beginning of {@param code}. // Return the (read_len, write_len). // If malformed, returns the longest matching entity prefix length as (0, 0). fn parse_entity(code: &mut [u8], read_pos: usize, write_pos: usize) -> (usize, usize) { match ENTITY.longest_matching_prefix(&code[read_pos..]) { TrieNodeMatch::Found { len: match_len, value } => match value { EntityType::Dec => parse_numeric_entity( code, read_pos, // Skip past '&#'. Note that match_len is 3 as it matches '&#[0-9]'. 2, write_pos, DIGIT, |value, c| value.wrapping_mul(10).wrapping_add((c - b'0') as u32), 7, ), EntityType::Hex => parse_numeric_entity( code, read_pos, // Skip past '&#x'. Note that match_len is 4 as it matches '&#x[0-9a-fA-F]'. 3, write_pos, HEX_DIGIT, |value, c| value.wrapping_mul(16).wrapping_add(match c { c if DIGIT[c] => (c - b'0') as u32, c if LOWER_HEX_DIGIT[c] => (c - b'a') as u32, c if UPPER_HEX_DIGIT[c] => (c - b'A') as u32, _ => unreachable!(), }), 6, ), EntityType::Named(decoded) => { code[write_pos..write_pos + decoded.len()].copy_from_slice(decoded); (match_len, decoded.len()) } }, // The entity is malformed. TrieNodeMatch::NotFound { .. } => (0, 0), } } // Normalise entity such that "< hello" becomes "___< hello" and the range of '<' is returned. // For something like "&amp hello", it becomes "_______&amp hello" and (7, 14) is returned. pub fn maybe_normalise_entity(proc: &mut Processor) -> bool { if proc.peek(0).filter(|c| *c == b'&').is_none() { return false; }; let start = proc.read_next; // We want to look ahead in case this entity decodes to something beginning with '&' and following code are also // entities that would decode to form an unintentional entity once decoded. // For example, `&amq` would output as `&` which is an unintentional entity. let mut read_next = start; let mut write_next = start; let mut node = Some(ENTITY); // NOTE: We only want to keep reading valid entities. No malformed entity could be part of an unintentional entity // as no valid entity has an ampersand after the first character; however, malformed entities could be part of their // own unintentional entity, so don't consume them. For example: // &am&amq // When parsing from the first `&`, stop before the second `&`, as otherwise the second `&am` won't be normalised to // `&amp;`. while node.filter(|n| n.value.is_none()).is_some() { let (entity_read, entity_write) = parse_entity(proc.code, read_next, write_next); if entity_read == 0 { break; }; node = node.unwrap().next_matching_node(&proc.code[write_next..write_next + entity_write], 0).map(|(node, _)| node); debug_assert!(entity_read > 0); read_next += entity_read; write_next += entity_write; }; // Need to encode initial '&', so add 'amp'. let undecodable = node.and_then(|n| n.value).is_some(); // Shift decoded value down so that it ends at read_next (exclusive). let mut shifted_start = read_next - (write_next - start - undecodable as usize); proc.code.copy_within(start + undecodable as usize..write_next, shifted_start); if undecodable { debug_assert_eq!(proc.code.get(start), Some(&b'&')); proc.code[shifted_start - 4..shifted_start].copy_from_slice(b"&"); shifted_start -= 4; }; proc.read_next = shifted_start; return true; }