Top News

Workers Hardest Hit by Recession Are Joining in the Recovery

  • Unemployment among those without a high school diploma has declined by two-thirds since the economy’s low point, the latest jobs report shows.
  • Over all in July, employers increased payrolls by 157,000, while the unemployment rate edged downward to 3.9 percent, near the 18-year low achieved in May.


‘Rainbow Wave’: A Record Number of L.G.B.T. Candidates

More than 400 lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender candidates are running for office in November, as the Trump administration and state-level politicians have moved to roll back legal protections.

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Students praying before the start of classes at Mpumelelo Primary School, the site of protests last year. Credit Joao Silva/The New York Times

South Africa Vows to End Corruption. Are Its New Leaders Part of the Problem?

The spectacular climb of David Mabuza, the country’s new deputy president, included siphoning off money from schools and other public services to amass enormous power, officials say.

Still Processing

‘Still Processing’: We Blaxplain Blaxplaining

We trace the evolution of black American cinema from blaxploitation in the 1970s to what we’re calling “blaxplaining” in 2018.


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Shelf care: This man actually reads the books in his library. Credit Alex Welsh for The New York Times

Dick Cavett in the Digital Age

Stopping to smell the flowers with the last great intellectual talk-show host.

11 of Our Best Weekend Reads

The decade we almost stopped climate change. Spike Lee takes on the Klan. Apple’s $1 trillion milestone. The curious rise of the face tattoo.

Big City

Seeking an Avenger? Here’s Zephyr Teachout

The law professor and activist challenged Gov. Andrew Cuomo in the Democratic primary in 2014, and is a godmother to the current moment of upstart women candidates.

Summer's Not Over Yet!

Take advantage. Our limited-run newsletter will spotlight New York City’s coolest summer activities each week. Food and drink included.

Gender Letter

Subscribe to the Gender Letter, a weekly take on news, trends and culture. This week: Hollywood films are as white, straight and male as ever.

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