use std::ops::{Index, Range, IndexMut}; use fastrie::{Fastrie, FastrieMatch}; use crate::err::{ErrorType, ProcessingResult}; use crate::pattern::SinglePattern; use crate::spec::codepoint::{is_digit, is_hex_digit, is_whitespace}; use crate::unit::entity::{ENTITY_REFERENCES, is_valid_entity_reference_name_char}; macro_rules! chain { ($proc:ident $($tail:tt)+) => ({ chain!(@line $proc, last, $($tail)+); last }); // Match `?` operator before a call without `?`. (@line $proc:ident, $last:ident, . $method:ident($($arg:expr),*)? $($tail:tt)+) => { $proc.$method($($arg),*)?; chain!(@line $proc, $last, $($tail)*); }; (@line $proc:ident, $last:ident, . $method:ident($($arg:expr),*) $($tail:tt)+) => { $proc.$method($($arg),*); chain!(@line $proc, $last, $($tail)*); }; (@line $proc:ident, $last:ident, . $method:ident($($arg:expr),*)?) => { let $last = $proc.$method($($arg),*)?; }; (@line $proc:ident, $last:ident, . $method:ident($($arg:expr),*)) => { let $last = $proc.$method($($arg),*); }; } #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub enum RequireReason { Custom, ExpectedMatch(&'static [u8]), ExpectedChar(u8), } #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub struct Checkpoint { read_next: usize, write_next: usize, } impl Checkpoint { pub fn get_written_range_since(&self, amount: usize) -> ProcessorRange { ProcessorRange { start: self.write_next, end: self.write_next + amount, } } } // TODO DOC #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub struct ProcessorRange { start: usize, end: usize, } impl ProcessorRange { pub fn len(&self) -> usize { self.end - self.start } pub fn empty(&self) -> bool { self.start >= self.end } } #[derive(Eq, PartialEq)] enum UnintentionalEntityState { Safe, Ampersand, Named, AmpersandHash, Dec, Hex, } pub struct UnintentionalEntityPrevention { last_write_next: usize, ampersand_pos: usize, state: UnintentionalEntityState, } // Processing state of a file. Most fields are used internally and set during // processing. Single use only; create one per processing. pub struct Processor<'d> { code: &'d mut [u8], // Index of the next character to read. read_next: usize, // Index of the next unwritten space. write_next: usize, // Match. // Need to record start as we might get slice after keeping or skipping. match_start: usize, // Position in output match has been written to. Useful for long term slices where source would already be overwritten. match_dest: usize, // Guaranteed amount of characters that exist from `start` at time of creation of this struct. match_len: usize, // Character matched, if any. Only exists for single-character matches and if matched. match_char: Option, match_reason: RequireReason, } impl<'d> Index for Processor<'d> { type Output = [u8]; fn index(&self, index: ProcessorRange) -> &Self::Output { &self.code[index.start..index.end] } } impl<'d> IndexMut for Processor<'d> { fn index_mut(&mut self, index: ProcessorRange) -> &mut Self::Output { debug_assert!(index.end <= self.write_next); &mut self.code[index.start..index.end] } } impl<'d> Processor<'d> { // Constructor. pub fn new(code: &mut [u8]) -> Processor { Processor { write_next: 0, read_next: 0, code, match_start: 0, match_dest: 0, match_len: 0, match_char: None, match_reason: RequireReason::Custom } } // INTERNAL APIs. // Bounds checking. fn _in_bounds(&self, offset: usize) -> bool { self.read_next + offset < self.code.len() } // Reading. /// Get the `offset` character from next. /// When `offset` is 0, the next character is returned. /// Panics. Does not check bounds for performance (e.g. already checked). fn _read_offset(&self, offset: usize) -> u8 { self.code[self.read_next + offset] } fn _maybe_read_offset(&self, offset: usize) -> Option { if self._in_bounds(offset) { Some(self._read_offset(offset)) } else { None } } // Shifting. /// Move next `amount` characters to output. /// Panics. Does not check bounds for performance (e.g. already checked). fn _shift(&mut self, amount: usize) -> () { // Optimisation: Don't shift if already there (but still update offsets). if self.read_next != self.write_next { self.code.copy_within(self.read_next..self.read_next + amount, self.write_next); }; self.read_next += amount; self.write_next += amount; } fn _replace(&mut self, range: Range, data: &[u8]) -> () { self.code.copy_within(range.end..self.write_next, range.end + data.len() - (range.end - range.start)); self.code[range.start..range.start + data.len()].copy_from_slice(data); } // Matching. // Set match. fn _new_match(&mut self, count: usize, char: Option, reason: RequireReason) -> () { // Don't assert match doesn't exist, as otherwise we would need to clear match on every use // which would slow down performance and require mutable methods for querying match. self.match_start = self.read_next; self.match_len = count; self.match_char = char; self.match_reason = reason; } fn _match_one bool>(&mut self, cond: C, reason: RequireReason) -> () { match self._maybe_read_offset(0).filter(|n| cond(*n)) { Some(c) => self._new_match(1, Some(c), reason), None => self._new_match(0, None, reason), } } fn _match_greedy bool>(&mut self, cond: C) -> () { let mut count = 0usize; while self._in_bounds(count) && cond(self._read_offset(count)) { count += 1; }; self._new_match(count, None, RequireReason::Custom) } // Ensure that match is nonempty or return error. fn _match_require(&self, custom_reason: Option<&'static str>) -> ProcessingResult<()> { if self.match_len > 0 { Ok(()) } else { match self.match_reason { RequireReason::Custom => Err(ErrorType::NotFound(custom_reason.unwrap())), RequireReason::ExpectedChar(c) => Err(ErrorType::ExpectedChar(c)), RequireReason::ExpectedMatch(m) => Err(ErrorType::MatchNotFound(m)), } } } pub fn debug_dump(&self) -> String { let mut lines = vec![(1, String::new())]; let mut line_idx = 0; let mut indicator_line_idx_opt: Option = None; let mut line_cols = 0; let mut line_no = 1; for (i, &c) in self.code.iter().enumerate() { if i == self.read_next || i == self.write_next { let indicator_line_idx = if indicator_line_idx_opt.is_none() { let indicator_line_idx = lines.len(); lines.push((-1, String::new())); indicator_line_idx_opt = Some(indicator_line_idx); indicator_line_idx } else if let Some(indicator_line_idx) = indicator_line_idx_opt { indicator_line_idx } else { unreachable!(); }; // At this point, `line_cols` is how many characters are on this line BEFORE this character. while line_cols > 0 && lines[indicator_line_idx].1.len() < line_cols { lines[indicator_line_idx].1.push(' '); }; lines[indicator_line_idx].1.push(if i == self.read_next && i == self.write_next { 'B' } else if i == self.read_next { 'R' } else { 'W' }) }; match c { b'\n' => { lines[line_idx].1.push_str("⏎"); line_no += 1; line_cols = 0; line_idx = lines.len(); lines.push((line_no, String::new())); indicator_line_idx_opt = None; } c => { match c { c if is_whitespace(c) => lines[line_idx].1.push('·'), c if c >= b'!' && c <= b'~' => lines[line_idx].1.push(c as char), _ => lines[line_idx].1.push('�'), }; line_cols += 1; } }; }; let max_line_no_width = (line_no as f64).log10().ceil() as usize; lines .iter() .map(|(line_no, line)| if *line_no == -1 { format!("{:>indent$}|{}", String::from_utf8(vec![b'>'; max_line_no_width]).unwrap(), line, indent = max_line_no_width) } else { format!("{:>indent$}|{}", line_no, line, indent = max_line_no_width) }) .collect::>() .join("\n") } // PUBLIC APIs. // Bounds checking pub fn at_end(&self) -> bool { !self._in_bounds(0) } /// Get how many characters have been consumed from source. pub fn read_len(&self) -> usize { self.read_next } /// Get how many characters have been written to output. pub fn written_len(&self) -> usize { self.write_next } // Consume match APIs. // Query match. pub fn matched(&self) -> bool { self.match_len > 0 } pub fn char(&self) -> u8 { self.match_char.unwrap() } pub fn maybe_char(&self) -> Option { self.match_char } pub fn range(&self) -> ProcessorRange { ProcessorRange { start: self.match_start, end: self.match_start + self.match_len } } pub fn out_range(&self) -> ProcessorRange { ProcessorRange { start: self.match_dest, end: self.match_dest + self.match_len } } // Assert match. pub fn require(&self) -> ProcessingResult<()> { self._match_require(None) } pub fn require_with_reason(&self, reason: &'static str) -> ProcessingResult<()> { self._match_require(Some(reason)) } // TODO Document pub fn expect(&self) -> () { debug_assert!(self.match_len > 0); } // Take action on match. // Note that match_len has already been verified to be valid, so don't need to bounds check again. pub fn keep(&mut self) -> () { self.match_dest = self.write_next; self._shift(self.match_len); } pub fn discard(&mut self) -> () { self.read_next = self.match_start + self.match_len; } // Single-char matching APIs. pub fn match_char(&mut self, c: u8) -> () { self._match_one(|n| n == c, RequireReason::ExpectedChar(c)) } pub fn match_pred(&mut self, pred: fn(u8) -> bool) -> () { self._match_one(pred, RequireReason::Custom) } // Sequence matching APIs. pub fn match_seq(&mut self, pat: &'static [u8]) -> () { // For faster short-circuiting matching, compare char-by-char instead of slices. let len = pat.len(); let mut count = 0; if len > 0 && self._in_bounds(len - 1) { for i in 0..len { if self._read_offset(i) != pat[i] { count = 0; break; }; count += 1; }; }; self._new_match(count, None, RequireReason::ExpectedMatch(pat)) } pub fn match_trie(&mut self, trie: &Fastrie) -> Option { match trie.longest_matching_prefix(&self.code[self.read_next..]) { None => { self._new_match(0, None, RequireReason::Custom); None } Some(FastrieMatch { end, value }) => { self._new_match(end + 1, None, RequireReason::Custom); Some(*value) } } } // Multi-char matching APIs. pub fn match_while_char(&mut self, c: u8) -> () { self._match_greedy(|n| n == c) } pub fn match_while_not_char(&mut self, c: u8) -> () { self._match_greedy(|n| n != c) } pub fn match_while_pred(&mut self, pred: fn(u8) -> bool) -> () { self._match_greedy(pred) } pub fn match_while_not_pred(&mut self, pred: fn(u8) -> bool) -> () { self._match_greedy(|c| !pred(c)) } pub fn match_while_not_seq(&mut self, s: &SinglePattern) -> () { let count = match s.match_against(&self.code[self.read_next..]) { Some(idx) => idx, None => self.code.len() - self.read_next, }; self._new_match(count, None, RequireReason::Custom) } pub fn maybe_match_char_then_discard(&mut self, c: u8) -> bool { let count = match self._maybe_read_offset(0) { Some(n) => n == c, None => false, }; self.read_next += count as usize; count } // Checkpoints. pub fn checkpoint(&self) -> Checkpoint { Checkpoint { read_next: self.read_next, write_next: self.write_next, } } pub fn last_written(&self, checkpoint: Checkpoint) -> Option { if self.write_next <= checkpoint.write_next { None } else { Some(self.code[self.write_next - 1]) } } /// Write characters skipped from source since checkpoint. Must not have written anything since checkpoint. pub fn write_skipped(&mut self, checkpoint: Checkpoint) -> () { // Make sure that nothing has been written since checkpoint (which would be lost). debug_assert_eq!(self.write_next, checkpoint.write_next); // Get src code from checkpoint until last consumed character (inclusive). let src_start = checkpoint.read_next; let src_end = self.read_next; self.code.copy_within(src_start..src_end, checkpoint.write_next); self.write_next += src_end - src_start; } /// Discard characters written since checkpoint but keep source position. pub fn erase_written(&mut self, checkpoint: Checkpoint) -> () { self.write_next = checkpoint.write_next; } /// Get consumed characters since checkpoint as range. pub fn consumed_range(&self, checkpoint: Checkpoint) -> ProcessorRange { ProcessorRange { start: checkpoint.read_next, end: self.read_next } } /// Get written characters since checkpoint as range. pub fn written_range(&self, checkpoint: Checkpoint) -> ProcessorRange { ProcessorRange { start: checkpoint.write_next, end: self.write_next } } /// Get amount of source characters consumed since checkpoint. pub fn consumed_count(&self, checkpoint: Checkpoint) -> usize { self.read_next - checkpoint.read_next } /// Get amount of output characters written since checkpoint. pub fn written_count(&self, checkpoint: Checkpoint) -> usize { self.write_next - checkpoint.write_next } pub fn start_preventing_unintentional_entities(&self) -> UnintentionalEntityPrevention { UnintentionalEntityPrevention { last_write_next: self.write_next, ampersand_pos: 0, state: UnintentionalEntityState::Safe, } } fn _handle_end_of_possible_entity(&mut self, uep: &mut UnintentionalEntityPrevention, end_inclusive: usize) -> usize { let should_encode_ampersand = match uep.state { UnintentionalEntityState::Safe => unreachable!(), UnintentionalEntityState::Ampersand => unreachable!(), UnintentionalEntityState::Named => { match ENTITY_REFERENCES.longest_matching_prefix(&self.code[uep.ampersand_pos + 1..=end_inclusive]) { None => false, Some(_) => true, } } UnintentionalEntityState::AmpersandHash => unreachable!(), UnintentionalEntityState::Dec | UnintentionalEntityState::Hex => { true } }; uep.state = UnintentionalEntityState::Safe; let encoded = b"amp"; if should_encode_ampersand { // Insert encoded ampersand. self._replace(uep.ampersand_pos + 1..uep.ampersand_pos + 1, encoded); self.write_next += encoded.len(); end_inclusive + encoded.len() } else { end_inclusive } } pub fn after_write(&mut self, uep: &mut UnintentionalEntityPrevention, is_end: bool) -> () { let mut i = uep.last_write_next; // Use manual loop as `i` and `self.write_next` could change due to mid-array insertion of entities. while i < self.write_next { let c = self.code[i]; match uep.state { UnintentionalEntityState::Safe => match c { b'&' => { uep.state = UnintentionalEntityState::Ampersand; uep.ampersand_pos = i; } _ => {} } UnintentionalEntityState::Ampersand => match c { b'#' => { uep.state = UnintentionalEntityState::AmpersandHash; } c if is_valid_entity_reference_name_char(c) => { uep.state = UnintentionalEntityState::Named; } _ => { uep.state = UnintentionalEntityState::Safe; } } UnintentionalEntityState::AmpersandHash => match c { b'x' => { uep.state = UnintentionalEntityState::Hex; } c if is_digit(c) => { uep.state = UnintentionalEntityState::Dec; i = self._handle_end_of_possible_entity(uep, i); } _ => { uep.state = UnintentionalEntityState::Safe; } } UnintentionalEntityState::Named => match c { c if is_valid_entity_reference_name_char(c) => { // TODO Maybe should limit count? // NOTE: Cannot try to match trie as characters are consumed as we need to find longest match. } b';' | _ => { i = self._handle_end_of_possible_entity(uep, i); } } UnintentionalEntityState::Dec => unreachable!(), UnintentionalEntityState::Hex => match c { c if is_hex_digit(c) => { i = self._handle_end_of_possible_entity(uep, i); } _ => { uep.state = UnintentionalEntityState::Safe; } } }; i += 1; }; if is_end && uep.state == UnintentionalEntityState::Named { self._handle_end_of_possible_entity(uep, self.write_next - 1); }; uep.last_write_next = self.write_next; } pub fn reserve_output(&mut self, amount: usize) -> () { self.write_next += amount; } // Looking ahead. /// Get the `offset` character from next. /// When `offset` is 0, the next character is returned. pub fn peek_offset_eof(&self, offset: usize) -> Option { self._maybe_read_offset(offset) } pub fn peek_offset(&self, offset: usize) -> ProcessingResult { self._maybe_read_offset(offset).ok_or(ErrorType::UnexpectedEnd) } pub fn peek_eof(&self) -> Option { self._maybe_read_offset(0) } pub fn peek_slice_offset_eof(&self, offset: usize, count: usize) -> Option<&[u8]> { if self._in_bounds(offset + count - 1) { Some(&self.code[self.read_next + offset..self.read_next + offset + count]) } else { None } } pub fn peek(&self) -> ProcessingResult { self._maybe_read_offset(0).ok_or(ErrorType::UnexpectedEnd) } // Consuming source characters. /// Skip and return the next character. /// Will result in an error if exceeds bounds. pub fn skip(&mut self) -> ProcessingResult { if !self.at_end() { let c = self._read_offset(0); self.read_next += 1; Ok(c) } else { Err(ErrorType::UnexpectedEnd) } } pub fn skip_amount_expect(&mut self, amount: usize) -> () { debug_assert!(!self.at_end(), "skip known characters"); self.read_next += amount; } pub fn skip_expect(&mut self) -> () { debug_assert!(!self.at_end(), "skip known character"); self.read_next += 1; } // Writing characters directly. /// Write `c` to output. Will panic if exceeds bounds. pub fn write(&mut self, c: u8) -> () { self.code[self.write_next] = c; self.write_next += 1; } pub fn write_range(&mut self, s: ProcessorRange) -> ProcessorRange { let dest_start = self.write_next; let dest_end = dest_start + s.len(); self.code.copy_within(s.start..s.end, dest_start); self.write_next = dest_end; ProcessorRange { start: dest_start, end: dest_end } } /// Write `s` to output. Will panic if exceeds bounds. pub fn write_slice(&mut self, s: &[u8]) -> () { self.code[self.write_next..self.write_next + s.len()].copy_from_slice(s); self.write_next += s.len(); } pub fn write_utf8(&mut self, c: char) -> () { let mut encoded = [0u8; 4]; c.encode_utf8(&mut encoded); self.write_slice(&encoded); } // Shifting characters. pub fn accept(&mut self) -> ProcessingResult { if !self.at_end() { let c = self._read_offset(0); self.code[self.write_next] = c; self.read_next += 1; self.write_next += 1; Ok(c) } else { Err(ErrorType::UnexpectedEnd) } } pub fn accept_expect(&mut self) -> u8 { debug_assert!(!self.at_end()); let c = self._read_offset(0); self.code[self.write_next] = c; self.read_next += 1; self.write_next += 1; c } pub fn accept_amount_expect(&mut self, count: usize) -> () { debug_assert!(self._in_bounds(count - 1)); self._shift(count); } }