// Based on the data sourced from https://html.spec.whatwg.org/entities.json: // - Entity names can have [A-Za-z0-9] characters, and are case sensitive. // - Some character entity references do not end with a semicolon. // - All of these entities also have a corresponding entity with semicolon. // - The longest name is "CounterClockwiseContourIntegral", with length 31 (excluding leading ampersand and trailing // semicolon). // - All entity names are at least 2 characters long. // - Some named entities are actually shorter than their decoded characters as UTF-8. // Browser implementation behaviour to consider: // - Browsers match longest sequence of characters that would form a valid entity. // - Names must match case sensitively. // - For a numeric entity, browsers actually consume an unlimited amount of digits, but decode to 0xFFFD if not a valid // Unicode Scalar Value. use std::char::from_u32; use memchr::memchr; use crate::gen::codepoints::{ Lookup, ALPHANUMERIC_OR_EQUALS, DIGIT, HEX_DIGIT, LOWER_HEX_ALPHA, UPPER_HEX_ALPHA, }; use crate::gen::entities::{EntityType, ENTITY}; use crate::pattern::TrieNodeMatch; enum Decoded { Ignored, Named(&'static [u8]), Numeric(char), } struct ParsedEntity { decoded: Decoded, read_len: usize, } fn parse_numeric_entity( code: &[u8], digit_lookup: &'static Lookup, on_digit: fn(u32, u8) -> u32, max_digits: usize, ) -> ParsedEntity { let mut value = 0u32; let mut digits = 0; let mut read_next = 0; // Skip initial zeros. while code.get(read_next).filter(|c| **c == b'0').is_some() { read_next += 1; } // Browser will still continue to consume digits past max_digits. loop { match code.get(read_next) { Some(&c) if digit_lookup[c] => { // We don't care about overflow, as it will be considered malformed past max_digits anyway. value = on_digit(value, c); read_next += 1; digits += 1; } _ => break, }; } // Semicolon is required by spec but seems to be optional in actual browser behaviour. if let Some(b';') = code.get(read_next) { read_next += 1; }; // Browsers decode to a replacement character (U+FFFD) if malformed. let char = Some(value) .filter(|_| digits <= max_digits) .and_then(|v| from_u32(v)) .unwrap_or('\u{FFFD}'); ParsedEntity { read_len: read_next, decoded: Decoded::Numeric(char), } } fn parse_entity(code: &[u8], in_attr_val: bool) -> ParsedEntity { match ENTITY.longest_matching_prefix(code) { // The entity is malformed. TrieNodeMatch::NotFound { reached } => ParsedEntity { read_len: reached, decoded: Decoded::Ignored, }, TrieNodeMatch::Found { len: match_len, value, } => match value { EntityType::Dec => parse_numeric_entity( // Skip past '&#'. Note that match_len is 3 as it matches '&#[0-9]'. &code[2..], DIGIT, |value, c| value.wrapping_mul(10).wrapping_add((c - b'0') as u32), 7, ), EntityType::Hex => parse_numeric_entity( // Skip past '&#x'. Note that match_len is 4 as it matches '&#x[0-9a-fA-F]'. &code[3..], HEX_DIGIT, |value, c| { value.wrapping_mul(16).wrapping_add(match c { c if DIGIT[c] => (c - b'0') as u32, c if LOWER_HEX_ALPHA[c] => 10 + (c - b'a') as u32, c if UPPER_HEX_ALPHA[c] => 10 + (c - b'A') as u32, _ => unreachable!(), }) }, 6, ), EntityType::Named(decoded) => { if in_attr_val && code[match_len - 1] != b';' && code .get(match_len) .filter(|&&c| ALPHANUMERIC_OR_EQUALS[c]) .is_some() { // Don't decode if named entity is inside an attribute value and doesn't end with semicolon but is followed by an alphanumeric or `=` character. // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/parsing.html#named-character-reference-state. ParsedEntity { read_len: match_len, decoded: Decoded::Ignored, } } else { // NOTE: `decoded` might be in encoded form if encoded form is shorter than decoded. ParsedEntity { read_len: match_len, decoded: Decoded::Named(decoded), } } } }, } } pub fn decode_entities(mut code: &[u8], in_attr_val: bool) -> Vec { let mut res = Vec::::new(); while !code.is_empty() { let (before, matched) = match memchr(b'&', code) { None => (code.len(), false), Some(n) => (n, true), }; res.extend_from_slice(&code[..before]); code = &code[before..]; if matched { let ParsedEntity { decoded, read_len } = parse_entity(code, in_attr_val); match decoded { Decoded::Numeric(c) => { let mut encoded = [0u8; 4]; c.encode_utf8(&mut encoded); res.extend_from_slice(&encoded); } Decoded::Ignored => res.extend_from_slice(&code[..read_len]), Decoded::Named(s) => res.extend_from_slice(s), }; code = &code[read_len..]; }; } res }