#!/usr/bin/env node "use strict"; const {readFileSync, writeFileSync} = require('fs'); const {spawnSync} = require('child_process'); const currentVersion = /^version = "(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)"\s*$/m.exec(readFileSync('Cargo.toml', 'utf8')).slice(1).map(n => Number.parseInt(n, 10)); const assertBetween = (n, min, max) => { if (n < min || n > max) { throw new Error(`Invalid argument`); } return n; }; const newVersion = currentVersion.slice(); newVersion[assertBetween(['major', 'minor', 'patch'].indexOf(process.argv[2].toLowerCase()), 0, 2)]++; console.log(`${currentVersion.join('.')} => ${newVersion.join('.')}`); const NEW_VERSION = newVersion.join('.'); const cmd = (...cfg) => { const command = cfg[0]; const args = cfg.slice(1); const { workingDir, throwOnBadStatus = true, throwOnSignal = true, captureStdio = false, throwOnStdErr = false, } = typeof args[args.length - 1] == "object" ? args.pop() : {}; const throwErr = msg => { throw new Error(`${msg}\n ${command} ${args.join(' ')}`); }; const {status, signal, error, stdout, stderr} = spawnSync(command, args.map(String), { cwd: workingDir, stdio: ['ignore', captureStdio ? 'pipe' : 'inherit', captureStdio || throwOnStdErr ? 'pipe' : 'inherit'], encoding: 'utf8', }); if (error) { throwErr(error.message); } if (throwOnSignal && signal) { throwErr(`Command exited with signal ${signal}`); } if (throwOnBadStatus && status !== 0) { throwErr(`Command exited with status ${status}`); } if (throwOnStdErr && stderr) { throwErr(`stderr: ${stderr}`); } return {status, signal, stdout, stderr}; }; const replaceInFile = (path, pattern, replacement) => writeFileSync(path, readFileSync(path, "utf8").replace(pattern, replacement)); if (cmd('git', 'status', '--porcelain', {throwOnStderr: true, captureStdio: true}).stdout) { throw new Error(`Working directory not clean`); } for (const f of ["Cargo.toml", "nodejs/native/Cargo.toml", "java/Cargo.toml", "python/Cargo.toml", "ruby/Cargo.toml"]) { replaceInFile(f, /^version = "\d+\.\d+\.\d+"\s*$/m, `version = "${NEW_VERSION}"`); } for (const f of ["python/setup.py"]) { replaceInFile(f, /^(\s*version=)"\d+\.\d+\.\d+",\s*$/m, `$1"${NEW_VERSION}",`); } for (const f of ["README.md", "nodejs/native/Cargo.toml", "java/Cargo.toml", "python/Cargo.toml", "ruby/Cargo.toml"]) { replaceInFile(f, /^hyperbuild = "\d+\.\d+\.\d+"\s*$/m, `hyperbuild = "${NEW_VERSION}"`); } for (const f of ["nodejs/package.json"]) { replaceInFile(f, /^(\s*"version": )"\d+\.\d+\.\d+",\s*$/m, `$1"${NEW_VERSION}",`); } for (const f of ["ruby/hyperbuild.gemspec"]) { replaceInFile(f, /^(\s*spec\.version\s*=\s*)"\d+\.\d+\.\d+"\s*$/m, `$1"${NEW_VERSION}"`); } for (const f of ["java/pom.xml", "README.md"]) { replaceInFile(f, /(hyperbuild<\/artifactId>\s*)\d+\.\d+\.\d+(<\/version>)/, `$1${NEW_VERSION}$2`); } for (const f of ["README.md"]) { replaceInFile(f, /(wilsonl\.in\/hyperbuild\/bin\/)\d+\.\d+\.\d+/g, `$1${NEW_VERSION}`); } for (const f of ["README.md", "bench/README.md"]) { replaceInFile(f, /(wilsonl\.in\/hyperbuild\/bench\/)\d+\.\d+\.\d+/g, `$1${NEW_VERSION}`); } cmd('cargo', 'generate-lockfile'); cmd('git', 'add', '-A'); cmd('git', 'commit', '-m', NEW_VERSION); cmd('git', 'tag', '-a', `v${NEW_VERSION}`, '-m', ''); cmd('cargo', 'publish'); cmd('git', 'push', '--follow-tags');