const childProcess = require('child_process'); const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const request = require('request'); const build = () => { console.log(`Building from source...`); const {status, signal, error} = childProcess.spawnSync(`neon`, [`build`, `--release`], { stdio: ['ignore', 'inherit', 'inherit'], encoding: 'utf8', }); if (error) { throw error; } if (signal) { throw new Error(`Build exited with signal ${signal}`); } if (status !== 0) { throw new Error(`Build exited with status ${status}`); } }; const binaryPath = path.join(__dirname, "native", "index.node"); const binaryName = [ require('./package').version, '-', [process.platform, { darwin: 'macos', linux: 'linux', win32: 'windows', }], '-', [process.arch, { x64: 'x86_64', }], '-node', [process.versions.modules, { // Sourced from 57: 8, 59: 9, 64: 10, 67: 11, 72: 12, 79: 13, }], '.node', ].map(p => typeof p == 'string' ? p : p[1][p[0]] ).join(''); const binaryUrl = `${binaryName}`; if (process.env.HYPERBUILD_NODEJS_SKIP_BIN_DOWNLOAD) { console.log(`Skipping download of prebuilt native module binary`); build(); } else { console.log(`Fetching ${binaryUrl}...`); request(binaryUrl) .on('response', res => { if (res.statusCode !== 200) { console.error(`Failed to download prebuilt native module with status ${res.statusCode}`); build(); } }) .on('error', err => { console.error(err); console.error(`Could not download prebuilt native module`); build(); }) .pipe(fs.createWriteStream(binaryPath)); }