use aho_corasick::{AhoCorasickBuilder, MatchKind}; use lazy_static::lazy_static; #[cfg(feature = "js-esbuild")] use { crate::minify::css::MINIFY_CSS_TRANSFORM_OPTIONS, crate::minify::esbuild::minify_using_esbuild, }; use crate::entity::encode::encode_entities; use crate::Cfg; use minify_html_common::gen::attrs::ATTRS; use minify_html_common::gen::codepoints::DIGIT; use minify_html_common::pattern::Replacer; use minify_html_common::spec::script::JAVASCRIPT_MIME_TYPES; use minify_html_common::spec::tag::ns::Namespace; use minify_html_common::whitespace::{collapse_whitespace, left_trim, right_trim}; fn build_double_quoted_replacer() -> Replacer { let mut patterns = Vec::>::new(); let mut replacements = Vec::>::new(); // Replace all `"` with `"`, unless the quote is followed by a digit or semicolon, // in which case add a semicolon to the encoded entity. for c in "0123456789;".bytes() { patterns.push(vec![b'"', c]); replacements.push(vec![b'&', b'#', b'3', b'4', b';', c]); } patterns.push(b"\"".to_vec()); replacements.push(b""".to_vec()); Replacer::new( AhoCorasickBuilder::new() .dfa(true) .match_kind(MatchKind::LeftmostLongest) .build(patterns), replacements, ) } fn build_single_quoted_replacer() -> Replacer { let mut patterns = Vec::>::new(); let mut replacements = Vec::>::new(); // Replace all `'` with `'`, unless the quote is followed by a digit or semicolon, // in which case add a semicolon to the encoded entity. for c in "0123456789;".bytes() { patterns.push(vec![b'\'', c]); replacements.push(vec![b'&', b'#', b'3', b'9', b';', c]); } patterns.push(b"'".to_vec()); replacements.push(b"'".to_vec()); Replacer::new( AhoCorasickBuilder::new() .dfa(true) .match_kind(MatchKind::LeftmostLongest) .build(patterns), replacements, ) } // TODO Sync with WHITESPACE definition. static WS: &[(u8, &[u8])] = &[ (b'\x09', b" "), (b'\x0a', b" "), (b'\x0c', b" "), (b'\x0d', b" "), (b'\x20', b" "), ]; fn build_unquoted_replacer() -> Replacer { let mut patterns = Vec::>::new(); let mut replacements = Vec::>::new(); // Replace all whitespace with a numeric entity, unless the whitespace is followed by a digit or semicolon, // in which case add a semicolon to the encoded entity. for c in "0123456789;".bytes() { for &(ws, rep) in WS { patterns.push(vec![ws, c]); replacements.push({ let mut ent = rep.to_vec(); ent.push(b';'); ent.push(c); ent }); } } for &(ws, rep) in WS { patterns.push(vec![ws]); replacements.push(rep.to_vec()); } // Replace all `>` with `>`, unless the chevron is followed by a semicolon, // in which case add a semicolon to the encoded entity. // Use `>` instead of `>` as `>` has more conflicting entities e.g. `⪧`, `⋗`. patterns.push(b">;".to_vec()); replacements.push(b">;".to_vec()); patterns.push(b">".to_vec()); replacements.push(b">".to_vec()); Replacer::new( AhoCorasickBuilder::new() .dfa(true) .match_kind(MatchKind::LeftmostLongest) .build(patterns), replacements, ) } // If spec compliance is required, these characters must also be encoded in an unquoted attr value, // as well as whitespace, `<`, and `>`. static WHATWG_UNQUOTED: &[(u8, &[u8])] = &[ (b'"', b"""), (b'\'', b"'"), (b'=', b"="), (b'`', b""), ]; fn build_whatwg_unquoted_replacer() -> Replacer { let mut patterns = Vec::>::new(); let mut replacements = Vec::>::new(); // Replace all whitespace with a numeric entity, unless the whitespace is followed by a digit or semicolon, // in which case add a semicolon to the encoded entity. for c in "0123456789;".bytes() { for &(ws, rep) in WS { patterns.push(vec![ws, c]); replacements.push({ let mut ent = rep.to_vec(); ent.push(b';'); ent.push(c); ent }); } } for &(ws, rep) in WS { patterns.push(vec![ws]); replacements.push(rep.to_vec()); } // Replace WHATWG-disallowed characters with a numeric entity, unless they're followed by a digit or semicolon, // in which case add a semicolon to the encoded entity. for c in "0123456789;".bytes() { for &(ws, rep) in WHATWG_UNQUOTED { patterns.push(vec![ws, c]); replacements.push({ let mut ent = rep.to_vec(); ent.push(b';'); ent.push(c); ent }); } } for &(ws, rep) in WHATWG_UNQUOTED { patterns.push(vec![ws]); replacements.push(rep.to_vec()); } // Replace all `<` with `<`, unless the chevron is followed by a semicolon, // in which case add a semicolon to the encoded entity. // Use `>` instead of `<` as `<` has more conflicting entities e.g. `⪦`, `⋖`. patterns.push(b"<;".to_vec()); replacements.push(b"<;".to_vec()); patterns.push(b"<".to_vec()); replacements.push(b"<".to_vec()); // Replace all `>` with `>`, unless the chevron is followed by a semicolon, // in which case add a semicolon to the encoded entity. // Use `>` instead of `>` as `>` has more conflicting entities e.g. `⪧`, `⋗`. patterns.push(b">;".to_vec()); replacements.push(b">;".to_vec()); patterns.push(b">".to_vec()); replacements.push(b">".to_vec()); Replacer::new( AhoCorasickBuilder::new() .dfa(true) .match_kind(MatchKind::LeftmostLongest) .build(patterns), replacements, ) } lazy_static! { static ref DOUBLE_QUOTED_REPLACER: Replacer = build_double_quoted_replacer(); static ref SINGLE_QUOTED_REPLACER: Replacer = build_single_quoted_replacer(); static ref UNQUOTED_QUOTED_REPLACER: Replacer = build_unquoted_replacer(); static ref WHATWG_UNQUOTED_QUOTED_REPLACER: Replacer = build_whatwg_unquoted_replacer(); } pub struct AttrMinifiedValue { quoted: bool, prefix: &'static [u8], data: Vec, start: usize, suffix: &'static [u8], } impl AttrMinifiedValue { pub fn quoted(&self) -> bool { self.quoted } pub fn len(&self) -> usize { self.prefix.len() + ( - self.start) + self.suffix.len() } pub fn out(&self, out: &mut Vec) { out.extend_from_slice(self.prefix); out.extend_from_slice(&[self.start..]); out.extend_from_slice(self.suffix); } #[cfg(test)] pub fn str(&self) -> String { let mut out = Vec::with_capacity(self.len()); self.out(&mut out); String::from_utf8(out).unwrap() } } pub fn encode_using_double_quotes(val: &[u8]) -> AttrMinifiedValue { AttrMinifiedValue { quoted: true, prefix: b"\"", data: DOUBLE_QUOTED_REPLACER.replace_all(val), start: 0, suffix: b"\"", } } pub fn encode_using_single_quotes(val: &[u8]) -> AttrMinifiedValue { AttrMinifiedValue { quoted: true, prefix: b"'", data: SINGLE_QUOTED_REPLACER.replace_all(val), start: 0, suffix: b"'", } } pub fn encode_unquoted(val: &[u8], whatwg: bool) -> AttrMinifiedValue { if whatwg { AttrMinifiedValue { quoted: false, prefix: b"", data: WHATWG_UNQUOTED_QUOTED_REPLACER.replace_all(val), start: 0, suffix: b"", } } else { let data = UNQUOTED_QUOTED_REPLACER.replace_all(val); let prefix: &'static [u8] = match data.get(0) { Some(b'"') => match data.get(1) { Some(&c2) if DIGIT[c2] || c2 == b';' => b""", _ => b""", }, Some(b'\'') => match data.get(1) { Some(&c2) if DIGIT[c2] || c2 == b';' => b"'", _ => b"'", }, _ => b"", }; let start = if !prefix.is_empty() { 1 } else { 0 }; AttrMinifiedValue { quoted: false, prefix, data, start, suffix: b"", } } } pub enum AttrMinified { Redundant, NoValue, Value(AttrMinifiedValue), } pub fn minify_attr( cfg: &Cfg, ns: Namespace, tag: &[u8], name: &[u8], mut value_raw: Vec, ) -> AttrMinified { let attr_cfg = ATTRS.get(ns, tag, name); let should_collapse_and_trim = attr_cfg.filter(|attr| attr.collapse_and_trim).is_some(); let is_boolean = attr_cfg.filter(|attr| attr.boolean).is_some(); // An attribute can have both redundant_if_empty and default_value, which means it has two default values: "" and default_value. let redundant_if_empty = attr_cfg.filter(|attr| attr.redundant_if_empty).is_some(); let default_value = attr_cfg.and_then(|attr| attr.default_value); // Trim before checking is_boolean as the entire attribute could be redundant post-minification. if should_collapse_and_trim { right_trim(&mut value_raw); left_trim(&mut value_raw); collapse_whitespace(&mut value_raw); }; #[cfg(feature = "js-esbuild")] if name == b"style" && cfg.minify_css { let mut value_raw_wrapped = Vec::with_capacity(value_raw.len() + 3); // TODO This isn't safe for invalid input e.g. `a}/*`. value_raw_wrapped.extend_from_slice(b"x{"); value_raw_wrapped.extend_from_slice(&value_raw); value_raw_wrapped.push(b'}'); let mut value_raw_wrapped_min = Vec::with_capacity(value_raw_wrapped.len()); minify_using_esbuild( &mut value_raw_wrapped_min, &value_raw_wrapped, &MINIFY_CSS_TRANSFORM_OPTIONS.clone(), ); // If input was invalid, wrapper syntax may not exist anymore. if value_raw_wrapped_min.starts_with(b"x{") { value_raw_wrapped_min.drain(0..2); }; if value_raw_wrapped_min.ends_with(b"}") { value_raw_wrapped_min.pop(); }; value_raw = value_raw_wrapped_min; } if (value_raw.is_empty() && redundant_if_empty) || default_value.filter(|dv| dv == &value_raw).is_some() // TODO Cfg. || (tag == b"script" && JAVASCRIPT_MIME_TYPES.contains(value_raw.as_slice())) { return AttrMinified::Redundant; }; if is_boolean || value_raw.is_empty() { return AttrMinified::NoValue; }; let encoded = encode_entities(&value_raw, true); // When lengths are equal, prefer double quotes to all and single quotes to unquoted. let mut min = encode_using_double_quotes(&encoded); let sq = encode_using_single_quotes(&encoded); if sq.len() < min.len() { min = sq; }; let uq = encode_unquoted( &encoded, cfg.ensure_spec_compliant_unquoted_attribute_values, ); if uq.len() < min.len() { min = uq; }; AttrMinified::Value(min) }