name: Build and publish Python package on: push: tags: - 'v*' workflow_dispatch: jobs: build: runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }} strategy: matrix: os: [macos-11.0, ubuntu-18.04, windows-2019, self-hosted-linux-arm64, self-hosted-macos-arm64] python: [3.8, 3.9, '3.10'] steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v1 - name: Set up Python (x64) if: != 'linux-arm64' && != 'macos-arm64' uses: actions/setup-python@v1 with: python-version: ${{ matrix.python }} architecture: 'x64' - name: Set up Python (Linux ARM64) if: == 'linux-arm64' run: | export PYENV_ROOT="$HOME/.pyenv" export PATH="$PYENV_ROOT/bin:$PATH" eval "$(pyenv init --path)" pyenv install -s ${{ matrix.python }}:latest pyenv global $(pyenv versions --bare | grep -F '${{ matrix.python }}.') - name: Set up Python (macOS ARM64) if: == 'macos-arm64' run: | brew unlink python brew link python@${{ matrix.python }} - name: Set up Rust if: != 'macos-arm64' uses: actions-rs/toolchain@v1 with: toolchain: stable profile: minimal default: true - name: Run prebuild steps shell: bash run: bash ./ - name: Build native module working-directory: ./python run: cargo build --release - name: Install Python build tools (macOS x64) if: runner.os == 'macOS' && != 'macos-arm64' run: sudo pip install --upgrade maturin setuptools wheel twine - name: Install Python build tools (Linux x64, Windows x64) if: runner.os != 'macOS' && != 'linux-arm64' run: pip install --upgrade maturin setuptools wheel twine - name: Install Python build tools (Linux ARM64) if: == 'linux-arm64' run: | export PYENV_ROOT="$HOME/.pyenv" export PATH="$PYENV_ROOT/bin:$PATH" eval "$(pyenv init --path)" pip3 install --upgrade maturin setuptools wheel twine - name: Install Python build tools (macOS ARM64) if: == 'macos-arm64' run: /opt/homebrew/bin/pip3 install --upgrade maturin setuptools wheel twine - name: Pack and publish package shell: bash working-directory: ./python run: | cat << 'EOF' > "$HOME/.pypirc" [pypi] username = __token__ password = ${{ secrets.PYPI_API_TOKEN }} EOF if [[ "${{ }}" == linux-arm64 ]]; then export PYENV_ROOT="$HOME/.pyenv" export PATH="$PYENV_ROOT/bin:$PATH" eval "$(pyenv init --path)" fi if [[ "${{ }}" == macos-arm64 ]]; then pathToPython="/opt/homebrew/bin/python3" # Ensure correct maturin and twine are used. export PATH="/opt/homebrew/bin:$PATH" else pathToPython="$(which python)" fi # On macOS ARM64 this may emit a warning like "Couldn't find the symbol `PyInit_minify_html` in the native library. Python will fail to import this module." Ignore this message. maturin build --release --strip -i "$pathToPython" if [[ "$GITHUB_REF" == refs/tags/v* ]]; then # For idempotency, ignore any existing built wheels that have already been successfully uploaded. twine upload --skip-existing target/wheels/* else ls -al target/wheels/* fi