
178 lines
5.9 KiB

use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{stdin, stdout, Read, Write};
use std::process::exit;
use std::sync::Arc;
use rayon::iter::{IntoParallelRefIterator, ParallelIterator};
use structopt::StructOpt;
use minify_html::{minify, Cfg};
name = "minify-html",
about = "Extremely fast and smart HTML + JS + CSS minifier"
// WARNING: Keep descriptions in sync with Cfg.
struct Cli {
/// Files to minify; omit for stdin. If more than one is provided, they will be parallel minified in place, and --output must be omitted.
inputs: Vec<std::path::PathBuf>,
/// Output destination; omit for stdout.
#[structopt(short, long, parse(from_os_str))]
output: Option<std::path::PathBuf>,
/// Minify JS in `<script>` tags that have a valid or no `type` attribute value.
minify_js: bool,
/// Minify CSS in `<style>` tags and `style` attributes.
minify_css: bool,
/// Use optimisation level 1 for the CSS minifier.
minify_css_level_1: bool,
/// Use optimisation level 2 for the CSS minifier. May perform some dangerous optimisations.
minify_css_level_2: bool,
/// Use optimisation level 3 for the CSS minifier. May perform many dangerous optimisations.
minify_css_level_3: bool,
/// Do not minify DOCTYPEs. Minified DOCTYPEs may not be spec compliant.
do_not_minify_doctype: bool,
/// Ensure all unquoted attribute values in the output do not contain any characters prohibited by the WHATWG specification.
ensure_spec_compliant_unquoted_attribute_values: bool,
/// Do not omit closing tags when possible.
keep_closing_tags: bool,
/// Do not omit `<html>` and `<head>` opening tags when they don't have attributes.
keep_html_and_head_opening_tags: bool,
/// Keep spaces between attributes when possible to conform to HTML standards.
keep_spaces_between_attributes: bool,
/// Keep all comments.
keep_comments: bool,
/// Remove all bangs.
remove_bangs: bool,
/// Remove all processing_instructions.
remove_processing_instructions: bool,
macro_rules! io_expect {
($name:expr, $expr:expr, $msg:literal) => {
match $expr {
Ok(r) => r,
Err(e) => {
eprintln!("[{}] {}: {}", $name, $msg, e);
fn main() {
let args = Cli::from_args();
if args.output.is_some() && args.inputs.len() > 1 {
eprintln!("Cannot provide --output when multiple inputs are provided.");
let cfg = Arc::new(Cfg {
do_not_minify_doctype: args.do_not_minify_doctype,
ensure_spec_compliant_unquoted_attribute_values: args
keep_closing_tags: args.keep_closing_tags,
keep_comments: args.keep_comments,
keep_html_and_head_opening_tags: args.keep_html_and_head_opening_tags,
keep_spaces_between_attributes: args.keep_spaces_between_attributes,
minify_css: args.minify_css,
minify_css_level_1: args.minify_css_level_1,
minify_css_level_2: args.minify_css_level_2,
minify_css_level_3: args.minify_css_level_3,
minify_js: args.minify_js,
remove_bangs: args.remove_bangs,
remove_processing_instructions: args.remove_processing_instructions,
if args.inputs.len() <= 1 {
// Single file mode or stdin mode.
let input_name = args
.map(|p| p.to_string_lossy().into_owned())
.unwrap_or_else(|| "stdin".to_string());
let mut src_file: Box<dyn Read> = match args.inputs.get(0) {
Some(p) => Box::new(io_expect!(
"Could not open source file"
None => Box::new(stdin()),
let mut src_code = Vec::<u8>::new();
src_file.read_to_end(&mut src_code),
"Could not load source code"
let out_code = minify(&src_code, &cfg);
let mut out_file: Box<dyn Write> = match args.output {
Some(p) => Box::new(io_expect!(
"Could not open output file"
None => Box::new(stdout()),
"Could not save minified code"
} else {
args.inputs.par_iter().for_each(|input| {
let input_name = input.to_string_lossy().into_owned();
let mut src_file =
io_expect!(input_name, File::open(&input), "Could not open source file");
let mut src_code = Vec::<u8>::new();
src_file.read_to_end(&mut src_code),
"Could not load source code"
let out_code = minify(&src_code, &cfg);
let mut out_file = io_expect!(
"Could not open output file"
"Could not save minified code"
// Just print the name, since this is the default output and any prefix becomes redundant. It'd also allow piping into another command (quite nice for something like `minify-html *.html | xargs gzip`), copying as list of files, etc.
println!("{}", input_name);