
323 lines
12 KiB

use crate::proc::{Processor, Match};
use crate::proc::attr::AttrType;
use crate::code::Code;
use crate::spec::codepoint::is_whitespace;
use crate::proc::entity::{process_entity, parse_entity};
use crate::err::HbRes;
use phf::Map;
use std::thread::current;
pub fn is_double_quote(c: u8) -> bool {
c == b'"'
pub fn is_single_quote(c: u8) -> bool {
c == b'\''
// Valid attribute quote characters.
// See for spec.
pub fn is_attr_quote(c: u8) -> bool {
// Backtick is not a valid quote character according to spec.
is_double_quote(c) || is_single_quote(c)
pub fn is_unquoted_delimiter(c: u8) -> bool {
is_whitespace(c) || c == b'>'
static ENCODED: Map<u8, &'static [u8]> = phf_map! {
b'\'' => b"&#39;",
b'"' => b"&#34;",
b'>' => b"&gt;",
// Whitespace characters as defined by spec in crate::spec::codepoint::is_whitespace.
0x09 => b"&#9;",
0x0a => b"&#10;",
0x0c => b"&#12;",
0x0d => b"&#13;",
0x20 => b"&#32;",
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
enum CharType {
// Normal needs associated character to be able to write it.
// Whitespace needs associated character to determine cost of encoding it.
impl CharType {
fn from_char(c: u8) -> CharType {
match c {
b'"' => CharType::DoubleQuote,
b'\'' => CharType::SingleQuote,
b'>' => CharType::RightChevron,
c => if is_whitespace(c) { CharType::Whitespace(c) } else { CharType::Normal },
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
enum DelimiterType {
struct Metrics {
count_double_quotation: usize,
count_single_quotation: usize,
// NOTE: This count is amount after any trimming and collapsing of whitespace.
count_whitespace: usize,
// Since whitespace characters have varying encoded lengths, also calculate total length if all of them had to be encoded.
total_whitespace_encoded_length: usize,
// First and last character value types after any trimming and collapsing of whitespace.
// NOTE: First/last value characters, not quotes/delimiters.
first_char_type: Option<CharType>,
last_char_type: Option<CharType>,
// How many times `collect_char_type` is called. Used to determine first and last characters when writing.
collected_count: usize,
impl Metrics {
// Update metrics with next character type.
fn collect_char_type(&mut self, char_type: CharType) -> () {
match char_type {
CharType::Whitespace(c) => {
self.count_whitespace += 1;
self.total_whitespace_encoded_length += ENCODED[c].len();
CharType::SingleQuote => self.count_single_quotation += 1,
CharType::DoubleQuote => self.count_double_quotation += 1,
_ => (),
if self.first_char_type == None {
self.first_char_type = Some(char_type);
self.last_char_type = Some(char_type);
self.collected_count += 1;
fn unquoted_cost(&self) -> usize {
// Costs for encoding first and last characters if going with unquoted attribute value.
// NOTE: Don't need to consider whitespace for either as all whitespace will be encoded and counts as part of `total_whitespace_encoded_length`.
let first_char_encoding_cost = match self.first_char_type {
// WARNING: Change `first_char_is_quote_encoded` if changing here.
Some(CharType::DoubleQuote) => ENCODED[b'"'].len(),
Some(CharType::SingleQuote) => ENCODED[b'\''].len(),
_ => 0,
let first_char_is_quote_encoded = first_char_encoding_cost > 0;
let last_char_encoding_cost = match last_char_type {
Some(CharType::RightChevron) => ENCODED[b'>'].len(),
_ => 0,
+ self.count_double_quotation
+ self.count_single_quotation
+ self.total_whitespace_encoded_length
+ last_char_encoding_cost
// If first char is quote and is encoded, it will be counted twice as it'll also be part of `metrics.count_*_quotation`.
// Subtract last to prevent underflow.
- first_char_is_quote_encoded as usize
fn single_quoted_cost(&self) -> usize {
self.count_single_quotation * ENCODED[b'\''].len() + self.count_double_quotation + self.count_whitespace
fn double_quoted_cost(&self) -> usize {
self.count_double_quotation * ENCODED[b'"'].len() + self.count_single_quotation + self.count_whitespace
fn get_optimal_delimiter_type(&self) -> DelimiterType {
// When all equal, prefer double quotes to all and single quotes to unquoted.
let mut min = (DelimiterType::Double, self.double_quoted_cost());
let single = (DelimiterType::Single, self.single_quoted_cost());
if single.1 < min.1 {
min = single;
let unquoted = (DelimiterType::Unquoted, self.unquoted_cost());
if unquoted.1 < min.1 {
min = unquoted;
fn consume_attr_value<D: Code>(
proc: &Processor<D>,
should_collapse_and_trim_ws: bool,
delimiter_pred: fn(u8) -> bool,
on_entity: fn(&Processor<D>) -> HbRes<Option<u32>>,
on_char: fn(char_type: CharType, char_no: usize) -> (),
) -> HbRes<()> {
// Set to true when one or more immediately previous characters were whitespace and deferred for processing after the contiguous whitespace.
// NOTE: Only used if `should_collapse_and_trim_ws`.
let mut currently_in_whitespace = false;
let mut char_no = 0;
loop {
let char_type = if proc.match_pred(delimiter_pred).matched() {
// DO NOT BREAK HERE. More processing is done afterwards upon reaching end.
} else if proc.match_char(b'&').matched() {
match on_entity(proc)? {
Some(e) => if e <= 0x7f { CharType::from_char(e as u8) } else { CharType::DecodedNonAscii },
None => CharType::MalformedEntity,
} else {
if should_collapse_and_trim_ws {
if let CharType::Whitespace(_) = char_type {
// Ignore this whitespace character, but mark the fact that we are currently in contiguous whitespace.
currently_in_whitespace = true;
} else {
// Now past whitespace (e.g. moved to non-whitespace char or end of attribute value). Either:
// - ignore contiguous whitespace (i.e. do nothing) if we are currently at beginning or end of value; or
// - collapse contiguous whitespace (i.e. count as one whitespace char) otherwise.
if currently_in_whitespace && first_char_type != None && char_type != CharType::End {
// Collect current collapsed contiguous whitespace that was ignored previously.
on_char(CharType::Whitespace(b' '), char_no);
char_no += 1;
currently_in_whitespace = false;
if char_type == CharType::End {
} else {
on_char(char_type, char_no);
char_no += 1;
// TODO Might encounter danger if Unicode whitespace is considered as whitespace.
pub fn process_quoted_val<D: Code>(proc: &Processor<D>, should_collapse_and_trim_ws: bool) -> HbRes<AttrType> {
// Processing a quoted attribute value is tricky, due to the fact that
// it's not possible to know whether or not to unquote the value until
// the value has been processed. For example, decoding an entity could
// create whitespace in a value which might otherwise be unquotable. How
// this function works is:
// 1. Assume that the value is unquotable, and don't output any quotes.
// Decode any entities as necessary. Collect metrics on the types of
// characters in the value while processing.
// 2. Based on the metrics, if it's possible to not use quotes, nothing
// needs to be done and the function ends.
// 3. Choose a quote based on the amount of occurrences, to minimise the
// amount of encoded values.
// 4. Post-process the output by adding delimiter quotes and encoding
// quotes in values. This does mean that the output is written to twice.
let src_delimiter = proc.match_pred(is_attr_quote).discard().maybe_char();
let src_delimiter_pred = match src_delimiter {
Some(b'"') => is_double_quote,
Some(b'\'') => is_single_quote,
None => is_unquoted_delimiter,
_ => unreachable!(),
// Stage 1: read and collect metrics on attribute value characters.
let value_start_checkpoint = proc.checkpoint();
let mut metrics = Metrics {
count_double_quotation: 0,
count_single_quotation: 0,
count_whitespace: 0,
total_whitespace_encoded_length: 0,
first_char_type: None,
last_char_type: None,
collected_count: 0,
|char_type, _| metrics.collect_char_type(char_type),
// Stage 2: optimally minify attribute value using metrics.
let optimal_delimiter = metrics.get_optimal_delimiter_type();
let optimal_delimiter_char = match optimal_delimiter {
DelimiterType::Double => Some(b'"'),
DelimiterType::Single => Some(b'\''),
_ => None,
// Write opening delimiter, if any.
if let Some(c) = optimal_delimiter_char {
|char_type, char_no| match char_type {
// This should never happen.
CharType::End => unreachable!(),
// Ignore these; already written by process_entity.
CharType::MalformedEntity => {}
CharType::DecodedNonAscii => {}
CharType::Normal(c) => proc.write(c),
// If unquoted, encode any whitespace anywhere.
CharType::Whitespace(c) => match optimal_delimiter {
DelimiterType::Unquoted => proc.write(ENCODED[c]),
_ => proc.write(c),
// If single quoted, encode any single quote anywhere.
// If unquoted, encode single quote if first character.
CharType::SingleQuote => match (optimal_delimiter, char_no) {
(DelimiterType::Single, _) | (DelimiterType::Unquoted, 0) => proc.write(ENCODED[b'\'']),
_ => proc.write(c),
// If double quoted, encode any double quote anywhere.
// If unquoted, encode double quote if first character.
CharType::DoubleQuote => match (optimal_delimiter, char_no) {
(DelimiterType::Double, _) | (DelimiterType::Unquoted, 0) => proc.write(ENCODED[b'"']),
_ => proc.write(c),
// If unquoted, encode right chevron if last character.
CharType::RightChevron => if optimal_delimiter == DelimiterType::Unquoted && char_no == metrics.collected_count - 1 {
} else {
// Ensure closing delimiter in src has been matched and discarded, if any.
if let Some(c) = src_delimiter {
// Write closing delimiter, if any.
if let Some(c) = optimal_delimiter_char {
if optimal_delimiter != DelimiterType::Unquoted {
} else {