
547 lines
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Raw Normal View History

use std::any::{Any, TypeId};
use std::cell::{Cell, Ref, RefCell, RefMut, UnsafeCell};
use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher};
use std::ops::{Deref, DerefMut};
use std::os::raw::{c_int, c_void};
use std::result::Result as StdResult;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering};
2020-05-05 21:32:05 -04:00
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
2018-08-05 09:51:39 -04:00
use std::{fmt, mem, ptr};
#[cfg(feature = "lua54")]
use std::ffi::CStr;
use rustc_hash::FxHashMap;
#[cfg(feature = "async")]
use futures_util::future::LocalBoxFuture;
use crate::error::Result;
2022-02-19 09:15:15 -05:00
#[cfg(not(feature = "luau"))]
use crate::hook::Debug;
use crate::lua::{ExtraData, Lua};
use crate::util::{assert_stack, StackGuard};
use crate::value::MultiValue;
#[cfg(feature = "unstable")]
use {crate::lua::LuaInner, std::marker::PhantomData};
#[cfg(all(feature = "luau", feature = "serialize"))]
use serde::ser::{Serialize, SerializeTupleStruct, Serializer};
/// Type of Lua integer numbers.
pub type Integer = ffi::lua_Integer;
/// Type of Lua floating point numbers.
pub type Number = ffi::lua_Number;
/// A "light" userdata value. Equivalent to an unmanaged raw pointer.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct LightUserData(pub *mut c_void);
A lot of performance changes. Okay, so this is kind of a mega-commit of a lot of performance related changes to rlua, some of which are pretty complicated. There are some small improvements here and there, but most of the benefits of this change are from a few big changes. The simplest big change is that there is now `protect_lua` as well as `protect_lua_call`, which allows skipping a lightuserdata parameter and some stack manipulation in some cases. Second simplest is the change to use Vec instead of VecDeque for MultiValue, and to have MultiValue be used as a sort of "backwards-only" Vec so that ToLuaMulti / FromLuaMulti still work correctly. The most complex change, though, is a change to the way LuaRef works, so that LuaRef can optionally point into the Lua stack instead of only registry values. At state creation a set number of stack slots is reserved for the first N LuaRef types (currently 16), and space for these are also allocated separately allocated at callback time. There is a huge breaking change here, which is that now any LuaRef types MUST only be used with the Lua on which they were created, and CANNOT be used with any other Lua callback instance. This mostly will affect people using LuaRef types from inside a scope callback, but hopefully in those cases `Function::bind` will be a suitable replacement. On the plus side, the rules for LuaRef types are easier to state now. There is probably more easy-ish perf on the table here, but here's the preliminary results, based on my very limited benchmarks: create table time: [314.13 ns 315.71 ns 317.44 ns] change: [-36.154% -35.670% -35.205%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05) create array 10 time: [2.9731 us 2.9816 us 2.9901 us] change: [-16.996% -16.600% -16.196%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05) Performance has improved. create string table 10 time: [5.6904 us 5.7164 us 5.7411 us] change: [-53.536% -53.309% -53.079%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05) Performance has improved. call add function 3 10 time: [5.1134 us 5.1222 us 5.1320 us] change: [-4.1095% -3.6910% -3.1781%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05) Performance has improved. call callback add 2 10 time: [5.4408 us 5.4480 us 5.4560 us] change: [-6.4203% -5.7780% -5.0013%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05) Performance has improved. call callback append 10 time: [9.8243 us 9.8410 us 9.8586 us] change: [-26.937% -26.702% -26.469%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05) Performance has improved. create registry 10 time: [3.7005 us 3.7089 us 3.7174 us] change: [-8.4965% -8.1042% -7.6926%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05) Performance has improved. I think that a lot of these benchmarks are too "easy", and most API usage is going to be more like the 'create string table 10' benchmark, where there are a lot of handles and tables and strings, so I think that 25%-50% improvement is a good guess for most use cases.
2018-03-11 23:20:10 -04:00
pub(crate) type Callback<'lua, 'a> =
2019-09-26 15:14:36 -04:00
Box<dyn Fn(&'lua Lua, MultiValue<'lua>) -> Result<MultiValue<'lua>> + 'a>;
A lot of performance changes. Okay, so this is kind of a mega-commit of a lot of performance related changes to rlua, some of which are pretty complicated. There are some small improvements here and there, but most of the benefits of this change are from a few big changes. The simplest big change is that there is now `protect_lua` as well as `protect_lua_call`, which allows skipping a lightuserdata parameter and some stack manipulation in some cases. Second simplest is the change to use Vec instead of VecDeque for MultiValue, and to have MultiValue be used as a sort of "backwards-only" Vec so that ToLuaMulti / FromLuaMulti still work correctly. The most complex change, though, is a change to the way LuaRef works, so that LuaRef can optionally point into the Lua stack instead of only registry values. At state creation a set number of stack slots is reserved for the first N LuaRef types (currently 16), and space for these are also allocated separately allocated at callback time. There is a huge breaking change here, which is that now any LuaRef types MUST only be used with the Lua on which they were created, and CANNOT be used with any other Lua callback instance. This mostly will affect people using LuaRef types from inside a scope callback, but hopefully in those cases `Function::bind` will be a suitable replacement. On the plus side, the rules for LuaRef types are easier to state now. There is probably more easy-ish perf on the table here, but here's the preliminary results, based on my very limited benchmarks: create table time: [314.13 ns 315.71 ns 317.44 ns] change: [-36.154% -35.670% -35.205%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05) create array 10 time: [2.9731 us 2.9816 us 2.9901 us] change: [-16.996% -16.600% -16.196%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05) Performance has improved. create string table 10 time: [5.6904 us 5.7164 us 5.7411 us] change: [-53.536% -53.309% -53.079%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05) Performance has improved. call add function 3 10 time: [5.1134 us 5.1222 us 5.1320 us] change: [-4.1095% -3.6910% -3.1781%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05) Performance has improved. call callback add 2 10 time: [5.4408 us 5.4480 us 5.4560 us] change: [-6.4203% -5.7780% -5.0013%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05) Performance has improved. call callback append 10 time: [9.8243 us 9.8410 us 9.8586 us] change: [-26.937% -26.702% -26.469%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05) Performance has improved. create registry 10 time: [3.7005 us 3.7089 us 3.7174 us] change: [-8.4965% -8.1042% -7.6926%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05) Performance has improved. I think that a lot of these benchmarks are too "easy", and most API usage is going to be more like the 'create string table 10' benchmark, where there are a lot of handles and tables and strings, so I think that 25%-50% improvement is a good guess for most use cases.
2018-03-11 23:20:10 -04:00
pub(crate) struct Upvalue<T> {
pub(crate) data: T,
pub(crate) extra: Arc<UnsafeCell<ExtraData>>,
pub(crate) type CallbackUpvalue = Upvalue<Callback<'static, 'static>>;
#[cfg(feature = "async")]
pub(crate) type AsyncCallback<'lua, 'a> =
Box<dyn Fn(&'lua Lua, MultiValue<'lua>) -> LocalBoxFuture<'lua, Result<MultiValue<'lua>>> + 'a>;
#[cfg(feature = "async")]
pub(crate) type AsyncCallbackUpvalue = Upvalue<AsyncCallback<'static, 'static>>;
#[cfg(feature = "async")]
pub(crate) type AsyncPollUpvalue = Upvalue<LocalBoxFuture<'static, Result<MultiValue<'static>>>>;
/// Type to set next Luau VM action after executing interrupt function.
2022-03-30 17:01:06 -04:00
#[cfg(any(feature = "luau", doc))]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "luau")))]
pub enum VmState {
#[cfg(all(feature = "send", not(feature = "luau")))]
pub(crate) type HookCallback = Arc<dyn Fn(&Lua, Debug) -> Result<()> + Send>;
#[cfg(all(not(feature = "send"), not(feature = "luau")))]
pub(crate) type HookCallback = Arc<dyn Fn(&Lua, Debug) -> Result<()>>;
2022-03-30 17:01:06 -04:00
#[cfg(all(feature = "luau", feature = "send"))]
pub(crate) type InterruptCallback = Arc<dyn Fn(&Lua) -> Result<VmState> + Send>;
2022-03-30 17:01:06 -04:00
#[cfg(all(feature = "luau", not(feature = "send")))]
pub(crate) type InterruptCallback = Arc<dyn Fn(&Lua) -> Result<VmState>>;
2022-03-30 17:01:06 -04:00
#[cfg(all(feature = "send", feature = "lua54"))]
pub(crate) type WarnCallback = Box<dyn Fn(&Lua, &CStr, bool) -> Result<()> + Send>;
#[cfg(all(not(feature = "send"), feature = "lua54"))]
pub(crate) type WarnCallback = Box<dyn Fn(&Lua, &CStr, bool) -> Result<()>>;
#[cfg(feature = "send")]
pub trait MaybeSend: Send {}
#[cfg(feature = "send")]
impl<T: Send> MaybeSend for T {}
#[cfg(not(feature = "send"))]
pub trait MaybeSend {}
#[cfg(not(feature = "send"))]
impl<T> MaybeSend for T {}
/// A Luau vector type.
/// By default vectors are 3-dimensional, but can be 4-dimensional
/// if the `luau-vector4` feature is enabled.
#[cfg(any(feature = "luau", doc))]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "luau")))]
#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
pub struct Vector(pub(crate) [f32; Self::SIZE]);
#[cfg(feature = "luau")]
impl fmt::Display for Vector {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
#[cfg(not(feature = "luau-vector4"))]
return write!(f, "vector({}, {}, {})", self.x(), self.y(), self.z());
#[cfg(feature = "luau-vector4")]
return write!(f, "vector({}, {}, {}, {})", self.x(), self.y(), self.z(), self.w());
#[cfg(feature = "luau")]
impl Vector {
pub(crate) const SIZE: usize = if cfg!(feature = "luau-vector4") { 4 } else { 3 };
/// Creates a new vector.
#[cfg(not(feature = "luau-vector4"))]
pub const fn new(x: f32, y: f32, z: f32) -> Self {
Self([x, y, z])
/// Creates a new vector.
#[cfg(feature = "luau-vector4")]
pub const fn new(x: f32, y: f32, z: f32, w: f32) -> Self {
Self([x, y, z, w])
/// Creates a new vector with all components set to `0.0`.
pub const fn zero() -> Self {
Self([0.0; Self::SIZE])
/// Returns 1st component of the vector.
pub const fn x(&self) -> f32 {
/// Returns 2nd component of the vector.
pub const fn y(&self) -> f32 {
/// Returns 3rd component of the vector.
pub const fn z(&self) -> f32 {
/// Returns 4th component of the vector.
#[cfg(any(feature = "luau-vector4", doc))]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "luau-vector4")))]
pub const fn w(&self) -> f32 {
#[cfg(all(feature = "luau", feature = "serialize"))]
impl Serialize for Vector {
fn serialize<S: Serializer>(&self, serializer: S) -> StdResult<S::Ok, S::Error> {
let mut ts = serializer.serialize_tuple_struct("Vector", Self::SIZE)?;
#[cfg(feature = "luau-vector4")]
#[cfg(feature = "luau")]
impl PartialEq<[f32; Self::SIZE]> for Vector {
fn eq(&self, other: &[f32; Self::SIZE]) -> bool {
self.0 == *other
pub(crate) struct DestructedUserdata;
2021-09-25 20:05:37 -04:00
/// An auto generated key into the Lua registry.
/// This is a handle to a value stored inside the Lua registry. It is not automatically
/// garbage collected on Drop, but it can be removed with [`Lua::remove_registry_value`],
/// and instances not manually removed can be garbage collected with [`Lua::expire_registry_values`].
/// Be warned, If you place this into Lua via a [`UserData`] type or a rust callback, it is *very
/// easy* to accidentally cause reference cycles that the Lua garbage collector cannot resolve.
/// Instead of placing a [`RegistryKey`] into a [`UserData`] type, prefer instead to use
/// [`AnyUserData::set_user_value`] / [`AnyUserData::get_user_value`].
/// [`UserData`]: crate::UserData
/// [`RegistryKey`]: crate::RegistryKey
/// [`Lua::remove_registry_value`]: crate::Lua::remove_registry_value
/// [`Lua::expire_registry_values`]: crate::Lua::expire_registry_values
/// [`AnyUserData::set_user_value`]: crate::AnyUserData::set_user_value
/// [`AnyUserData::get_user_value`]: crate::AnyUserData::get_user_value
pub struct RegistryKey {
pub(crate) registry_id: c_int,
pub(crate) is_nil: AtomicBool,
2020-05-05 21:32:05 -04:00
pub(crate) unref_list: Arc<Mutex<Option<Vec<c_int>>>>,
impl fmt::Debug for RegistryKey {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "RegistryKey({})", self.registry_id)
impl Hash for RegistryKey {
fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
impl PartialEq for RegistryKey {
fn eq(&self, other: &RegistryKey) -> bool {
self.registry_id == other.registry_id && Arc::ptr_eq(&self.unref_list, &other.unref_list)
impl Eq for RegistryKey {}
impl Drop for RegistryKey {
fn drop(&mut self) {
// We don't need to collect nil slot
if self.registry_id > ffi::LUA_REFNIL {
let mut unref_list = mlua_expect!(self.unref_list.lock(), "unref list poisoned");
if let Some(list) = unref_list.as_mut() {
A lot of performance changes. Okay, so this is kind of a mega-commit of a lot of performance related changes to rlua, some of which are pretty complicated. There are some small improvements here and there, but most of the benefits of this change are from a few big changes. The simplest big change is that there is now `protect_lua` as well as `protect_lua_call`, which allows skipping a lightuserdata parameter and some stack manipulation in some cases. Second simplest is the change to use Vec instead of VecDeque for MultiValue, and to have MultiValue be used as a sort of "backwards-only" Vec so that ToLuaMulti / FromLuaMulti still work correctly. The most complex change, though, is a change to the way LuaRef works, so that LuaRef can optionally point into the Lua stack instead of only registry values. At state creation a set number of stack slots is reserved for the first N LuaRef types (currently 16), and space for these are also allocated separately allocated at callback time. There is a huge breaking change here, which is that now any LuaRef types MUST only be used with the Lua on which they were created, and CANNOT be used with any other Lua callback instance. This mostly will affect people using LuaRef types from inside a scope callback, but hopefully in those cases `Function::bind` will be a suitable replacement. On the plus side, the rules for LuaRef types are easier to state now. There is probably more easy-ish perf on the table here, but here's the preliminary results, based on my very limited benchmarks: create table time: [314.13 ns 315.71 ns 317.44 ns] change: [-36.154% -35.670% -35.205%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05) create array 10 time: [2.9731 us 2.9816 us 2.9901 us] change: [-16.996% -16.600% -16.196%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05) Performance has improved. create string table 10 time: [5.6904 us 5.7164 us 5.7411 us] change: [-53.536% -53.309% -53.079%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05) Performance has improved. call add function 3 10 time: [5.1134 us 5.1222 us 5.1320 us] change: [-4.1095% -3.6910% -3.1781%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05) Performance has improved. call callback add 2 10 time: [5.4408 us 5.4480 us 5.4560 us] change: [-6.4203% -5.7780% -5.0013%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05) Performance has improved. call callback append 10 time: [9.8243 us 9.8410 us 9.8586 us] change: [-26.937% -26.702% -26.469%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05) Performance has improved. create registry 10 time: [3.7005 us 3.7089 us 3.7174 us] change: [-8.4965% -8.1042% -7.6926%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05) Performance has improved. I think that a lot of these benchmarks are too "easy", and most API usage is going to be more like the 'create string table 10' benchmark, where there are a lot of handles and tables and strings, so I think that 25%-50% improvement is a good guess for most use cases.
2018-03-11 23:20:10 -04:00
impl RegistryKey {
// Creates a new instance of `RegistryKey`
pub(crate) const fn new(id: c_int, unref_list: Arc<Mutex<Option<Vec<c_int>>>>) -> Self {
RegistryKey {
registry_id: id,
is_nil: AtomicBool::new(id == ffi::LUA_REFNIL),
// Destroys the `RegistryKey` without adding to the unref list
A lot of performance changes. Okay, so this is kind of a mega-commit of a lot of performance related changes to rlua, some of which are pretty complicated. There are some small improvements here and there, but most of the benefits of this change are from a few big changes. The simplest big change is that there is now `protect_lua` as well as `protect_lua_call`, which allows skipping a lightuserdata parameter and some stack manipulation in some cases. Second simplest is the change to use Vec instead of VecDeque for MultiValue, and to have MultiValue be used as a sort of "backwards-only" Vec so that ToLuaMulti / FromLuaMulti still work correctly. The most complex change, though, is a change to the way LuaRef works, so that LuaRef can optionally point into the Lua stack instead of only registry values. At state creation a set number of stack slots is reserved for the first N LuaRef types (currently 16), and space for these are also allocated separately allocated at callback time. There is a huge breaking change here, which is that now any LuaRef types MUST only be used with the Lua on which they were created, and CANNOT be used with any other Lua callback instance. This mostly will affect people using LuaRef types from inside a scope callback, but hopefully in those cases `Function::bind` will be a suitable replacement. On the plus side, the rules for LuaRef types are easier to state now. There is probably more easy-ish perf on the table here, but here's the preliminary results, based on my very limited benchmarks: create table time: [314.13 ns 315.71 ns 317.44 ns] change: [-36.154% -35.670% -35.205%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05) create array 10 time: [2.9731 us 2.9816 us 2.9901 us] change: [-16.996% -16.600% -16.196%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05) Performance has improved. create string table 10 time: [5.6904 us 5.7164 us 5.7411 us] change: [-53.536% -53.309% -53.079%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05) Performance has improved. call add function 3 10 time: [5.1134 us 5.1222 us 5.1320 us] change: [-4.1095% -3.6910% -3.1781%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05) Performance has improved. call callback add 2 10 time: [5.4408 us 5.4480 us 5.4560 us] change: [-6.4203% -5.7780% -5.0013%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05) Performance has improved. call callback append 10 time: [9.8243 us 9.8410 us 9.8586 us] change: [-26.937% -26.702% -26.469%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05) Performance has improved. create registry 10 time: [3.7005 us 3.7089 us 3.7174 us] change: [-8.4965% -8.1042% -7.6926%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05) Performance has improved. I think that a lot of these benchmarks are too "easy", and most API usage is going to be more like the 'create string table 10' benchmark, where there are a lot of handles and tables and strings, so I think that 25%-50% improvement is a good guess for most use cases.
2018-03-11 23:20:10 -04:00
pub(crate) fn take(self) -> c_int {
let registry_id = self.registry_id;
unsafe {
// Returns true if this `RegistryKey` holds a nil value
pub(crate) fn is_nil(&self) -> bool {
// Marks value of this `RegistryKey` as `Nil`
pub(crate) fn set_nil(&self, enabled: bool) {
// We cannot replace previous value with nil in as this will break
// Lua mechanism to find free keys.
// Instead, we set a special flag to mark value as nil., Ordering::Relaxed);
A lot of performance changes. Okay, so this is kind of a mega-commit of a lot of performance related changes to rlua, some of which are pretty complicated. There are some small improvements here and there, but most of the benefits of this change are from a few big changes. The simplest big change is that there is now `protect_lua` as well as `protect_lua_call`, which allows skipping a lightuserdata parameter and some stack manipulation in some cases. Second simplest is the change to use Vec instead of VecDeque for MultiValue, and to have MultiValue be used as a sort of "backwards-only" Vec so that ToLuaMulti / FromLuaMulti still work correctly. The most complex change, though, is a change to the way LuaRef works, so that LuaRef can optionally point into the Lua stack instead of only registry values. At state creation a set number of stack slots is reserved for the first N LuaRef types (currently 16), and space for these are also allocated separately allocated at callback time. There is a huge breaking change here, which is that now any LuaRef types MUST only be used with the Lua on which they were created, and CANNOT be used with any other Lua callback instance. This mostly will affect people using LuaRef types from inside a scope callback, but hopefully in those cases `Function::bind` will be a suitable replacement. On the plus side, the rules for LuaRef types are easier to state now. There is probably more easy-ish perf on the table here, but here's the preliminary results, based on my very limited benchmarks: create table time: [314.13 ns 315.71 ns 317.44 ns] change: [-36.154% -35.670% -35.205%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05) create array 10 time: [2.9731 us 2.9816 us 2.9901 us] change: [-16.996% -16.600% -16.196%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05) Performance has improved. create string table 10 time: [5.6904 us 5.7164 us 5.7411 us] change: [-53.536% -53.309% -53.079%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05) Performance has improved. call add function 3 10 time: [5.1134 us 5.1222 us 5.1320 us] change: [-4.1095% -3.6910% -3.1781%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05) Performance has improved. call callback add 2 10 time: [5.4408 us 5.4480 us 5.4560 us] change: [-6.4203% -5.7780% -5.0013%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05) Performance has improved. call callback append 10 time: [9.8243 us 9.8410 us 9.8586 us] change: [-26.937% -26.702% -26.469%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05) Performance has improved. create registry 10 time: [3.7005 us 3.7089 us 3.7174 us] change: [-8.4965% -8.1042% -7.6926%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05) Performance has improved. I think that a lot of these benchmarks are too "easy", and most API usage is going to be more like the 'create string table 10' benchmark, where there are a lot of handles and tables and strings, so I think that 25%-50% improvement is a good guess for most use cases.
2018-03-11 23:20:10 -04:00
2023-07-05 16:34:17 -04:00
pub struct LuaRef<'lua> {
A lot of performance changes. Okay, so this is kind of a mega-commit of a lot of performance related changes to rlua, some of which are pretty complicated. There are some small improvements here and there, but most of the benefits of this change are from a few big changes. The simplest big change is that there is now `protect_lua` as well as `protect_lua_call`, which allows skipping a lightuserdata parameter and some stack manipulation in some cases. Second simplest is the change to use Vec instead of VecDeque for MultiValue, and to have MultiValue be used as a sort of "backwards-only" Vec so that ToLuaMulti / FromLuaMulti still work correctly. The most complex change, though, is a change to the way LuaRef works, so that LuaRef can optionally point into the Lua stack instead of only registry values. At state creation a set number of stack slots is reserved for the first N LuaRef types (currently 16), and space for these are also allocated separately allocated at callback time. There is a huge breaking change here, which is that now any LuaRef types MUST only be used with the Lua on which they were created, and CANNOT be used with any other Lua callback instance. This mostly will affect people using LuaRef types from inside a scope callback, but hopefully in those cases `Function::bind` will be a suitable replacement. On the plus side, the rules for LuaRef types are easier to state now. There is probably more easy-ish perf on the table here, but here's the preliminary results, based on my very limited benchmarks: create table time: [314.13 ns 315.71 ns 317.44 ns] change: [-36.154% -35.670% -35.205%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05) create array 10 time: [2.9731 us 2.9816 us 2.9901 us] change: [-16.996% -16.600% -16.196%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05) Performance has improved. create string table 10 time: [5.6904 us 5.7164 us 5.7411 us] change: [-53.536% -53.309% -53.079%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05) Performance has improved. call add function 3 10 time: [5.1134 us 5.1222 us 5.1320 us] change: [-4.1095% -3.6910% -3.1781%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05) Performance has improved. call callback add 2 10 time: [5.4408 us 5.4480 us 5.4560 us] change: [-6.4203% -5.7780% -5.0013%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05) Performance has improved. call callback append 10 time: [9.8243 us 9.8410 us 9.8586 us] change: [-26.937% -26.702% -26.469%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05) Performance has improved. create registry 10 time: [3.7005 us 3.7089 us 3.7174 us] change: [-8.4965% -8.1042% -7.6926%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05) Performance has improved. I think that a lot of these benchmarks are too "easy", and most API usage is going to be more like the 'create string table 10' benchmark, where there are a lot of handles and tables and strings, so I think that 25%-50% improvement is a good guess for most use cases.
2018-03-11 23:20:10 -04:00
pub(crate) lua: &'lua Lua,
pub(crate) index: c_int,
pub(crate) drop: bool,
impl<'lua> LuaRef<'lua> {
pub(crate) const fn new(lua: &'lua Lua, index: c_int) -> Self {
LuaRef {
drop: true,
#[cfg(feature = "unstable")]
pub(crate) fn into_owned(self) -> LuaOwnedRef {
assert!(self.drop, "Cannot turn non-drop reference into owned");
let owned_ref = LuaOwnedRef::new(self.lua.clone(), self.index);
2023-07-05 16:34:17 -04:00
pub fn to_pointer(&self) -> *const std::os::raw::c_void {
let ref_thread = self.lua.ref_thread();
unsafe { ffi::lua_topointer(ref_thread, self.index) }
impl<'lua> fmt::Debug for LuaRef<'lua> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "Ref({}, {:p})", self.index, self.to_pointer())
impl<'lua> Clone for LuaRef<'lua> {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
A lot of performance changes. Okay, so this is kind of a mega-commit of a lot of performance related changes to rlua, some of which are pretty complicated. There are some small improvements here and there, but most of the benefits of this change are from a few big changes. The simplest big change is that there is now `protect_lua` as well as `protect_lua_call`, which allows skipping a lightuserdata parameter and some stack manipulation in some cases. Second simplest is the change to use Vec instead of VecDeque for MultiValue, and to have MultiValue be used as a sort of "backwards-only" Vec so that ToLuaMulti / FromLuaMulti still work correctly. The most complex change, though, is a change to the way LuaRef works, so that LuaRef can optionally point into the Lua stack instead of only registry values. At state creation a set number of stack slots is reserved for the first N LuaRef types (currently 16), and space for these are also allocated separately allocated at callback time. There is a huge breaking change here, which is that now any LuaRef types MUST only be used with the Lua on which they were created, and CANNOT be used with any other Lua callback instance. This mostly will affect people using LuaRef types from inside a scope callback, but hopefully in those cases `Function::bind` will be a suitable replacement. On the plus side, the rules for LuaRef types are easier to state now. There is probably more easy-ish perf on the table here, but here's the preliminary results, based on my very limited benchmarks: create table time: [314.13 ns 315.71 ns 317.44 ns] change: [-36.154% -35.670% -35.205%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05) create array 10 time: [2.9731 us 2.9816 us 2.9901 us] change: [-16.996% -16.600% -16.196%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05) Performance has improved. create string table 10 time: [5.6904 us 5.7164 us 5.7411 us] change: [-53.536% -53.309% -53.079%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05) Performance has improved. call add function 3 10 time: [5.1134 us 5.1222 us 5.1320 us] change: [-4.1095% -3.6910% -3.1781%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05) Performance has improved. call callback add 2 10 time: [5.4408 us 5.4480 us 5.4560 us] change: [-6.4203% -5.7780% -5.0013%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05) Performance has improved. call callback append 10 time: [9.8243 us 9.8410 us 9.8586 us] change: [-26.937% -26.702% -26.469%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05) Performance has improved. create registry 10 time: [3.7005 us 3.7089 us 3.7174 us] change: [-8.4965% -8.1042% -7.6926%] (p = 0.00 < 0.05) Performance has improved. I think that a lot of these benchmarks are too "easy", and most API usage is going to be more like the 'create string table 10' benchmark, where there are a lot of handles and tables and strings, so I think that 25%-50% improvement is a good guess for most use cases.
2018-03-11 23:20:10 -04:00
impl<'lua> Drop for LuaRef<'lua> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if self.drop {
impl<'lua> PartialEq for LuaRef<'lua> {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
let lua = self.lua;
let state = lua.state();
unsafe {
let _sg = StackGuard::new(state);
assert_stack(state, 2);
2021-06-13 18:08:56 -04:00
ffi::lua_rawequal(state, -1, -2) == 1
#[cfg(feature = "unstable")]
pub(crate) struct LuaOwnedRef {
pub(crate) inner: Arc<LuaInner>,
pub(crate) index: c_int,
_non_send: PhantomData<*const ()>,
#[cfg(feature = "unstable")]
impl fmt::Debug for LuaOwnedRef {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "OwnedRef({})", self.index)
#[cfg(feature = "unstable")]
impl Clone for LuaOwnedRef {
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
#[cfg(feature = "unstable")]
impl Drop for LuaOwnedRef {
fn drop(&mut self) {
let lua: &Lua = unsafe { mem::transmute(&self.inner) };
#[cfg(feature = "unstable")]
impl LuaOwnedRef {
pub(crate) const fn new(inner: Arc<LuaInner>, index: c_int) -> Self {
LuaOwnedRef {
_non_send: PhantomData,
pub(crate) const fn to_ref(&self) -> LuaRef {
LuaRef {
lua: unsafe { mem::transmute(&self.inner) },
index: self.index,
drop: false,
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub(crate) struct AppData {
#[cfg(not(feature = "send"))]
container: UnsafeCell<FxHashMap<TypeId, RefCell<Box<dyn Any>>>>,
#[cfg(feature = "send")]
container: UnsafeCell<FxHashMap<TypeId, RefCell<Box<dyn Any + Send>>>>,
borrow: Cell<usize>,
impl AppData {
pub(crate) fn insert<T: MaybeSend + 'static>(&self, data: T) -> Option<T> {
match self.try_insert(data) {
Ok(data) => data,
Err(_) => panic!("cannot mutably borrow app data container"),
pub(crate) fn try_insert<T: MaybeSend + 'static>(&self, data: T) -> StdResult<Option<T>, T> {
if self.borrow.get() != 0 {
return Err(data);
// SAFETY: we checked that there are no other references to the container
Ok(unsafe { &mut *self.container.get() }
.insert(TypeId::of::<T>(), RefCell::new(Box::new(data)))
.and_then(|data| data.into_inner().downcast::<T>().ok().map(|data| *data)))
pub(crate) fn borrow<T: 'static>(&self) -> Option<AppDataRef<T>> {
let data = unsafe { &*self.container.get() }
self.borrow.set(self.borrow.get() + 1);
Some(AppDataRef {
data: Ref::filter_map(data, |data| data.downcast_ref()).ok()?,
borrow: &self.borrow,
pub(crate) fn borrow_mut<T: 'static>(&self) -> Option<AppDataRefMut<T>> {
let data = unsafe { &*self.container.get() }
self.borrow.set(self.borrow.get() + 1);
Some(AppDataRefMut {
data: RefMut::filter_map(data, |data| data.downcast_mut()).ok()?,
borrow: &self.borrow,
pub(crate) fn remove<T: 'static>(&self) -> Option<T> {
if self.borrow.get() != 0 {
panic!("cannot mutably borrow app data container");
// SAFETY: we checked that there are no other references to the container
unsafe { &mut *self.container.get() }
.map(|data| *data)
/// A wrapper type for an immutably borrowed value from an app data container.
/// This type is similar to [`Ref`].
pub struct AppDataRef<'a, T: ?Sized + 'a> {
data: Ref<'a, T>,
borrow: &'a Cell<usize>,
impl<T: ?Sized> Drop for AppDataRef<'_, T> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
self.borrow.set(self.borrow.get() - 1);
impl<T: ?Sized> Deref for AppDataRef<'_, T> {
type Target = T;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl<T: ?Sized + fmt::Display> fmt::Display for AppDataRef<'_, T> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
impl<T: ?Sized + fmt::Debug> fmt::Debug for AppDataRef<'_, T> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
/// A wrapper type for a mutably borrowed value from an app data container.
/// This type is similar to [`RefMut`].
pub struct AppDataRefMut<'a, T: ?Sized + 'a> {
data: RefMut<'a, T>,
borrow: &'a Cell<usize>,
impl<T: ?Sized> Drop for AppDataRefMut<'_, T> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
self.borrow.set(self.borrow.get() - 1);
impl<T: ?Sized> Deref for AppDataRefMut<'_, T> {
type Target = T;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
impl<T: ?Sized> DerefMut for AppDataRefMut<'_, T> {
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {
impl<T: ?Sized + fmt::Display> fmt::Display for AppDataRefMut<'_, T> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
impl<T: ?Sized + fmt::Debug> fmt::Debug for AppDataRefMut<'_, T> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
mod assertions {
use super::*;
static_assertions::assert_impl_all!(RegistryKey: Send, Sync);
static_assertions::assert_not_impl_any!(LuaRef: Send);
#[cfg(feature = "unstable")]
static_assertions::assert_not_impl_any!(LuaOwnedRef: Send);