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2017-10-23 16:42:20 -04:00
use std::cell::{Ref, RefCell, RefMut};
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::string::String as StdString;
use ffi;
use error::*;
use util::*;
use types::{Callback, LuaRef};
use value::{FromLua, FromLuaMulti, ToLua, ToLuaMulti};
use lua::Lua;
/// Kinds of metamethods that can be overridden.
2018-01-26 13:44:35 -05:00
/// Currently, this mechanism does not allow overriding the `__gc` metamethod, since there is
/// generally no need to do so: [`UserData`] implementors can instead just implement `Drop`.
2018-01-26 13:44:35 -05:00
/// [`UserData`]: trait.UserData.html
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
pub enum MetaMethod {
/// The `+` operator.
/// The `-` operator.
/// The `*` operator.
/// The `/` operator.
/// The `%` operator.
/// The `^` operator.
/// The unary minus (`-`) operator.
/// The floor division (//) operator.
/// The bitwise AND (&) operator.
/// The bitwise OR (|) operator.
/// The bitwise XOR (binary ~) operator.
/// The bitwise NOT (unary ~) operator.
/// The bitwise left shift (<<) operator.
/// The bitwise right shift (>>) operator.
/// The string concatenation operator `..`.
/// The length operator `#`.
/// The `==` operator.
/// The `<` operator.
/// The `<=` operator.
/// Index access `obj[key]`.
/// Index write access `obj[key] = value`.
/// The call "operator" `obj(arg1, args2, ...)`.
2018-01-26 13:44:35 -05:00
/// The `__tostring` metamethod.
/// This is not an operator, but will be called by methods such as `tostring` and `print`.
/// Method registry for [`UserData`] implementors.
/// [`UserData`]: trait.UserData.html
pub struct UserDataMethods<'lua, T> {
pub(crate) methods: HashMap<StdString, Callback<'lua, 'static>>,
pub(crate) meta_methods: HashMap<MetaMethod, Callback<'lua, 'static>>,
pub(crate) _type: PhantomData<T>,
impl<'lua, T: UserData> UserDataMethods<'lua, T> {
/// Add a method which accepts a `&T` as the first parameter.
/// Regular methods are implemented by overriding the `__index` metamethod and returning the
/// accessed method. This allows them to be used with the expected `userdata:method()` syntax.
/// If `add_meta_method` is used to override the `__index` metamethod, this approach will fall
/// back to the user-provided metamethod if no regular method was found.
pub fn add_method<A, R, M>(&mut self, name: &str, method: M)
A: FromLuaMulti<'lua>,
R: ToLuaMulti<'lua>,
M: 'static + Send + for<'a> Fn(&'lua Lua, &'a T, A) -> Result<R>,
2017-10-23 16:42:20 -04:00
.insert(name.to_owned(), Self::box_method(method));
/// Add a regular method which accepts a `&mut T` as the first parameter.
/// Refer to [`add_method`] for more information about the implementation.
/// [`add_method`]: #method.add_method
pub fn add_method_mut<A, R, M>(&mut self, name: &str, method: M)
A: FromLuaMulti<'lua>,
R: ToLuaMulti<'lua>,
M: 'static + Send + for<'a> FnMut(&'lua Lua, &'a mut T, A) -> Result<R>,
2017-10-23 16:42:20 -04:00
.insert(name.to_owned(), Self::box_method_mut(method));
/// Add a regular method as a function which accepts generic arguments, the first argument will
/// always be a `UserData` of type T.
/// Prefer to use [`add_method`] or [`add_method_mut`] as they are easier to use.
/// [`add_method`]: #method.add_method
/// [`add_method_mut`]: #method.add_method_mut
pub fn add_function<A, R, F>(&mut self, name: &str, function: F)
A: FromLuaMulti<'lua>,
R: ToLuaMulti<'lua>,
F: 'static + Send + Fn(&'lua Lua, A) -> Result<R>,
2017-10-23 16:42:20 -04:00
.insert(name.to_owned(), Self::box_function(function));
/// Add a metamethod which accepts a `&T` as the first parameter.
/// # Note
/// This can cause an error with certain binary metamethods that can trigger if only the right
/// side has a metatable. To prevent this, use [`add_meta_function`].
/// [`add_meta_function`]: #method.add_meta_function
pub fn add_meta_method<A, R, M>(&mut self, meta: MetaMethod, method: M)
A: FromLuaMulti<'lua>,
R: ToLuaMulti<'lua>,
M: 'static + Send + for<'a> Fn(&'lua Lua, &'a T, A) -> Result<R>,
self.meta_methods.insert(meta, Self::box_method(method));
/// Add a metamethod as a function which accepts a `&mut T` as the first parameter.
/// # Note
/// This can cause an error with certain binary metamethods that can trigger if only the right
/// side has a metatable. To prevent this, use [`add_meta_function`].
/// [`add_meta_function`]: #method.add_meta_function
pub fn add_meta_method_mut<A, R, M>(&mut self, meta: MetaMethod, method: M)
A: FromLuaMulti<'lua>,
R: ToLuaMulti<'lua>,
M: 'static + Send + for<'a> FnMut(&'lua Lua, &'a mut T, A) -> Result<R>,
self.meta_methods.insert(meta, Self::box_method_mut(method));
/// Add a metamethod which accepts generic arguments.
/// Metamethods for binary operators can be triggered if either the left or right argument to
/// the binary operator has a metatable, so the first argument here is not necessarily a
/// userdata of type `T`.
pub fn add_meta_function<A, R, F>(&mut self, meta: MetaMethod, function: F)
A: FromLuaMulti<'lua>,
R: ToLuaMulti<'lua>,
F: 'static + Send + Fn(&'lua Lua, A) -> Result<R>,
self.meta_methods.insert(meta, Self::box_function(function));
fn box_function<A, R, F>(function: F) -> Callback<'lua, 'static>
A: FromLuaMulti<'lua>,
R: ToLuaMulti<'lua>,
F: 'static + Send + Fn(&'lua Lua, A) -> Result<R>,
2017-12-03 18:25:53 -05:00
Box::new(move |lua, args| function(lua, A::from_lua_multi(args, lua)?)?.to_lua_multi(lua))
fn box_method<A, R, M>(method: M) -> Callback<'lua, 'static>
A: FromLuaMulti<'lua>,
R: ToLuaMulti<'lua>,
M: 'static + Send + for<'a> Fn(&'lua Lua, &'a T, A) -> Result<R>,
2017-12-02 18:56:14 -05:00
Box::new(move |lua, mut args| {
if let Some(front) = args.pop_front() {
let userdata = AnyUserData::from_lua(front, lua)?;
let userdata = userdata.borrow::<T>()?;
method(lua, &userdata, A::from_lua_multi(args, lua)?)?.to_lua_multi(lua)
} else {
Err(Error::FromLuaConversionError {
from: "missing argument",
to: "userdata",
message: None,
fn box_method_mut<A, R, M>(method: M) -> Callback<'lua, 'static>
A: FromLuaMulti<'lua>,
R: ToLuaMulti<'lua>,
M: 'static + Send + for<'a> FnMut(&'lua Lua, &'a mut T, A) -> Result<R>,
let method = RefCell::new(method);
2017-12-02 18:56:14 -05:00
Box::new(move |lua, mut args| {
if let Some(front) = args.pop_front() {
let userdata = AnyUserData::from_lua(front, lua)?;
let mut userdata = userdata.borrow_mut::<T>()?;
let mut method = method
.map_err(|_| Error::RecursiveMutCallback)?;
(&mut *method)(lua, &mut userdata, A::from_lua_multi(args, lua)?)?.to_lua_multi(lua)
2017-12-02 18:56:14 -05:00
} else {
Err(Error::FromLuaConversionError {
from: "missing argument",
to: "userdata",
message: None,
/// Trait for custom userdata types.
/// By implementing this trait, a struct becomes eligible for use inside Lua code. Implementations
/// of [`ToLua`] and [`FromLua`] are automatically provided.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # extern crate rlua;
/// # use rlua::{Lua, UserData, Result};
/// # fn try_main() -> Result<()> {
/// struct MyUserData(i32);
/// impl UserData for MyUserData {}
/// let lua = Lua::new();
/// // `MyUserData` now implements `ToLua`:
/// lua.globals().set("myobject", MyUserData(123))?;
/// lua.exec::<()>("assert(type(myobject) == 'userdata')", None)?;
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// # fn main() {
/// # try_main().unwrap();
/// # }
/// ```
/// Custom methods and operators can be provided by implementing `add_methods` (refer to
/// [`UserDataMethods`] for more information):
/// ```
/// # extern crate rlua;
/// # use rlua::{Lua, MetaMethod, UserData, UserDataMethods, Result};
/// # fn try_main() -> Result<()> {
/// struct MyUserData(i32);
/// impl UserData for MyUserData {
/// fn add_methods(methods: &mut UserDataMethods<Self>) {
/// methods.add_method("get", |_, this, _: ()| {
/// Ok(this.0)
/// });
/// methods.add_method_mut("add", |_, this, value: i32| {
/// this.0 += value;
/// Ok(())
/// });
/// methods.add_meta_method(MetaMethod::Add, |_, this, value: i32| {
/// Ok(this.0 + value)
/// });
/// }
/// }
/// let lua = Lua::new();
/// lua.globals().set("myobject", MyUserData(123))?;
/// lua.exec::<()>(r#"
/// assert(myobject:get() == 123)
/// myobject:add(7)
/// assert(myobject:get() == 130)
/// assert(myobject + 10 == 140)
/// "#, None)?;
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// # fn main() {
/// # try_main().unwrap();
/// # }
/// ```
/// [`ToLua`]: trait.ToLua.html
/// [`FromLua`]: trait.FromLua.html
/// [`UserDataMethods`]: struct.UserDataMethods.html
pub trait UserData: 'static + Sized {
/// Adds custom methods and operators specific to this userdata.
fn add_methods(_methods: &mut UserDataMethods<Self>) {}
/// Handle to an internal Lua userdata for any type that implements [`UserData`].
/// Similar to `std::any::Any`, this provides an interface for dynamic type checking via the [`is`]
/// and [`borrow`] methods.
/// Internally, instances are stored in a `RefCell`, to best match the mutable semantics of the Lua
/// language.
/// # Note
/// This API should only be used when necessary. Implementing [`UserData`] already allows defining
/// methods which check the type and acquire a borrow behind the scenes.
/// [`UserData`]: trait.UserData.html
/// [`is`]:
/// [`borrow`]: #method.borrow
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct AnyUserData<'lua>(pub(crate) LuaRef<'lua>);
impl<'lua> AnyUserData<'lua> {
/// Checks whether the type of this userdata is `T`.
pub fn is<T: UserData>(&self) -> Result<bool> {
match self.inspect(|_: &RefCell<T>| Ok(())) {
Ok(()) => Ok(true),
Err(Error::UserDataTypeMismatch) => Ok(false),
Err(err) => Err(err),
/// Borrow this userdata immutably if it is of type `T`.
/// # Errors
/// Returns a `UserDataBorrowError` if the userdata is already mutably borrowed. Returns a
/// `UserDataTypeMismatch` if the userdata is not of type `T`.
pub fn borrow<T: UserData>(&self) -> Result<Ref<T>> {
2017-12-03 18:25:53 -05:00
self.inspect(|cell| Ok(cell.try_borrow().map_err(|_| Error::UserDataBorrowError)?))
/// Borrow this userdata mutably if it is of type `T`.
/// # Errors
/// Returns a `UserDataBorrowMutError` if the userdata is already borrowed. Returns a
/// `UserDataTypeMismatch` if the userdata is not of type `T`.
pub fn borrow_mut<T: UserData>(&self) -> Result<RefMut<T>> {
self.inspect(|cell| {
2017-10-23 16:42:20 -04:00
.map_err(|_| Error::UserDataBorrowMutError)?)
fn inspect<'a, T, R, F>(&'a self, func: F) -> Result<R>
T: UserData,
F: FnOnce(&'a RefCell<T>) -> Result<R>,
unsafe {
let lua = self.0.lua;
stack_err_guard(lua.state, 0, move || {
check_stack(lua.state, 3);
lua.push_ref(lua.state, &self.0);
ffi::lua_getmetatable(lua.state, -1) != 0,
"AnyUserData missing metatable"
lua.userdata_metatable::<T>()? as ffi::lua_Integer,
if ffi::lua_rawequal(lua.state, -1, -2) == 0 {
ffi::lua_pop(lua.state, 3);
} else {
let res = func(&*get_userdata::<RefCell<T>>(lua.state, -3));
ffi::lua_pop(lua.state, 3);
/// Sets an associated value to this `AnyUserData`.
/// The value may be any Lua value whatsoever, and can be retrieved with [`get_user_value`].
/// [`get_user_value`]: #method.get_user_value
pub fn set_user_value<V: ToLua<'lua>>(&self, v: V) -> Result<()> {
let lua = self.0.lua;
unsafe {
stack_guard(lua.state, 0, || {
check_stack(lua.state, 2);
lua.push_ref(lua.state, &self.0);
lua.push_value(lua.state, v.to_lua(lua)?);
ffi::lua_setuservalue(lua.state, -2);
ffi::lua_pop(lua.state, 1);
/// Returns an associated value set by [`set_user_value`].
/// [`set_user_value`]: #method.set_user_value
pub fn get_user_value<V: FromLua<'lua>>(&self) -> Result<V> {
let lua = self.0.lua;
unsafe {
stack_guard(lua.state, 0, || {
check_stack(lua.state, 2);
lua.push_ref(lua.state, &self.0);
ffi::lua_getuservalue(lua.state, -1);
let res = V::from_lua(lua.pop_value(lua.state), lua)?;
ffi::lua_pop(lua.state, 1);