Table docs and examples

This looks almost like the standard lib now :)
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Jonas Schievink 2017-07-25 01:40:53 +02:00
parent 0b7b7e9d79
commit e2aeca58ae
1 changed files with 139 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -218,8 +218,39 @@ impl<'lua> Table<'lua> {
/// If the value is `nil`, this will effectively remove the pair.
/// This might invoke the `__newindex` metamethod. Use the `raw_set` method if that is not
/// This might invoke the `__newindex` metamethod. Use the [`raw_set`] method if that is not
/// desired.
/// # Examples
/// Export a value as a global to make it usable from Lua:
/// ```
/// # extern crate rlua;
/// # use rlua::{Lua, Result};
/// # fn try_main() -> Result<()> {
/// let lua = Lua::new();
/// let globals = lua.globals();
/// globals.set("assertions", cfg!(debug_assertions))?;
/// lua.eval::<()>(r#"
/// if assertions == true then
/// -- ...
/// elseif assertions == false then
/// -- ...
/// else
/// error("assertions neither on nor off?")
/// end
/// "#, None)?;
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// # fn main() {
/// # try_main().unwrap();
/// # }
/// ```
/// [`raw_set`]: #method.raw_set
pub fn set<K: ToLua<'lua>, V: ToLua<'lua>>(&self, key: K, value: V) -> Result<()> {
let lua = self.0.lua;
let key = key.to_lua(lua)?;
@ -239,7 +270,30 @@ impl<'lua> Table<'lua> {
/// If no value is associated to `key`, returns the `nil` value.
/// This might invoke the `__index` metamethod. Use the `raw_get` method if that is not desired.
/// This might invoke the `__index` metamethod. Use the [`raw_get`] method if that is not
/// desired.
/// # Examples
/// Query the version of the Lua interpreter:
/// ```
/// # extern crate rlua;
/// # use rlua::{Lua, Result};
/// # fn try_main() -> Result<()> {
/// let lua = Lua::new();
/// let globals = lua.globals();
/// let version: String = globals.get("_VERSION")?;
/// println!("Lua version: {}", version);
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// # fn main() {
/// # try_main().unwrap();
/// # }
/// ```
/// [`raw_get`]: #method.raw_get
pub fn get<K: ToLua<'lua>, V: FromLua<'lua>>(&self, key: K) -> Result<V> {
let lua = self.0.lua;
let key = key.to_lua(lua)?;
@ -307,7 +361,9 @@ impl<'lua> Table<'lua> {
/// Returns the result of the Lua `#` operator.
/// This might invoke the `__len` metamethod. Use the `raw_len` method if that is not desired.
/// This might invoke the `__len` metamethod. Use the [`raw_len`] method if that is not desired.
/// [`raw_len`]: #method.raw_len
pub fn len(&self) -> Result<Integer> {
let lua = self.0.lua;
unsafe {
@ -335,8 +391,42 @@ impl<'lua> Table<'lua> {
/// Consume this table and return an iterator over the pairs of the table, works like the Lua
/// 'pairs' function.
/// Consume this table and return an iterator over the pairs of the table.
/// This works like the Lua `pairs` function, but does not invoke the `__pairs` metamethod.
/// The pairs are wrapped in a [`Result`], since they are lazily converted to `K` and `V` types.
/// # Note
/// While this method consumes the `Table` object, it can not prevent code from mutating the
/// table while the iteration is in progress. Refer to the [Lua manual] for information about
/// the consequences of such mutation.
/// # Examples
/// Iterate over all globals:
/// ```
/// # extern crate rlua;
/// # use rlua::{Lua, Result, Value};
/// # fn try_main() -> Result<()> {
/// let lua = Lua::new();
/// let globals = lua.globals();
/// for pair in globals.pairs::<Value, Value>() {
/// let (key, value) = pair?;
/// // ...
/// }
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// # fn main() {
/// # try_main().unwrap();
/// # }
/// ```
/// [`Result`]: type.Result.html
/// [Lua manual]:
pub fn pairs<K: FromLua<'lua>, V: FromLua<'lua>>(self) -> TablePairs<'lua, K, V> {
let next_key = Some(LuaRef {
lua: self.0.lua,
@ -350,9 +440,44 @@ impl<'lua> Table<'lua> {
/// Consume this table and return an iterator over the values of this table, which should be a
/// sequence. Works like the Lua 'ipairs' function, but doesn't return the indexes, only the
/// values in order.
/// Consume this table and return an iterator over all values in the sequence part of the table.
/// The iterator will yield all values `t[1]`, `t[2]`, and so on, until a `nil` value is
/// encountered. This mirrors the behaviour of Lua's `ipairs` function and will invoke the
/// `__index` metamethod according to the usual rules. However, the deprecated `__ipairs`
/// metatable will not be called.
/// Just like [`pairs`], the values are wrapped in a [`Result`].
/// # Note
/// While this method consumes the `Table` object, it can not prevent code from mutating the
/// table while the iteration is in progress. Refer to the [Lua manual] for information about
/// the consequences of such mutation.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # extern crate rlua;
/// # use rlua::{Lua, Result, Table};
/// # fn try_main() -> Result<()> {
/// let lua = Lua::new();
/// let my_table: Table = lua.eval("{ [1] = 4, [2] = 5, [4] = 7, key = 2 }", None)?;
/// let expected = [4, 5];
/// for (&expected, got) in expected.iter().zip(my_table.sequence_values::<u32>()) {
/// assert_eq!(expected, got?);
/// }
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// # fn main() {
/// # try_main().unwrap();
/// # }
/// ```
/// [`pairs`]: #method.pairs
/// [`Result`]: type.Result.html
/// [Lua manual]:
pub fn sequence_values<V: FromLua<'lua>>(self) -> TableSequence<'lua, V> {
TableSequence {
table: self.0,
@ -364,7 +489,9 @@ impl<'lua> Table<'lua> {
/// An iterator over the pairs of a Lua table.
/// Should behave exactly like the lua 'pairs' function. Holds an internal reference to the table.
/// This struct is created by the [`Table::pairs`] method.
/// [`Table::pairs`]: struct.Table.html#method.pairs
pub struct TablePairs<'lua, K, V> {
table: LuaRef<'lua>,
next_key: Option<LuaRef<'lua>>,
@ -419,8 +546,9 @@ where
/// An iterator over the sequence part of a Lua table.
/// Should behave similarly to the lua 'ipairs" function, except only produces the values, not the
/// indexes. Holds an internal reference to the table.
/// This struct is created by the [`Table::sequence_values`] method.
/// [`Table::sequence_values`]: struct.Table.html#method.sequence_values
pub struct TableSequence<'lua, V> {
table: LuaRef<'lua>,
index: Option<Integer>,