comment fixes

This commit is contained in:
kyren 2018-02-12 13:56:23 -05:00
parent c22aae461b
commit fc058eba60
1 changed files with 3 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ pub unsafe extern "C" fn safe_xpcall(state: *mut ffi::lua_State) -> c_int {
// Does not call checkstack, uses 1 stack space
// Does not call lua_checkstack, uses 1 stack space.
pub unsafe fn main_state(state: *mut ffi::lua_State) -> *mut ffi::lua_State {
ffi::lua_rawgeti(state, ffi::LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, ffi::LUA_RIDX_MAINTHREAD);
let main_state = ffi::lua_tothread(state, -1);
@ -420,12 +420,13 @@ pub unsafe fn push_wrapped_error(state: *mut ffi::lua_State, err: Error) {
// Pops a WrappedError off of the top of the stack, if it is a WrappedError. If it is not a
// WrappedError, returns None and does not pop anything. Uses 2 stack spaces and does not call
// lua_checkstack
// lua_checkstack.
pub unsafe fn pop_wrapped_error(state: *mut ffi::lua_State) -> Option<Error> {
if !is_wrapped_error(state, -1) {
} else {
let err = &*get_userdata::<WrappedError>(state, -1);
// We are assuming here that Error::clone() cannot panic.
let err = err.0.clone();
ffi::lua_pop(state, 1);