use mlua::{Function, Lua, Result, String, Table}; #[test] fn test_function() -> Result<()> { let lua = Lua::new(); let globals = lua.globals(); lua.load( r#" function concat(arg1, arg2) return arg1 .. arg2 end "#, ) .exec()?; let concat = globals.get::<_, Function>("concat")?; assert_eq!(<_, String>(("foo", "bar"))?, "foobar"); Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_bind() -> Result<()> { let lua = Lua::new(); let globals = lua.globals(); lua.load( r#" function concat(...) local res = "" for _, s in pairs({...}) do res = res..s end return res end "#, ) .exec()?; let mut concat = globals.get::<_, Function>("concat")?; concat = concat.bind("foo")?; concat = concat.bind("bar")?; concat = concat.bind(("baz", "baf"))?; assert_eq!(<_, String>(())?, "foobarbazbaf"); assert_eq!(<_, String>(("hi", "wut"))?, "foobarbazbafhiwut" ); let mut concat2 = globals.get::<_, Function>("concat")?; concat2 = concat2.bind(())?; assert_eq!(<_, String>(())?, ""); assert_eq!(<_, String>(("ab", "cd"))?, "abcd"); Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_rust_function() -> Result<()> { let lua = Lua::new(); let globals = lua.globals(); lua.load( r#" function lua_function() return rust_function() end -- Test to make sure chunk return is ignored return 1 "#, ) .exec()?; let lua_function = globals.get::<_, Function>("lua_function")?; let rust_function = lua.create_function(|_, ()| Ok("hello"))?; globals.set("rust_function", rust_function)?; assert_eq!(<_, String>(())?, "hello"); Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_c_function() -> Result<()> { let lua = Lua::new(); unsafe extern "C" fn c_function(state: *mut mlua::lua_State) -> std::os::raw::c_int { let lua = Lua::init_from_ptr(state); lua.globals().set("c_function", true).unwrap(); 0 } let func = unsafe { lua.create_c_function(c_function, None)? };; assert_eq!(lua.globals().get::<_, bool>("c_function")?, true); Ok(()) } #[cfg(not(feature = "luau"))] #[test] fn test_dump() -> Result<()> { let lua = unsafe { Lua::unsafe_new() }; let concat_lua = lua .load(r#"function(arg1, arg2) return arg1 .. arg2 end"#) .eval::()?; let concat = lua.load(&concat_lua.dump(false)).into_function()?; assert_eq!(<_, String>(("foo", "bar"))?, "foobar"); Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_function_environment() -> Result<()> { let lua = Lua::new(); // We must not get or set environment for C functions let rust_func = lua.create_function(|_, ()| Ok("hello"))?; assert_eq!(rust_func.environment(), None); assert_eq!(rust_func.set_environment(lua.globals()).ok(), Some(false)); // Test getting Lua function environment lua.globals().set("hello", "global")?; let lua_func = lua .load( r#" local t = "" return function() -- two upvalues return t .. hello end "#, ) .eval::()?; let lua_func2 = lua.load("return hello").into_function()?; assert_eq!(<_, String>(())?, "global"); assert_eq!(lua_func.environment(), Some(lua.globals())); // Test changing the environment let env = lua.create_table_from([("hello", "local")])?; assert!(lua_func.set_environment(env.clone())?); assert_eq!(<_, String>(())?, "local"); assert_eq!(<_, String>(())?, "global"); // More complex case lua.load( r#" local number = 15 function lucky() return tostring("number is "..number) end new_env = { tostring = function() return tostring(number) end, } "#, ) .exec()?; let lucky = lua.globals().get::<_, Function>("lucky")?; assert_eq!(<_, String>(())?, "number is 15"); let new_env = lua.globals().get::<_, Table>("new_env")?; lucky.set_environment(new_env)?; assert_eq!(<_, String>(())?, "15"); // Test inheritance let lua_func2 = lua .load(r#"return function() return (function() return hello end)() end"#) .eval::()?; assert!(lua_func2.set_environment(env.clone())?); lua.gc_collect()?; assert_eq!(<_, String>(())?, "local"); Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_function_info() -> Result<()> { let lua = Lua::new(); let globals = lua.globals(); lua.load( r#" function function1() return function() end end "#, ) .set_name("source1") .exec()?; let function1 = globals.get::<_, Function>("function1")?; let function2 =<_, Function>(())?; let function3 = lua.create_function(|_, ()| Ok(()))?; let function1_info =; #[cfg(feature = "luau")] assert_eq!(, Some("function1")); assert_eq!(function1_info.source.as_deref(), Some(b"source1".as_ref())); assert_eq!(function1_info.line_defined, 2); #[cfg(not(feature = "luau"))] assert_eq!(function1_info.last_line_defined, 4); #[cfg(feature = "luau")] assert_eq!(function1_info.last_line_defined, -1); assert_eq!(function1_info.what.as_deref(), Some("Lua")); let function2_info =; assert_eq!(, None); assert_eq!(function2_info.source.as_deref(), Some(b"source1".as_ref())); assert_eq!(function2_info.line_defined, 3); #[cfg(not(feature = "luau"))] assert_eq!(function2_info.last_line_defined, 3); #[cfg(feature = "luau")] assert_eq!(function2_info.last_line_defined, -1); assert_eq!(function2_info.what.as_deref(), Some("Lua")); let function3_info =; assert_eq!(, None); assert_eq!(function3_info.source.as_deref(), Some(b"=[C]".as_ref())); assert_eq!(function3_info.line_defined, -1); assert_eq!(function3_info.last_line_defined, -1); assert_eq!(function3_info.what.as_deref(), Some("C")); let print_info = globals.get::<_, Function>("print")?.info(); #[cfg(feature = "luau")] assert_eq!(, Some("print")); assert_eq!(print_info.source.as_deref(), Some(b"=[C]".as_ref())); assert_eq!(print_info.what.as_deref(), Some("C")); assert_eq!(print_info.line_defined, -1); Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_function_wrap() -> Result<()> { use mlua::Error; let lua = Lua::new(); lua.globals() .set("f", Function::wrap(|_, s: String| Ok(s)))?; lua.load(r#"assert(f("hello") == "hello")"#).exec().unwrap(); let mut _i = false; lua.globals().set( "f", Function::wrap_mut(move |lua, ()| { _i = true; lua.globals().get::<_, Function>("f")?.call::<_, ()>(()) }), )?; match lua.globals().get::<_, Function>("f")?.call::<_, ()>(()) { Err(Error::CallbackError { ref cause, .. }) => match *cause.as_ref() { Error::CallbackError { ref cause, .. } => match *cause.as_ref() { Error::RecursiveMutCallback { .. } => {} ref other => panic!("incorrect result: {other:?}"), }, ref other => panic!("incorrect result: {other:?}"), }, other => panic!("incorrect result: {other:?}"), }; Ok(()) } #[cfg(all(feature = "unstable", not(feature = "send")))] #[test] fn test_owned_function() -> Result<()> { let lua = Lua::new(); let f = lua .create_function(|_, ()| Ok("hello, world!"))? .into_owned(); drop(lua); // We still should be able to call the function despite Lua is dropped let s =<_, String>(())?; assert_eq!(s.to_string_lossy(), "hello, world!"); Ok(()) } #[cfg(all(feature = "unstable", not(feature = "send")))] #[test] fn test_owned_function_drop() -> Result<()> { let rc = std::sync::Arc::new(()); { let lua = Lua::new(); lua.set_app_data(rc.clone()); let f1 = lua .create_function(|_, ()| Ok("hello, world!"))? .into_owned(); let f2 = lua.create_function(move |_, ()| f1.to_ref().call::<_, std::string::String>(()))?; assert_eq!(<_, String>(())?.to_string_lossy(), "hello, world!"); } // Check that Lua is properly destroyed // It works because we collect garbage when Lua goes out of scope assert_eq!(std::sync::Arc::strong_count(&rc), 1); Ok(()) }