use std::panic::catch_unwind; use mlua::{Error, Function, Lua, Result, Thread, ThreadStatus}; #[test] fn test_thread() -> Result<()> { let lua = Lua::new(); let thread = lua.create_thread( lua.load( r#" function (s) local sum = s for i = 1,4 do sum = sum + coroutine.yield(sum) end return sum end "#, ) .eval()?, )?; assert_eq!(thread.status(), ThreadStatus::Resumable); assert_eq!(thread.resume::<_, i64>(0)?, 0); assert_eq!(thread.status(), ThreadStatus::Resumable); assert_eq!(thread.resume::<_, i64>(1)?, 1); assert_eq!(thread.status(), ThreadStatus::Resumable); assert_eq!(thread.resume::<_, i64>(2)?, 3); assert_eq!(thread.status(), ThreadStatus::Resumable); assert_eq!(thread.resume::<_, i64>(3)?, 6); assert_eq!(thread.status(), ThreadStatus::Resumable); assert_eq!(thread.resume::<_, i64>(4)?, 10); assert_eq!(thread.status(), ThreadStatus::Unresumable); let accumulate = lua.create_thread( lua.load( r#" function (sum) while true do sum = sum + coroutine.yield(sum) end end "#, ) .eval::()?, )?; for i in 0..4 { accumulate.resume::<_, ()>(i)?; } assert_eq!(accumulate.resume::<_, i64>(4)?, 10); assert_eq!(accumulate.status(), ThreadStatus::Resumable); assert!(accumulate.resume::<_, ()>("error").is_err()); assert_eq!(accumulate.status(), ThreadStatus::Error); let thread = lua .load( r#" coroutine.create(function () while true do coroutine.yield(42) end end) "#, ) .eval::()?; assert_eq!(thread.status(), ThreadStatus::Resumable); assert_eq!(thread.resume::<_, i64>(())?, 42); let thread: Thread = lua .load( r#" coroutine.create(function(arg) assert(arg == 42) local yieldarg = coroutine.yield(123) assert(yieldarg == 43) return 987 end) "#, ) .eval()?; assert_eq!(thread.resume::<_, u32>(42)?, 123); assert_eq!(thread.resume::<_, u32>(43)?, 987); match thread.resume::<_, u32>(()) { Err(Error::CoroutineInactive) => {} Err(_) => panic!("resuming dead coroutine error is not CoroutineInactive kind"), _ => panic!("resuming dead coroutine did not return error"), } Ok(()) } #[test] #[cfg(any(feature = "lua54", all(feature = "luajit", feature = "vendored")))] fn test_thread_reset() -> Result<()> { use mlua::{AnyUserData, UserData}; use std::sync::Arc; let lua = Lua::new(); struct MyUserData(Arc<()>); impl UserData for MyUserData {} let arc = Arc::new(()); let func: Function = lua.load(r#"function(ud) coroutine.yield(ud) end"#).eval()?; let thread = lua.create_thread(func.clone())?; for _ in 0..2 { assert_eq!(thread.status(), ThreadStatus::Resumable); let _ = thread.resume::<_, AnyUserData>(MyUserData(arc.clone()))?; assert_eq!(thread.status(), ThreadStatus::Resumable); assert_eq!(Arc::strong_count(&arc), 2); thread.resume::<_, ()>(())?; assert_eq!(thread.status(), ThreadStatus::Unresumable); thread.reset(func.clone())?; lua.gc_collect()?; assert_eq!(Arc::strong_count(&arc), 1); } // Check for errors (Lua 5.4 only) #[cfg(feature = "lua54")] { let func: Function = lua.load(r#"function(ud) error("test error") end"#).eval()?; let thread = lua.create_thread(func.clone())?; let _ = thread.resume::<_, AnyUserData>(MyUserData(arc.clone())); assert_eq!(thread.status(), ThreadStatus::Error); assert_eq!(Arc::strong_count(&arc), 2); assert!(thread.reset(func.clone()).is_err()); // Reset behavior has changed in Lua v5.4.4 // It's became possible to force reset thread by popping error object assert!(matches!( thread.status(), ThreadStatus::Unresumable | ThreadStatus::Error )); // Would pass in 5.4.4 // assert!(thread.reset(func.clone()).is_ok()); // assert_eq!(thread.status(), ThreadStatus::Resumable); } Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_coroutine_from_closure() -> Result<()> { let lua = Lua::new(); let thrd_main = lua.create_function(|_, ()| Ok(()))?; lua.globals().set("main", thrd_main)?; #[cfg(any( feature = "lua54", feature = "lua53", feature = "lua52", feature = "luajit" ))] let thrd: Thread = lua.load("coroutine.create(main)").eval()?; #[cfg(feature = "lua51")] let thrd: Thread = lua .load("coroutine.create(function(...) return main(unpack(arg)) end)") .eval()?; thrd.resume::<_, ()>(())?; Ok(()) } #[test] fn test_coroutine_panic() { match catch_unwind(|| -> Result<()> { // check that coroutines propagate panics correctly let lua = Lua::new(); let thrd_main = lua.create_function(|_, ()| -> Result<()> { panic!("test_panic"); })?; lua.globals().set("main", thrd_main.clone())?; let thrd: Thread = lua.create_thread(thrd_main)?; thrd.resume(()) }) { Ok(r) => panic!("coroutine panic not propagated, instead returned {:?}", r), Err(p) => assert!(*p.downcast::<&str>().unwrap() == "test_panic"), } }