use std::fmt; use std::error; use std::panic::catch_unwind; use std::os::raw::c_void; use String as LuaString; use {Lua, Result, ExternalError, LightUserData, UserDataMethods, UserData, Table, Thread, ThreadStatus, Error, Function, Value, Variadic, MetaMethod}; #[test] fn test_load() { let lua = Lua::new(); let func = lua.load("return 1+2", None).unwrap(); let result: i32 =; assert_eq!(result, 3); assert!(lua.load("§$%§&$%&", None).is_err()); } #[test] fn test_exec() { let lua = Lua::new(); let globals = lua.globals(); lua.exec::<()>( r#" res = 'foo'..'bar' "#, None, ).unwrap(); assert_eq!(globals.get::<_, String>("res").unwrap(), "foobar"); let module: Table = lua.exec( r#" local module = {} function module.func() return "hello" end return module "#, None, ).unwrap(); assert!(module.contains_key("func").unwrap()); assert_eq!( module .get::<_, Function>("func") .unwrap() .call::<_, String>(()) .unwrap(), "hello" ); } #[test] fn test_eval() { let lua = Lua::new(); assert_eq!(lua.eval::("1 + 1", None).unwrap(), 2); assert_eq!(lua.eval::("false == false", None).unwrap(), true); assert_eq!(lua.eval::("return 1 + 2", None).unwrap(), 3); match lua.eval::<()>("if true then", None) { Err(Error::SyntaxError { incomplete_input: true, .. }) => {} r => { panic!( "expected SyntaxError with incomplete_input=true, got {:?}", r ) } } } #[test] fn test_function() { let lua = Lua::new(); let globals = lua.globals(); lua.exec::<()>( r#" function concat(arg1, arg2) return arg1 .. arg2 end "#, None, ).unwrap(); let concat = globals.get::<_, Function>("concat").unwrap(); assert_eq!(<_, String>(("foo", "bar")).unwrap(), "foobar"); } #[test] fn test_bind() { let lua = Lua::new(); let globals = lua.globals(); lua.exec::<()>( r#" function concat(...) local res = "" for _, s in pairs({...}) do res = res..s end return res end "#, None, ).unwrap(); let mut concat = globals.get::<_, Function>("concat").unwrap(); concat = concat.bind("foo").unwrap(); concat = concat.bind("bar").unwrap(); concat = concat.bind(("baz", "baf")).unwrap(); assert_eq!(<_, String>(("hi", "wut")).unwrap(), "foobarbazbafhiwut" ); } #[test] fn test_rust_function() { let lua = Lua::new(); let globals = lua.globals(); lua.exec::<()>( r#" function lua_function() return rust_function() end -- Test to make sure chunk return is ignored return 1 "#, None, ).unwrap(); let lua_function = globals.get::<_, Function>("lua_function").unwrap(); let rust_function = lua.create_function(|_, ()| Ok("hello")); globals.set("rust_function", rust_function).unwrap(); assert_eq!(<_, String>(()).unwrap(), "hello"); } #[test] fn test_user_data() { struct UserData1(i64); struct UserData2(Box); impl UserData for UserData1 {}; impl UserData for UserData2 {}; let lua = Lua::new(); let userdata1 = lua.create_userdata(UserData1(1)); let userdata2 = lua.create_userdata(UserData2(Box::new(2))); assert!(; assert!(!; assert!(; assert!(!; assert_eq!(userdata1.borrow::().unwrap().0, 1); assert_eq!(*userdata2.borrow::().unwrap().0, 2); } #[test] fn test_methods() { struct MyUserData(i64); impl UserData for MyUserData { fn add_methods(methods: &mut UserDataMethods) { methods.add_method("get_value", |_, data, ()| Ok(data.0)); methods.add_method_mut("set_value", |_, data, args| { data.0 = args; Ok(()) }); } } let lua = Lua::new(); let globals = lua.globals(); let userdata = lua.create_userdata(MyUserData(42)); globals.set("userdata", userdata.clone()).unwrap(); lua.exec::<()>( r#" function get_it() return userdata:get_value() end function set_it(i) return userdata:set_value(i) end "#, None, ).unwrap(); let get = globals.get::<_, Function>("get_it").unwrap(); let set = globals.get::<_, Function>("set_it").unwrap(); assert_eq!(<_, i64>(()).unwrap(), 42); userdata.borrow_mut::().unwrap().0 = 64; assert_eq!(<_, i64>(()).unwrap(), 64);<_, ()>(100).unwrap(); assert_eq!(<_, i64>(()).unwrap(), 100); } #[test] fn test_metamethods() { #[derive(Copy, Clone)] struct MyUserData(i64); impl UserData for MyUserData { fn add_methods(methods: &mut UserDataMethods) { methods.add_method("get", |_, data, ()| Ok(data.0)); methods.add_meta_function(MetaMethod::Add, |_, (lhs, rhs): (MyUserData, MyUserData)| { Ok(MyUserData(lhs.0 + rhs.0)) }); methods.add_meta_function(MetaMethod::Sub, |_, (lhs, rhs): (MyUserData, MyUserData)| { Ok(MyUserData(lhs.0 - rhs.0)) }); methods.add_meta_method( MetaMethod::Index, |_, data, index: LuaString| if index.to_str()? == "inner" { Ok(data.0) } else { Err("no such custom index".to_lua_err()) }, ); } } let lua = Lua::new(); let globals = lua.globals(); globals.set("userdata1", MyUserData(7)).unwrap(); globals.set("userdata2", MyUserData(3)).unwrap(); assert_eq!( lua.eval::("userdata1 + userdata2", None) .unwrap() .0, 10 ); assert_eq!( lua.eval::("userdata1 - userdata2", None) .unwrap() .0, 4 ); assert_eq!(lua.eval::("userdata1:get()", None).unwrap(), 7); assert_eq!(lua.eval::("userdata2.inner", None).unwrap(), 3); assert!(lua.eval::<()>("userdata2.nonexist_field", None).is_err()); } #[test] fn test_lua_multi() { let lua = Lua::new(); let globals = lua.globals(); lua.exec::<()>( r#" function concat(arg1, arg2) return arg1 .. arg2 end function mreturn() return 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 end "#, None, ).unwrap(); let concat = globals.get::<_, Function>("concat").unwrap(); let mreturn = globals.get::<_, Function>("mreturn").unwrap(); assert_eq!(<_, String>(("foo", "bar")).unwrap(), "foobar"); let (a, b) =<_, (u64, u64)>(()).unwrap(); assert_eq!((a, b), (1, 2)); let (a, b, v) =<_, (u64, u64, Variadic)>(()).unwrap(); assert_eq!((a, b), (1, 2)); assert_eq!(v[..], [3, 4, 5, 6]); } #[test] fn test_coercion() { let lua = Lua::new(); let globals = lua.globals(); lua.exec::<()>( r#" int = 123 str = "123" num = 123.0 "#, None, ).unwrap(); assert_eq!(globals.get::<_, String>("int").unwrap(), "123"); assert_eq!(globals.get::<_, i32>("str").unwrap(), 123); assert_eq!(globals.get::<_, i32>("num").unwrap(), 123); } #[test] fn test_error() { #[derive(Debug)] pub struct TestError; impl fmt::Display for TestError { fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { write!(fmt, "test error") } } impl error::Error for TestError { fn description(&self) -> &str { "test error" } fn cause(&self) -> Option<&error::Error> { None } } let lua = Lua::new(); let globals = lua.globals(); lua.exec::<()>( r#" function no_error() end function lua_error() error("this is a lua error") end function rust_error() rust_error_function() end function return_error() local status, res = pcall(rust_error_function) assert(not status) return res end function return_string_error() return "this should be converted to an error" end function test_pcall() local testvar = 0 pcall(function(arg) testvar = testvar + arg error("should be ignored") end, 3) local function handler(err) testvar = testvar + err return "should be ignored" end local status, res = xpcall(function() error(5) end, handler) assert(not status) if testvar ~= 8 then error("testvar had the wrong value, pcall / xpcall misbehaving "..testvar) end end function understand_recursion() understand_recursion() end "#, None, ).unwrap(); let rust_error_function = lua.create_function(|_, ()| -> Result<()> { Err(TestError.to_lua_err()) }); globals .set("rust_error_function", rust_error_function) .unwrap(); let no_error = globals.get::<_, Function>("no_error").unwrap(); let lua_error = globals.get::<_, Function>("lua_error").unwrap(); let rust_error = globals.get::<_, Function>("rust_error").unwrap(); let return_error = globals.get::<_, Function>("return_error").unwrap(); let return_string_error = globals.get::<_, Function>("return_string_error").unwrap(); let test_pcall = globals.get::<_, Function>("test_pcall").unwrap(); let understand_recursion = globals.get::<_, Function>("understand_recursion").unwrap(); assert!(<_, ()>(()).is_ok()); match<_, ()>(()) { Err(Error::RuntimeError(_)) => {} Err(_) => panic!("error is not RuntimeError kind"), _ => panic!("error not returned"), } match<_, ()>(()) { Err(Error::CallbackError { .. }) => {} Err(_) => panic!("error is not CallbackError kind"), _ => panic!("error not returned"), } match<_, Value>(()) { Ok(Value::Error(_)) => {} _ => panic!("Value::Error not returned"), } assert!(<_, Error>(()).is_ok()); match lua.eval::<()>("if youre happy and you know it syntax error", None) { Err(Error::SyntaxError { incomplete_input: false, .. }) => {} Err(_) => panic!("error is not LuaSyntaxError::Syntax kind"), _ => panic!("error not returned"), } match lua.eval::<()>("function i_will_finish_what_i()", None) { Err(Error::SyntaxError { incomplete_input: true, .. }) => {} Err(_) => panic!("error is not LuaSyntaxError::IncompleteStatement kind"), _ => panic!("error not returned"), }<_, ()>(()).unwrap(); assert!(<_, ()>(()).is_err()); match catch_unwind(|| -> Result<()> { let lua = Lua::new(); let globals = lua.globals(); lua.exec::<()>( r#" function rust_panic() pcall(function () rust_panic_function() end) end "#, None, )?; let rust_panic_function = lua.create_function(|_, ()| -> Result<()> { panic!("expected panic, this panic should be caught in rust") }); globals.set("rust_panic_function", rust_panic_function)?; let rust_panic = globals.get::<_, Function>("rust_panic")?;<_, ()>(()) }) { Ok(Ok(_)) => panic!("no panic was detected, pcall caught it!"), Ok(Err(e)) => panic!("error during panic test {:?}", e), Err(_) => {} }; match catch_unwind(|| -> Result<()> { let lua = Lua::new(); let globals = lua.globals(); lua.exec::<()>( r#" function rust_panic() xpcall(function() rust_panic_function() end, function() end) end "#, None, )?; let rust_panic_function = lua.create_function(|_, ()| -> Result<()> { panic!("expected panic, this panic should be caught in rust") }); globals.set("rust_panic_function", rust_panic_function)?; let rust_panic = globals.get::<_, Function>("rust_panic")?;<_, ()>(()) }) { Ok(Ok(_)) => panic!("no panic was detected, xpcall caught it!"), Ok(Err(e)) => panic!("error during panic test {:?}", e), Err(_) => {} }; } #[test] fn test_thread() { let lua = Lua::new(); let thread = lua.create_thread( lua.eval::( r#" function (s) local sum = s for i = 1,4 do sum = sum + coroutine.yield(sum) end return sum end "#, None, ).unwrap(), ); assert_eq!(thread.status(), ThreadStatus::Resumable); assert_eq!(thread.resume::<_, i64>(0).unwrap(), 0); assert_eq!(thread.status(), ThreadStatus::Resumable); assert_eq!(thread.resume::<_, i64>(1).unwrap(), 1); assert_eq!(thread.status(), ThreadStatus::Resumable); assert_eq!(thread.resume::<_, i64>(2).unwrap(), 3); assert_eq!(thread.status(), ThreadStatus::Resumable); assert_eq!(thread.resume::<_, i64>(3).unwrap(), 6); assert_eq!(thread.status(), ThreadStatus::Resumable); assert_eq!(thread.resume::<_, i64>(4).unwrap(), 10); assert_eq!(thread.status(), ThreadStatus::Unresumable); let accumulate = lua.create_thread( lua.eval::( r#" function (sum) while true do sum = sum + coroutine.yield(sum) end end "#, None, ).unwrap(), ); for i in 0..4 { accumulate.resume::<_, ()>(i).unwrap(); } assert_eq!(accumulate.resume::<_, i64>(4).unwrap(), 10); assert_eq!(accumulate.status(), ThreadStatus::Resumable); assert!(accumulate.resume::<_, ()>("error").is_err()); assert_eq!(accumulate.status(), ThreadStatus::Error); let thread = lua.eval::( r#" coroutine.create(function () while true do coroutine.yield(42) end end) "#, None, ).unwrap(); assert_eq!(thread.status(), ThreadStatus::Resumable); assert_eq!(thread.resume::<_, i64>(()).unwrap(), 42); let thread: Thread = lua.eval( r#" coroutine.create(function(arg) assert(arg == 42) local yieldarg = coroutine.yield(123) assert(yieldarg == 43) return 987 end) "#, None, ).unwrap(); assert_eq!(thread.resume::<_, u32>(42).unwrap(), 123); assert_eq!(thread.resume::<_, u32>(43).unwrap(), 987); match thread.resume::<_, u32>(()) { Err(Error::CoroutineInactive) => {} Err(_) => panic!("resuming dead coroutine error is not CoroutineInactive kind"), _ => panic!("resuming dead coroutine did not return error"), } } #[test] fn test_lightuserdata() { let lua = Lua::new(); let globals = lua.globals(); lua.exec::<()>( r#" function id(a) return a end "#, None, ).unwrap(); let res = globals .get::<_, Function>("id") .unwrap() .call::<_, LightUserData>(LightUserData(42 as *mut c_void)) .unwrap(); assert_eq!(res, LightUserData(42 as *mut c_void)); } #[test] fn test_result_conversions() { let lua = Lua::new(); let globals = lua.globals(); let err = lua.create_function(|_, ()| { Ok(Err::( "only through failure can we succeed".to_lua_err(), )) }); let ok = lua.create_function(|_, ()| Ok(Ok::<_, Error>("!".to_owned()))); globals.set("err", err).unwrap(); globals.set("ok", ok).unwrap(); lua.exec::<()>( r#" local r, e = err() assert(r == nil) assert(tostring(e) == "only through failure can we succeed") local r, e = ok() assert(r == "!") assert(e == nil) "#, None, ).unwrap(); } #[test] fn test_num_conversion() { let lua = Lua::new(); let globals = lua.globals(); globals.set("n", "1.0").unwrap(); assert_eq!(globals.get::<_, i64>("n").unwrap(), 1); assert_eq!(globals.get::<_, f64>("n").unwrap(), 1.0); assert_eq!(globals.get::<_, String>("n").unwrap(), "1.0"); globals.set("n", "1.5").unwrap(); assert!(globals.get::<_, i64>("n").is_err()); assert_eq!(globals.get::<_, f64>("n").unwrap(), 1.5); assert_eq!(globals.get::<_, String>("n").unwrap(), "1.5"); globals.set("n", 1.5).unwrap(); assert!(globals.get::<_, i64>("n").is_err()); assert_eq!(globals.get::<_, f64>("n").unwrap(), 1.5); assert_eq!(globals.get::<_, String>("n").unwrap(), "1.5"); lua.exec::<()>("a = math.huge", None).unwrap(); assert!(globals.get::<_, i64>("n").is_err()); } #[test] #[should_panic] fn test_expired_userdata() { struct MyUserdata { id: u8, } impl UserData for MyUserdata { fn add_methods(methods: &mut UserDataMethods) { methods.add_method("access", |_, this, ()| { assert!( == 123); Ok(()) }); } } let lua = Lua::new(); { let globals = lua.globals(); globals.set("userdata", MyUserdata { id: 123 }).unwrap(); } lua.eval::<()>( r#" local tbl = setmetatable({ userdata = userdata }, { __gc = function(self) -- resurrect userdata hatch = self.userdata end }) tbl = nil userdata = nil -- make table and userdata collectable collectgarbage("collect") hatch:access() "#, None, ).unwrap(); } #[test] fn detroys_userdata() { use std::sync::atomic::{Ordering, AtomicBool, ATOMIC_BOOL_INIT}; static DROPPED: AtomicBool = ATOMIC_BOOL_INIT; struct MyUserdata; impl UserData for MyUserdata {} impl Drop for MyUserdata { fn drop(&mut self) {, Ordering::SeqCst); } } let lua = Lua::new(); { let globals = lua.globals(); globals.set("userdata", MyUserdata).unwrap(); } assert_eq!(DROPPED.load(Ordering::SeqCst), false); drop(lua); // should destroy all objects assert_eq!(DROPPED.load(Ordering::SeqCst), true); } #[test] fn coroutine_from_closure() { let lua = Lua::new(); let thrd_main = lua.create_function(|_, ()| Ok(())); lua.globals().set("main", thrd_main).unwrap(); let thrd: Thread = lua.eval("coroutine.create(main)", None).unwrap(); thrd.resume::<_, ()>(()).unwrap(); } #[test] #[should_panic] fn coroutine_panic() { let lua = Lua::new(); let thrd_main = lua.create_function(|lua, ()| { // whoops, 'main' has a wrong type let _coro: u32 = lua.globals().get("main").unwrap(); Ok(()) }); lua.globals().set("main", thrd_main.clone()).unwrap(); let thrd: Thread = lua.create_thread(thrd_main); thrd.resume::<_, ()>(()).unwrap(); } #[test] fn test_pcall_xpcall() { let lua = Lua::new(); // make sure that we handle not enough arguments assert!(lua.exec::<()>("pcall()", None).is_err()); assert!(lua.exec::<()>("xpcall()", None).is_err()); assert!(lua.exec::<()>("xpcall(function() end)", None).is_err()); lua.exec::<()>( r#" pcall_error = nil _, pcall_error = pcall(error, "testerror") xpcall_error = nil xpcall(error, function(err) xpcall_error = err end, "testerror") function xpcall_recursion() xpcall(error, function(err) error(err) end, "testerror") end "#, None, ).unwrap(); let globals = lua.globals(); assert_eq!( globals.get::<_, String>("pcall_error").unwrap(), "testerror" ); assert_eq!( globals.get::<_, String>("xpcall_error").unwrap(), "testerror" ); // Make sure that weird xpcall error recursion at least doesn't cause unsafety or panics. let _ = globals .get::<_, Function>("xpcall_recursion") .unwrap() .call::<_, ()>(()); } // Need to use compiletest-rs or similar to make sure these don't compile. /* #[test] fn should_not_compile() { let lua = Lua::new(); let globals = lua.globals(); // Should not allow userdata borrow to outlive lifetime of AnyUserData handle struct MyUserData; impl UserData for MyUserData {}; let userdata_ref; { let touter = globals.get::<_, Table>("touter").unwrap(); touter.set("userdata", lua.create_userdata(MyUserData)).unwrap(); let userdata = touter.get::<_, AnyUserData>("userdata").unwrap(); userdata_ref = userdata.borrow::(); } // Should not allow self borrow of lua, it can change addresses globals.set("boom", lua.create_function(|_, _| { lua.eval::("1 + 1", None) })).unwrap(); } */