#![cfg(feature = "async")] use std::cell::Cell; use std::rc::Rc; use std::sync::{ atomic::{AtomicI64, Ordering}, Arc, }; use std::time::Duration; use futures_timer::Delay; use futures_util::stream::TryStreamExt; use mlua::{Error, Function, Lua, Result, Table, TableExt, UserData, UserDataMethods}; #[tokio::test] async fn test_async_function() -> Result<()> { let lua = Lua::new(); let f = lua .create_async_function(|_lua, (a, b, c): (i64, i64, i64)| async move { Ok((a + b) * c) })?; lua.globals().set("f", f)?; let res: i64 = lua.load("f(1, 2, 3)").eval_async().await?; assert_eq!(res, 9); Ok(()) } #[tokio::test] async fn test_async_sleep() -> Result<()> { let lua = Lua::new(); let sleep = lua.create_async_function(move |_lua, n: u64| async move { Delay::new(Duration::from_millis(n)).await; Ok(format!("elapsed:{}ms", n)) })?; lua.globals().set("sleep", sleep)?; let res: String = lua.load(r"return sleep(...)").call_async(100).await?; assert_eq!(res, "elapsed:100ms"); Ok(()) } #[tokio::test] async fn test_async_call() -> Result<()> { let lua = Lua::new(); let hello = lua.create_async_function(|_lua, name: String| async move { Delay::new(Duration::from_millis(10)).await; Ok(format!("hello, {}!", name)) })?; match hello.call::<_, ()>("alex") { Err(Error::RuntimeError(_)) => {} _ => panic!( "non-async executing async function must fail on the yield stage with RuntimeError" ), }; assert_eq!(hello.call_async::<_, String>("alex").await?, "hello, alex!"); // Executing non-async functions using async call is allowed let sum = lua.create_function(|_lua, (a, b): (i64, i64)| return Ok(a + b))?; assert_eq!(sum.call_async::<_, i64>((5, 1)).await?, 6); Ok(()) } #[tokio::test] async fn test_async_bind_call() -> Result<()> { let lua = Lua::new(); let sum = lua.create_async_function(|_lua, (a, b): (i64, i64)| async move { Ok(a + b) })?; let plus_10 = sum.bind(10)?; lua.globals().set("plus_10", plus_10)?; assert_eq!(lua.load("plus_10(-1)").eval_async::().await?, 9); assert_eq!(lua.load("plus_10(1)").eval_async::().await?, 11); Ok(()) } #[tokio::test] async fn test_async_handle_yield() -> Result<()> { let lua = Lua::new(); let sum = lua.create_async_function(|_lua, (a, b): (i64, i64)| async move { Delay::new(Duration::from_millis(10)).await; Ok(a + b) })?; lua.globals().set("sleep_sum", sum)?; let res: String = lua .load( r#" sum = sleep_sum(6, 7) assert(sum == 13) coroutine.yield("in progress") return "done" "#, ) .call_async(()) .await?; assert_eq!(res, "done"); let min = lua .load( r#" function (a, b) coroutine.yield("ignore me") if a < b then return a else return b end end "#, ) .eval::()?; assert_eq!(min.call_async::<_, i64>((-1, 1)).await?, -1); Ok(()) } #[tokio::test] async fn test_async_return_async_closure() -> Result<()> { let lua = Lua::new(); let f = lua.create_async_function(|lua, a: i64| async move { Delay::new(Duration::from_millis(10)).await; let g = lua.create_async_function(move |_, b: i64| async move { Delay::new(Duration::from_millis(10)).await; return Ok(a + b); })?; Ok(g) })?; lua.globals().set("f", f)?; let res: i64 = lua .load("local g = f(1); return g(2) + g(3)") .call_async(()) .await?; assert_eq!(res, 7); Ok(()) } #[tokio::test] async fn test_async_thread_stream() -> Result<()> { let lua = Lua::new(); let thread = lua.create_thread( lua.load( r#" function (sum) for i = 1,10 do sum = sum + i coroutine.yield(sum) end return sum end "#, ) .eval()?, )?; let mut stream = thread.into_async::<_, i64>(1); let mut sum = 0; while let Some(n) = stream.try_next().await? { sum += n; } assert_eq!(sum, 286); Ok(()) } #[tokio::test] async fn test_async_thread() -> Result<()> { let lua = Lua::new(); let cnt = Arc::new(10); // sleep 10ms let cnt2 = cnt.clone(); let f = lua.create_async_function(move |_lua, ()| { let cnt3 = cnt2.clone(); async move { Delay::new(Duration::from_millis(*cnt3.as_ref())).await; Ok("done") } })?; let res: String = lua.create_thread(f)?.into_async(()).await?; assert_eq!(res, "done"); assert_eq!(Arc::strong_count(&cnt), 2); lua.gc_collect()?; // thread_s is non-resumable and subject to garbage collection assert_eq!(Arc::strong_count(&cnt), 1); Ok(()) } #[tokio::test] async fn test_async_table() -> Result<()> { let lua = Lua::new(); let table = lua.create_table()?; table.set("val", 10)?; let get_value = lua.create_async_function(|_, table: Table| async move { Delay::new(Duration::from_millis(10)).await; table.get::<_, i64>("val") })?; table.set("get_value", get_value)?; let set_value = lua.create_async_function(|_, (table, n): (Table, i64)| async move { Delay::new(Duration::from_millis(10)).await; table.set("val", n) })?; table.set("set_value", set_value)?; let sleep = lua.create_async_function(|_, n| async move { Delay::new(Duration::from_millis(n)).await; Ok(format!("elapsed:{}ms", n)) })?; table.set("sleep", sleep)?; assert_eq!( table .call_async_method::<_, _, i64>("get_value", ()) .await?, 10 ); table.call_async_method("set_value", 15).await?; assert_eq!( table .call_async_method::<_, _, i64>("get_value", ()) .await?, 15 ); assert_eq!( table .call_async_function::<_, _, String>("sleep", 7) .await?, "elapsed:7ms" ); Ok(()) } #[tokio::test] async fn test_async_userdata() -> Result<()> { #[derive(Clone)] struct MyUserData(Arc); impl UserData for MyUserData { fn add_methods<'lua, M: UserDataMethods<'lua, Self>>(methods: &mut M) { methods.add_async_method("get_value", |_, data, ()| async move { Delay::new(Duration::from_millis(10)).await; Ok(data.0.load(Ordering::Relaxed)) }); methods.add_async_method("set_value", |_, data, n| async move { Delay::new(Duration::from_millis(10)).await; data.0.store(n, Ordering::Relaxed); Ok(()) }); methods.add_async_function("sleep", |_, n| async move { Delay::new(Duration::from_millis(n)).await; Ok(format!("elapsed:{}ms", n)) }); } } let lua = Lua::new(); let globals = lua.globals(); let userdata = lua.create_userdata(MyUserData(Arc::new(AtomicI64::new(11))))?; globals.set("userdata", userdata.clone())?; lua.load( r#" assert(userdata:get_value() == 11) userdata:set_value(12) assert(userdata.sleep(5) == "elapsed:5ms") assert(userdata:get_value() == 12) "#, ) .exec_async() .await?; Ok(()) } #[tokio::test] async fn test_async_scope() -> Result<()> { let ref lua = Lua::new(); let ref rc = Rc::new(Cell::new(0)); let fut = lua.async_scope(|scope| async move { let f = scope.create_async_function(move |_, n: u64| { let rc2 = rc.clone(); async move { rc2.set(42); Delay::new(Duration::from_millis(n)).await; assert_eq!(Rc::strong_count(&rc2), 2); Ok(()) } })?; lua.globals().set("f", f.clone())?; assert_eq!(Rc::strong_count(rc), 1); let _ = f.call_async::(10).await?; assert_eq!(Rc::strong_count(rc), 1); Ok(()) }); assert_eq!(Rc::strong_count(rc), 1); let _ = fut.await?; match lua .globals() .get::<_, Function>("f")? .call_async::<_, ()>(10) .await { Err(Error::CallbackError { ref cause, .. }) => match cause.as_ref() { Error::CallbackDestructed => {} e => panic!("expected `CallbackDestructed` error cause, got {:?}", e), }, r => panic!("improper return for destructed function: {:?}", r), }; Ok(()) } #[tokio::test] async fn test_async_scope_userdata() -> Result<()> { #[derive(Clone)] struct MyUserData(Arc); impl UserData for MyUserData { fn add_methods<'lua, M: UserDataMethods<'lua, Self>>(methods: &mut M) { methods.add_async_method("get_value", |_, data, ()| async move { Delay::new(Duration::from_millis(10)).await; Ok(data.0.load(Ordering::Relaxed)) }); methods.add_async_method("set_value", |_, data, n| async move { Delay::new(Duration::from_millis(10)).await; data.0.store(n, Ordering::Relaxed); Ok(()) }); methods.add_async_function("sleep", |_, n| async move { Delay::new(Duration::from_millis(n)).await; Ok(format!("elapsed:{}ms", n)) }); } } let ref lua = Lua::new(); let ref arc = Arc::new(AtomicI64::new(11)); lua.async_scope(|scope| async move { let ud = scope.create_userdata(MyUserData(arc.clone()))?; lua.globals().set("userdata", ud)?; lua.load( r#" assert(userdata:get_value() == 11) userdata:set_value(12) assert(userdata.sleep(5) == "elapsed:5ms") assert(userdata:get_value() == 12) "#, ) .exec_async() .await }) .await?; assert_eq!(Arc::strong_count(arc), 1); match lua.load("userdata:get_value()").exec_async().await { Err(Error::CallbackError { ref cause, .. }) => match cause.as_ref() { Error::CallbackDestructed => {} e => panic!("expected `CallbackDestructed` error cause, got {:?}", e), }, r => panic!("improper return for destructed userdata: {:?}", r), }; Ok(()) }