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//! # High-level bindings to Lua
//! The `mlua` crate provides safe high-level bindings to the [Lua programming language].
//! # The `Lua` object
//! The main type exported by this library is the [`Lua`] struct. In addition to methods for
//! [executing] Lua chunks or [evaluating] Lua expressions, it provides methods for creating Lua
//! values and accessing the table of [globals].
//! # Converting data
//! The [`ToLua`] and [`FromLua`] traits allow conversion from Rust types to Lua values and vice
//! versa. They are implemented for many data structures found in Rust's standard library.
//! For more general conversions, the [`ToLuaMulti`] and [`FromLuaMulti`] traits allow converting
//! between Rust types and *any number* of Lua values.
//! Most code in `mlua` is generic over implementors of those traits, so in most places the normal
//! Rust data structures are accepted without having to write any boilerplate.
//! # Custom Userdata
//! The [`UserData`] trait can be implemented by user-defined types to make them available to Lua.
//! Methods and operators to be used from Lua can be added using the [`UserDataMethods`] API.
//! # Serde support
//! The [`LuaSerdeExt`] trait implemented for [`Lua`] allows conversion from Rust types to Lua values
//! and vice versa using serde. Any user defined data type that implements [`serde::Serialize`] or
//! [`serde::Deserialize`] can be converted.
//! For convenience, additional functionality to handle `NULL` values and arrays is provided.
//! The [`Value`] enum implements [`serde::Serialize`] trait to support serializing Lua values
//! (including [`UserData`]) into Rust values.
//! Requires `feature = "serialize"`.
//! # Async/await support
//! The [`create_async_function`] allows creating non-blocking functions that returns [`Future`].
//! Lua code with async capabilities can be executed by [`call_async`] family of functions or polling
//! [`AsyncThread`] using any runtime (eg. Tokio).
//! Requires `feature = "async"`.
//! # `Send` requirement
//! By default `mlua` is `!Send`. This can be changed by enabling `feature = "send"` that adds `Send` requirement
//! to [`Function`]s and [`UserData`].
//! [Lua programming language]:
//! [`Lua`]: struct.Lua.html
//! [executing]: struct.Lua.html#method.exec
//! [evaluating]: struct.Lua.html#method.eval
//! [globals]: struct.Lua.html#method.globals
//! [`ToLua`]: trait.ToLua.html
//! [`FromLua`]: trait.FromLua.html
//! [`ToLuaMulti`]: trait.ToLuaMulti.html
//! [`FromLuaMulti`]: trait.FromLuaMulti.html
//! [`Function`]: struct.Function.html
//! [`UserData`]: trait.UserData.html
//! [`UserDataMethods`]: trait.UserDataMethods.html
//! [`LuaSerdeExt`]: serde/trait.LuaSerdeExt.html
//! [`Value`]: enum.Value.html
//! [`create_async_function`]: struct.Lua.html#method.create_async_function
//! [`call_async`]: struct.Function.html#method.call_async
//! [`AsyncThread`]: struct.AsyncThread.html
//! [`Future`]: ../futures_core/future/trait.Future.html
//! [`serde::Serialize`]:
//! [`serde::Deserialize`]:
// mlua types in rustdoc of other crates get linked to here.
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// Deny warnings inside doc tests / examples. When this isn't present, rustdoc doesn't show *any*
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mod macros;
mod conversion;
mod error;
mod ffi;
mod function;
mod hook;
mod lua;
mod multi;
mod scope;
mod stdlib;
mod string;
mod table;
mod thread;
mod types;
mod userdata;
mod util;
mod value;
pub use crate::ffi::lua_State;
pub use crate::error::{Error, ExternalError, ExternalResult, Result};
pub use crate::function::Function;
pub use crate::hook::{Debug, DebugNames, DebugSource, DebugStack, HookTriggers};
pub use crate::lua::{Chunk, ChunkMode, GCMode, Lua};
pub use crate::multi::Variadic;
pub use crate::scope::Scope;
pub use crate::stdlib::StdLib;
pub use crate::string::String;
pub use crate::table::{Table, TableExt, TablePairs, TableSequence};
pub use crate::thread::{Thread, ThreadStatus};
pub use crate::types::{Integer, LightUserData, Number, RegistryKey};
pub use crate::userdata::{AnyUserData, MetaMethod, UserData, UserDataMethods};
pub use crate::value::{FromLua, FromLuaMulti, MultiValue, Nil, ToLua, ToLuaMulti, Value};
#[cfg(feature = "async")]
pub use crate::thread::AsyncThread;
#[cfg(feature = "serialize")]
pub use crate::serde::LuaSerdeExt;
pub mod prelude;
#[cfg(feature = "serialize")]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "serialize")))]
pub mod serde;
// Re-export #[mlua_derive::lua_module].
#[cfg(feature = "mlua_derive")]
extern crate mlua_derive;
#[cfg(feature = "mlua_derive")]
pub use mlua_derive::*;