
175 lines
5.5 KiB

extern crate hlist_macro;
extern crate rlua;
use std::f32;
use rlua::*;
fn examples() -> LuaResult<()> {
// Create a Lua context with Lua::new(). Eventually, this will allow
// further control on the lua std library, and will specifically allow
// limiting Lua to a subset of "safe" functionality.
let lua = Lua::new();
// You can get and set global variables. Notice that the globals table here
// is a permanent reference to _G, and it is mutated behind the scenes as
// lua code is loaded. This API is based heavily around internal mutation
// (just like lua itself).
let globals = lua.globals();
globals.set("string_var", "hello")?;
globals.set("int_var", 42)?;
assert_eq!(globals.get::<_, String>("string_var")?, "hello");
assert_eq!(globals.get::<_, i64>("int_var")?, 42);
// You can load and evaluate lua code. The second parameter here gives the
// chunk a better name when lua error messages are printed.
global = 'foo'..'bar'
Some("example code"),
assert_eq!(globals.get::<_, String>("global")?, "foobar");
assert_eq!(lua.eval::<i32>("1 + 1", None)?, 2);
assert_eq!(lua.eval::<bool>("false == false", None)?, true);
assert_eq!(lua.eval::<i32>("return 1 + 2", None)?, 3);
// You can create and manage lua tables
let array_table = lua.create_table();
array_table.set(1, "one")?;
array_table.set(2, "two")?;
array_table.set(3, "three")?;
assert_eq!(array_table.len()?, 3);
let map_table = lua.create_table();
map_table.set("one", 1)?;
map_table.set("two", 2)?;
map_table.set("three", 3)?;
let v: i64 = map_table.get("two")?;
assert_eq!(v, 2);
// You can pass values like LuaTable back into Lua
globals.set("array_table", array_table)?;
globals.set("map_table", map_table)?;
for k, v in pairs(array_table) do
print(k, v)
for k, v in pairs(map_table) do
print(k, v)
// You can load lua functions
let print: LuaFunction = globals.get("print")?;<_, ()>("hello from rust")?;
// This API handles variadics using Heterogeneous Lists. This is one way to
// call a function with multiple parameters:<_, ()>(
hlist!["hello", "again", "from", "rust"],
// You can bind rust functions to lua as well
let check_equal = lua.create_function(|lua, args| {
// Functions wrapped in lua receive their arguments packed together as
// LuaMultiValue. The first thing that most wrapped functions will do
// is "unpack" this LuaMultiValue into its parts. Due to lifetime type
// signature limitations, this cannot be done automatically from the
// function signature, but this will be fixed with ATCs. Notice the use
// of the hlist macros again.
let hlist_pat![list1, list2] = lua.unpack::<HList![Vec<String>, Vec<String>]>(args)?;
// This function just checks whether two string lists are equal, and in
// an inefficient way. Results are returned with lua.pack, which takes
// any number of values and turns them back into LuaMultiValue. In this
// way, multiple values can also be returned to Lua. Again, this cannot
// be inferred as part of the function signature due to the same
// lifetime type signature limitations.
lua.pack(list1 == list2)
globals.set("check_equal", check_equal)?;
// You can also accept variadic arguments to rust callbacks.
let join = lua.create_function(|lua, args| {
let strings = lua.unpack::<LuaVariadic<String>>(args)?.0;
// (This is quadratic!, it's just an example!)
lua.pack(strings.iter().fold("".to_owned(), |a, b| a + b))
globals.set("join", join)?;
r#"check_equal({"a", "b", "c"}, {"a", "b", "c"})"#,
r#"check_equal({"a", "b", "c"}, {"d", "e", "f"})"#,
assert_eq!(lua.eval::<String>(r#"join("a", "b", "c")"#, None)?, "abc");
// You can create userdata with methods and metamethods defined on them.
// Here's a worked example that shows many of the features of this API
// together
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
struct Vec2(f32, f32);
impl LuaUserDataType for Vec2 {
fn add_methods(methods: &mut LuaUserDataMethods<Self>) {
methods.add_method("magnitude", |lua, vec, _| {
let mag_squared = vec.0 * vec.0 + vec.1 * vec.1;
methods.add_meta_function(LuaMetaMethod::Add, |lua, params| {
let hlist_pat![vec1, vec2] = lua.unpack::<HList![Vec2, Vec2]>(params)?;
lua.pack(Vec2(vec1.0 + vec2.0, vec1.1 + vec2.1))
let vec2_constructor = lua.create_function(|lua, args| {
let hlist_pat![x, y] = lua.unpack::<HList![f32, f32]>(args)?;
lua.pack(Vec2(x, y))
globals.set("vec2", vec2_constructor)?;
"(vec2(1, 2) + vec2(2, 2)):magnitude()",
)? - 5.0 < f32::EPSILON
fn main() {