
504 lines
17 KiB

use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::iter::{self, FromIterator};
use std::ops::Index;
use std::os::raw::c_void;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::{fmt, ptr, slice, str, vec};
#[cfg(feature = "serialize")]
use {
serde::ser::{self, Serialize, Serializer},
std::result::Result as StdResult,
use crate::error::{Error, Result};
use crate::ffi;
use crate::function::Function;
use crate::lua::Lua;
use crate::string::String;
use crate::table::Table;
use crate::thread::Thread;
use crate::types::{Integer, LightUserData, Number};
use crate::userdata::AnyUserData;
/// A dynamically typed Lua value. The `String`, `Table`, `Function`, `Thread`, and `UserData`
/// variants contain handle types into the internal Lua state. It is a logic error to mix handle
/// types between separate `Lua` instances, and doing so will result in a panic.
pub enum Value<'lua> {
/// The Lua value `nil`.
/// The Lua value `true` or `false`.
/// A "light userdata" object, equivalent to a raw pointer.
/// An integer number.
/// Any Lua number convertible to a `Integer` will be represented as this variant.
/// A floating point number.
/// A Luau vector.
#[cfg(any(feature = "luau", doc))]
#[cfg_attr(docsrs, doc(cfg(feature = "luau")))]
Vector(f32, f32, f32),
/// An interned string, managed by Lua.
/// Unlike Rust strings, Lua strings may not be valid UTF-8.
/// Reference to a Lua table.
/// Reference to a Lua function (or closure).
/// Reference to a Lua thread (or coroutine).
/// Reference to a userdata object that holds a custom type which implements `UserData`.
/// Special builtin userdata types will be represented as other `Value` variants.
/// `Error` is a special builtin userdata type. When received from Lua it is implicitly cloned.
pub use self::Value::Nil;
impl<'lua> Value<'lua> {
pub const fn type_name(&self) -> &'static str {
match *self {
Value::Nil => "nil",
Value::Boolean(_) => "boolean",
Value::LightUserData(_) => "lightuserdata",
Value::Integer(_) => "integer",
Value::Number(_) => "number",
#[cfg(feature = "luau")]
Value::Vector(_, _, _) => "vector",
Value::String(_) => "string",
Value::Table(_) => "table",
Value::Function(_) => "function",
Value::Thread(_) => "thread",
Value::UserData(_) => "userdata",
Value::Error(_) => "error",
/// Compares two values for equality.
/// Equality comparisons do not convert strings to numbers or vice versa.
/// Tables, Functions, Threads, and Userdata are compared by reference:
/// two objects are considered equal only if they are the same object.
/// If Tables or Userdata have `__eq` metamethod then mlua will try to invoke it.
/// The first value is checked first. If that value does not define a metamethod
/// for `__eq`, then mlua will check the second value.
/// Then mlua calls the metamethod with the two values as arguments, if found.
pub fn equals<T: AsRef<Self>>(&self, other: T) -> Result<bool> {
match (self, other.as_ref()) {
(Value::Table(a), Value::Table(b)) => a.equals(b),
(Value::UserData(a), Value::UserData(b)) => a.equals(b),
(a, b) => Ok(a == b),
/// Converts the value to a generic C pointer.
/// The value can be a userdata, a table, a thread, a string, or a function; otherwise it returns NULL.
/// Different objects will give different pointers.
/// There is no way to convert the pointer back to its original value.
/// Typically this function is used only for hashing and debug information.
pub fn to_pointer(&self) -> *const c_void {
unsafe {
match self {
Value::LightUserData(ud) => ud.0,
Value::Table(t) => t.to_pointer(),
Value::String(s) => s.to_pointer(),
| Value::Thread(Thread(r))
| Value::UserData(AnyUserData(r)) => {
ffi::lua_topointer(r.lua.ref_thread(), r.index)
_ => ptr::null(),
// Compares two values.
// Used to sort values for Debug printing.
pub(crate) fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering {
fn cmp_num(a: Number, b: Number) -> Ordering {
match (a, b) {
_ if a < b => Ordering::Less,
_ if a > b => Ordering::Greater,
_ => Ordering::Equal,
match (self, other) {
// Nil
(Value::Nil, Value::Nil) => Ordering::Equal,
(Value::Nil, _) => Ordering::Less,
(_, Value::Nil) => Ordering::Greater,
// Null (a special case)
(Value::LightUserData(ud1), Value::LightUserData(ud2)) if ud1 == ud2 => Ordering::Equal,
(Value::LightUserData(ud1), _) if ud1.0.is_null() => Ordering::Less,
(_, Value::LightUserData(ud2)) if ud2.0.is_null() => Ordering::Greater,
// Boolean
(Value::Boolean(a), Value::Boolean(b)) => a.cmp(b),
(Value::Boolean(_), _) => Ordering::Less,
(_, Value::Boolean(_)) => Ordering::Greater,
// Integer && Number
(Value::Integer(a), Value::Integer(b)) => a.cmp(b),
(&Value::Integer(a), &Value::Number(b)) => cmp_num(a as Number, b),
(&Value::Number(a), &Value::Integer(b)) => cmp_num(a, b as Number),
(&Value::Number(a), &Value::Number(b)) => cmp_num(a, b),
(Value::Integer(_) | Value::Number(_), _) => Ordering::Less,
(_, Value::Integer(_) | Value::Number(_)) => Ordering::Greater,
// String
(Value::String(a), Value::String(b)) => a.as_bytes().cmp(b.as_bytes()),
(Value::String(_), _) => Ordering::Less,
(_, Value::String(_)) => Ordering::Greater,
// Other variants can be randomly ordered
(a, b) => a.to_pointer().cmp(&b.to_pointer()),
pub(crate) fn fmt_pretty(
fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter,
recursive: bool,
ident: usize,
visited: &mut HashSet<*const c_void>,
) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
Value::Nil => write!(fmt, "nil"),
Value::Boolean(b) => write!(fmt, "{b}"),
Value::LightUserData(ud) if ud.0.is_null() => write!(fmt, "null"),
Value::LightUserData(ud) => write!(fmt, "<lightuserdata {:?}>", ud.0),
Value::Integer(i) => write!(fmt, "{i}"),
Value::Number(n) => write!(fmt, "{n}"),
#[cfg(feature = "luau")]
Value::Vector(x, y, z) => write!(fmt, "vector({x}, {y}, {z})"),
Value::String(s) => write!(fmt, "{s:?}"),
Value::Table(t) if recursive && !visited.contains(&t.to_pointer()) => {
t.fmt_pretty(fmt, ident, visited)
t @ Value::Table(_) => write!(fmt, "<table {:?}>", t.to_pointer()),
f @ Value::Function(_) => write!(fmt, "<function {:?}>", f.to_pointer()),
t @ Value::Thread(_) => write!(fmt, "<thread {:?}>", t.to_pointer()),
// TODO: Show type name for registered userdata
u @ Value::UserData(_) => write!(fmt, "<userdata {:?}>", u.to_pointer()),
Value::Error(e) if recursive => write!(fmt, "{e:?}"),
Value::Error(_) => write!(fmt, "<error>"),
impl fmt::Debug for Value<'_> {
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
if fmt.alternate() {
return self.fmt_pretty(fmt, true, 0, &mut HashSet::new());
match self {
Value::Nil => write!(fmt, "Nil"),
Value::Boolean(b) => write!(fmt, "Boolean({b})"),
Value::LightUserData(ud) => write!(fmt, "{ud:?}"),
Value::Integer(i) => write!(fmt, "Integer({i})"),
Value::Number(n) => write!(fmt, "Number({n})"),
#[cfg(feature = "luau")]
Value::Vector(x, y, z) => write!(fmt, "Vector({x}, {y}, {z})"),
Value::String(s) => write!(fmt, "String({s:?})"),
Value::Table(t) => write!(fmt, "{t:?}"),
Value::Function(f) => write!(fmt, "{f:?}"),
Value::Thread(t) => write!(fmt, "{t:?}"),
Value::UserData(ud) => write!(fmt, "{ud:?}"),
Value::Error(e) => write!(fmt, "Error({e:?})"),
impl<'lua> PartialEq for Value<'lua> {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
match (self, other) {
(Value::Nil, Value::Nil) => true,
(Value::Boolean(a), Value::Boolean(b)) => a == b,
(Value::LightUserData(a), Value::LightUserData(b)) => a == b,
(Value::Integer(a), Value::Integer(b)) => *a == *b,
(Value::Integer(a), Value::Number(b)) => *a as Number == *b,
(Value::Number(a), Value::Integer(b)) => *a == *b as Number,
(Value::Number(a), Value::Number(b)) => *a == *b,
#[cfg(feature = "luau")]
(Value::Vector(x1, y1, z1), Value::Vector(x2, y2, z2)) => (x1, y1, z1) == (x2, y2, z2),
(Value::String(a), Value::String(b)) => a == b,
(Value::Table(a), Value::Table(b)) => a == b,
(Value::Function(a), Value::Function(b)) => a == b,
(Value::Thread(a), Value::Thread(b)) => a == b,
(Value::UserData(a), Value::UserData(b)) => a == b,
_ => false,
impl<'lua> AsRef<Value<'lua>> for Value<'lua> {
fn as_ref(&self) -> &Self {
#[cfg(feature = "serialize")]
impl<'lua> Serialize for Value<'lua> {
fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: S) -> StdResult<S::Ok, S::Error>
S: Serializer,
match self {
Value::Nil => serializer.serialize_unit(),
Value::Boolean(b) => serializer.serialize_bool(*b),
Value::Integer(i) => serializer
.serialize_i64((*i).try_into().expect("cannot convert Lua Integer to i64")),
Value::Number(n) => serializer.serialize_f64(*n),
#[cfg(feature = "luau")]
Value::Vector(x, y, z) => (x, y, z).serialize(serializer),
Value::String(s) => s.serialize(serializer),
Value::Table(t) => t.serialize(serializer),
Value::UserData(ud) => ud.serialize(serializer),
Value::LightUserData(ud) if ud.0.is_null() => serializer.serialize_none(),
Value::Error(_) | Value::LightUserData(_) | Value::Function(_) | Value::Thread(_) => {
let msg = format!("cannot serialize <{}>", self.type_name());
/// Trait for types convertible to `Value`.
pub trait IntoLua<'lua> {
/// Performs the conversion.
fn into_lua(self, lua: &'lua Lua) -> Result<Value<'lua>>;
/// Trait for types convertible from `Value`.
pub trait FromLua<'lua>: Sized {
/// Performs the conversion.
fn from_lua(value: Value<'lua>, lua: &'lua Lua) -> Result<Self>;
/// Performs the conversion for an argument (eg. function argument).
/// `i` is the argument index (position),
/// `to` is a function name that received the argument.
fn from_lua_arg(
value: Value<'lua>,
i: usize,
to: Option<&str>,
lua: &'lua Lua,
) -> Result<Self> {
Self::from_lua(value, lua).map_err(|err| Error::BadArgument {
to:|s| s.to_string()),
pos: i,
name: None,
cause: Arc::new(err),
/// Multiple Lua values used for both argument passing and also for multiple return values.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct MultiValue<'lua>(Vec<Value<'lua>>);
impl<'lua> MultiValue<'lua> {
/// Creates an empty `MultiValue` containing no values.
pub const fn new() -> MultiValue<'lua> {
/// Similar to `new` but can return previously used container with allocated capacity.
pub(crate) fn new_or_pooled(lua: &'lua Lua) -> MultiValue<'lua> {
/// Clears and returns previously allocated multivalue container to the pool.
pub(crate) fn return_to_pool(multivalue: Self, lua: &Lua) {
impl<'lua> Default for MultiValue<'lua> {
fn default() -> MultiValue<'lua> {
impl<'lua> FromIterator<Value<'lua>> for MultiValue<'lua> {
fn from_iter<I: IntoIterator<Item = Value<'lua>>>(iter: I) -> Self {
impl<'lua> IntoIterator for MultiValue<'lua> {
type Item = Value<'lua>;
type IntoIter = iter::Rev<vec::IntoIter<Value<'lua>>>;
fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
impl<'a, 'lua> IntoIterator for &'a MultiValue<'lua> {
type Item = &'a Value<'lua>;
type IntoIter = iter::Rev<slice::Iter<'a, Value<'lua>>>;
fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
impl<'lua> Index<usize> for MultiValue<'lua> {
type Output = Value<'lua>;
fn index(&self, index: usize) -> &Self::Output {
if let Some(result) = self.get(index) {
} else {
"index out of bounds: the len is {} but the index is {}",
impl<'lua> MultiValue<'lua> {
pub fn from_vec(mut v: Vec<Value<'lua>>) -> MultiValue<'lua> {
pub fn into_vec(self) -> Vec<Value<'lua>> {
let mut v = self.0;
pub fn get(&self, index: usize) -> Option<&Value<'lua>> {
if index < self.0.len() {
return self.0.get(self.0.len() - index - 1);
pub(crate) fn reserve(&mut self, size: usize) {
pub fn pop_front(&mut self) -> Option<Value<'lua>> {
pub fn push_front(&mut self, value: Value<'lua>) {
pub fn clear(&mut self) {
pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
pub fn iter(&self) -> iter::Rev<slice::Iter<Value<'lua>>> {
pub(crate) fn drain_all(&mut self) -> iter::Rev<vec::Drain<Value<'lua>>> {
pub(crate) fn refill(
&mut self,
iter: impl IntoIterator<Item = Result<Value<'lua>>>,
) -> Result<()> {
for value in iter {
/// Trait for types convertible to any number of Lua values.
/// This is a generalization of `IntoLua`, allowing any number of resulting Lua values instead of just
/// one. Any type that implements `IntoLua` will automatically implement this trait.
pub trait IntoLuaMulti<'lua> {
/// Performs the conversion.
fn into_lua_multi(self, lua: &'lua Lua) -> Result<MultiValue<'lua>>;
/// Trait for types that can be created from an arbitrary number of Lua values.
/// This is a generalization of `FromLua`, allowing an arbitrary number of Lua values to participate
/// in the conversion. Any type that implements `FromLua` will automatically implement this trait.
pub trait FromLuaMulti<'lua>: Sized {
/// Performs the conversion.
/// In case `values` contains more values than needed to perform the conversion, the excess
/// values should be ignored. This reflects the semantics of Lua when calling a function or
/// assigning values. Similarly, if not enough values are given, conversions should assume that
/// any missing values are nil.
fn from_lua_multi(values: MultiValue<'lua>, lua: &'lua Lua) -> Result<Self>;
/// Performs the conversion for a list of arguments.
/// `i` is an index (position) of the first argument,
/// `to` is a function name that received the arguments.
fn from_lua_multi_args(
values: MultiValue<'lua>,
i: usize,
to: Option<&str>,
lua: &'lua Lua,
) -> Result<Self> {
let _ = (i, to);
Self::from_lua_multi(values, lua)
mod assertions {
use super::*;
static_assertions::assert_not_impl_any!(Value: Send);
static_assertions::assert_not_impl_any!(MultiValue: Send);