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kyren eae4c90ead Fix some compile problems when builtin-lua is disabled 2017-07-26 10:34:24 -04:00
examples Rename `LuaString` to `String` 2017-07-23 18:36:50 +02:00
lua remove stray lib.rs file 2017-05-29 16:33:14 -04:00
src Deny warnings in doc tests 2017-07-25 23:41:58 +02:00
.gitignore Initial import 2017-05-21 19:50:59 -04:00
.travis.yml Add travis-ci script 2017-05-22 23:00:32 -04:00
Cargo.toml cargo version bump for linking fix 2017-07-09 17:20:51 -04:00
LICENSE More sensible license, show that copyright is to Chucklefish LTD 2017-05-21 22:58:47 -04:00
README.md Update README, small example changes. 2017-06-25 22:25:28 -04:00
build.rs Fix some compile problems when builtin-lua is disabled 2017-07-26 10:34:24 -04:00


rlua -- High level bindings between Rust and Lua

Build Status

API Documentation


This library is a high level interface between Rust and Lua. Its major goal is to expose as easy to use, practical, and flexible of an API between Rust and Lua as possible, while also being completely safe.

There are other high level Lua bindings systems for rust, and this crate is an exploration of a different part of the design space. The main high level interface to Lua right now is hlua which you should definitely check out and use if it suits your needs. This crate has the following differences with hlua:

  • Handles to Lua values use the Lua registry, not the stack
  • Handles to Lua values are all internally mutable
  • Handles to Lua values have non-mutable borrows to the main Lua object, so there can be multiple handles or long lived handles
  • Targets Lua 5.3

The key difference here is that rlua handles rust-side references to Lua values in a fundamentally different way than hlua, more similar to other Lua bindings systems like Selene for C++. Values like LuaTable and LuaFunction that hold onto Lua values in the Rust stack, instead of pointing at values in the Lua stack, are placed into the registry with luaL_ref. In this way, it is possible to have an arbitrary number of handles to internal Lua values at any time, created and destroyed in arbitrary order. This approach IS slightly slower than the approach that hlua takes of only manipulating the Lua stack, but this, combined with internal mutability, allows for a much more flexible API.

There are currently a few notable missing pieces of this API:

  • Security limits on Lua code such as total instruction limits and recursion limits to prevent DOS from malicious Lua code, as well as control over which libraries are available to scripts.
  • Lua profiling support
  • "Context" or "Sandboxing" support. There should be the ability to set the _ENV upvalue of a loaded chunk to a table other than _G, so that you can have different environments for different loaded chunks.
  • More fleshed out Lua API, there is some missing nice to have functionality not exposed like storing values in the registry, and manipulating LuaTable metatables.
  • Better API documentation and more examples.
  • Generally paying attention to performance and having benchmarks.

Additionally, there are ways I would like to change this API, once support lands in rustc. For example:

  • Once ATCs land, there should be a way to wrap callbacks based on argument and return signature, rather than calling Lua::pack / Lua::unpack inside the callback. Until then, it is impossible to name the type of the function that would do the wrapping (See this reddit discussion)
  • Once variadic generics land in some form (tuple based variadic generics?), the plan is to completely eliminate the hlist macros.

It is also worth it to list some non-goals for the project:

  • Be a perfect zero cost wrapper over the Lua C API
  • Allow the user to do absolutely everything that the Lua C API might allow

API stability or lack thereof

This library is very much Work In Progress, so there is a lot of API churn. I think the library MIGHT be stable and usable enough to realistically use in a real project, but I cannot yet provide a stable API. I currently follow "pre-1.0 semver" (if such a thing exists), but there have been a large number of API version bumps, and there will probably continue to be. If you have a dependency on rlua, you might want to consider adding a 0.x version bound.

Safety and panics

My goal is complete safety, it should not be possible to cause undefined behavior whatsoever with the API, even in edge cases. There is, however, QUITE a lot of unsafe code in this crate, and I would call the current safety level of the crate "Work In Progress". If you find the ability to cause UB with this API at all, please file a bug report.

There are, however, a few ways to cause panics and even aborts with this API. I'm going to describe a lot of the finer points of panic handling in the library here, but again this should all be taken currently to be "Work In Progress".

Panic / abort considerations when using this API:

  • The API should be panic safe currently, whenever a panic is generated the Lua stack is cleared and the Lua instance should continue to be usable.
  • Panic unwinds in Rust callbacks should currently be handled correctly, the unwind is caught and carried across the Lua API boundary, and Lua code cannot catch rust panics.
  • There are a few panics marked "internal error" that should be impossible to trigger. If you encounter one of these this is a bug.
  • The library internally calls lua_checkstack to ensure that there is sufficient stack space, and if the stack cannot be sufficiently grown this is a panic. There should not be a way to cause this using the API, if you encounter this, it is a bug.
  • Currently the Lua allocator is the default C alloctor, and allocation failures may cause an abort. This API only attempts to handle errors in Lua functions that can cause an error either directly or by running arbitrary Lua code, not functions that can cause memory errors. This may either cause an abort inside Lua itself, or from rust if the error happens in a protected call. If there is a memory error received from a protected call, we cannot assume anything about the state of rust code because there might have been a longjmp at any arbitrary point, so we are forced to abort.
  • Similarly to the above, if there is an internal error in a __gc metamethod, this may cause an abort. This can be triggered in this API by panicking during drop of a custom userdata type, but this already can cause aborts in normal Rust anyway.
  • There are currently no recursion limits on callbacks. This could cause one of two problems, either the API will run out of stack space and cause a panic in Rust, or more likely it will cause an internal LUA_USE_APICHECK abort, from exceeding LUAI_MAXCCALLS.
  • There are no checks on argument sizes, and I think you can cause an abort by providing a large enough LuaVariadic.