
422 lines
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Raw Normal View History

// pathfinder/partitioner/src/
// Copyright © 2017 The Pathfinder Project Developers.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
use bincode::{self, Infinite};
use byteorder::{LittleEndian, WriteBytesExt};
use euclid::Point2D;
use pathfinder_path_utils::{PathCommand, PathSegment, PathSegmentStream};
use serde::Serialize;
use std::io::{self, ErrorKind, Seek, SeekFrom, Write};
use std::ops::Range;
use std::u32;
use normal;
use {BQuad, BQuadVertexPositions, BVertexLoopBlinnData};
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct MeshLibrary {
pub path_ranges: Vec<PathRanges>,
pub b_quads: Vec<BQuad>,
// FIXME(pcwalton): Merge with `b_vertex_positions` below.
pub b_quad_vertex_positions: Vec<BQuadVertexPositions>,
pub b_quad_vertex_interior_indices: Vec<u32>,
pub b_vertex_positions: Vec<Point2D<f32>>,
pub b_vertex_loop_blinn_data: Vec<BVertexLoopBlinnData>,
pub segments: MeshLibrarySegments,
pub segment_normals: MeshLibrarySegmentNormals,
impl MeshLibrary {
pub fn new() -> MeshLibrary {
MeshLibrary {
path_ranges: vec![],
b_quads: vec![],
b_quad_vertex_positions: vec![],
b_quad_vertex_interior_indices: vec![],
b_vertex_positions: vec![],
b_vertex_loop_blinn_data: vec![],
segments: MeshLibrarySegments::new(),
segment_normals: MeshLibrarySegmentNormals::new(),
pub fn clear(&mut self) {
pub(crate) fn ensure_path_ranges(&mut self, path_id: u16) -> &mut PathRanges {
let path_index = (path_id as usize) - 1;
while path_index >= self.path_ranges.len() {
&mut self.path_ranges[path_index]
pub(crate) fn add_b_vertex(&mut self,
position: &Point2D<f32>,
loop_blinn_data: &BVertexLoopBlinnData) {
pub(crate) fn add_b_quad(&mut self, b_quad: &BQuad) {
let upper_left_position =
self.b_vertex_positions[b_quad.upper_left_vertex_index as usize];
let upper_right_position =
self.b_vertex_positions[b_quad.upper_right_vertex_index as usize];
let lower_left_position =
self.b_vertex_positions[b_quad.lower_left_vertex_index as usize];
let lower_right_position =
self.b_vertex_positions[b_quad.lower_right_vertex_index as usize];
let mut b_quad_vertex_positions = BQuadVertexPositions {
upper_left_vertex_position: upper_left_position,
upper_control_point_position: upper_left_position,
upper_right_vertex_position: upper_right_position,
lower_left_vertex_position: lower_left_position,
lower_control_point_position: lower_right_position,
lower_right_vertex_position: lower_right_position,
if b_quad.upper_control_point_vertex_index != u32::MAX {
let upper_control_point_position =
self.b_vertex_positions[b_quad.upper_control_point_vertex_index as usize];
b_quad_vertex_positions.upper_control_point_position = upper_control_point_position;
if b_quad.lower_control_point_vertex_index != u32::MAX {
let lower_control_point_position =
self.b_vertex_positions[b_quad.lower_control_point_vertex_index as usize];
b_quad_vertex_positions.lower_control_point_position = lower_control_point_position;
let first_b_quad_vertex_position_index = (self.b_quad_vertex_positions.len() as u32) * 6;
fn push_b_quad_vertex_position_interior_indices(&mut self,
first_vertex_index: u32,
b_quad: &BQuadVertexPositions) {
let upper_curve_is_concave =
(b_quad.upper_right_vertex_position - b_quad.upper_left_vertex_position).cross(
b_quad.upper_control_point_position - b_quad.upper_left_vertex_position) > 0.0;
let lower_curve_is_concave =
(b_quad.lower_left_vertex_position - b_quad.lower_right_vertex_position).cross(
b_quad.lower_control_point_position - b_quad.lower_right_vertex_position) > 0.0;
let indices: &'static [u32] = match (upper_curve_is_concave, lower_curve_is_concave) {
(false, false) => &[UL, UR, LL, UR, LR, LL],
(true, false) => &[UL, UC, LL, UC, LR, LL, UR, LR, UC],
(false, true) => &[UL, LC, LL, UL, UR, LC, UR, LR, LC],
(true, true) => &[UL, UC, LL, UC, LC, LL, UR, LC, UC, UR, LR, LC],
.extend(indices.into_iter().map(|index| index + first_vertex_index));
const UL: u32 = 0;
const UC: u32 = 1;
const UR: u32 = 2;
const LR: u32 = 3;
const LC: u32 = 4;
const LL: u32 = 5;
2017-10-02 18:36:39 -04:00
/// Reverses interior indices so that they draw front-to-back.
/// This enables early Z optimizations.
pub fn optimize(&mut self) {
reverse_indices(&mut self.path_ranges,
&mut self.b_quad_vertex_interior_indices,
|path_ranges| path_ranges.b_quad_vertex_interior_indices.clone(),
|path_ranges, new_range| {
path_ranges.b_quad_vertex_interior_indices = new_range
fn reverse_indices<G, S>(path_ranges: &mut [PathRanges],
indices: &mut Vec<u32>,
mut getter: G,
mut setter: S)
where G: FnMut(&PathRanges) -> Range<u32>,
S: FnMut(&mut PathRanges, Range<u32>) {
let mut new_indices = Vec::with_capacity(indices.len());
for path_range in path_ranges.iter_mut().rev() {
let old_range = getter(path_range);
let old_range = (old_range.start as usize)..(old_range.end as usize);
let new_start_index = new_indices.len() as u32;
let new_end_index = new_indices.len() as u32;
setter(path_range, new_start_index..new_end_index);
*indices = new_indices
2017-10-02 18:36:39 -04:00
pub fn push_segments<I>(&mut self, path_id: u16, stream: I)
where I: Iterator<Item = PathCommand> {
let first_line_index = self.segments.lines.len() as u32;
let first_curve_index = self.segments.curves.len() as u32;
let stream = PathSegmentStream::new(stream);
for (segment, _) in stream {
match segment {
PathSegment::Line(endpoint_0, endpoint_1) => {
self.segments.lines.push(LineSegment {
endpoint_0: endpoint_0,
endpoint_1: endpoint_1,
PathSegment::Curve(endpoint_0, control_point, endpoint_1) => {
self.segments.curves.push(CurveSegment {
endpoint_0: endpoint_0,
control_point: control_point,
endpoint_1: endpoint_1,
let last_line_index = self.segments.lines.len() as u32;
let last_curve_index = self.segments.curves.len() as u32;
let path_ranges = self.ensure_path_ranges(path_id);
path_ranges.segment_curves = first_curve_index..last_curve_index;
path_ranges.segment_lines = first_line_index..last_line_index;
/// Computes vertex normals necessary for emboldening and/or stem darkening.
pub fn push_normals<I>(&mut self, stream: I) where I: Iterator<Item = PathCommand> {
normal::push_normals(self, stream)
/// Writes this mesh library to a RIFF file.
/// RIFF is a dead-simple extensible binary format documented here:
pub fn serialize_into<W>(&self, writer: &mut W) -> io::Result<()> where W: Write + Seek {
// `PFML` for "Pathfinder Mesh Library".
// NB: The RIFF spec requires that all chunks be padded to an even byte offset. However,
// for us, this is guaranteed by construction because each instance of all of the data that
// we're writing has a byte size that is a multiple of 4. So we don't bother with doing it
// explicitly here.
try!(write_chunk(writer, b"prng", |writer| write_path_ranges(writer, &self.path_ranges)));
try!(write_simple_chunk(writer, b"bqua", &self.b_quads));
try!(write_simple_chunk(writer, b"bqvp", &self.b_quad_vertex_positions));
try!(write_simple_chunk(writer, b"bqii", &self.b_quad_vertex_interior_indices));
try!(write_simple_chunk(writer, b"slin", &self.segments.lines));
try!(write_simple_chunk(writer, b"scur", &self.segments.curves));
try!(write_simple_chunk(writer, b"snli", &self.segment_normals.line_normals));
try!(write_simple_chunk(writer, b"sncu", &self.segment_normals.curve_normals));
let total_length = try!(;
try!(writer.write_u32::<LittleEndian>((total_length - 8) as u32));
return Ok(());
fn write_chunk<W, F>(writer: &mut W, tag: &[u8; 4], mut closure: F) -> io::Result<()>
where W: Write + Seek, F: FnMut(&mut W) -> io::Result<()> {
let start_position = try!(;
let end_position = try!(;
try!( - 4)));
try!(writer.write_u32::<LittleEndian>((end_position - start_position) as u32));
fn write_simple_chunk<W, T>(writer: &mut W, tag: &[u8; 4], data: &[T]) -> io::Result<()>
where W: Write + Seek, T: Serialize {
write_chunk(writer, tag, |writer| {
for datum in data {
try!(bincode::serialize_into(writer, datum, Infinite).map_err(|_| {
fn write_path_ranges<W>(writer: &mut W, path_ranges: &[PathRanges]) -> io::Result<()>
where W: Write + Seek {
try!(write_path_range(writer, b"bqua", path_ranges, |ranges| &ranges.b_quads));
|ranges| &ranges.b_quad_vertex_positions));
|ranges| &ranges.b_quad_vertex_interior_indices));
try!(write_path_range(writer, b"bver", path_ranges, |ranges| &ranges.b_vertices));
try!(write_path_range(writer, b"slin", path_ranges, |ranges| &ranges.segment_lines));
try!(write_path_range(writer, b"scur", path_ranges, |ranges| &ranges.segment_curves));
fn write_path_range<W, F>(writer: &mut W,
tag: &[u8; 4],
all_path_ranges: &[PathRanges],
mut get_range: F)
-> io::Result<()>
where W: Write + Seek, F: FnMut(&PathRanges) -> &Range<u32> {
write_chunk(writer, tag, |writer| {
for path_ranges in all_path_ranges {
let range = get_range(path_ranges);
pub(crate) fn snapshot_lengths(&self) -> MeshLibraryLengths {
MeshLibraryLengths {
b_quads: self.b_quads.len() as u32,
b_quad_vertex_positions: self.b_quad_vertex_positions.len() as u32,
b_quad_vertex_interior_indices: self.b_quad_vertex_interior_indices.len() as u32,
b_vertices: self.b_vertex_positions.len() as u32,
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct MeshLibraryCoverIndices {
pub interior_indices: Vec<u32>,
pub curve_indices: Vec<u32>,
pub(crate) struct MeshLibraryLengths {
pub(crate) b_quads: u32,
b_quad_vertex_positions: u32,
b_quad_vertex_interior_indices: u32,
b_vertices: u32,
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct PathRanges {
pub b_quads: Range<u32>,
pub b_quad_vertex_positions: Range<u32>,
pub b_quad_vertex_interior_indices: Range<u32>,
pub b_vertices: Range<u32>,
pub segment_lines: Range<u32>,
pub segment_curves: Range<u32>,
impl PathRanges {
fn new() -> PathRanges {
PathRanges {
b_quads: 0..0,
b_quad_vertex_positions: 0..0,
b_quad_vertex_interior_indices: 0..0,
b_vertices: 0..0,
segment_lines: 0..0,
segment_curves: 0..0,
pub(crate) fn set_partitioning_lengths(&mut self,
start: &MeshLibraryLengths,
end: &MeshLibraryLengths) {
self.b_quads = start.b_quads..end.b_quads;
self.b_quad_vertex_positions = start.b_quad_vertex_positions..end.b_quad_vertex_positions;
self.b_quad_vertex_interior_indices =
self.b_vertices = start.b_vertices..end.b_vertices;
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct MeshLibrarySegments {
pub lines: Vec<LineSegment>,
pub curves: Vec<CurveSegment>,
impl MeshLibrarySegments {
fn new() -> MeshLibrarySegments {
MeshLibrarySegments {
lines: vec![],
curves: vec![],
fn clear(&mut self) {
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct MeshLibrarySegmentNormals {
pub line_normals: Vec<LineSegmentNormals>,
pub curve_normals: Vec<CurveSegmentNormals>,
impl MeshLibrarySegmentNormals {
fn new() -> MeshLibrarySegmentNormals {
MeshLibrarySegmentNormals {
line_normals: vec![],
curve_normals: vec![],
fn clear(&mut self) {
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct LineSegment {
pub endpoint_0: Point2D<f32>,
pub endpoint_1: Point2D<f32>,
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct CurveSegment {
pub endpoint_0: Point2D<f32>,
pub control_point: Point2D<f32>,
pub endpoint_1: Point2D<f32>,
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct LineSegmentNormals {
pub endpoint_0: f32,
pub endpoint_1: f32,
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct CurveSegmentNormals {
pub endpoint_0: f32,
pub control_point: f32,
pub endpoint_1: f32,