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// pathfinder/geometry/src/
// Copyright © 2019 The Pathfinder Project Developers.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
//! Line or curve segments, optimized with SIMD.
use crate::SimdImpl;
use crate::line_segment::LineSegmentF32;
use crate::point::Point2DF32;
use simdeez::Simd;
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct Segment {
pub baseline: LineSegmentF32,
pub ctrl: LineSegmentF32,
pub kind: SegmentKind,
pub flags: SegmentFlags,
impl Segment {
pub fn none() -> Segment {
Segment {
baseline: LineSegmentF32::default(),
ctrl: LineSegmentF32::default(),
kind: SegmentKind::None,
flags: SegmentFlags::empty(),
pub fn line(line: &LineSegmentF32) -> Segment {
Segment {
baseline: *line,
ctrl: LineSegmentF32::default(),
kind: SegmentKind::Line,
flags: SegmentFlags::empty(),
pub fn quadratic(baseline: &LineSegmentF32, ctrl: &Point2DF32) -> Segment {
Segment {
baseline: *baseline,
ctrl: LineSegmentF32::new(ctrl, &Point2DF32::default()),
kind: SegmentKind::Cubic,
flags: SegmentFlags::empty(),
pub fn cubic(baseline: &LineSegmentF32, ctrl: &LineSegmentF32) -> Segment {
Segment {
baseline: *baseline,
ctrl: *ctrl,
kind: SegmentKind::Cubic,
flags: SegmentFlags::empty(),
pub fn as_line_segment(&self) -> LineSegmentF32 {
pub fn is_none(&self) -> bool {
self.kind == SegmentKind::None
pub fn is_line(&self) -> bool {
self.kind == SegmentKind::Line
pub fn is_quadratic(&self) -> bool {
self.kind == SegmentKind::Quadratic
pub fn is_cubic(&self) -> bool {
self.kind == SegmentKind::Cubic
pub fn as_cubic_segment(&self) -> CubicSegment {
// FIXME(pcwalton): We should basically never use this function.
// FIXME(pcwalton): Handle lines!
pub fn to_cubic(&self) -> Segment {
if self.is_cubic() {
return *self;
let mut new_segment = *self;
let p1_2 = self.ctrl.from() + self.ctrl.from();
new_segment.ctrl =
LineSegmentF32::new(&(self.baseline.from() + p1_2), &(p1_2 +
.scale(1.0 / 3.0);
pub fn reversed(&self) -> Segment {
Segment {
baseline: self.baseline.reversed(),
ctrl: if self.is_quadratic() {
} else {
kind: self.kind,
flags: self.flags,
// Reverses if necessary so that the from point is above the to point. Calling this method
// again will undo the transformation.
pub fn orient(&self, y_winding: i32) -> Segment {
if y_winding >= 0 {
} else {
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum SegmentKind {
bitflags! {
pub struct SegmentFlags: u8 {
const FIRST_IN_SUBPATH = 0x01;
const CLOSES_SUBPATH = 0x02;
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub struct CubicSegment<'s>(&'s Segment);
impl<'s> CubicSegment<'s> {
pub fn flatten_once(self, tolerance: f32) -> Option<Segment> {
let s2inv;
unsafe {
let (baseline, ctrl) = (self.0.baseline.0, self.0.ctrl.0);
let from_from = SimdImpl::shuffle_ps(baseline, baseline, 0b0100_0100);
let v0102 = SimdImpl::sub_ps(ctrl, from_from);
// v01.x v01.y v02.x v02.y
// * v01.x v01.y v01.y v01.x
// -------------------------
// v01.x^2 v01.y^2 ad bc
// | | | |
// +-------+ +-----+
// + -
// v01 len^2 determinant
let products = SimdImpl::mul_ps(v0102, SimdImpl::shuffle_ps(v0102, v0102, 0b0001_0100));
let det = products[2] - products[3];
if det == 0.0 {
return None;
s2inv = (products[0] + products[1]).sqrt() / det;
let t = 2.0 * ((tolerance / 3.0) * s2inv.abs()).sqrt();
if t >= 1.0 - EPSILON || t == 0.0 {
return None;
return Some(self.split_after(t));
const EPSILON: f32 = 0.005;
pub fn split(self, t: f32) -> (Segment, Segment) {
unsafe {
let tttt = SimdImpl::set1_ps(t);
let p0p3 = self.0.baseline.0;
let p1p2 = self.0.ctrl.0;
let p0p1 = assemble(&p0p3, &p1p2, 0, 0);
// p01 = lerp(p0, p1, t), p12 = lerp(p1, p2, t), p23 = lerp(p2, p3, t)
let p01p12 = SimdImpl::add_ps(p0p1, SimdImpl::mul_ps(tttt, SimdImpl::sub_ps(p1p2, p0p1)));
let pxxp23 = SimdImpl::add_ps(p1p2, SimdImpl::mul_ps(tttt, SimdImpl::sub_ps(p0p3, p1p2)));
let p12p23 = assemble(&p01p12, &pxxp23, 1, 1);
// p012 = lerp(p01, p12, t), p123 = lerp(p12, p23, t)
let p012p123 =
SimdImpl::add_ps(p01p12, SimdImpl::mul_ps(tttt, SimdImpl::sub_ps(p12p23, p01p12)));
let p123 = pluck(&p012p123, 1);
// p0123 = lerp(p012, p123, t)
let p0123 = SimdImpl::add_ps(p012p123, SimdImpl::mul_ps(tttt, SimdImpl::sub_ps(p123, p012p123)));
let baseline0 = assemble(&p0p3, &p0123, 0, 0);
let ctrl0 = assemble(&p01p12, &p012p123, 0, 0);
let baseline1 = assemble(&p0123, &p0p3, 0, 1);
let ctrl1 = assemble(&p012p123, &p12p23, 1, 1);
// FIXME(pcwalton): Set flags appropriately!
return (
Segment {
baseline: LineSegmentF32(baseline0),
ctrl: LineSegmentF32(ctrl0),
kind: SegmentKind::Cubic,
flags: self.0.flags & SegmentFlags::FIRST_IN_SUBPATH,
Segment {
baseline: LineSegmentF32(baseline1),
ctrl: LineSegmentF32(ctrl1),
kind: SegmentKind::Cubic,
flags: self.0.flags & SegmentFlags::CLOSES_SUBPATH,
// Constructs a new 4-element vector from two pairs of adjacent lanes in two input vectors.
unsafe fn assemble(
a_data: &<SimdImpl as Simd>::Vf32,
b_data: &<SimdImpl as Simd>::Vf32,
a_index: usize,
b_index: usize,
) -> <SimdImpl as Simd>::Vf32 {
let (a_data, b_data) = (SimdImpl::castps_pd(*a_data), SimdImpl::castps_pd(*b_data));
let mut result = SimdImpl::setzero_pd();
result[0] = a_data[a_index];
result[1] = b_data[b_index];
// Constructs a new 2-element vector from a pair of adjacent lanes in an input vector.
unsafe fn pluck(data: &<SimdImpl as Simd>::Vf32, index: usize) -> <SimdImpl as Simd>::Vf32 {
let data = SimdImpl::castps_pd(*data);
let mut result = SimdImpl::setzero_pd();
result[0] = data[index];
pub fn split_after(self, t: f32) -> Segment {
pub fn y_extrema(self) -> (Option<f32>, Option<f32>) {
let (t0, t1);
unsafe {
let mut p0p1p2p3 = SimdImpl::setzero_ps();
p0p1p2p3[0] = self.0.baseline.from_y();
p0p1p2p3[1] = self.0.ctrl.from_y();
p0p1p2p3[2] = self.0.ctrl.to_y();
p0p1p2p3[3] = self.0.baseline.to_y();
let pxp0p1p2 = SimdImpl::shuffle_ps(p0p1p2p3, p0p1p2p3, 0b1001_0000);
let pxv0v1v2 = SimdImpl::sub_ps(p0p1p2p3, pxp0p1p2);
let (v0, v1, v2) = (pxv0v1v2[1], pxv0v1v2[2], pxv0v1v2[3]);
let (v0_to_v1, v2_to_v1) = (v0 - v1, v2 - v1);
let discrim = f32::sqrt(v1 * v1 - v0 * v2);
let denom = 1.0 / (v0_to_v1 + v2_to_v1);
t0 = (v0_to_v1 + discrim) * denom;
t1 = (v0_to_v1 - discrim) * denom;
return match (
t0 > EPSILON && t0 < 1.0 - EPSILON,
t1 > EPSILON && t1 < 1.0 - EPSILON,
) {
(false, false) => (None, None),
(true, false) => (Some(t0), None),
(false, true) => (Some(t1), None),
(true, true) => (Some(f32::min(t0, t1)), Some(f32::max(t0, t1))),
const EPSILON: f32 = 0.001;