
93 lines
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Raw Normal View History

// Copyright 2017 The Servo Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
#version 410
layout(quads) in;
// The size of the atlas in pixels.
uniform uvec2 uAtlasSize;
// The starting point of the segment.
in vec2 vpP0[];
// The control point, if this is a curve. If this is a line, this value must be ignored.
in vec2 vpP1[];
// The endpoint of this segment.
in vec2 vpP2[];
// The tessellation level.
// This is passed along explicitly instead of having the TES read it from `gl_TessLevelInner` in
// order to work around an Apple bug in the Radeon driver.
in float vpTessLevel[];
// The starting point of the segment.
flat out vec2 vP0;
// The endpoint of this segment.
flat out vec2 vP1;
// 1.0 if this segment runs left to right; -1.0 otherwise.
flat out float vDirection;
// The slope of this line.
flat out float vSlope;
// Minimum and maximum vertical extents, unrounded.
flat out vec2 vYMinMax;
void main() {
// Read in curve points.
vec2 cP0 = vpP0[0], cP1 = vpP1[0], cP2 = vpP2[0];
// Work out how many lines made up this segment, which line we're working on, and which
// endpoint of that line we're looking at.
uint tessPointCount = uint(vpTessLevel[0] + 1.0f);
uint tessIndex = uint(round(gl_TessCoord.x * float(tessPointCount - 1)));
uint lineCount = tessPointCount / 2, lineIndex = tessIndex / 2, endpoint = tessIndex % 2;
// Compute our endpoints (trivial if this is part of a line, less trivial if this is part of a
// curve).
vec2 p0, p1;
if (lineCount == 1) {
p0 = cP0;
p1 = cP2;
} else {
float t0 = float(lineIndex + 0) / float(lineCount);
float t1 = float(lineIndex + 1) / float(lineCount);
p0 = mix(mix(cP0, cP1, t0), mix(cP1, cP2, t0), t0);
p1 = mix(mix(cP0, cP1, t1), mix(cP1, cP2, t1), t1);
// Compute direction. Flip the two points around so that p0 is on the left and p1 is on the
// right if necessary.
float direction;
if (p0.x < p1.x) {
direction = 1.0f;
} else {
direction = -1.0f;
vec2 tmp = p0;
p0 = p1;
p1 = tmp;
// Forward points and direction onto the fragment shader.
vP0 = p0;
vP1 = p1;
vDirection = direction;
// Compute Y extents and slope.
vSlope = (p1.y - p0.y) / (p1.x - p0.x);
vYMinMax = p0.y <= p1.y ? vec2(p0.y, p1.y) : vec2(p1.y, p0.y);
// Compute our final position in atlas space, rounded out to the next pixel.
float x = endpoint == 0 ? floor(p0.x) : ceil(p1.x);
float y = gl_TessCoord.y == 0.0f ? floor(vYMinMax.x) : ceil(vYMinMax.y) + 1.0f;
// Convert atlas space to device space.
gl_Position = vec4(vec2(x, y) / vec2(uAtlasSize) * 2.0f - 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);