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Raw Normal View History

#version 330
// pathfinder/shaders/filter_blur.fs.glsl
// Copyright © 2020 The Pathfinder Project Developers.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
// TODO(pcwalton): This could be significantly optimized by operating on a
// sparse per-tile basis.
// The technique here is "Incremental Computation of the Gaussian", GPU Gems 3, chapter 40:
// It's the same technique WebRender uses.
#extension GL_GOOGLE_include_directive : enable
precision highp float;
uniform sampler2D uSrc;
uniform vec2 uSrcOffsetScale;
uniform vec3 uInitialGaussCoeff;
uniform int uSupport;
in vec2 vTexCoord;
out vec4 oFragColor;
void main() {
// Set up our incremental calculation.
vec3 gaussCoeff = uInitialGaussCoeff;
float gaussSum = gaussCoeff.x;
vec4 color = texture(uSrc, vTexCoord) * gaussCoeff.x;
gaussCoeff.xy *= gaussCoeff.yz;
// This is a common trick that lets us use the texture filtering hardware to evaluate two
// texels at a time. The basic principle is that, if c0 and c1 are colors of adjacent texels
// and k0 and k1 are arbitrary factors, the formula `k0 * c0 + k1 * c1` is equivalent to
// `(k0 + k1) * lerp(c0, c1, k1 / (k0 + k1))`. Linear interpolation, as performed by the
// texturing hardware when sampling adjacent pixels in one direction, evaluates
// `lerp(c0, c1, t)` where t is the offset from the texel with color `c0`. To evaluate the
// formula `k0 * c0 + k1 * c1`, therefore, we can use the texture hardware to perform linear
// interpolation with `t = k1 / (k0 + k1)`.
for (int i = 1; i <= uSupport; i += 2) {
float gaussPartialSum = gaussCoeff.x;
gaussCoeff.xy *= gaussCoeff.yz;
gaussPartialSum += gaussCoeff.x;
vec2 srcOffset = uSrcOffsetScale * (float(i) + gaussCoeff.x / gaussPartialSum);
color += (texture(uSrc, vTexCoord - srcOffset) + texture(uSrc, vTexCoord + srcOffset)) *
gaussSum += 2.0 * gaussPartialSum;
gaussCoeff.xy *= gaussCoeff.yz;
// Finish.
color /= gaussSum;
color.rgb *= color.a;
oFragColor = color;