Create tile primitives

This commit is contained in:
Patrick Walton 2018-12-16 17:43:03 -08:00
parent 4b9e21c6a0
commit 00fb5ca5de
1 changed files with 161 additions and 111 deletions

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ extern crate quickcheck;
extern crate rand;
use clap::{App, Arg};
use euclid::{Point2D, Rect, Size2D, Transform2D, Vector2D};
use euclid::{Point2D, Rect, Size2D, Transform2D};
use jemallocator;
use lyon_geom::cubic_bezier::Flattened;
use lyon_geom::{CubicBezierSegment, LineSegment, QuadraticBezierSegment};
@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ use pathfinder_path_utils::stroke::{StrokeStyle, StrokeToFillIter};
use quick_xml::Reader;
use quick_xml::events::Event;
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::env;
use std::fmt::{self, Debug, Formatter};
use std::mem;
use std::ops::Range;
@ -70,15 +69,16 @@ fn main() {
println!("bounds: {:?}", scene.bounds);
let start_time = Instant::now();
let mut primitives = vec![];
let mut built_scene = BuiltScene::new();
for _ in 0..runs {
primitives = scene.generate_tiles();
built_scene =;
let elapsed_time = Instant::now() - start_time;
let elapsed_ms = elapsed_time.as_secs() as f64 * 1000.0 +
elapsed_time.subsec_micros() as f64 / 1000.0;
println!("{}ms elapsed", elapsed_ms / runs as f64);
println!("{} primitives generated", primitives.len());
println!("{:.3}ms elapsed", elapsed_ms / runs as f64);
println!("{} fill primitives generated", built_scene.fills.len());
println!("{} tiles generated", built_scene.tiles.len());
@ -93,6 +93,7 @@ struct Scene {
struct PathObject {
outline: Outline,
style: StyleId,
color: ColorU,
name: String,
@ -265,15 +266,18 @@ impl Scene {
&self.styles[style.0 as usize]
fn generate_tiles(&self) -> Vec<Primitive> {
let mut primitives = vec![];
fn build(&self) -> BuiltScene {
let mut built_scene = BuiltScene::new();
for (index, object) in self.objects.iter().enumerate() {
//println!("{} ({}): {:?}", index,, object.outline.bounds);
let mut tiler = Tiler::from_outline(&object.outline, &self.view_box, &mut primitives);
let mut tiler = Tiler::from_outline(&object.outline,
&mut built_scene);
// TODO(pcwalton)
fn push_svg_path(&mut self, value: &str, style: StyleId, name: String) {
@ -284,8 +288,14 @@ impl Scene {
let path = PathIter::new(path);
let path = StrokeToFillIter::new(path, StrokeStyle::new(computed_style.stroke_width));
let outline = Outline::from_path_events(path, computed_style);
let color = match computed_style.stroke_color {
None => ColorU::black(),
Some(color) => ColorU::from_svg_color(color),
self.bounds = self.bounds.union(&outline.bounds);
self.objects.push(PathObject::new(outline, style, name.clone()));
self.objects.push(PathObject::new(outline, color, style, name.clone()));
if self.get_style(style).fill_color.is_some() {
@ -293,15 +303,21 @@ impl Scene {
let mut path_parser = PathParser::from(&*value);
let path = SvgPathToPathEvents::new(&mut path_parser);
let outline = Outline::from_path_events(path, computed_style);
let color = match computed_style.fill_color {
None => ColorU::black(),
Some(color) => ColorU::from_svg_color(color),
self.bounds = self.bounds.union(&outline.bounds);
self.objects.push(PathObject::new(outline, style, name));
self.objects.push(PathObject::new(outline, color, style, name));
impl PathObject {
fn new(outline: Outline, style: StyleId, name: String) -> PathObject {
PathObject { outline, style, name }
fn new(outline: Outline, color: ColorU, style: StyleId, name: String) -> PathObject {
PathObject { outline, color, style, name }
@ -402,18 +418,9 @@ impl Outline {
fn iter(&self) -> OutlineIter {
OutlineIter { outline: self, contour_iter: None, contour_index: 0 }
fn segment_after(&self, endpoint_index: PointIndex) -> Segment {
fn get_point(&self, index: PointIndex) -> &Point2D<f32> {
impl Contour {
@ -521,40 +528,11 @@ struct PointIndex {
point_index: usize,
struct OutlineIter<'a> {
outline: &'a Outline,
contour_iter: Option<ContourIter<'a>>,
contour_index: usize,
struct ContourIter<'a> {
contour: &'a Contour,
index: usize,
impl<'a> Iterator for OutlineIter<'a> {
type Item = PathEvent;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<PathEvent> {
if let Some(ref mut contour_iter) = self.contour_iter {
match {
Some(event) => return Some(event),
None => {
self.contour_iter = None;
self.contour_index += 1;
if self.contour_index == self.outline.contours.len() {
return None
self.contour_iter = Some(self.outline.contours[self.contour_index].iter());
impl<'a> Iterator for ContourIter<'a> {
type Item = PathEvent;
@ -644,7 +622,10 @@ impl Segment {
fn generate_primitives(&self, range: Range<f32>, primitives: &mut Vec<Primitive>) {
fn generate_fill_primitives(&self,
range: Range<f32>,
tile_index: u32,
primitives: &mut Vec<FillPrimitive>) {
let segment = CubicBezierSegment {
from: self.from,
ctrl1: self.ctrl0,
@ -655,7 +636,7 @@ impl Segment {
let mut from = self.from;
for to in flattener {
if f32::min(from.x, to.x) >= range.start && f32::max(from.x, to.x) <= range.end {
primitives.push(Primitive { from, to });
primitives.push(FillPrimitive { from, to, tile_index });
from = to;
@ -721,26 +702,6 @@ impl Segment {
const TOLERANCE: f32 = 0.01;
fn translate(&self, by: &Vector2D<f32>) -> Segment {
let flags = self.flags;
let (from, to) = if flags.contains(SegmentFlags::HAS_ENDPOINTS) {
(self.from + *by, + *by)
} else {
(Point2D::zero(), Point2D::zero())
let ctrl0 = if flags.contains(SegmentFlags::HAS_CONTROL_POINT_0) {
self.ctrl0 + *by
} else {
let ctrl1 = if flags.contains(SegmentFlags::HAS_CONTROL_POINT_1) {
self.ctrl1 + *by
} else {
Segment { from, ctrl0, ctrl1, to, flags }
struct ClippedSegments {
@ -763,7 +724,8 @@ const TILE_HEIGHT: f32 = 16.0;
struct Tiler<'o, 'p> {
outline: &'o Outline,
primitives: &'p mut Vec<Primitive>,
fill_color: ColorU,
built_scene: &'p mut BuiltScene,
view_box: Option<Rect<f32>>,
@ -774,12 +736,14 @@ struct Tiler<'o, 'p> {
impl<'o, 'p> Tiler<'o, 'p> {
fn from_outline(outline: &'o Outline,
fill_color: ColorU,
view_box: &Option<Rect<f32>>,
primitives: &'p mut Vec<Primitive>)
built_scene: &'p mut BuiltScene)
-> Tiler<'o, 'p> {
Tiler {
view_box: *view_box,
@ -819,26 +783,54 @@ impl<'o, 'p> Tiler<'o, 'p> {
let mut next_edge_index_index = 0;
let mut tile_top = f32::floor(bounds.origin.y / TILE_HEIGHT) * TILE_HEIGHT;
while tile_top < max_y {
let tile_extent = Point2D::new(max_x, tile_top + TILE_HEIGHT);
let mut strip_origin =
Point2D::new(f32::floor(bounds.origin.x / TILE_WIDTH) * TILE_WIDTH,
f32::floor(bounds.origin.y / TILE_HEIGHT) * TILE_HEIGHT);
while strip_origin.y < max_y {
let first_tile_index = self.built_scene.tiles.len() as u32;
let strip_extent = Point2D::new(max_x, strip_origin.y + TILE_HEIGHT);
let strip_bounds = Rect::new(strip_origin,
Size2D::new(strip_extent.x - strip_origin.x,
strip_extent.y - strip_origin.y));
let above_view_box = match self.view_box {
Some(ref view_box) => tile_extent.y <= view_box.origin.y,
Some(ref view_box) => strip_extent.y <= view_box.origin.y,
None => false,
// TODO(pcwalton): Populate tile strip with active intervals.
// Populate tile strip with active intervals.
for interval in &self.active_intervals.ranges {
if interval.winding == 0.0 {
let left = Point2D::new(interval.start, strip_origin.y);
let right = Point2D::new(interval.end, strip_origin.y);
let line_segment = if interval.winding < 0.0 {
LineSegment { from: left, to: right }
} else {
LineSegment { from: right, to: left }
let mut segment = Segment::from_line(&line_segment);
process_active_edge(&mut segment,
Some(&mut self.built_scene.fills),
// Process old active edges.
for active_edge in &mut self.active_edges {
let primitives = if above_view_box { None } else { Some(&mut *self.primitives) };
let fills = if above_view_box { None } else { Some(&mut self.built_scene.fills) };
&mut self.active_intervals)
Some(&mut self.active_intervals))
self.active_edges.retain(|edge| !edge.is_none());
@ -846,15 +838,16 @@ impl<'o, 'p> Tiler<'o, 'p> {
while next_edge_index_index < self.sorted_edge_indices.len() {
let mut segment =
if segment.min_y() > tile_extent.y {
if segment.min_y() > strip_extent.y {
let primitives = if above_view_box { None } else { Some(&mut *self.primitives) };
let fills = if above_view_box { None } else { Some(&mut self.built_scene.fills) };
process_active_edge(&mut segment,
&mut self.active_intervals);
Some(&mut self.active_intervals));
if !segment.is_none() {
@ -862,18 +855,29 @@ impl<'o, 'p> Tiler<'o, 'p> {
next_edge_index_index += 1;
tile_top = tile_extent.y;
// Flush tiles.
let mut tile_left = strip_origin.x;
while tile_left < max_x {
let strip_origin = Point2D::new(tile_left, strip_origin.y);
self.built_scene.tiles.push(TilePrimitive::new(&strip_origin, self.fill_color));
tile_left += TILE_WIDTH;
strip_origin.y = strip_extent.y;
fn process_active_edge(active_edge: &mut Segment,
strip_extent: &Point2D<f32>,
primitives: Option<&mut Vec<Primitive>>,
active_intervals: &mut Intervals) {
strip_bounds: &Rect<f32>,
first_tile_index: u32,
fills: Option<&mut Vec<FillPrimitive>>,
active_intervals: Option<&mut Intervals>) {
let strip_extent = strip_bounds.bottom_right();
let clipped = active_edge.clip_y(strip_extent.y);
if let Some(upper_segment) = clipped.min {
if let Some(primitives) = primitives {
if let Some(fills) = fills {
// FIXME(pcwalton): Assumes x-monotonicity!
// FIXME(pcwalton): Don't hardcode a view box left of 0!
let mut min_x = f32::min(upper_segment.from.x,;
@ -883,18 +887,25 @@ fn process_active_edge(active_edge: &mut Segment,
let tile_left = f32::floor(min_x / TILE_WIDTH) * TILE_WIDTH;
let tile_right = f32::ceil(max_x / TILE_WIDTH) * TILE_WIDTH;
active_edge.generate_primitives(tile_left..tile_right, primitives);
let left_tile_index =
first_tile_index +
((tile_left - strip_bounds.origin.x) as u32 / TILE_WIDTH as u32);
active_edge.generate_fill_primitives(tile_left..tile_right, left_tile_index, fills);
// FIXME(pcwalton): Assumes x-monotonicity!
let mut from_x = f32::max(0.0, f32::min(active_intervals.extent(), upper_segment.from.x));
let mut to_x = f32::max(0.0, f32::min(active_intervals.extent(),;
from_x = clamp(from_x, 0.0, strip_extent.x);
to_x = clamp(to_x, 0.0, strip_extent.x);
if from_x < to_x {
active_intervals.add(IntervalRange::new(from_x, to_x, -1.0))
} else {
active_intervals.add(IntervalRange::new(to_x, from_x, 1.0))
if let Some(active_intervals) = active_intervals {
// FIXME(pcwalton): Assumes x-monotonicity!
let mut from_x = clamp(upper_segment.from.x, 0.0, active_intervals.extent());
let mut to_x = clamp(, 0.0, active_intervals.extent());
from_x = clamp(from_x, 0.0, strip_extent.x);
to_x = clamp(to_x, 0.0, strip_extent.x);
if from_x < to_x {
active_intervals.add(IntervalRange::new(from_x, to_x, -1.0))
} else {
active_intervals.add(IntervalRange::new(to_x, from_x, 1.0))
@ -906,10 +917,53 @@ fn process_active_edge(active_edge: &mut Segment,
// Primitives
struct BuiltScene {
fills: Vec<FillPrimitive>,
tiles: Vec<TilePrimitive>,
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
struct Primitive {
struct FillPrimitive {
from: Point2D<f32>,
to: Point2D<f32>,
tile_index: u32,
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
struct TilePrimitive {
position: Point2D<f32>,
color: ColorU,
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
struct ColorU {
r: u8,
g: u8,
b: u8,
a: u8,
impl BuiltScene {
fn new() -> BuiltScene {
BuiltScene { fills: vec![], tiles: vec![] }
impl TilePrimitive {
fn new(position: &Point2D<f32>, color: ColorU) -> TilePrimitive {
TilePrimitive { position: *position, color }
impl ColorU {
fn black() -> ColorU {
ColorU { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 255 }
fn from_svg_color(svg_color: SvgColor) -> ColorU {
ColorU { r:, g:, b:, a: 255 }
// Intervals
@ -1021,10 +1075,6 @@ impl IntervalRange {
fn contains(&self, value: f32) -> bool {
value >= self.start && value < self.end
fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
self.start == self.end