Refactor paragraph layout in the NanoVG demo; fix BG/FG draw order

This commit is contained in:
Patrick Walton 2020-04-10 15:30:12 -07:00
parent 4365b75629
commit 4f1d376fe5
1 changed files with 102 additions and 65 deletions

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@ -234,102 +234,139 @@ fn draw_paragraph(context: &mut CanvasRenderingContext2D,
context.set_font(&[FONT_NAME_REGULAR, FONT_NAME_EMOJI][..]);
let main_first_line_box = RectF::new(origin, vec2f(line_width, 24.0));
let main_bounds = render_multiline_text(context,
rgbau(255, 255, 255, 16),
let main_text = MultilineTextBox::new(context,
origin + vec2f(0.0, 24.0),
main_text.draw(context, rgbau(255, 255, 255, 16), ColorU::white());
// Fade out the tooltip when close to it.
let tooltip_first_line_box = RectF::new(main_bounds.lower_left() + vec2f(0.0, 20.0),
vec2f(150.0, 18.0));
let tooltip_bounds = render_multiline_text(context,
rgbau(0, 0, 0, 0),
rgbau(0, 0, 0, 0));
let mouse_vector = mouse_position.clamp(tooltip_bounds.origin(),
tooltip_bounds.lower_right()) - mouse_position;
let tooltip_origin = main_text.bounds.lower_left() + vec2f(0.0, 38.0);
let tooltip = MultilineTextBox::new(context, HOVER_TEXT, tooltip_origin, 150.0, 18.0);
let mouse_vector = mouse_position.clamp(tooltip.bounds.origin(),
tooltip.bounds.lower_right()) - mouse_position;
context.set_global_alpha(util::clamp(mouse_vector.length() / 30.0, 0.0, 1.0));
// Draw tooltip background.
context.set_fill_style(rgbau(220, 220, 220, 255));
let mut path = create_rounded_rect_path(tooltip_bounds.dilate(2.0), 3.0);
path.move_to(vec2f(, tooltip_bounds.origin_y() - 10.0));
path.line_to(vec2f( + 7.0, tooltip_bounds.origin_y() + 1.0));
path.line_to(vec2f( - 7.0, tooltip_bounds.origin_y() + 1.0));
let mut path = create_rounded_rect_path(tooltip.bounds.dilate(2.0), 3.0);
path.move_to(vec2f(, tooltip.bounds.origin_y() - 10.0));
path.line_to(vec2f( + 7.0, tooltip.bounds.origin_y() + 1.0));
path.line_to(vec2f( - 7.0, tooltip.bounds.origin_y() + 1.0));
context.fill_path(path, FillRule::Winding);
// Draw tooltip.
context.set_fill_style(rgbau(0, 0, 0, 220));
rgbau(0, 0, 0, 0),
rgbau(0, 0, 0, 220));
tooltip.draw(context, rgbau(0, 0, 0, 0), rgbau(0, 0, 0, 220));
// This is nowhere near correct line layout, but it suffices to more or less match what NanoVG
// does.
fn render_multiline_text(context: &mut CanvasRenderingContext2D,
text: &str,
first_line_box: RectF,
bg_color: ColorU,
fg_color: ColorU)
-> RectF {
let mut bounds = RectF::new(first_line_box.origin(), vec2f(0.0, 0.0));
let mut cursor = first_line_box.lower_left();
let space_width = context.measure_text("A B").width - context.measure_text("AB").width;
struct MultilineTextBox {
lines: Vec<Line>,
bounds: RectF,
for space_separated in text.split(' ') {
let mut first = true;
for word in space_separated.split('\n') {
if !first {
next_line(context, &mut cursor, first_line_box, bg_color, &mut bounds);
struct Line {
words: Vec<Word>,
origin: Vector2F,
ascent: f32,
descent: f32,
width: f32,
max_width: f32,
struct Word {
text: String,
origin_x: f32,
impl MultilineTextBox {
fn new(context: &mut CanvasRenderingContext2D,
text: &str,
mut origin: Vector2F,
max_width: f32,
line_height: f32)
-> MultilineTextBox {
let space_width = context.measure_text("A B").width - context.measure_text("AB").width;
let mut text: VecDeque<VecDeque<_>> = text.split('\n').map(|paragraph| {
paragraph.split(' ').map(|word| word.to_owned()).collect()
let mut lines = vec![];
let mut bounds = None;
while let Some(mut paragraph) = text.pop_front() {
while !paragraph.is_empty() {
let mut line = Line::new(origin, max_width, line_height);
line.layout(context, &mut paragraph, space_width);
origin += vec2f(0.0, line_height);
match bounds {
None => bounds = Some(line.bounds()),
Some(ref mut bounds) => *bounds = bounds.union_rect(line.bounds()),
first = false;
let word_width = context.measure_text(word).width;
if cursor.x() + space_width + word_width > first_line_box.max_x() {
next_line(context, &mut cursor, first_line_box, bg_color, &mut bounds);
} else if cursor.x() > first_line_box.min_x() {
cursor += vec2f(space_width, 0.0);
MultilineTextBox { bounds: bounds.unwrap_or_default(), lines }
fn draw(&self, context: &mut CanvasRenderingContext2D, bg_color: ColorU, fg_color: ColorU) {
for line in &self.lines {
line.draw(context, bg_color, fg_color);
impl Line {
fn new(origin: Vector2F, max_width: f32, line_height: f32) -> Line {
Line { words: vec![], origin, ascent: line_height, descent: 0.0, width: 0.0, max_width }
fn layout(&mut self,
context: &mut CanvasRenderingContext2D,
text: &mut VecDeque<String>,
space_width: f32) {
while let Some(word) = text.pop_front() {
let mut word_origin_x = self.width;
if self.width > 0.0 {
word_origin_x += space_width;
if !fg_color.is_fully_transparent() {
context.fill_text(word, cursor);
let word_width = context.measure_text(&word).width;
let new_line_width = word_origin_x + word_width;
if self.width != 0.0 && new_line_width > self.max_width {
cursor += vec2f(word_width, 0.0);
self.words.push(Word { text: word, origin_x: word_origin_x });
self.width = new_line_width;
if cursor.x() > first_line_box.min_x() {
next_line(context, &mut cursor, first_line_box, bg_color, &mut bounds);
return bounds;
fn next_line(context: &mut CanvasRenderingContext2D,
cursor: &mut Vector2F,
first_line_box: RectF,
bg_color: ColorU,
bounds: &mut RectF) {
let line_rect = RectF::from_points(vec2f(first_line_box.origin_x(),
cursor.y() - first_line_box.height()),
fn draw(&self, context: &mut CanvasRenderingContext2D, bg_color: ColorU, fg_color: ColorU) {
if !bg_color.is_fully_transparent() {
*bounds = bounds.union_rect(line_rect);
*cursor = vec2f(first_line_box.min_x(), cursor.y() + first_line_box.height());
for word in &self.words {
context.fill_text(&word.text, self.origin + vec2f(word.origin_x, 0.0));
fn bounds(&self) -> RectF {
RectF::new(self.origin - vec2f(0.0, self.ascent),
vec2f(self.width, self.ascent + self.descent))