Add a curve shader for ECAA and refactor the line shader to minimize code duplication

This commit is contained in:
Patrick Walton 2017-08-18 17:12:58 -07:00
parent 3a9b29735a
commit 653530be0b
6 changed files with 219 additions and 69 deletions

View File

@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
// pathfinder/demo/src/index.ts
// Copyright © 2017 Mozilla Foundation
const base64js = require('base64-js');
const opentype = require('opentype.js');
const TEXT: string = "X";
const TEXT: string = "G";
const FONT_SIZE: number = 16.0;
const PARTITION_FONT_ENDPOINT_URL: string = "/partition-font";
@ -56,6 +58,10 @@ const SHADER_URLS: ShaderMap<ShaderProgramURLs> = {
vertex: "/glsl/gles2/ecaa-line.vs.glsl",
fragment: "/glsl/gles2/ecaa-line.fs.glsl",
ecaaCurve: {
vertex: "/glsl/gles2/ecaa-curve.vs.glsl",
fragment: "/glsl/gles2/ecaa-curve.fs.glsl",
ecaaResolve: {
vertex: "/glsl/gles2/ecaa-resolve.vs.glsl",
fragment: "/glsl/gles2/ecaa-resolve.fs.glsl",
@ -91,6 +97,7 @@ interface ShaderMap<T> {
ecaaEdgeDetect: T;
ecaaCover: T;
ecaaLine: T;
ecaaCurve: T;
ecaaResolve: T;

View File

@ -20,6 +20,13 @@ int imod(int ia, int ib) {
return int(floor(m + 0.5));
bool xor(bool a, bool b) {
return (a && !b) || (!a && b);
float det2(vec2 a, vec2 b) {
return a.x * b.y - b.x * a.y;
vec2 transformVertexPosition(vec2 position, mat4 transform) {
return (transform * vec4(position, 0.0, 1.0)).xy;
@ -32,6 +39,92 @@ float convertPathIndexToDepthValue(int pathIndex) {
return mix(-1.0, 1.0, float(pathIndex) / float(MAX_PATHS));
bool computeQuadPosition(out vec2 outPosition,
inout vec2 leftPosition,
inout vec2 rightPosition,
vec2 quadPosition,
ivec2 framebufferSize,
mat4 transform) {
if (abs(leftPosition.x - rightPosition.x) <= EPSILON) {
outPosition = vec2(0.0);
return false;
leftPosition = transformVertexPosition(leftPosition, transform);
rightPosition = transformVertexPosition(rightPosition, transform);
vec2 verticalExtents = vec2(min(leftPosition.y, rightPosition.y),
max(leftPosition.y, rightPosition.y));
vec4 roundedExtents = vec4(floor(vec2(leftPosition.x, verticalExtents.x)),
ceil(vec2(rightPosition.x, verticalExtents.y)));
// FIXME(pcwalton): Use a separate VBO for this.
quadPosition = (quadPosition + 1.0) * 0.5;
vec2 position = mix(roundedExtents.xy,, quadPosition);
outPosition = convertScreenToClipSpace(position, framebufferSize);
return true;
// Computes the area of the polygon covering the pixel with the given boundaries.
// * `p0` and `p1` are the endpoints of the line.
// * `spanP0` and `spanP1` are the endpoints of the line, clipped to the left and right edges of
// the pixel.
// * `t` is the times of `spanP0` and `spanP1` relative to `p0` and `p1` respectively.
// * `pixelExtents` are the boundaries of the pixel (left/right/bottom/top respectively).
// * `p` and `q` are the Liang-Barsky clipping distances.
// * `lowerPart` is true if this is the lower half of the B-quad.
float computeCoverage(vec2 p0,
vec2 p1,
vec2 spanP0,
vec2 spanP1,
vec2 t,
vec4 pixelExtents,
vec4 p,
vec4 q,
bool lowerPart) {
bool slopeNegative = p0.y > p1.y;
// Clip to the bottom and top.
if (p.z != 0.0) {
vec2 tVertical = /;
if (slopeNegative)
tVertical.xy = tVertical.yx; // FIXME(pcwalton): Can this be removed?
t = vec2(max(t.x, tVertical.x), min(t.y, tVertical.y));
// If the line doesn't pass through this pixel, detect that and bail.
if (t.x >= t.y) {
bool fill = lowerPart ? spanP0.y < pixelExtents.z : spanP0.y > pixelExtents.w;
return fill ? spanP1.x - spanP0.x : 0.0;
// Calculate A2.x.
float a2x;
if (xor(lowerPart, slopeNegative)) {
a2x = spanP0.x;
t.xy = t.yx;
} else {
a2x = spanP1.x;
// Calculate A3.y.
float a3y = lowerPart ? pixelExtents.w : pixelExtents.z;
// Calculate A0-A5.
vec2 a0 = p0 + p.yw * t.x;
vec2 a1 = p0 + p.yw * t.y;
vec2 a2 = vec2(a2x, a1.y);
vec2 a3 = vec2(a2x, a3y);
vec2 a4 = vec2(a0.x, a3y);
// Calculate area with the shoelace formula.
float area = det2(a0, a1) + det2(a1, a2) + det2(a2, a3) + det2(a3, a4) + det2(a4, a0);
return area * (slopeNegative ? 0.5 : -0.5);
int unpackUInt16(vec2 packedValue) {
ivec2 valueBytes = ivec2(floor(packedValue * 255.0));
return valueBytes.y * 256 + valueBytes.x;
@ -67,11 +160,3 @@ vec2 packPathID(int pathID) {
int unpackPathID(vec2 packedPathID) {
return unpackUInt16(packedPathID);
bool xor(bool a, bool b) {
return (a && !b) || (!a && b);
float det2(vec2 a, vec2 b) {
return a.x * b.y - b.x * a.y;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
// pathfinder/shaders/gles2/ecaa-line.vs.glsl
// Copyright (c) 2017 Mozilla Foundation
precision highp float;
uniform bool uLowerPart;
varying vec4 vEndpoints;
varying vec2 vControlPoint;
// Solve the equation:
// x = p0x + t^2 * (p0x - 2*p1x + p2x) + t*(2*p1x - 2*p0x)
// We use the Citardauq Formula to avoid floating point precision issues.
float solveCurveT(float p0x, float p1x, float p2x, float x) {
float a = p0x - 2.0 * p1x + p2x;
float b = 2.0 * p1x - 2.0 * p0x;
float c = p0x - x;
return 2.0 * c / (-b - sqrt(b * b - 4.0 * a * c));
void main() {
// Unpack.
vec2 center = gl_FragCoord.xy;
vec2 p0 = vEndpoints.xy, p1 =;
vec2 cp = vControlPoint;
// Compute pixel extents.
vec4 pixelExtents = center.xxyy + vec4(-0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5);
// Clip the curve to the left and right edges to create a line.
// TODO(pcwalton): Consider clipping to the bottom and top edges properly too. (I kind of doubt
// it's worth it to do this, though, given that the maximum error doing it this way will always
// be less than a pixel, and it saves a lot of time.)
// FIXME(pcwalton): Factor out shared terms to avoid computing them multiple times.
vec2 t = vec2(pixelExtents.x > p0.x ? solveCurveT(p0.x, cp.x, p1.x, pixelExtents.x) : 0.0,
p1.x < pixelExtents.y ? solveCurveT(p0.x, cp.x, p1.x, pixelExtents.y) : 1.0);
vec2 spanP0 = mix(mix(p0, cp, t.x), mix(cp, p1, t.x), t.x);
vec2 spanP1 = mix(mix(p0, cp, t.y), mix(cp, p1, t.y), t.y);
p0 = spanP0;
p1 = spanP1;
t = vec2(0.0, 1.0);
// Set up Liang-Barsky clipping.
vec4 p = (p1 - p0).xxyy, q = pixelExtents - p0.xxyy;
// Compute area.
gl_FragColor = vec4(computeCoverage(p0, p1, p0, p1, t, pixelExtents, p, q, uLowerPart));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
// pathfinder/shaders/gles2/ecaa-curve.vs.glsl
// Copyright (c) 2017 Mozilla Foundation
precision highp float;
uniform mat4 uTransform;
uniform ivec2 uFramebufferSize;
uniform ivec2 uBVertexPositionDimensions;
uniform ivec2 uBVertexPathIDDimensions;
uniform sampler2D uBVertexPosition;
uniform sampler2D uBVertexPathID;
uniform bool uLowerPart;
attribute vec2 aQuadPosition;
attribute vec4 aCurveEndpointIndices;
attribute vec2 aCurveControlPointIndex;
varying vec4 vEndpoints;
varying vec2 vControlPoint;
void main() {
// Fetch B-vertex positions.
ivec3 pointIndices = ivec3(unpackUInt32Attribute(aCurveEndpointIndices.xy),
vec2 leftPosition = fetchFloat2Data(uBVertexPosition,
vec2 rightPosition = fetchFloat2Data(uBVertexPosition,
vec2 controlPointPosition = fetchFloat2Data(uBVertexPosition,
// Transform the points, and compute the position of this vertex.
vec2 position;
if (computeQuadPosition(position,
uTransform)) {
controlPointPosition = transformVertexPosition(controlPointPosition, uTransform);
int pathID = fetchUInt16Data(uBVertexPathID, pointIndices.x, uBVertexPathIDDimensions);
float depth = convertPathIndexToDepthValue(pathID);
gl_Position = vec4(position, depth, 1.0);
vEndpoints = vec4(leftPosition, rightPosition);
vControlPoint = controlPointPosition;

View File

@ -13,8 +13,6 @@ void main() {
vec2 center = gl_FragCoord.xy;
vec2 p0 = vEndpoints.xy, p1 =;
bool slopeNegative = p0.y > p1.y;
// Set up Liang-Barsky clipping.
vec4 pixelExtents = center.xxyy + vec4(-0.5, 0.5, -0.5, 0.5);
vec4 p = (p1 - p0).xxyy, q = pixelExtents - p0.xxyy;
@ -23,44 +21,6 @@ void main() {
vec2 t = clamp(q.xy / p.xy, 0.0, 1.0);
vec2 spanP0 = p0 + p.yw * t.x, spanP1 = p0 + p.yw * t.y;
// ...and to the bottom and top.
if (p.z != 0.0) {
vec2 tVertical = /;
if (slopeNegative)
tVertical.xy = tVertical.yx; // FIXME(pcwalton): Can this be removed?
t = vec2(max(t.x, tVertical.x), min(t.y, tVertical.y));
// If the line doesn't pass through this pixel, detect that and bail.
if (t.x >= t.y) {
bool fill = uLowerPart ? spanP0.y < pixelExtents.z : spanP0.y > pixelExtents.w;
gl_FragColor = vec4(fill ? spanP1.x - spanP0.x : 0.0);
// Calculate A2.x.
float a2x;
if (xor(uLowerPart, slopeNegative)) {
a2x = spanP0.x;
t.xy = t.yx;
} else {
a2x = spanP1.x;
// Calculate A3.y.
float a3y = uLowerPart ? pixelExtents.w : pixelExtents.z;
// Calculate A0-A5.
vec2 a0 = p0 + p.yw * t.x;
vec2 a1 = p0 + p.yw * t.y;
vec2 a2 = vec2(a2x, a1.y);
vec2 a3 = vec2(a2x, a3y);
vec2 a4 = vec2(a0.x, a3y);
// Calculate area with the shoelace formula.
float area = det2(a0, a1) + det2(a1, a2) + det2(a2, a3) + det2(a3, a4) + det2(a4, a0);
area *= slopeNegative ? 0.5 : -0.5;
// Done!
gl_FragColor = vec4(area);
// Compute area.
gl_FragColor = vec4(computeCoverage(p0, p1, spanP0, spanP1, t, pixelExtents, p, q, uLowerPart));

View File

@ -28,25 +28,14 @@ void main() {
// Transform the points, and compute the position of this vertex.
vec2 position;
if (abs(leftPosition.x - rightPosition.x) > EPSILON) {
leftPosition = transformVertexPosition(leftPosition, uTransform);
rightPosition = transformVertexPosition(rightPosition, uTransform);
vec2 verticalExtents = vec2(min(leftPosition.y, rightPosition.y),
max(leftPosition.y, rightPosition.y));
vec4 roundedExtents = vec4(floor(vec2(leftPosition.x, verticalExtents.x)),
ceil(vec2(rightPosition.x, verticalExtents.y)));
// FIXME(pcwalton): Use a separate VBO for this.
vec2 quadPosition = (aQuadPosition + 1.0) * 0.5;
position = mix(roundedExtents.xy,, quadPosition);
position = convertScreenToClipSpace(position, uFramebufferSize);
} else {
position = vec2(0.0);
int pathID = fetchUInt16Data(uBVertexPathID, pointIndices.x, uBVertexPathIDDimensions);
float depth = convertPathIndexToDepthValue(pathID);