#version 330 // pathfinder/shaders/tile.fs.glsl // // Copyright © 2020 The Pathfinder Project Developers. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 or the MIT license // , at your // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed // except according to those terms. // Mask UV 0 Mask UV 1 // + + // | | // +-----v-----+ +-----v-----+ // | | MIN | | // | Mask 0 +-----> Mask 1 +------+ // | | | | | // +-----------+ +-----------+ v +-------------+ // Apply | | GPU // Mask +----> Composite +---->Blender // ^ | | // +-----------+ +-----------+ | +-------------+ // | | | | | // | Color 0 +-----> Color 1 +------+ // | Filter | × | | // | | | | // +-----^-----+ +-----^-----+ // | | // + + // Color UV 0 Color UV 1 #extension GL_GOOGLE_include_directive : enable precision highp float; precision highp sampler2D; #define EPSILON 0.00001 #define FRAC_6_PI 1.9098593171027443 #define FRAC_PI_3 1.0471975511965976 #define TILE_CTRL_MASK_MASK 0x3 #define TILE_CTRL_MASK_WINDING 0x1 #define TILE_CTRL_MASK_EVEN_ODD 0x2 #define TILE_CTRL_MASK_0_SHIFT 0 #define COMBINER_CTRL_COLOR_COMBINE_MASK 0x3 #define COMBINER_CTRL_COLOR_COMBINE_SRC_IN 0x1 #define COMBINER_CTRL_COLOR_COMBINE_DEST_IN 0x2 #define COMBINER_CTRL_FILTER_MASK 0x3 #define COMBINER_CTRL_FILTER_RADIAL_GRADIENT 0x1 #define COMBINER_CTRL_FILTER_TEXT 0x2 #define COMBINER_CTRL_FILTER_BLUR 0x3 #define COMBINER_CTRL_COMPOSITE_MASK 0xf #define COMBINER_CTRL_COMPOSITE_NORMAL 0x0 #define COMBINER_CTRL_COMPOSITE_MULTIPLY 0x1 #define COMBINER_CTRL_COMPOSITE_SCREEN 0x2 #define COMBINER_CTRL_COMPOSITE_OVERLAY 0x3 #define COMBINER_CTRL_COMPOSITE_DARKEN 0x4 #define COMBINER_CTRL_COMPOSITE_LIGHTEN 0x5 #define COMBINER_CTRL_COMPOSITE_COLOR_DODGE 0x6 #define COMBINER_CTRL_COMPOSITE_COLOR_BURN 0x7 #define COMBINER_CTRL_COMPOSITE_HARD_LIGHT 0x8 #define COMBINER_CTRL_COMPOSITE_SOFT_LIGHT 0x9 #define COMBINER_CTRL_COMPOSITE_DIFFERENCE 0xa #define COMBINER_CTRL_COMPOSITE_EXCLUSION 0xb #define COMBINER_CTRL_COMPOSITE_HUE 0xc #define COMBINER_CTRL_COMPOSITE_SATURATION 0xd #define COMBINER_CTRL_COMPOSITE_COLOR 0xe #define COMBINER_CTRL_COMPOSITE_LUMINOSITY 0xf #define COMBINER_CTRL_COLOR_FILTER_SHIFT 4 #define COMBINER_CTRL_COLOR_COMBINE_SHIFT 6 #define COMBINER_CTRL_COMPOSITE_SHIFT 8 uniform sampler2D uColorTexture0; uniform sampler2D uMaskTexture0; uniform sampler2D uDestTexture; uniform sampler2D uGammaLUT; uniform vec2 uColorTextureSize0; uniform vec2 uMaskTextureSize0; uniform vec4 uFilterParams0; uniform vec4 uFilterParams1; uniform vec4 uFilterParams2; uniform vec2 uFramebufferSize; uniform int uCtrl; in vec3 vMaskTexCoord0; in vec2 vColorTexCoord0; in vec4 vBaseColor; in float vTileCtrl; out vec4 oFragColor; // Color sampling vec4 sampleColor(sampler2D colorTexture, vec2 colorTexCoord) { return texture(colorTexture, colorTexCoord); } // Color combining vec4 combineColor0(vec4 destColor, vec4 srcColor, int op) { switch (op) { case COMBINER_CTRL_COLOR_COMBINE_SRC_IN: return vec4(srcColor.rgb, srcColor.a * destColor.a); case COMBINER_CTRL_COLOR_COMBINE_DEST_IN: return vec4(destColor.rgb, srcColor.a * destColor.a); } return destColor; } // Text filter float filterTextSample1Tap(float offset, sampler2D colorTexture, vec2 colorTexCoord) { return texture(colorTexture, colorTexCoord + vec2(offset, 0.0)).r; } // Samples 9 taps around the current pixel. void filterTextSample9Tap(out vec4 outAlphaLeft, out float outAlphaCenter, out vec4 outAlphaRight, sampler2D colorTexture, vec2 colorTexCoord, vec4 kernel, float onePixel) { bool wide = kernel.x > 0.0; outAlphaLeft = vec4(wide ? filterTextSample1Tap(-4.0 * onePixel, colorTexture, colorTexCoord) : 0.0, filterTextSample1Tap(-3.0 * onePixel, colorTexture, colorTexCoord), filterTextSample1Tap(-2.0 * onePixel, colorTexture, colorTexCoord), filterTextSample1Tap(-1.0 * onePixel, colorTexture, colorTexCoord)); outAlphaCenter = filterTextSample1Tap(0.0, colorTexture, colorTexCoord); outAlphaRight = vec4(filterTextSample1Tap(1.0 * onePixel, colorTexture, colorTexCoord), filterTextSample1Tap(2.0 * onePixel, colorTexture, colorTexCoord), filterTextSample1Tap(3.0 * onePixel, colorTexture, colorTexCoord), wide ? filterTextSample1Tap(4.0 * onePixel, colorTexture, colorTexCoord) : 0.0); } float filterTextConvolve7Tap(vec4 alpha0, vec3 alpha1, vec4 kernel) { return dot(alpha0, kernel) + dot(alpha1, kernel.zyx); } float filterTextGammaCorrectChannel(float bgColor, float fgColor, sampler2D gammaLUT) { return texture(gammaLUT, vec2(fgColor, 1.0 - bgColor)).r; } // `fgColor` is in linear space. vec3 filterTextGammaCorrect(vec3 bgColor, vec3 fgColor, sampler2D gammaLUT) { return vec3(filterTextGammaCorrectChannel(bgColor.r, fgColor.r, gammaLUT), filterTextGammaCorrectChannel(bgColor.g, fgColor.g, gammaLUT), filterTextGammaCorrectChannel(bgColor.b, fgColor.b, gammaLUT)); } // | x y z w // --------------+-------------------------------------------------------- // filterParams0 | kernel[0] kernel[1] kernel[2] kernel[3] // filterParams1 | bgColor.r bgColor.g bgColor.b - // filterParams2 | fgColor.r fgColor.g fgColor.b gammaCorrectionEnabled vec4 filterText(vec2 colorTexCoord, sampler2D colorTexture, sampler2D gammaLUT, vec2 colorTextureSize, vec4 filterParams0, vec4 filterParams1, vec4 filterParams2) { // Unpack. vec4 kernel = filterParams0; vec3 bgColor = filterParams1.rgb; vec3 fgColor = filterParams2.rgb; bool gammaCorrectionEnabled = filterParams2.a != 0.0; // Apply defringing if necessary. vec3 alpha; if (kernel.w == 0.0) { alpha = texture(colorTexture, colorTexCoord).rrr; } else { vec4 alphaLeft, alphaRight; float alphaCenter; filterTextSample9Tap(alphaLeft, alphaCenter, alphaRight, colorTexture, colorTexCoord, kernel, 1.0 / colorTextureSize.x); float r = filterTextConvolve7Tap(alphaLeft, vec3(alphaCenter, alphaRight.xy), kernel); float g = filterTextConvolve7Tap(vec4(alphaLeft.yzw, alphaCenter), alphaRight.xyz, kernel); float b = filterTextConvolve7Tap(vec4(alphaLeft.zw, alphaCenter, alphaRight.x), alphaRight.yzw, kernel); alpha = vec3(r, g, b); } // Apply gamma correction if necessary. if (gammaCorrectionEnabled) alpha = filterTextGammaCorrect(bgColor, alpha, gammaLUT); // Finish. return vec4(mix(bgColor, fgColor, alpha), 1.0); } // Other filters // This is based on Pixman (MIT license). Copy and pasting the excellent comment // from there: // Implementation of radial gradients following the PDF specification. // See section Type 3 (Radial) Shadings of the PDF Reference // Manual (PDF 32000-1:2008 at the time of this writing). // // In the radial gradient problem we are given two circles (c₁,r₁) and // (c₂,r₂) that define the gradient itself. // // Mathematically the gradient can be defined as the family of circles // // ((1-t)·c₁ + t·(c₂), (1-t)·r₁ + t·r₂) // // excluding those circles whose radius would be < 0. When a point // belongs to more than one circle, the one with a bigger t is the only // one that contributes to its color. When a point does not belong // to any of the circles, it is transparent black, i.e. RGBA (0, 0, 0, 0). // Further limitations on the range of values for t are imposed when // the gradient is not repeated, namely t must belong to [0,1]. // // The graphical result is the same as drawing the valid (radius > 0) // circles with increasing t in [-∞, +∞] (or in [0,1] if the gradient // is not repeated) using SOURCE operator composition. // // It looks like a cone pointing towards the viewer if the ending circle // is smaller than the starting one, a cone pointing inside the page if // the starting circle is the smaller one and like a cylinder if they // have the same radius. // // What we actually do is, given the point whose color we are interested // in, compute the t values for that point, solving for t in: // // length((1-t)·c₁ + t·(c₂) - p) = (1-t)·r₁ + t·r₂ // // Let's rewrite it in a simpler way, by defining some auxiliary // variables: // // cd = c₂ - c₁ // pd = p - c₁ // dr = r₂ - r₁ // length(t·cd - pd) = r₁ + t·dr // // which actually means // // hypot(t·cdx - pdx, t·cdy - pdy) = r₁ + t·dr // // or // // ⎷((t·cdx - pdx)² + (t·cdy - pdy)²) = r₁ + t·dr. // // If we impose (as stated earlier) that r₁ + t·dr ≥ 0, it becomes: // // (t·cdx - pdx)² + (t·cdy - pdy)² = (r₁ + t·dr)² // // where we can actually expand the squares and solve for t: // // t²cdx² - 2t·cdx·pdx + pdx² + t²cdy² - 2t·cdy·pdy + pdy² = // = r₁² + 2·r₁·t·dr + t²·dr² // // (cdx² + cdy² - dr²)t² - 2(cdx·pdx + cdy·pdy + r₁·dr)t + // (pdx² + pdy² - r₁²) = 0 // // A = cdx² + cdy² - dr² // B = pdx·cdx + pdy·cdy + r₁·dr // C = pdx² + pdy² - r₁² // At² - 2Bt + C = 0 // // The solutions (unless the equation degenerates because of A = 0) are: // // t = (B ± ⎷(B² - A·C)) / A // // The solution we are going to prefer is the bigger one, unless the // radius associated to it is negative (or it falls outside the valid t // range). // // Additional observations (useful for optimizations): // A does not depend on p // // A < 0 ⟺ one of the two circles completely contains the other one // ⟺ for every p, the radii associated with the two t solutions have // opposite sign // // | x y z w // --------------+----------------------------------------------------- // filterParams0 | lineFrom.x lineFrom.y lineVector.x lineVector.y // filterParams1 | radii.x radii.y uvOrigin.x uvOrigin.y // filterParams2 | - - - - vec4 filterRadialGradient(vec2 colorTexCoord, sampler2D colorTexture, vec2 colorTextureSize, vec2 fragCoord, vec2 framebufferSize, vec4 filterParams0, vec4 filterParams1) { vec2 lineFrom = filterParams0.xy, lineVector = filterParams0.zw; vec2 radii = filterParams1.xy, uvOrigin = filterParams1.zw; vec2 dP = colorTexCoord - lineFrom, dC = lineVector; float dR = radii.y - radii.x; float a = dot(dC, dC) - dR * dR; float b = dot(dP, dC) + radii.x * dR; float c = dot(dP, dP) - radii.x * radii.x; float discrim = b * b - a * c; vec4 color = vec4(0.0); if (abs(discrim) >= EPSILON) { vec2 ts = vec2(sqrt(discrim) * vec2(1.0, -1.0) + vec2(b)) / vec2(a); if (ts.x > ts.y) ts = ts.yx; float t = ts.x >= 0.0 ? ts.x : ts.y; color = texture(colorTexture, uvOrigin + vec2(clamp(t, 0.0, 1.0), 0.0)); } return color; } // | x y z w // --------------+---------------------------------------------------- // filterParams0 | srcOffset.x srcOffset.y support - // filterParams1 | gaussCoeff.x gaussCoeff.y gaussCoeff.z - // filterParams2 | - - - - vec4 filterBlur(vec2 colorTexCoord, sampler2D colorTexture, vec2 colorTextureSize, vec4 filterParams0, vec4 filterParams1) { // Unpack. vec2 srcOffsetScale = filterParams0.xy / colorTextureSize; int support = int(filterParams0.z); vec3 gaussCoeff = filterParams1.xyz; // Set up our incremental calculation. float gaussSum = gaussCoeff.x; vec4 color = texture(colorTexture, colorTexCoord) * gaussCoeff.x; gaussCoeff.xy *= gaussCoeff.yz; // This is a common trick that lets us use the texture filtering hardware to evaluate two // texels at a time. The basic principle is that, if c0 and c1 are colors of adjacent texels // and k0 and k1 are arbitrary factors, the formula `k0 * c0 + k1 * c1` is equivalent to // `(k0 + k1) * lerp(c0, c1, k1 / (k0 + k1))`. Linear interpolation, as performed by the // texturing hardware when sampling adjacent pixels in one direction, evaluates // `lerp(c0, c1, t)` where t is the offset from the texel with color `c0`. To evaluate the // formula `k0 * c0 + k1 * c1`, therefore, we can use the texture hardware to perform linear // interpolation with `t = k1 / (k0 + k1)`. for (int i = 1; i <= support; i += 2) { float gaussPartialSum = gaussCoeff.x; gaussCoeff.xy *= gaussCoeff.yz; gaussPartialSum += gaussCoeff.x; vec2 srcOffset = srcOffsetScale * (float(i) + gaussCoeff.x / gaussPartialSum); color += (texture(colorTexture, colorTexCoord - srcOffset) + texture(colorTexture, colorTexCoord + srcOffset)) * gaussPartialSum; gaussSum += 2.0 * gaussPartialSum; gaussCoeff.xy *= gaussCoeff.yz; } // Finish. return color / gaussSum; } vec4 filterNone(vec2 colorTexCoord, sampler2D colorTexture) { return sampleColor(colorTexture, colorTexCoord); } vec4 filterColor(vec2 colorTexCoord, sampler2D colorTexture, sampler2D gammaLUT, vec2 colorTextureSize, vec2 fragCoord, vec2 framebufferSize, vec4 filterParams0, vec4 filterParams1, vec4 filterParams2, int colorFilter) { switch (colorFilter) { case COMBINER_CTRL_FILTER_RADIAL_GRADIENT: return filterRadialGradient(colorTexCoord, colorTexture, colorTextureSize, fragCoord, framebufferSize, filterParams0, filterParams1); case COMBINER_CTRL_FILTER_BLUR: return filterBlur(colorTexCoord, colorTexture, colorTextureSize, filterParams0, filterParams1); case COMBINER_CTRL_FILTER_TEXT: return filterText(colorTexCoord, colorTexture, gammaLUT, colorTextureSize, filterParams0, filterParams1, filterParams2); } return filterNone(colorTexCoord, colorTexture); } // Compositing vec3 compositeSelect(bvec3 cond, vec3 ifTrue, vec3 ifFalse) { return vec3(cond.x ? ifTrue.x : ifFalse.x, cond.y ? ifTrue.y : ifFalse.y, cond.z ? ifTrue.z : ifFalse.z); } float compositeDivide(float num, float denom) { return denom != 0.0 ? num / denom : 0.0; } vec3 compositeColorDodge(vec3 destColor, vec3 srcColor) { bvec3 destZero = equal(destColor, vec3(0.0)), srcOne = equal(srcColor, vec3(1.0)); return compositeSelect(destZero, vec3(0.0), compositeSelect(srcOne, vec3(1.0), destColor / (vec3(1.0) - srcColor))); } // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSL_and_HSV#HSL_to_RGB_alternative vec3 compositeHSLToRGB(vec3 hsl) { float a = hsl.y * min(hsl.z, 1.0 - hsl.z); vec3 ks = mod(vec3(0.0, 8.0, 4.0) + vec3(hsl.x * FRAC_6_PI), 12.0); return hsl.zzz - clamp(min(ks - vec3(3.0), vec3(9.0) - ks), -1.0, 1.0) * a; } // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSL_and_HSV#From_RGB vec3 compositeRGBToHSL(vec3 rgb) { float v = max(max(rgb.r, rgb.g), rgb.b), xMin = min(min(rgb.r, rgb.g), rgb.b); float c = v - xMin, l = mix(xMin, v, 0.5); vec3 terms = rgb.r == v ? vec3(0.0, rgb.gb) : rgb.g == v ? vec3(2.0, rgb.br) : vec3(4.0, rgb.rg); float h = FRAC_PI_3 * compositeDivide(terms.x * c + terms.y - terms.z, c); float s = compositeDivide(c, v); return vec3(h, s, l); } vec3 compositeScreen(vec3 destColor, vec3 srcColor) { return destColor + srcColor - destColor * srcColor; } vec3 compositeHardLight(vec3 destColor, vec3 srcColor) { return compositeSelect(lessThanEqual(srcColor, vec3(0.5)), destColor * vec3(2.0) * srcColor, compositeScreen(destColor, vec3(2.0) * srcColor - vec3(1.0))); } vec3 compositeSoftLight(vec3 destColor, vec3 srcColor) { vec3 darkenedDestColor = compositeSelect(lessThanEqual(destColor, vec3(0.25)), ((vec3(16.0) * destColor - 12.0) * destColor + 4.0) * destColor, sqrt(destColor)); vec3 factor = compositeSelect(lessThanEqual(srcColor, vec3(0.5)), destColor * (vec3(1.0) - destColor), darkenedDestColor - destColor); return destColor + (srcColor * 2.0 - 1.0) * factor; } vec3 compositeHSL(vec3 destColor, vec3 srcColor, int op) { switch (op) { case COMBINER_CTRL_COMPOSITE_HUE: return vec3(srcColor.x, destColor.y, destColor.z); case COMBINER_CTRL_COMPOSITE_SATURATION: return vec3(destColor.x, srcColor.y, destColor.z); case COMBINER_CTRL_COMPOSITE_COLOR: return vec3(srcColor.x, srcColor.y, destColor.z); default: return vec3(destColor.x, destColor.y, srcColor.z); } } vec3 compositeRGB(vec3 destColor, vec3 srcColor, int op) { switch (op) { case COMBINER_CTRL_COMPOSITE_MULTIPLY: return destColor * srcColor; case COMBINER_CTRL_COMPOSITE_SCREEN: return compositeScreen(destColor, srcColor); case COMBINER_CTRL_COMPOSITE_OVERLAY: return compositeHardLight(srcColor, destColor); case COMBINER_CTRL_COMPOSITE_DARKEN: return min(destColor, srcColor); case COMBINER_CTRL_COMPOSITE_LIGHTEN: return max(destColor, srcColor); case COMBINER_CTRL_COMPOSITE_COLOR_DODGE: return compositeColorDodge(destColor, srcColor); case COMBINER_CTRL_COMPOSITE_COLOR_BURN: return vec3(1.0) - compositeColorDodge(vec3(1.0) - destColor, vec3(1.0) - srcColor); case COMBINER_CTRL_COMPOSITE_HARD_LIGHT: return compositeHardLight(destColor, srcColor); case COMBINER_CTRL_COMPOSITE_SOFT_LIGHT: return compositeSoftLight(destColor, srcColor); case COMBINER_CTRL_COMPOSITE_DIFFERENCE: return abs(destColor - srcColor); case COMBINER_CTRL_COMPOSITE_EXCLUSION: return destColor + srcColor - vec3(2.0) * destColor * srcColor; case COMBINER_CTRL_COMPOSITE_HUE: case COMBINER_CTRL_COMPOSITE_SATURATION: case COMBINER_CTRL_COMPOSITE_COLOR: case COMBINER_CTRL_COMPOSITE_LUMINOSITY: return compositeHSLToRGB(compositeHSL(compositeRGBToHSL(destColor), compositeRGBToHSL(srcColor), op)); } return srcColor; } vec4 composite(vec4 srcColor, sampler2D destTexture, vec2 destTextureSize, vec2 fragCoord, int op) { if (op == COMBINER_CTRL_COMPOSITE_NORMAL) return srcColor; // FIXME(pcwalton): What should the output alpha be here? vec2 destTexCoord = fragCoord / destTextureSize; vec4 destColor = texture(destTexture, destTexCoord); vec3 blendedRGB = compositeRGB(destColor.rgb, srcColor.rgb, op); return vec4(srcColor.a * (1.0 - destColor.a) * srcColor.rgb + srcColor.a * destColor.a * blendedRGB + (1.0 - srcColor.a) * destColor.rgb, 1.0); } // Masks float sampleMask(float maskAlpha, sampler2D maskTexture, vec2 maskTextureSize, vec3 maskTexCoord, int maskCtrl) { if (maskCtrl == 0) return maskAlpha; ivec2 maskTexCoordI = ivec2(floor(maskTexCoord.xy)); vec4 texel = texture(maskTexture, (vec2(maskTexCoordI / ivec2(1, 4)) + 0.5) / maskTextureSize); float coverage = texel[maskTexCoordI.y % 4] + maskTexCoord.z; if ((maskCtrl & TILE_CTRL_MASK_WINDING) != 0) coverage = abs(coverage); else coverage = 1.0 - abs(1.0 - mod(coverage, 2.0)); return min(maskAlpha, coverage); } // Main function void calculateColor(int tileCtrl, int ctrl) { // Sample mask. int maskCtrl0 = (tileCtrl >> TILE_CTRL_MASK_0_SHIFT) & TILE_CTRL_MASK_MASK; float maskAlpha = 1.0; maskAlpha = sampleMask(maskAlpha, uMaskTexture0, uMaskTextureSize0, vMaskTexCoord0, maskCtrl0); // Sample color. vec4 color = vBaseColor; int color0Combine = (ctrl >> COMBINER_CTRL_COLOR_COMBINE_SHIFT) & COMBINER_CTRL_COLOR_COMBINE_MASK; if (color0Combine != 0) { int color0Filter = (ctrl >> COMBINER_CTRL_COLOR_FILTER_SHIFT) & COMBINER_CTRL_FILTER_MASK; vec4 color0 = filterColor(vColorTexCoord0, uColorTexture0, uGammaLUT, uColorTextureSize0, gl_FragCoord.xy, uFramebufferSize, uFilterParams0, uFilterParams1, uFilterParams2, color0Filter); color = combineColor0(color, color0, color0Combine); } // Apply mask. color.a *= maskAlpha; // Apply composite. int compositeOp = (ctrl >> COMBINER_CTRL_COMPOSITE_SHIFT) & COMBINER_CTRL_COMPOSITE_MASK; color = composite(color, uDestTexture, uFramebufferSize, gl_FragCoord.xy, compositeOp); // Premultiply alpha. color.rgb *= color.a; oFragColor = color; } // Entry point // // TODO(pcwalton): Generate this dynamically. void main() { calculateColor(int(vTileCtrl), uCtrl); }