// Automatically generated from files in pathfinder/shaders/. Do not edit! #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wmissing-prototypes" #include #include using namespace metal; constant float3 _1042 = {}; struct main0_out { float4 oFragColor [[color(0)]]; }; struct main0_in { float3 vMaskTexCoord0 [[user(locn0)]]; float2 vColorTexCoord0 [[user(locn1)]]; float4 vBaseColor [[user(locn2)]]; float vTileCtrl [[user(locn3)]]; }; // Implementation of the GLSL mod() function, which is slightly different than Metal fmod() template inline Tx mod(Tx x, Ty y) { return x - y * floor(x / y); } static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) float sampleMask(thread const float& maskAlpha, thread const texture2d maskTexture, thread const sampler maskTextureSmplr, thread const float2& maskTextureSize, thread const float3& maskTexCoord, thread const int& maskCtrl) { if (maskCtrl == 0) { return maskAlpha; } int2 maskTexCoordI = int2(floor(maskTexCoord.xy)); float4 texel = maskTexture.sample(maskTextureSmplr, ((float2(maskTexCoordI / int2(1, 4)) + float2(0.5)) / maskTextureSize)); float coverage = texel[maskTexCoordI.y % 4] + maskTexCoord.z; if ((maskCtrl & 1) != 0) { coverage = abs(coverage); } else { coverage = 1.0 - abs(1.0 - mod(coverage, 2.0)); } return fast::min(maskAlpha, coverage); } static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) float4 filterRadialGradient(thread const float2& colorTexCoord, thread const texture2d colorTexture, thread const sampler colorTextureSmplr, thread const float2& colorTextureSize, thread const float2& fragCoord, thread const float2& framebufferSize, thread const float4& filterParams0, thread const float4& filterParams1) { float2 lineFrom = filterParams0.xy; float2 lineVector = filterParams0.zw; float2 radii = filterParams1.xy; float2 uvOrigin = filterParams1.zw; float2 dP = colorTexCoord - lineFrom; float2 dC = lineVector; float dR = radii.y - radii.x; float a = dot(dC, dC) - (dR * dR); float b = dot(dP, dC) + (radii.x * dR); float c = dot(dP, dP) - (radii.x * radii.x); float discrim = (b * b) - (a * c); float4 color = float4(0.0); if (abs(discrim) >= 9.9999997473787516355514526367188e-06) { float2 ts = float2((float2(1.0, -1.0) * sqrt(discrim)) + float2(b)) / float2(a); if (ts.x > ts.y) { ts = ts.yx; } float _555; if (ts.x >= 0.0) { _555 = ts.x; } else { _555 = ts.y; } float t = _555; color = colorTexture.sample(colorTextureSmplr, (uvOrigin + float2(fast::clamp(t, 0.0, 1.0), 0.0))); } return color; } static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) float4 filterBlur(thread const float2& colorTexCoord, thread const texture2d colorTexture, thread const sampler colorTextureSmplr, thread const float2& colorTextureSize, thread const float4& filterParams0, thread const float4& filterParams1) { float2 srcOffsetScale = filterParams0.xy / colorTextureSize; int support = int(filterParams0.z); float3 gaussCoeff = filterParams1.xyz; float gaussSum = gaussCoeff.x; float4 color = colorTexture.sample(colorTextureSmplr, colorTexCoord) * gaussCoeff.x; float2 _600 = gaussCoeff.xy * gaussCoeff.yz; gaussCoeff = float3(_600.x, _600.y, gaussCoeff.z); for (int i = 1; i <= support; i += 2) { float gaussPartialSum = gaussCoeff.x; float2 _620 = gaussCoeff.xy * gaussCoeff.yz; gaussCoeff = float3(_620.x, _620.y, gaussCoeff.z); gaussPartialSum += gaussCoeff.x; float2 srcOffset = srcOffsetScale * (float(i) + (gaussCoeff.x / gaussPartialSum)); color += ((colorTexture.sample(colorTextureSmplr, (colorTexCoord - srcOffset)) + colorTexture.sample(colorTextureSmplr, (colorTexCoord + srcOffset))) * gaussPartialSum); gaussSum += (2.0 * gaussPartialSum); float2 _660 = gaussCoeff.xy * gaussCoeff.yz; gaussCoeff = float3(_660.x, _660.y, gaussCoeff.z); } return color / float4(gaussSum); } static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) float filterTextSample1Tap(thread const float& offset, thread const texture2d colorTexture, thread const sampler colorTextureSmplr, thread const float2& colorTexCoord) { return colorTexture.sample(colorTextureSmplr, (colorTexCoord + float2(offset, 0.0))).x; } static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) void filterTextSample9Tap(thread float4& outAlphaLeft, thread float& outAlphaCenter, thread float4& outAlphaRight, thread const texture2d colorTexture, thread const sampler colorTextureSmplr, thread const float2& colorTexCoord, thread const float4& kernel0, thread const float& onePixel) { bool wide = kernel0.x > 0.0; float _236; if (wide) { float param = (-4.0) * onePixel; float2 param_1 = colorTexCoord; _236 = filterTextSample1Tap(param, colorTexture, colorTextureSmplr, param_1); } else { _236 = 0.0; } float param_2 = (-3.0) * onePixel; float2 param_3 = colorTexCoord; float param_4 = (-2.0) * onePixel; float2 param_5 = colorTexCoord; float param_6 = (-1.0) * onePixel; float2 param_7 = colorTexCoord; outAlphaLeft = float4(_236, filterTextSample1Tap(param_2, colorTexture, colorTextureSmplr, param_3), filterTextSample1Tap(param_4, colorTexture, colorTextureSmplr, param_5), filterTextSample1Tap(param_6, colorTexture, colorTextureSmplr, param_7)); float param_8 = 0.0; float2 param_9 = colorTexCoord; outAlphaCenter = filterTextSample1Tap(param_8, colorTexture, colorTextureSmplr, param_9); float param_10 = 1.0 * onePixel; float2 param_11 = colorTexCoord; float param_12 = 2.0 * onePixel; float2 param_13 = colorTexCoord; float param_14 = 3.0 * onePixel; float2 param_15 = colorTexCoord; float _296; if (wide) { float param_16 = 4.0 * onePixel; float2 param_17 = colorTexCoord; _296 = filterTextSample1Tap(param_16, colorTexture, colorTextureSmplr, param_17); } else { _296 = 0.0; } outAlphaRight = float4(filterTextSample1Tap(param_10, colorTexture, colorTextureSmplr, param_11), filterTextSample1Tap(param_12, colorTexture, colorTextureSmplr, param_13), filterTextSample1Tap(param_14, colorTexture, colorTextureSmplr, param_15), _296); } static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) float filterTextConvolve7Tap(thread const float4& alpha0, thread const float3& alpha1, thread const float4& kernel0) { return dot(alpha0, kernel0) + dot(alpha1, kernel0.zyx); } static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) float filterTextGammaCorrectChannel(thread const float& bgColor, thread const float& fgColor, thread const texture2d gammaLUT, thread const sampler gammaLUTSmplr) { return gammaLUT.sample(gammaLUTSmplr, float2(fgColor, 1.0 - bgColor)).x; } static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) float3 filterTextGammaCorrect(thread const float3& bgColor, thread const float3& fgColor, thread const texture2d gammaLUT, thread const sampler gammaLUTSmplr) { float param = bgColor.x; float param_1 = fgColor.x; float param_2 = bgColor.y; float param_3 = fgColor.y; float param_4 = bgColor.z; float param_5 = fgColor.z; return float3(filterTextGammaCorrectChannel(param, param_1, gammaLUT, gammaLUTSmplr), filterTextGammaCorrectChannel(param_2, param_3, gammaLUT, gammaLUTSmplr), filterTextGammaCorrectChannel(param_4, param_5, gammaLUT, gammaLUTSmplr)); } static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) float4 filterText(thread const float2& colorTexCoord, thread const texture2d colorTexture, thread const sampler colorTextureSmplr, thread const texture2d gammaLUT, thread const sampler gammaLUTSmplr, thread const float2& colorTextureSize, thread const float4& filterParams0, thread const float4& filterParams1, thread const float4& filterParams2) { float4 kernel0 = filterParams0; float3 bgColor = filterParams1.xyz; float3 fgColor = filterParams2.xyz; bool gammaCorrectionEnabled = filterParams2.w != 0.0; float3 alpha; if (kernel0.w == 0.0) { alpha = colorTexture.sample(colorTextureSmplr, colorTexCoord).xxx; } else { float2 param_3 = colorTexCoord; float4 param_4 = kernel0; float param_5 = 1.0 / colorTextureSize.x; float4 param; float param_1; float4 param_2; filterTextSample9Tap(param, param_1, param_2, colorTexture, colorTextureSmplr, param_3, param_4, param_5); float4 alphaLeft = param; float alphaCenter = param_1; float4 alphaRight = param_2; float4 param_6 = alphaLeft; float3 param_7 = float3(alphaCenter, alphaRight.xy); float4 param_8 = kernel0; float r = filterTextConvolve7Tap(param_6, param_7, param_8); float4 param_9 = float4(alphaLeft.yzw, alphaCenter); float3 param_10 = alphaRight.xyz; float4 param_11 = kernel0; float g = filterTextConvolve7Tap(param_9, param_10, param_11); float4 param_12 = float4(alphaLeft.zw, alphaCenter, alphaRight.x); float3 param_13 = alphaRight.yzw; float4 param_14 = kernel0; float b = filterTextConvolve7Tap(param_12, param_13, param_14); alpha = float3(r, g, b); } if (gammaCorrectionEnabled) { float3 param_15 = bgColor; float3 param_16 = alpha; alpha = filterTextGammaCorrect(param_15, param_16, gammaLUT, gammaLUTSmplr); } return float4(mix(bgColor, fgColor, alpha), 1.0); } static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) float4 sampleColor(thread const texture2d colorTexture, thread const sampler colorTextureSmplr, thread const float2& colorTexCoord) { return colorTexture.sample(colorTextureSmplr, colorTexCoord); } static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) float4 filterNone(thread const float2& colorTexCoord, thread const texture2d colorTexture, thread const sampler colorTextureSmplr) { float2 param = colorTexCoord; return sampleColor(colorTexture, colorTextureSmplr, param); } static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) float4 filterColor(thread const float2& colorTexCoord, thread const texture2d colorTexture, thread const sampler colorTextureSmplr, thread const texture2d gammaLUT, thread const sampler gammaLUTSmplr, thread const float2& colorTextureSize, thread const float2& fragCoord, thread const float2& framebufferSize, thread const float4& filterParams0, thread const float4& filterParams1, thread const float4& filterParams2, thread const int& colorFilter) { switch (colorFilter) { case 1: { float2 param = colorTexCoord; float2 param_1 = colorTextureSize; float2 param_2 = fragCoord; float2 param_3 = framebufferSize; float4 param_4 = filterParams0; float4 param_5 = filterParams1; return filterRadialGradient(param, colorTexture, colorTextureSmplr, param_1, param_2, param_3, param_4, param_5); } case 3: { float2 param_6 = colorTexCoord; float2 param_7 = colorTextureSize; float4 param_8 = filterParams0; float4 param_9 = filterParams1; return filterBlur(param_6, colorTexture, colorTextureSmplr, param_7, param_8, param_9); } case 2: { float2 param_10 = colorTexCoord; float2 param_11 = colorTextureSize; float4 param_12 = filterParams0; float4 param_13 = filterParams1; float4 param_14 = filterParams2; return filterText(param_10, colorTexture, colorTextureSmplr, gammaLUT, gammaLUTSmplr, param_11, param_12, param_13, param_14); } } float2 param_15 = colorTexCoord; return filterNone(param_15, colorTexture, colorTextureSmplr); } static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) float4 combineColor0(thread const float4& destColor, thread const float4& srcColor, thread const int& op) { switch (op) { case 1: { return float4(srcColor.xyz, srcColor.w * destColor.w); } case 2: { return float4(destColor.xyz, srcColor.w * destColor.w); } } return destColor; } static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) float3 compositeScreen(thread const float3& destColor, thread const float3& srcColor) { return (destColor + srcColor) - (destColor * srcColor); } static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) float3 compositeSelect(thread const bool3& cond, thread const float3& ifTrue, thread const float3& ifFalse) { float _726; if (cond.x) { _726 = ifTrue.x; } else { _726 = ifFalse.x; } float _737; if (cond.y) { _737 = ifTrue.y; } else { _737 = ifFalse.y; } float _748; if (cond.z) { _748 = ifTrue.z; } else { _748 = ifFalse.z; } return float3(_726, _737, _748); } static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) float3 compositeHardLight(thread const float3& destColor, thread const float3& srcColor) { float3 param = destColor; float3 param_1 = (float3(2.0) * srcColor) - float3(1.0); bool3 param_2 = srcColor <= float3(0.5); float3 param_3 = (destColor * float3(2.0)) * srcColor; float3 param_4 = compositeScreen(param, param_1); return compositeSelect(param_2, param_3, param_4); } static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) float3 compositeColorDodge(thread const float3& destColor, thread const float3& srcColor) { bool3 destZero = destColor == float3(0.0); bool3 srcOne = srcColor == float3(1.0); bool3 param = srcOne; float3 param_1 = float3(1.0); float3 param_2 = destColor / (float3(1.0) - srcColor); bool3 param_3 = destZero; float3 param_4 = float3(0.0); float3 param_5 = compositeSelect(param, param_1, param_2); return compositeSelect(param_3, param_4, param_5); } static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) float3 compositeSoftLight(thread const float3& destColor, thread const float3& srcColor) { bool3 param = destColor <= float3(0.25); float3 param_1 = ((((float3(16.0) * destColor) - float3(12.0)) * destColor) + float3(4.0)) * destColor; float3 param_2 = sqrt(destColor); float3 darkenedDestColor = compositeSelect(param, param_1, param_2); bool3 param_3 = srcColor <= float3(0.5); float3 param_4 = destColor * (float3(1.0) - destColor); float3 param_5 = darkenedDestColor - destColor; float3 factor = compositeSelect(param_3, param_4, param_5); return destColor + (((srcColor * 2.0) - float3(1.0)) * factor); } static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) float compositeDivide(thread const float& num, thread const float& denom) { float _762; if (denom != 0.0) { _762 = num / denom; } else { _762 = 0.0; } return _762; } static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) float3 compositeRGBToHSL(thread const float3& rgb) { float v = fast::max(fast::max(rgb.x, rgb.y), rgb.z); float xMin = fast::min(fast::min(rgb.x, rgb.y), rgb.z); float c = v - xMin; float l = mix(xMin, v, 0.5); float3 _868; if (rgb.x == v) { _868 = float3(0.0, rgb.yz); } else { float3 _881; if (rgb.y == v) { _881 = float3(2.0, rgb.zx); } else { _881 = float3(4.0, rgb.xy); } _868 = _881; } float3 terms = _868; float param = ((terms.x * c) + terms.y) - terms.z; float param_1 = c; float h = 1.0471975803375244140625 * compositeDivide(param, param_1); float param_2 = c; float param_3 = v; float s = compositeDivide(param_2, param_3); return float3(h, s, l); } static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) float3 compositeHSL(thread const float3& destColor, thread const float3& srcColor, thread const int& op) { switch (op) { case 12: { return float3(srcColor.x, destColor.y, destColor.z); } case 13: { return float3(destColor.x, srcColor.y, destColor.z); } case 14: { return float3(srcColor.x, srcColor.y, destColor.z); } default: { return float3(destColor.x, destColor.y, srcColor.z); } } } static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) float3 compositeHSLToRGB(thread const float3& hsl) { float a = hsl.y * fast::min(hsl.z, 1.0 - hsl.z); float3 ks = mod(float3(0.0, 8.0, 4.0) + float3(hsl.x * 1.90985929965972900390625), float3(12.0)); return hsl.zzz - (fast::clamp(fast::min(ks - float3(3.0), float3(9.0) - ks), float3(-1.0), float3(1.0)) * a); } static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) float3 compositeRGB(thread const float3& destColor, thread const float3& srcColor, thread const int& op) { switch (op) { case 1: { return destColor * srcColor; } case 2: { float3 param = destColor; float3 param_1 = srcColor; return compositeScreen(param, param_1); } case 3: { float3 param_2 = srcColor; float3 param_3 = destColor; return compositeHardLight(param_2, param_3); } case 4: { return fast::min(destColor, srcColor); } case 5: { return fast::max(destColor, srcColor); } case 6: { float3 param_4 = destColor; float3 param_5 = srcColor; return compositeColorDodge(param_4, param_5); } case 7: { float3 param_6 = float3(1.0) - destColor; float3 param_7 = float3(1.0) - srcColor; return float3(1.0) - compositeColorDodge(param_6, param_7); } case 8: { float3 param_8 = destColor; float3 param_9 = srcColor; return compositeHardLight(param_8, param_9); } case 9: { float3 param_10 = destColor; float3 param_11 = srcColor; return compositeSoftLight(param_10, param_11); } case 10: { return abs(destColor - srcColor); } case 11: { return (destColor + srcColor) - ((float3(2.0) * destColor) * srcColor); } case 12: case 13: case 14: case 15: { float3 param_12 = destColor; float3 param_13 = srcColor; float3 param_14 = compositeRGBToHSL(param_12); float3 param_15 = compositeRGBToHSL(param_13); int param_16 = op; float3 param_17 = compositeHSL(param_14, param_15, param_16); return compositeHSLToRGB(param_17); } } return srcColor; } static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) float4 composite(thread const float4& srcColor, thread const texture2d destTexture, thread const sampler destTextureSmplr, thread const float2& destTextureSize, thread const float2& fragCoord, thread const int& op) { if (op == 0) { return srcColor; } float2 destTexCoord = fragCoord / destTextureSize; float4 destColor = destTexture.sample(destTextureSmplr, destTexCoord); float3 param = destColor.xyz; float3 param_1 = srcColor.xyz; int param_2 = op; float3 blendedRGB = compositeRGB(param, param_1, param_2); return float4(((srcColor.xyz * (srcColor.w * (1.0 - destColor.w))) + (blendedRGB * (srcColor.w * destColor.w))) + (destColor.xyz * (1.0 - srcColor.w)), 1.0); } static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) void calculateColor(thread const int& tileCtrl, thread const int& ctrl, thread texture2d uMaskTexture0, thread const sampler uMaskTexture0Smplr, thread float2 uMaskTextureSize0, thread float3& vMaskTexCoord0, thread float4& vBaseColor, thread float2& vColorTexCoord0, thread texture2d uColorTexture0, thread const sampler uColorTexture0Smplr, thread texture2d uGammaLUT, thread const sampler uGammaLUTSmplr, thread float2 uColorTextureSize0, thread float4& gl_FragCoord, thread float2 uFramebufferSize, thread float4 uFilterParams0, thread float4 uFilterParams1, thread float4 uFilterParams2, thread texture2d uDestTexture, thread const sampler uDestTextureSmplr, thread float4& oFragColor) { int maskCtrl0 = (tileCtrl >> 0) & 3; float maskAlpha = 1.0; float param = maskAlpha; float2 param_1 = uMaskTextureSize0; float3 param_2 = vMaskTexCoord0; int param_3 = maskCtrl0; maskAlpha = sampleMask(param, uMaskTexture0, uMaskTexture0Smplr, param_1, param_2, param_3); float4 color = vBaseColor; int color0Combine = (ctrl >> 6) & 3; if (color0Combine != 0) { int color0Filter = (ctrl >> 4) & 3; float2 param_4 = vColorTexCoord0; float2 param_5 = uColorTextureSize0; float2 param_6 = gl_FragCoord.xy; float2 param_7 = uFramebufferSize; float4 param_8 = uFilterParams0; float4 param_9 = uFilterParams1; float4 param_10 = uFilterParams2; int param_11 = color0Filter; float4 color0 = filterColor(param_4, uColorTexture0, uColorTexture0Smplr, uGammaLUT, uGammaLUTSmplr, param_5, param_6, param_7, param_8, param_9, param_10, param_11); float4 param_12 = color; float4 param_13 = color0; int param_14 = color0Combine; color = combineColor0(param_12, param_13, param_14); } color.w *= maskAlpha; int compositeOp = (ctrl >> 8) & 15; float4 param_15 = color; float2 param_16 = uFramebufferSize; float2 param_17 = gl_FragCoord.xy; int param_18 = compositeOp; color = composite(param_15, uDestTexture, uDestTextureSmplr, param_16, param_17, param_18); float3 _1347 = color.xyz * color.w; color = float4(_1347.x, _1347.y, _1347.z, color.w); oFragColor = color; } fragment main0_out main0(main0_in in [[stage_in]], constant int& uCtrl [[buffer(6)]], constant float2& uMaskTextureSize0 [[buffer(0)]], constant float2& uColorTextureSize0 [[buffer(1)]], constant float2& uFramebufferSize [[buffer(2)]], constant float4& uFilterParams0 [[buffer(3)]], constant float4& uFilterParams1 [[buffer(4)]], constant float4& uFilterParams2 [[buffer(5)]], texture2d uMaskTexture0 [[texture(0)]], texture2d uColorTexture0 [[texture(1)]], texture2d uGammaLUT [[texture(2)]], texture2d uDestTexture [[texture(3)]], sampler uMaskTexture0Smplr [[sampler(0)]], sampler uColorTexture0Smplr [[sampler(1)]], sampler uGammaLUTSmplr [[sampler(2)]], sampler uDestTextureSmplr [[sampler(3)]], float4 gl_FragCoord [[position]]) { main0_out out = {}; int param = int(in.vTileCtrl); int param_1 = uCtrl; calculateColor(param, param_1, uMaskTexture0, uMaskTexture0Smplr, uMaskTextureSize0, in.vMaskTexCoord0, in.vBaseColor, in.vColorTexCoord0, uColorTexture0, uColorTexture0Smplr, uGammaLUT, uGammaLUTSmplr, uColorTextureSize0, gl_FragCoord, uFramebufferSize, uFilterParams0, uFilterParams1, uFilterParams2, uDestTexture, uDestTextureSmplr, out.oFragColor); return out; }