// pathfinder/demo/src/ui.rs // // Copyright © 2019 The Pathfinder Project Developers. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 or the MIT license // , at your // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed // except according to those terms. use crate::Options; use nfd::Response; use pathfinder_geometry::basic::point::Point2DI32; use pathfinder_geometry::basic::rect::RectI32; use pathfinder_gl::debug::{BUTTON_HEIGHT, BUTTON_TEXT_OFFSET, BUTTON_WIDTH, DebugUI, PADDING}; use pathfinder_gl::debug::{TEXT_COLOR, WINDOW_COLOR}; use pathfinder_gl::device::{Device, Texture}; use std::f32::consts::PI; use std::path::PathBuf; const SWITCH_SIZE: i32 = SWITCH_HALF_SIZE * 2 + 1; const SWITCH_HALF_SIZE: i32 = 96; const SLIDER_WIDTH: i32 = 360; const SLIDER_HEIGHT: i32 = 48; const SLIDER_TRACK_HEIGHT: i32 = 24; const SLIDER_KNOB_WIDTH: i32 = 12; const SLIDER_KNOB_HEIGHT: i32 = 48; const EFFECTS_PANEL_WIDTH: i32 = 550; const EFFECTS_PANEL_HEIGHT: i32 = BUTTON_HEIGHT * 3 + PADDING * 4; const ROTATE_PANEL_X: i32 = PADDING + (BUTTON_WIDTH + PADDING) * 2 + PADDING + SWITCH_SIZE; const ROTATE_PANEL_WIDTH: i32 = SLIDER_WIDTH + PADDING * 2; const ROTATE_PANEL_HEIGHT: i32 = PADDING * 2 + SLIDER_HEIGHT; static EFFECTS_PNG_NAME: &'static str = "demo-effects"; static OPEN_PNG_NAME: &'static str = "demo-open"; static ROTATE_PNG_NAME: &'static str = "demo-rotate"; static ZOOM_IN_PNG_NAME: &'static str = "demo-zoom-in"; static ZOOM_OUT_PNG_NAME: &'static str = "demo-zoom-out"; pub struct DemoUI { effects_texture: Texture, open_texture: Texture, rotate_texture: Texture, zoom_in_texture: Texture, zoom_out_texture: Texture, effects_panel_visible: bool, rotate_panel_visible: bool, pub threed_enabled: bool, pub gamma_correction_effect_enabled: bool, pub stem_darkening_effect_enabled: bool, pub subpixel_aa_effect_enabled: bool, pub rotation: i32, } impl DemoUI { pub fn new(device: &Device, options: Options) -> DemoUI { let effects_texture = device.create_texture_from_png(EFFECTS_PNG_NAME); let open_texture = device.create_texture_from_png(OPEN_PNG_NAME); let rotate_texture = device.create_texture_from_png(ROTATE_PNG_NAME); let zoom_in_texture = device.create_texture_from_png(ZOOM_IN_PNG_NAME); let zoom_out_texture = device.create_texture_from_png(ZOOM_OUT_PNG_NAME); DemoUI { effects_texture, open_texture, rotate_texture, zoom_in_texture, zoom_out_texture, threed_enabled: options.threed, effects_panel_visible: false, rotate_panel_visible: false, gamma_correction_effect_enabled: false, stem_darkening_effect_enabled: false, subpixel_aa_effect_enabled: false, rotation: SLIDER_WIDTH / 2, } } fn rotation(&self) -> f32 { (self.rotation as f32 / SLIDER_WIDTH as f32 * 2.0 - 1.0) * PI } pub fn update(&mut self, debug_ui: &mut DebugUI, event: &mut UIEvent, action: &mut UIAction) { let bottom = debug_ui.framebuffer_size().y() - PADDING; // Draw effects button. let effects_button_position = Point2DI32::new(PADDING, bottom - BUTTON_HEIGHT); if self.draw_button(debug_ui, event, effects_button_position, &self.effects_texture) { self.effects_panel_visible = !self.effects_panel_visible; } // Draw open button. let open_button_x = PADDING + BUTTON_WIDTH + PADDING; let open_button_y = bottom - BUTTON_HEIGHT; let open_button_position = Point2DI32::new(open_button_x, open_button_y); if self.draw_button(debug_ui, event, open_button_position, &self.open_texture) { if let Ok(Response::Okay(file)) = nfd::open_file_dialog(Some("svg"), None) { *action = UIAction::OpenFile(PathBuf::from(file)); } } // Draw 3D switch. let threed_switch_x = PADDING + (BUTTON_WIDTH + PADDING) * 2; let threed_switch_origin = Point2DI32::new(threed_switch_x, open_button_y); debug_ui.draw_solid_rect(RectI32::new(threed_switch_origin, Point2DI32::new(SWITCH_SIZE, BUTTON_HEIGHT)), WINDOW_COLOR); self.threed_enabled = self.draw_switch(debug_ui, event, threed_switch_origin, "2D", "3D", self.threed_enabled); // Draw rotate and zoom buttons, if applicable. if !self.threed_enabled { let rotate_button_y = bottom - BUTTON_HEIGHT; let rotate_button_position = Point2DI32::new(ROTATE_PANEL_X, rotate_button_y); if self.draw_button(debug_ui, event, rotate_button_position, &self.rotate_texture) { self.rotate_panel_visible = !self.rotate_panel_visible; } let zoom_in_button_x = ROTATE_PANEL_X + BUTTON_WIDTH + PADDING; let zoom_in_button_position = Point2DI32::new(zoom_in_button_x, rotate_button_y); if self.draw_button(debug_ui, event, zoom_in_button_position, &self.zoom_in_texture) { *action = UIAction::ZoomIn; } let zoom_out_button_x = ROTATE_PANEL_X + (BUTTON_WIDTH + PADDING) * 2; let zoom_out_button_position = Point2DI32::new(zoom_out_button_x, rotate_button_y); if self.draw_button(debug_ui, event, zoom_out_button_position, &self.zoom_out_texture) { *action = UIAction::ZoomOut; } } // Draw effects panel, if necessary. self.draw_effects_panel(debug_ui, event); // Draw rotate panel, if necessary. self.draw_rotate_panel(debug_ui, event, action); } fn draw_effects_panel(&mut self, debug_ui: &mut DebugUI, event: &mut UIEvent) { if !self.effects_panel_visible { return; } let bottom = debug_ui.framebuffer_size().y() - PADDING; let effects_panel_y = bottom - (BUTTON_HEIGHT + PADDING + EFFECTS_PANEL_HEIGHT); debug_ui.draw_solid_rect(RectI32::new(Point2DI32::new(PADDING, effects_panel_y), Point2DI32::new(EFFECTS_PANEL_WIDTH, EFFECTS_PANEL_HEIGHT)), WINDOW_COLOR); self.gamma_correction_effect_enabled = self.draw_effects_switch(debug_ui, event, "Gamma Correction", 0, effects_panel_y, self.gamma_correction_effect_enabled); self.stem_darkening_effect_enabled = self.draw_effects_switch(debug_ui, event, "Stem Darkening", 1, effects_panel_y, self.stem_darkening_effect_enabled); self.subpixel_aa_effect_enabled = self.draw_effects_switch(debug_ui, event, "Subpixel AA", 2, effects_panel_y, self.subpixel_aa_effect_enabled); } fn draw_rotate_panel(&mut self, debug_ui: &mut DebugUI, event: &mut UIEvent, action: &mut UIAction) { if !self.rotate_panel_visible { return; } let bottom = debug_ui.framebuffer_size().y() - PADDING; let rotate_panel_y = bottom - (BUTTON_HEIGHT + PADDING + ROTATE_PANEL_HEIGHT); debug_ui.draw_solid_rect(RectI32::new(Point2DI32::new(ROTATE_PANEL_X, rotate_panel_y), Point2DI32::new(ROTATE_PANEL_WIDTH, ROTATE_PANEL_HEIGHT)), WINDOW_COLOR); let (widget_x, widget_y) = (ROTATE_PANEL_X + PADDING, rotate_panel_y + PADDING); let widget_rect = RectI32::new(Point2DI32::new(widget_x, widget_y), Point2DI32::new(SLIDER_WIDTH, SLIDER_KNOB_HEIGHT)); if let Some(position) = event.handle_mouse_down_or_dragged_in_rect(widget_rect) { self.rotation = position.x(); *action = UIAction::Rotate(self.rotation()); } let slider_track_y = rotate_panel_y + PADDING + SLIDER_KNOB_HEIGHT / 2 - SLIDER_TRACK_HEIGHT / 2; let slider_track_rect = RectI32::new(Point2DI32::new(widget_x, slider_track_y), Point2DI32::new(SLIDER_WIDTH, SLIDER_TRACK_HEIGHT)); debug_ui.draw_rect_outline(slider_track_rect, TEXT_COLOR); let slider_knob_x = widget_x + self.rotation - SLIDER_KNOB_WIDTH / 2; let slider_knob_rect = RectI32::new(Point2DI32::new(slider_knob_x, widget_y), Point2DI32::new(SLIDER_KNOB_WIDTH, SLIDER_KNOB_HEIGHT)); debug_ui.draw_solid_rect(slider_knob_rect, TEXT_COLOR); } fn draw_button(&self, debug_ui: &mut DebugUI, event: &mut UIEvent, origin: Point2DI32, texture: &Texture) -> bool { let button_rect = RectI32::new(origin, Point2DI32::new(BUTTON_WIDTH, BUTTON_HEIGHT)); debug_ui.draw_solid_rect(button_rect, WINDOW_COLOR); debug_ui.draw_rect_outline(button_rect, TEXT_COLOR); debug_ui.draw_texture(origin + Point2DI32::new(PADDING, PADDING), texture, TEXT_COLOR); event.handle_mouse_down_in_rect(button_rect).is_some() } fn draw_effects_switch(&self, debug_ui: &mut DebugUI, event: &mut UIEvent, text: &str, index: i32, window_y: i32, value: bool) -> bool { let text_x = PADDING * 2; let text_y = window_y + PADDING + BUTTON_TEXT_OFFSET + (BUTTON_HEIGHT + PADDING) * index; debug_ui.draw_text(text, Point2DI32::new(text_x, text_y), false); let switch_x = PADDING + EFFECTS_PANEL_WIDTH - (SWITCH_SIZE + PADDING); let switch_y = window_y + PADDING + (BUTTON_HEIGHT + PADDING) * index; self.draw_switch(debug_ui, event, Point2DI32::new(switch_x, switch_y), "Off", "On", value) } fn draw_switch(&self, debug_ui: &mut DebugUI, event: &mut UIEvent, origin: Point2DI32, off_text: &str, on_text: &str, mut value: bool) -> bool { let widget_rect = RectI32::new(origin, Point2DI32::new(SWITCH_SIZE, BUTTON_HEIGHT)); if event.handle_mouse_down_in_rect(widget_rect).is_some() { value = !value; } debug_ui.draw_rect_outline(widget_rect, TEXT_COLOR); let highlight_size = Point2DI32::new(SWITCH_HALF_SIZE, BUTTON_HEIGHT); if !value { debug_ui.draw_solid_rect(RectI32::new(origin, highlight_size), TEXT_COLOR); } else { let x_offset = SWITCH_HALF_SIZE + 1; debug_ui.draw_solid_rect(RectI32::new(origin + Point2DI32::new(x_offset, 0), highlight_size), TEXT_COLOR); } let off_size = debug_ui.measure_text(off_text); let on_size = debug_ui.measure_text(on_text); let off_offset = SWITCH_HALF_SIZE / 2 - off_size / 2; let on_offset = SWITCH_HALF_SIZE + SWITCH_HALF_SIZE / 2 - on_size / 2; let text_top = BUTTON_TEXT_OFFSET; debug_ui.draw_text(off_text, origin + Point2DI32::new(off_offset, text_top), !value); debug_ui.draw_text(on_text, origin + Point2DI32::new(on_offset, text_top), value); value } } #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum UIAction { None, OpenFile(PathBuf), ZoomIn, ZoomOut, Rotate(f32), } pub enum UIEvent { None, MouseDown(Point2DI32), MouseDragged { absolute_position: Point2DI32, relative_position: Point2DI32, } } impl UIEvent { pub fn is_none(&self) -> bool { match *self { UIEvent::None => true, _ => false } } fn handle_mouse_down_in_rect(&mut self, rect: RectI32) -> Option { if let UIEvent::MouseDown(point) = *self { if rect.contains_point(point) { *self = UIEvent::None; return Some(point - rect.origin()); } } None } fn handle_mouse_down_or_dragged_in_rect(&mut self, rect: RectI32) -> Option { match *self { UIEvent::MouseDown(point) | UIEvent::MouseDragged { absolute_position: point, .. } if rect.contains_point(point) => { *self = UIEvent::None; Some(point - rect.origin()) } _ => None, } } }