// pathfinder/client/src/camera.ts // // Copyright © 2017 The Pathfinder Project Developers. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 or the MIT license // , at your // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed // except according to those terms. import * as glmatrix from 'gl-matrix'; import * as _ from 'lodash'; import {EPSILON} from "./utils"; import {PathfinderView} from "./view"; const PIXELS_PER_LINE: number = 16.0; const ORTHOGRAPHIC_ZOOM_SPEED: number = 1.0 / 100.0; const ORTHOGRAPHIC_ZOOM_IN_FACTOR: number = 1.2; const ORTHOGRAPHIC_ZOOM_OUT_FACTOR: number = 1.0 / ORTHOGRAPHIC_ZOOM_IN_FACTOR; const ORTHOGRAPHIC_DEFAULT_MIN_SCALE: number = 0.01; const ORTHOGRAPHIC_DEFAULT_MAX_SCALE: number = 1000.0; const PERSPECTIVE_MOVEMENT_SPEED: number = 10.0; const PERSPECTIVE_ROTATION_SPEED: number = 1.0 / 300.0; const PERSPECTIVE_MOVEMENT_VECTORS: PerspectiveMovementVectors = _.fromPairs([ ['W'.charCodeAt(0), glmatrix.vec3.fromValues(0, 0, PERSPECTIVE_MOVEMENT_SPEED)], ['A'.charCodeAt(0), glmatrix.vec3.fromValues(PERSPECTIVE_MOVEMENT_SPEED, 0, 0)], ['S'.charCodeAt(0), glmatrix.vec3.fromValues(0, 0, -PERSPECTIVE_MOVEMENT_SPEED)], ['D'.charCodeAt(0), glmatrix.vec3.fromValues(-PERSPECTIVE_MOVEMENT_SPEED, 0, 0)], ]); const PERSPECTIVE_MOVEMENT_INTERVAL_DELAY: number = 10; const PERSPECTIVE_INITIAL_TRANSLATION: glmatrix.vec3 = glmatrix.vec3.clone([1750.0, 700.0, -1750.0]); const PERSPECTIVE_INITIAL_ROTATION: glmatrix.vec2 = glmatrix.vec2.clone([Math.PI * 0.25, 0.0]); const PERSPECTIVE_OUTER_COLLISION_EXTENT: number = 3000.0; const PERSPECTIVE_HITBOX_RADIUS: number = 1.0; const KEYCODES = ["W", "A", "S", "D"].map(x => x.charCodeAt(0)); export interface OrthographicCameraOptions { minScale?: number; maxScale?: number; scaleBounds?: boolean; ignoreBounds?: boolean; } export interface PerspectiveCameraOptions { innerCollisionExtent?: number; } interface PerspectiveMovementVectors { [keyCode: number]: glmatrix.vec3; } interface PerspectiveMovementKeys { [keyCode: number]: boolean; } export interface CameraView { readonly width: number; readonly height: number; readonly classList: DOMTokenList | null; addEventListener(type: K, listener: (this: HTMLCanvasElement, ev: HTMLElementEventMap[K]) => any, useCapture?: boolean): void; getBoundingClientRect(): ClientRect; } export abstract class Camera { protected canvas: CameraView; abstract get usesSTTransform(): boolean; constructor(canvas: CameraView) { this.canvas = canvas; } abstract zoom(scale: number): void; abstract zoomIn(): void; abstract zoomOut(): void; abstract rotate(newAngle: number): void; } export class OrthographicCamera extends Camera { onPan: (() => void) | null; onZoom: (() => void) | null; onRotate: (() => void) | null; translation: glmatrix.vec2; scale: number; rotationAngle: number; private _bounds: glmatrix.vec4; private readonly minScale: number; private readonly maxScale: number; private readonly scaleBounds: boolean; private readonly ignoreBounds: boolean; get usesSTTransform(): boolean { return Math.abs(this.rotationAngle) < EPSILON; } constructor(canvas: CameraView, options?: OrthographicCameraOptions) { super(canvas); if (options == null) options = {}; this.minScale = _.defaultTo(options.minScale, ORTHOGRAPHIC_DEFAULT_MIN_SCALE); this.maxScale = _.defaultTo(options.maxScale, ORTHOGRAPHIC_DEFAULT_MAX_SCALE); this.scaleBounds = !!options.scaleBounds; this.ignoreBounds = !!options.ignoreBounds; this.reset(); this._bounds = glmatrix.vec4.create(); this.canvas.addEventListener('wheel', event => this.onWheel(event), false); this.canvas.addEventListener('mousedown', event => this.onMouseDown(event), false); this.canvas.addEventListener('mouseup', event => this.onMouseUp(event), false); this.canvas.addEventListener('mousemove', event => this.onMouseMove(event), false); this.onPan = null; this.onZoom = null; this.onRotate = null; } reset(): void { this.translation = glmatrix.vec2.create(); this.scale = 1.0; this.rotationAngle = 0.0; } onWheel(event: MouseWheelEvent): void { if (this.canvas == null) throw new Error("onWheel() with no canvas?!"); event.preventDefault(); if (!event.ctrlKey) { const delta = glmatrix.vec2.fromValues(-event.deltaX, event.deltaY); if (event.deltaMode === event.DOM_DELTA_LINE) glmatrix.vec2.scale(delta, delta, PIXELS_PER_LINE); this.pan(delta); return; } // Zoom event: see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Events/wheel const mouseLocation = glmatrix.vec2.fromValues(event.clientX, event.clientY); const canvasLocation = this.canvas.getBoundingClientRect(); mouseLocation[0] -= canvasLocation.left; mouseLocation[1] = canvasLocation.bottom - mouseLocation[1]; glmatrix.vec2.scale(mouseLocation, mouseLocation, window.devicePixelRatio); const scale = 1.0 - event.deltaY * window.devicePixelRatio * ORTHOGRAPHIC_ZOOM_SPEED; this.doZoom(scale, mouseLocation); } zoomToFit(): void { const upperLeft = glmatrix.vec2.clone([this._bounds[0], this._bounds[1]]); const lowerRight = glmatrix.vec2.clone([this._bounds[2], this._bounds[3]]); const width = this._bounds[2] - this._bounds[0]; const height = Math.abs(this._bounds[1] - this._bounds[3]); // Scale appropriately. this.scale = Math.min(this.canvas.width / width, this.canvas.height / height); // Center. this.center(); } center(): void { const upperLeft = glmatrix.vec2.clone([this._bounds[0], this._bounds[1]]); const lowerRight = glmatrix.vec2.clone([this._bounds[2], this._bounds[3]]); this.translation = glmatrix.vec2.create(); glmatrix.vec2.lerp(this.translation, upperLeft, lowerRight, 0.5); glmatrix.vec2.scale(this.translation, this.translation, -this.scale); this.translation[0] += this.canvas.width * 0.5; this.translation[1] += this.canvas.height * 0.5; } zoom(scale: number): void { this.doZoom(scale, this.centerPoint); } zoomIn(): void { this.doZoom(ORTHOGRAPHIC_ZOOM_IN_FACTOR, this.centerPoint); } zoomOut(): void { this.doZoom(ORTHOGRAPHIC_ZOOM_OUT_FACTOR, this.centerPoint); } rotate(newAngle: number): void { this.rotationAngle = newAngle; if (this.onRotate != null) this.onRotate(); } private onMouseDown(event: MouseEvent): void { if (this.canvas.classList != null) this.canvas.classList.add('pf-grabbing'); } private onMouseUp(event: MouseEvent): void { if (this.canvas.classList != null) this.canvas.classList.remove('pf-grabbing'); } private onMouseMove(event: MouseEvent): void { if ((event.buttons & 1) !== 0) this.pan(glmatrix.vec2.fromValues(event.movementX, -event.movementY)); } private pan(delta: glmatrix.vec2): void { // Pan event. glmatrix.vec2.scale(delta, delta, window.devicePixelRatio); glmatrix.vec2.add(this.translation, this.translation, delta); this.clampViewport(); if (this.onPan != null) this.onPan(); } private clampViewport() { if (this.ignoreBounds) return; const bounds = glmatrix.vec4.clone(this.bounds); if (!this.scaleBounds) glmatrix.vec4.scale(bounds, bounds, this.scale); for (let axis = 0; axis < 2; axis++) { const viewportLength = axis === 0 ? this.canvas.width : this.canvas.height; const axisBounds = [bounds[axis + 0], bounds[axis + 2]]; const boundsLength = axisBounds[1] - axisBounds[0]; if (viewportLength < boundsLength) { // Viewport must be inside bounds. this.translation[axis] = _.clamp(this.translation[axis], viewportLength - axisBounds[1], -axisBounds[0]); } else { // Bounds must be inside viewport. this.translation[axis] = _.clamp(this.translation[axis], -axisBounds[0], viewportLength - axisBounds[1]); } } } private doZoom(scale: number, point: glmatrix.vec2): void { const absoluteTranslation = glmatrix.vec2.create(); glmatrix.vec2.sub(absoluteTranslation, this.translation, point); glmatrix.vec2.scale(absoluteTranslation, absoluteTranslation, 1.0 / this.scale); this.scale = _.clamp(this.scale * scale, this.minScale, this.maxScale); glmatrix.vec2.scale(absoluteTranslation, absoluteTranslation, this.scale); glmatrix.vec2.add(this.translation, absoluteTranslation, point); this.clampViewport(); if (this.onZoom != null) this.onZoom(); } private get centerPoint(): glmatrix.vec2 { return glmatrix.vec2.clone([this.canvas.width * 0.5, this.canvas.height * 0.5]); } get bounds(): glmatrix.vec4 { const bounds = glmatrix.vec4.clone(this._bounds); if (this.scaleBounds) glmatrix.vec4.scale(bounds, bounds, this.scale); return bounds; } set bounds(newBounds: glmatrix.vec4) { this._bounds = glmatrix.vec4.clone(newBounds); } } export class PerspectiveCamera extends Camera { canvas: HTMLCanvasElement; get usesSTTransform(): boolean { return false; } onChange: (() => void) | null; translation: glmatrix.vec3; /// Yaw and pitch Euler angles. rotation: glmatrix.vec2; private movementDelta: glmatrix.vec3; // If W, A, S, D are pressed private wasdPress: PerspectiveMovementKeys; private movementInterval: number | null; private readonly innerCollisionExtent: number; constructor(canvas: HTMLCanvasElement, options?: PerspectiveCameraOptions) { super(canvas); if (options == null) options = {}; this.innerCollisionExtent = options.innerCollisionExtent || 0.0; this.translation = glmatrix.vec3.clone(PERSPECTIVE_INITIAL_TRANSLATION); this.rotation = glmatrix.vec2.clone(PERSPECTIVE_INITIAL_ROTATION); this.movementDelta = glmatrix.vec3.create(); this.movementInterval = null; this.canvas.addEventListener('mousedown', event => this.onMouseDown(event), false); this.canvas.addEventListener('mouseup', event => this.onMouseUp(event), false); this.canvas.addEventListener('mousemove', event => this.onMouseMove(event), false); window.addEventListener('keydown', event => this.onKeyDown(event), false); window.addEventListener('keyup', event => this.onKeyUp(event), false); this.onChange = null; this.wasdPress = _.fromPairs([ ['W'.charCodeAt(0), false], ['A'.charCodeAt(0), false], ['S'.charCodeAt(0), false], ['D'.charCodeAt(0), false], ]); } zoom(scale: number): void { // TODO(pcwalton) } zoomIn(): void { // TODO(pcwalton) } zoomOut(): void { // TODO(pcwalton) } rotate(newAngle: number): void { // TODO(pcwalton) } private onMouseDown(event: MouseEvent): void { if (document.pointerLockElement !== this.canvas) { this.canvas.requestPointerLock(); return; } this.movementDelta = glmatrix.vec3.fromValues(0.0, 0.0, PERSPECTIVE_MOVEMENT_SPEED); if (event.button !== 1) this.movementDelta[0] = -this.movementDelta[0]; this.startMoving(); } private onMouseUp(event: MouseEvent): void { this.stopMoving(); } private onMouseMove(event: MouseEvent): void { if (document.pointerLockElement !== this.canvas) return; this.rotation[0] += event.movementX * PERSPECTIVE_ROTATION_SPEED; const trialYRotation = this.rotation[1] + event.movementY * PERSPECTIVE_ROTATION_SPEED; this.rotation[1] = _.clamp(trialYRotation, -Math.PI * 0.5, Math.PI * 0.5); if (this.onChange != null) this.onChange(); } private onKeyDown(event: KeyboardEvent): void { if (PERSPECTIVE_MOVEMENT_VECTORS.hasOwnProperty(event.keyCode)) { // keyDown will be repeated on prolonged holds of the key, // don't do extra computation in that case if (this.wasdPress[event.keyCode]) return; this.wasdPress[event.keyCode] = true; this.updateMovementDelta(); this.startMoving(); } } private onKeyUp(event: KeyboardEvent): void { if (PERSPECTIVE_MOVEMENT_VECTORS.hasOwnProperty(event.keyCode)) { this.wasdPress[event.keyCode] = false; if (this.updateMovementDelta()) { this.stopMoving(); } } } // Updates the movementDelta vector based on what keys are currently pressed // Returns true if the vector is now empty private updateMovementDelta(): boolean { this.movementDelta = glmatrix.vec3.create(); let empty = true; for (const key of KEYCODES) { if (this.wasdPress[key]) { glmatrix.vec3.add(this.movementDelta, this.movementDelta, PERSPECTIVE_MOVEMENT_VECTORS[key]); empty = false; } } return empty; } private startMoving(): void { if (this.movementInterval == null) this.movementInterval = window.setInterval(() => this.move(), PERSPECTIVE_MOVEMENT_INTERVAL_DELAY); } private stopMoving(): void { if (this.movementInterval != null) { window.clearInterval(this.movementInterval); this.movementInterval = null; this.movementDelta = glmatrix.vec3.create(); } } private move() { const invRotationMatrix = glmatrix.mat4.create(); glmatrix.mat4.invert(invRotationMatrix, this.rotationMatrix); const delta = glmatrix.vec3.clone(this.movementDelta); glmatrix.vec3.transformMat4(delta, delta, invRotationMatrix); const trialTranslation = glmatrix.vec3.create(); glmatrix.vec3.add(trialTranslation, this.translation, delta); // TODO(pcwalton): Sliding… const absoluteTrialTranslationX = Math.abs(trialTranslation[0]); const absoluteTrialTranslationZ = Math.abs(trialTranslation[2]); if (absoluteTrialTranslationX < this.innerCollisionExtent + PERSPECTIVE_HITBOX_RADIUS && absoluteTrialTranslationZ < this.innerCollisionExtent + PERSPECTIVE_HITBOX_RADIUS) { return; } if (absoluteTrialTranslationX > PERSPECTIVE_OUTER_COLLISION_EXTENT - PERSPECTIVE_HITBOX_RADIUS) { trialTranslation[0] = Math.sign(trialTranslation[0]) * (PERSPECTIVE_OUTER_COLLISION_EXTENT - PERSPECTIVE_HITBOX_RADIUS); } if (absoluteTrialTranslationZ > PERSPECTIVE_OUTER_COLLISION_EXTENT - PERSPECTIVE_HITBOX_RADIUS) { trialTranslation[2] = Math.sign(trialTranslation[2]) * (PERSPECTIVE_OUTER_COLLISION_EXTENT - PERSPECTIVE_HITBOX_RADIUS); } this.translation = trialTranslation; if (this.onChange != null) this.onChange(); } get rotationMatrix(): glmatrix.mat4 { const matrix = glmatrix.mat4.create(); glmatrix.mat4.fromXRotation(matrix, this.rotation[1]); glmatrix.mat4.rotateY(matrix, matrix, this.rotation[0]); return matrix; } }