// pathfinder/shaders/gles2/conservative-interior.vs.glsl // // Copyright (c) 2018 The Pathfinder Project Developers. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 or the MIT license // , at your // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed // except according to those terms. //! Renders polygonal portions of a mesh, only filling pixels that are fully //! covered. //! //! Typically, you will run this shader before running XCAA. //! Remember to enable the depth test with a `GREATER` depth function for optimal //! performance. precision highp float; /// An affine transform to be applied to all points. uniform vec4 uTransformST; uniform vec2 uTransformExt; /// Vertical snapping positions. uniform vec4 uHints; /// The framebuffer size in pixels. uniform ivec2 uFramebufferSize; /// The size of the path colors texture in texels. uniform ivec2 uPathColorsDimensions; /// The fill color for each path. uniform sampler2D uPathColors; /// The size of the path transform buffer texture in texels. uniform ivec2 uPathTransformSTDimensions; /// The path transform buffer texture, one path dilation per texel. uniform sampler2D uPathTransformST; /// The size of the extra path transform factors buffer texture in texels. uniform ivec2 uPathTransformExtDimensions; /// The extra path transform factors buffer texture, packed two path transforms per texel. uniform sampler2D uPathTransformExt; /// The amount of faux-bold to apply, in local path units. uniform vec2 uEmboldenAmount; /// The 2D position of this point. attribute vec2 aPosition; /// The path ID, starting from 1. attribute float aPathID; /// The vertex ID. In OpenGL 3.0+, this can be omitted in favor of `gl_VertexID`. attribute float aVertexID; /// The color of this path. varying vec4 vColor; void main() { int pathID = int(aPathID); int vertexID = int(aVertexID); vec4 transformST = fetchFloat4Data(uPathTransformST, pathID, uPathTransformSTDimensions); mat2 globalTransformLinear = mat2(uTransformST.x, uTransformExt, uTransformST.y); mat2 localTransformLinear = mat2(transformST.x, 0.0, 0.0, transformST.y); mat2 transformLinear = globalTransformLinear * localTransformLinear; vec2 translation = uTransformST.zw + globalTransformLinear * transformST.zw; float onePixel = 2.0 / float(uFramebufferSize.y); float dilation = length(invMat2(transformLinear) * vec2(0.0, onePixel)); vec2 position = aPosition + vec2(0.0, imod(vertexID, 6) < 3 ? dilation : -dilation); position = transformLinear * position + translation; float depth = convertPathIndexToViewportDepthValue(pathID); gl_Position = vec4(position, depth, 1.0); vColor = fetchFloat4Data(uPathColors, pathID, uPathColorsDimensions); }