# Magic Leap demo First, install v0.20.0 or later of the Magic Leap SDK. By default this is installed in `MagicLeap/mlsdk/`, for example: ``` export MAGICLEAP_SDK=~/MagicLeap/mlsdk/v0.20.0 ``` You will also need a signing certificate. ``` export MLCERT=~/MagicLeap/cert/mycert.cert ``` Now build the pathfilder demo library: ``` CFLAGS="-I${MAGICLEAP_SDK}/lumin/usr/include --sysroot=${MAGICLEAP_SDK}/lumin/usr" \ PATH=$PATH:${MAGICLEAP_SDK}/tools/toolchains/bin/ \ cargo build --release --target=aarch64-linux-android ``` Then build the `.mpk` archive: ``` ${MAGICLEAP_SDK}/mabu PathfinderDemo.package -t release_device -s ${MLCERT} ``` The `.mpk` can be installed: ``` ${MAGICLEAP_SDK}/tools/mldb/mldb install -u .out/PathfinderDemo/PathfinderDemo.mpk ``` and run: ``` ${MAGICLEAP_SDK}/tools/mldb/mldb launch -w com.mozilla.pathfinder.demo ```