// pathfinder/geometry/src/basic/transform2d.rs // // Copyright © 2019 The Pathfinder Project Developers. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 or the MIT license // , at your // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed // except according to those terms. //! 2D affine transforms. use crate::basic::point::Point2DF32; use crate::basic::rect::RectF32; use crate::basic::transform3d::Transform3DF32; use crate::segment::Segment; use pathfinder_simd::default::F32x4; use std::ops::Sub; /// A 2x2 matrix, optimized with SIMD, in column-major order. #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)] pub struct Matrix2x2F32(pub F32x4); impl Default for Matrix2x2F32 { #[inline] fn default() -> Matrix2x2F32 { Self::from_scale(&Point2DF32::splat(1.0)) } } impl Matrix2x2F32 { #[inline] pub fn from_scale(scale: &Point2DF32) -> Matrix2x2F32 { Matrix2x2F32(F32x4::new(scale.x(), 0.0, 0.0, scale.y())) } #[inline] pub fn from_rotation(theta: f32) -> Matrix2x2F32 { let (sin_theta, cos_theta) = (theta.sin(), theta.cos()); Matrix2x2F32(F32x4::new(cos_theta, sin_theta, -sin_theta, cos_theta)) } #[inline] pub fn row_major(m11: f32, m12: f32, m21: f32, m22: f32) -> Matrix2x2F32 { Matrix2x2F32(F32x4::new(m11, m21, m12, m22)) } #[inline] pub fn post_mul(&self, other: &Matrix2x2F32) -> Matrix2x2F32 { Matrix2x2F32(self.0.xyxy() * other.0.xxzz() + self.0.zwzw() * other.0.yyww()) } #[inline] pub fn pre_mul(&self, other: &Matrix2x2F32) -> Matrix2x2F32 { other.post_mul(self) } #[inline] pub fn entrywise_mul(&self, other: &Matrix2x2F32) -> Matrix2x2F32 { Matrix2x2F32(self.0 * other.0) } #[inline] pub fn adjugate(&self) -> Matrix2x2F32 { Matrix2x2F32(self.0.wyzx() * F32x4::new(1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 1.0)) } #[inline] pub fn transform_point(&self, point: &Point2DF32) -> Point2DF32 { let halves = self.0 * point.0.xxyy(); Point2DF32(halves + halves.zwzw()) } #[inline] pub fn det(&self) -> f32 { self.0[0] * self.0[3] - self.0[2] * self.0[1] } #[inline] pub fn inverse(&self) -> Matrix2x2F32 { Matrix2x2F32(F32x4::splat(1.0 / self.det()) * self.adjugate().0) } #[inline] pub fn m11(&self) -> f32 { self.0[0] } #[inline] pub fn m21(&self) -> f32 { self.0[1] } #[inline] pub fn m12(&self) -> f32 { self.0[2] } #[inline] pub fn m22(&self) -> f32 { self.0[3] } } impl Sub for Matrix2x2F32 { type Output = Matrix2x2F32; #[inline] fn sub(self, other: Matrix2x2F32) -> Matrix2x2F32 { Matrix2x2F32(self.0 - other.0) } } /// An affine transform, optimized with SIMD. #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)] pub struct Transform2DF32 { // Row-major order. matrix: Matrix2x2F32, vector: Point2DF32, } impl Default for Transform2DF32 { #[inline] fn default() -> Transform2DF32 { Self::from_scale(&Point2DF32::splat(1.0)) } } impl Transform2DF32 { #[inline] pub fn from_scale(scale: &Point2DF32) -> Transform2DF32 { Transform2DF32 { matrix: Matrix2x2F32::from_scale(scale), vector: Point2DF32::default(), } } #[inline] pub fn from_rotation(theta: f32) -> Transform2DF32 { Transform2DF32 { matrix: Matrix2x2F32::from_rotation(theta), vector: Point2DF32::default(), } } #[inline] pub fn from_translation(vector: &Point2DF32) -> Transform2DF32 { Transform2DF32 { matrix: Matrix2x2F32::default(), vector: *vector, } } #[inline] pub fn from_scale_rotation_translation(scale: Point2DF32, theta: f32, translation: Point2DF32) -> Transform2DF32 { let rotation = Transform2DF32::from_rotation(theta); let translation = Transform2DF32::from_translation(&translation); Transform2DF32::from_scale(&scale).post_mul(&rotation).post_mul(&translation) } #[inline] pub fn row_major(m11: f32, m12: f32, m21: f32, m22: f32, m31: f32, m32: f32) -> Transform2DF32 { Transform2DF32 { matrix: Matrix2x2F32::row_major(m11, m12, m21, m22), vector: Point2DF32::new(m31, m32), } } #[inline] pub fn transform_point(&self, point: &Point2DF32) -> Point2DF32 { self.matrix.transform_point(point) + self.vector } #[inline] pub fn transform_rect(&self, rect: &RectF32) -> RectF32 { let upper_left = self.transform_point(&rect.origin()); let upper_right = self.transform_point(&rect.upper_right()); let lower_left = self.transform_point(&rect.lower_left()); let lower_right = self.transform_point(&rect.lower_right()); let min_point = upper_left.min(upper_right).min(lower_left).min(lower_right); let max_point = upper_left.max(upper_right).max(lower_left).max(lower_right); RectF32::from_points(min_point, max_point) } #[inline] pub fn post_mul(&self, other: &Transform2DF32) -> Transform2DF32 { let matrix = self.matrix.post_mul(&other.matrix); let vector = other.transform_point(&self.vector); Transform2DF32 { matrix, vector } } #[inline] pub fn pre_mul(&self, other: &Transform2DF32) -> Transform2DF32 { other.post_mul(self) } // TODO(pcwalton): Optimize better with SIMD. #[inline] pub fn to_3d(&self) -> Transform3DF32 { Transform3DF32::row_major(self.matrix.0[0], self.matrix.0[1], 0.0, self.vector.x(), self.matrix.0[2], self.matrix.0[3], 0.0, self.vector.y(), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) } #[inline] pub fn is_identity(&self) -> bool { *self == Transform2DF32::default() } #[inline] pub fn m11(&self) -> f32 { self.matrix.m11() } #[inline] pub fn m21(&self) -> f32 { self.matrix.m21() } #[inline] pub fn m12(&self) -> f32 { self.matrix.m12() } #[inline] pub fn m22(&self) -> f32 { self.matrix.m22() } #[inline] pub fn post_translate(&self, vector: Point2DF32) -> Transform2DF32 { self.post_mul(&Transform2DF32::from_translation(&vector)) } #[inline] pub fn post_rotate(&self, theta: f32) -> Transform2DF32 { self.post_mul(&Transform2DF32::from_rotation(theta)) } #[inline] pub fn post_scale(&self, scale: Point2DF32) -> Transform2DF32 { self.post_mul(&Transform2DF32::from_scale(&scale)) } /// Returns the translation part of this matrix. /// /// This decomposition assumes that scale, rotation, and translation are applied in that order. #[inline] pub fn translation(&self) -> Point2DF32 { self.vector } /// Returns the rotation angle of this matrix. /// /// This decomposition assumes that scale, rotation, and translation are applied in that order. #[inline] pub fn rotation(&self) -> f32 { f32::atan2(self.m21(), self.m11()) } /// Returns the scale factor of this matrix. /// /// This decomposition assumes that scale, rotation, and translation are applied in that order. #[inline] pub fn scale_factor(&self) -> f32 { Point2DF32(self.matrix.0.zwxy()).length() } } /// Transforms a path with a SIMD 2D transform. pub struct Transform2DF32PathIter where I: Iterator, { iter: I, transform: Transform2DF32, } impl Iterator for Transform2DF32PathIter where I: Iterator, { type Item = Segment; #[inline] fn next(&mut self) -> Option { // TODO(pcwalton): Can we go faster by transforming an entire line segment with SIMD? let mut segment = self.iter.next()?; if !segment.is_none() { segment .baseline .set_from(&self.transform.transform_point(&segment.baseline.from())); segment .baseline .set_to(&self.transform.transform_point(&segment.baseline.to())); if !segment.is_line() { segment .ctrl .set_from(&self.transform.transform_point(&segment.ctrl.from())); if !segment.is_quadratic() { segment .ctrl .set_to(&self.transform.transform_point(&segment.ctrl.to())); } } } Some(segment) } } impl Transform2DF32PathIter where I: Iterator, { #[inline] pub fn new(iter: I, transform: &Transform2DF32) -> Transform2DF32PathIter { Transform2DF32PathIter { iter, transform: *transform, } } }