// pathfinder/demo/magicleap/src/mocked_c_api.rs // // Copyright © 2019 The Pathfinder Project Developers. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 or the MIT license // , at your // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed // except according to those terms. //! A mocked Rust implementation of the Magic Leap C API, to allow it to build without the ML SDK #![allow(unused_variables)] #![allow(dead_code)] #![allow(non_snake_case)] use crate::c_api::MLCoordinateFrameUID; use crate::c_api::MLGraphicsClipExtentsInfoArray; use crate::c_api::MLGraphicsFrameParams; use crate::c_api::MLGraphicsOptions; use crate::c_api::MLGraphicsRenderTargetsInfo; use crate::c_api::MLGraphicsVirtualCameraInfoArray; use crate::c_api::MLHandle; use crate::c_api::MLHeadTrackingStaticData; use crate::c_api::MLLogLevel; use crate::c_api::MLResult; use crate::c_api::MLSnapshotPtr; use crate::c_api::MLTransform; use std::os::raw::c_char; pub unsafe fn MLGraphicsCreateClientGL(options: *const MLGraphicsOptions, gl_context: MLHandle, graphics_client : &mut MLHandle) -> MLResult { unimplemented!() } pub unsafe fn MLGraphicsDestroyClient(graphics_client: *mut MLHandle) -> MLResult { unimplemented!() } pub unsafe fn MLHeadTrackingCreate(tracker: *mut MLHandle) -> MLResult { unimplemented!() } pub unsafe fn MLHeadTrackingGetStaticData(head_tracker: MLHandle, data: *mut MLHeadTrackingStaticData) -> MLResult { unimplemented!() } pub unsafe fn MLPerceptionGetSnapshot(snapshot: *mut MLSnapshotPtr) -> MLResult { unimplemented!() } pub unsafe fn MLSnapshotGetTransform(snapshot: MLSnapshotPtr, id: *const MLCoordinateFrameUID, transform: *mut MLTransform) -> MLResult { unimplemented!() } pub unsafe fn MLPerceptionReleaseSnapshot(snapshot: MLSnapshotPtr) -> MLResult { unimplemented!() } pub unsafe fn MLLifecycleSetReadyIndication() -> MLResult { unimplemented!() } pub unsafe fn MLGraphicsGetClipExtents(graphics_client: MLHandle, array: *mut MLGraphicsClipExtentsInfoArray) -> MLResult { unimplemented!() } pub unsafe fn MLGraphicsGetRenderTargets(graphics_client: MLHandle, targets: *mut MLGraphicsRenderTargetsInfo) -> MLResult { unimplemented!() } pub unsafe fn MLGraphicsInitFrameParams(params: *mut MLGraphicsFrameParams) -> MLResult { unimplemented!() } pub unsafe fn MLGraphicsBeginFrame(graphics_client: MLHandle, params: *const MLGraphicsFrameParams, frame_handle: *mut MLHandle, virtual_camera_array: *mut MLGraphicsVirtualCameraInfoArray) -> MLResult { unimplemented!() } pub unsafe fn MLGraphicsEndFrame(graphics_client: MLHandle, frame_handle: MLHandle) -> MLResult { unimplemented!() } pub unsafe fn MLGraphicsSignalSyncObjectGL(graphics_client: MLHandle, sync_object: MLHandle) -> MLResult { unimplemented!() } pub unsafe fn MLGetResultString(result_code: MLResult) -> *const c_char { unimplemented!() } pub unsafe fn MLLoggingLogLevelIsEnabled(lvl: MLLogLevel) -> bool { unimplemented!() } pub unsafe fn MLLoggingLog(lvl: MLLogLevel, tag: *const c_char, message: *const c_char) { unimplemented!() }