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#version 430
// pathfinder/shaders/propagate.cs.glsl
// Copyright © 2020 The Pathfinder Project Developers.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
// Sum up backdrops to propagate fills across tiles, and allocate alpha tiles.
#extension GL_GOOGLE_include_directive : enable
precision highp float;
#ifdef GL_ES
precision highp sampler2D;
layout(local_size_x = 64) in;
uniform ivec2 uFramebufferTileSize;
uniform int uColumnCount;
uniform int uFirstAlphaTileIndex;
layout(std430, binding = 0) buffer bDrawMetadata {
// [0]: tile rect
// [1].x: tile offset
// [1].y: path ID
// [1].z: Z write enabled?
// [1].w: clip path ID, or ~0
// [2].x: backdrop column offset
restrict readonly uvec4 iDrawMetadata[];
layout(std430, binding = 1) buffer bClipMetadata {
// [0]: tile rect
// [1].x: tile offset
// [1].y: unused
// [1].z: unused
// [1].w: unused
restrict readonly uvec4 iClipMetadata[];
layout(std430, binding = 2) buffer bBackdrops {
// [0]: backdrop
// [1]: tile X offset
// [2]: path ID
restrict readonly int iBackdrops[];
layout(std430, binding = 3) buffer bDrawTiles {
// [0]: next tile ID
// [1]: first fill ID
// [2]: backdrop delta upper 8 bits, alpha tile ID lower 24
// [3]: color/ctrl/backdrop word
restrict uint iDrawTiles[];
layout(std430, binding = 4) buffer bClipTiles {
// [0]: next tile ID
// [1]: first fill ID
// [2]: backdrop delta upper 8 bits, alpha tile ID lower 24
// [3]: color/ctrl/backdrop word
restrict uint iClipTiles[];
layout(std430, binding = 5) buffer bZBuffer {
restrict int iZBuffer[];
layout(std430, binding = 6) buffer bFirstTileMap {
restrict int iFirstTileMap[];
layout(std430, binding = 7) buffer bIndirectDrawParams {
// [0]: vertexCount (6)
// [1]: instanceCount (of fills)
// [2]: vertexStart (0)
// [3]: baseInstance (0)
// [4]: alpha tile count
restrict uint iIndirectDrawParams[];
layout(std430, binding = 8) buffer bAlphaTiles {
// [0]: alpha tile index
// [1]: clip tile index
restrict uint iAlphaTiles[];
uint calculateTileIndex(uint bufferOffset, uvec4 tileRect, uvec2 tileCoord) {
return bufferOffset + tileCoord.y * (tileRect.z - tileRect.x) + tileCoord.x;
void main() {
uint columnIndex = gl_GlobalInvocationID.x;
if (int(columnIndex) >= uColumnCount)
int currentBackdrop = iBackdrops[columnIndex * 3 + 0];
int tileX = iBackdrops[columnIndex * 3 + 1];
uint drawPathIndex = uint(iBackdrops[columnIndex * 3 + 2]);
uvec4 drawTileRect = iDrawMetadata[drawPathIndex * 3 + 0];
uvec4 drawOffsets = iDrawMetadata[drawPathIndex * 3 + 1];
uvec2 drawTileSize = - drawTileRect.xy;
uint drawTileBufferOffset = drawOffsets.x;
bool zWrite = drawOffsets.z != 0;
int clipPathIndex = int(drawOffsets.w);
uvec4 clipTileRect = uvec4(0u), clipOffsets = uvec4(0u);
if (clipPathIndex >= 0) {
clipTileRect = iClipMetadata[clipPathIndex * 2 + 0];
clipOffsets = iClipMetadata[clipPathIndex * 2 + 1];
uint clipTileBufferOffset = clipOffsets.x, clipBackdropOffset = clipOffsets.y;
for (uint tileY = 0; tileY < drawTileSize.y; tileY++) {
uvec2 drawTileCoord = uvec2(tileX, tileY);
uint drawTileIndex = calculateTileIndex(drawTileBufferOffset, drawTileRect, drawTileCoord);
int drawAlphaTileIndex = -1;
int clipAlphaTileIndex = -1;
int drawFirstFillIndex = int(iDrawTiles[drawTileIndex * 4 + TILE_FIELD_FIRST_FILL_ID]);
int drawBackdropDelta =
int(iDrawTiles[drawTileIndex * 4 + TILE_FIELD_BACKDROP_ALPHA_TILE_ID]) >> 24;
uint drawTileWord = iDrawTiles[drawTileIndex * 4 + TILE_FIELD_CONTROL] & 0x00ffffff;
int drawTileBackdrop = currentBackdrop;
bool haveDrawAlphaMask = drawFirstFillIndex >= 0;
bool needNewAlphaTile = haveDrawAlphaMask;
// Handle clip if necessary.
if (clipPathIndex >= 0) {
uvec2 tileCoord = drawTileCoord + drawTileRect.xy;
if (all(bvec4(greaterThanEqual(tileCoord, clipTileRect.xy),
lessThan (tileCoord, {
uvec2 clipTileCoord = tileCoord - clipTileRect.xy;
uint clipTileIndex = calculateTileIndex(clipTileBufferOffset,
clipAlphaTileIndex =
int(iClipTiles[clipTileIndex * 4 +
int thisClipAlphaTileIndex =
int(iClipTiles[clipTileIndex * 4 +
uint clipTileWord = iClipTiles[clipTileIndex * 4 + TILE_FIELD_CONTROL];
int clipTileBackdrop = int(clipTileWord) >> 24;
if (thisClipAlphaTileIndex >= 0) {
if (haveDrawAlphaMask) {
clipAlphaTileIndex = thisClipAlphaTileIndex;
needNewAlphaTile = true;
} else {
if (drawTileBackdrop != 0) {
// This is a solid draw tile, but there's a clip applied. Replace it with an
// alpha tile pointing directly to the clip mask.
drawAlphaTileIndex = thisClipAlphaTileIndex;
clipAlphaTileIndex = -1;
needNewAlphaTile = false;
} else {
// No draw alpha tile index, no clip alpha tile index.
drawAlphaTileIndex = -1;
clipAlphaTileIndex = -1;
needNewAlphaTile = false;
} else {
// No clip tile.
if (clipTileBackdrop == 0) {
// This is a blank clip tile. Cull the draw tile entirely.
drawTileBackdrop = 0;
needNewAlphaTile = false;
} else {
needNewAlphaTile = true;
} else {
// This draw tile is outside the clip path bounding rect. Cull the draw tile.
drawTileBackdrop = 0;
needNewAlphaTile = false;
if (needNewAlphaTile) {
uint drawBatchAlphaTileIndex = atomicAdd(iIndirectDrawParams[4], 1);
iAlphaTiles[drawBatchAlphaTileIndex * 2 + 0] = drawTileIndex;
iAlphaTiles[drawBatchAlphaTileIndex * 2 + 1] = clipAlphaTileIndex;
drawAlphaTileIndex = int(drawBatchAlphaTileIndex) + uFirstAlphaTileIndex;
iDrawTiles[drawTileIndex * 4 + TILE_FIELD_BACKDROP_ALPHA_TILE_ID] =
(uint(drawAlphaTileIndex) & 0x00ffffffu) | (uint(drawBackdropDelta) << 24);
iDrawTiles[drawTileIndex * 4 + TILE_FIELD_CONTROL] =
drawTileWord | (uint(drawTileBackdrop) << 24);
// Write to Z-buffer if necessary.
ivec2 tileCoord = ivec2(tileX, tileY) + ivec2(drawTileRect.xy);
int tileMapIndex = tileCoord.y * uFramebufferTileSize.x + tileCoord.x;
if (zWrite && drawTileBackdrop != 0 && drawAlphaTileIndex < 0)
atomicMax(iZBuffer[tileMapIndex], int(drawTileIndex));
// Stitch into the linked list if necessary.
if (drawTileBackdrop != 0 || drawAlphaTileIndex >= 0) {
int nextTileIndex = atomicExchange(iFirstTileMap[tileMapIndex], int(drawTileIndex));
iDrawTiles[drawTileIndex * 4 + TILE_FIELD_NEXT_TILE_ID] = nextTileIndex;
currentBackdrop += drawBackdropDelta;