
152 lines
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// Automatically generated from files in pathfinder/shaders/. Do not edit!
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wmissing-prototypes"
#include <metal_stdlib>
#include <simd/simd.h>
using namespace metal;
struct spvDescriptorSetBuffer0
texture2d<float> uStencilTexture [[id(0)]];
sampler uStencilTextureSmplr [[id(1)]];
texture2d<float> uPaintTexture [[id(2)]];
sampler uPaintTextureSmplr [[id(3)]];
constant float2* uFramebufferSize [[id(4)]];
texture2d<float> uDest [[id(5)]];
sampler uDestSmplr [[id(6)]];
constant int3* uBlendHSL [[id(7)]];
struct main0_out
float4 oFragColor [[color(0)]];
struct main0_in
float2 vColorTexCoord [[user(locn0)]];
float2 vMaskTexCoord [[user(locn1)]];
// Implementation of the GLSL mod() function, which is slightly different than Metal fmod()
template<typename Tx, typename Ty>
Tx mod(Tx x, Ty y)
return x - y * floor(x / y);
float4 sampleSrcColor(thread texture2d<float> uStencilTexture, thread const sampler uStencilTextureSmplr, thread float2& vMaskTexCoord, thread texture2d<float> uPaintTexture, thread const sampler uPaintTextureSmplr, thread float2& vColorTexCoord)
float coverage = uStencilTexture.sample(uStencilTextureSmplr, vMaskTexCoord).x;
float4 srcRGBA = uPaintTexture.sample(uPaintTextureSmplr, vColorTexCoord);
return float4(, srcRGBA.w * coverage);
float4 sampleDestColor(thread float4& gl_FragCoord, thread float2 uFramebufferSize, thread texture2d<float> uDest, thread const sampler uDestSmplr)
float2 destTexCoord = gl_FragCoord.xy / uFramebufferSize;
return uDest.sample(uDestSmplr, destTexCoord);
float3 convertRGBToHSL(thread const float3& rgb)
float v = fast::max(rgb.y, rgb.z);
float c = v - fast::min(rgb.y, rgb.z);
float l = v - (0.5 * c);
float3 tmp = float3(0.0);
bool3 is_v = rgb == float3(v);
if (is_v.x)
tmp = float3(0.0, rgb.yz);
if (is_v.y)
tmp = float3(2.0, rgb.zx);
if (is_v.z)
tmp = float3(4.0, rgb.xy);
float h = 1.0471975803375244140625 * (tmp.x + ((tmp.y - tmp.z) / c));
float s = 0.0;
if ((l > 0.0) && (l < 1.0))
s = (v - l) / fast::min(l, 1.0 - l);
return float3(h, s, l);
float3 select3(thread const bool3& cond, thread const float3& a, thread const float3& b)
float _125;
if (cond.x)
_125 = a.x;
_125 = b.x;
float _137;
if (cond.y)
_137 = a.y;
_137 = b.y;
float _149;
if (cond.z)
_149 = a.z;
_149 = b.z;
return float3(_125, _137, _149);
float3 convertHSLToRGB(thread const float3& hsl)
float a = hsl.y * fast::min(hsl.z, 1.0 - hsl.z);
float3 ks = mod(float3(0.0, 8.0, 4.0) + float3(hsl.x * 1.90985929965972900390625), float3(12.0));
return hsl.zzz - (fast::clamp(fast::min(ks - float3(3.0), float3(9.0) - ks), float3(-1.0), float3(1.0)) * a);
float4 blendColors(thread const float4& destRGBA, thread const float4& srcRGBA, thread const float3& blendedRGB)
return float4((( * (srcRGBA.w * (1.0 - destRGBA.w))) + (blendedRGB * (srcRGBA.w * destRGBA.w))) + ( * ((1.0 - srcRGBA.w) * destRGBA.w)), 1.0);
fragment main0_out main0(main0_in in [[stage_in]], constant spvDescriptorSetBuffer0& spvDescriptorSet0 [[buffer(0)]], float4 gl_FragCoord [[position]])
main0_out out = {};
float4 srcRGBA = sampleSrcColor(spvDescriptorSet0.uStencilTexture, spvDescriptorSet0.uStencilTextureSmplr, in.vMaskTexCoord, spvDescriptorSet0.uPaintTexture, spvDescriptorSet0.uPaintTextureSmplr, in.vColorTexCoord);
float4 destRGBA = sampleDestColor(gl_FragCoord, (*spvDescriptorSet0.uFramebufferSize), spvDescriptorSet0.uDest, spvDescriptorSet0.uDestSmplr);
float3 param =;
float3 destHSL = convertRGBToHSL(param);
float3 param_1 =;
float3 srcHSL = convertRGBToHSL(param_1);
bool3 param_2 = (*spvDescriptorSet0.uBlendHSL) == int3(0);
float3 param_3 = destHSL;
float3 param_4 = srcHSL;
float3 blendedHSL = select3(param_2, param_3, param_4);
float3 param_5 = blendedHSL;
float3 blendedRGB = convertHSLToRGB(param_5);
float4 param_6 = destRGBA;
float4 param_7 = srcRGBA;
float3 param_8 = blendedRGB;
out.oFragColor = blendColors(param_6, param_7, param_8);
return out;