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// pathfinder/c/src/
// Copyright © 2019 The Pathfinder Project Developers.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
//! C bindings to Pathfinder.
use gl;
use pathfinder_canvas::{CanvasFontContext, CanvasRenderingContext2D, Path2D};
use pathfinder_geometry::basic::point::{Point2DF, Point2DI};
use pathfinder_geometry::basic::rect::{RectF, RectI};
use pathfinder_geometry::color::ColorF;
use pathfinder_gl::{GLDevice, GLVersion};
use pathfinder_gpu::resources::{FilesystemResourceLoader, ResourceLoader};
use pathfinder_gpu::{ClearParams, Device};
use pathfinder_renderer::concurrent::rayon::RayonExecutor;
use pathfinder_renderer::concurrent::scene_proxy::SceneProxy;
use pathfinder_renderer::gpu::renderer::{DestFramebuffer, Renderer};
use pathfinder_renderer::options::RenderOptions;
use pathfinder_renderer::scene::Scene;
use pathfinder_simd::default::F32x4;
use std::ffi::CString;
use std::os::raw::{c_char, c_void};
// Constants
pub const PF_CLEAR_FLAGS_HAS_COLOR: u8 = 0x1;
pub const PF_CLEAR_FLAGS_HAS_DEPTH: u8 = 0x2;
pub const PF_CLEAR_FLAGS_HAS_STENCIL: u8 = 0x4;
pub const PF_CLEAR_FLAGS_HAS_RECT: u8 = 0x8;
// Types
// `canvas`
pub type PFCanvasRef = *mut CanvasRenderingContext2D;
pub type PFPathRef = *mut Path2D;
pub type PFCanvasFontContextRef = *mut CanvasFontContext;
// `geometry`
pub struct PFPoint2DF {
pub x: f32,
pub y: f32,
pub struct PFPoint2DI {
pub x: i32,
pub y: i32,
pub struct PFRectF {
pub origin: PFPoint2DF,
pub lower_right: PFPoint2DF,
pub struct PFRectI {
pub origin: PFPoint2DI,
pub lower_right: PFPoint2DI,
pub struct PFColorF {
pub r: f32,
pub g: f32,
pub b: f32,
pub a: f32,
// `gl`
pub type PFGLDeviceRef = *mut GLDevice;
pub type PFGLVersion = GLVersion;
pub type PFGLFunctionLoader = extern "C" fn(name: *const c_char, userdata: *mut c_void)
-> *const c_void;
// `gpu`
pub type PFGLDestFramebufferRef = *mut DestFramebuffer<GLDevice>;
pub type PFGLRendererRef = *mut Renderer<GLDevice>;
// FIXME(pcwalton): Double-boxing is unfortunate. Remove this when `std::raw::TraitObject` is
// stable?
pub type PFResourceLoaderRef = *mut Box<dyn ResourceLoader>;
pub struct PFClearParams {
pub color: PFColorF,
pub depth: f32,
pub stencil: u8,
pub rect: PFRectI,
pub flags: PFClearFlags,
pub type PFClearFlags = u8;
// `renderer`
pub type PFSceneRef = *mut Scene;
pub type PFSceneProxyRef = *mut SceneProxy;
// TODO(pcwalton)
pub struct PFRenderOptions {
pub placeholder: u32,
// `canvas`
pub unsafe extern "C" fn PFCanvasCreate(font_context: PFCanvasFontContextRef,
size: *const PFPoint2DF)
-> PFCanvasRef {
pub unsafe extern "C" fn PFCanvasDestroy(canvas: PFCanvasRef) {
pub unsafe extern "C" fn PFCanvasFontContextCreate() -> PFCanvasFontContextRef {
pub unsafe extern "C" fn PFCanvasFontContextDestroy(font_context: PFCanvasFontContextRef) {
/// Consumes the canvas.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn PFCanvasCreateScene(canvas: PFCanvasRef) -> PFSceneRef {
pub unsafe extern "C" fn PFCanvasFillRect(canvas: PFCanvasRef, rect: *const PFRectF) {
pub unsafe extern "C" fn PFCanvasStrokeRect(canvas: PFCanvasRef, rect: *const PFRectF) {
pub unsafe extern "C" fn PFCanvasSetLineWidth(canvas: PFCanvasRef, new_line_width: f32) {
/// Consumes the path.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn PFCanvasFillPath(canvas: PFCanvasRef, path: PFPathRef) {
/// Consumes the path.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn PFCanvasStrokePath(canvas: PFCanvasRef, path: PFPathRef) {
pub unsafe extern "C" fn PFPathCreate() -> PFPathRef {
pub unsafe extern "C" fn PFPathDestroy(path: PFPathRef) {
pub unsafe extern "C" fn PFPathClone(path: PFPathRef) -> PFPathRef {
pub unsafe extern "C" fn PFPathMoveTo(path: PFPathRef, to: *const PFPoint2DF) {
pub unsafe extern "C" fn PFPathLineTo(path: PFPathRef, to: *const PFPoint2DF) {
pub unsafe extern "C" fn PFPathQuadraticCurveTo(path: PFPathRef,
ctrl: *const PFPoint2DF,
to: *const PFPoint2DF) {
(*path).quadratic_curve_to((*ctrl).to_rust(), (*to).to_rust())
pub unsafe extern "C" fn PFPathBezierCurveTo(path: PFPathRef,
ctrl0: *const PFPoint2DF,
ctrl1: *const PFPoint2DF,
to: *const PFPoint2DF) {
(*path).bezier_curve_to((*ctrl0).to_rust(), (*ctrl1).to_rust(), (*to).to_rust())
pub unsafe extern "C" fn PFPathClosePath(path: PFPathRef) {
// `gl`
pub unsafe extern "C" fn PFFilesystemResourceLoaderLocate() -> PFResourceLoaderRef {
let loader = Box::new(FilesystemResourceLoader::locate());
Box::into_raw(Box::new(loader as Box<dyn ResourceLoader>))
pub unsafe extern "C" fn PFGLLoadWith(loader: PFGLFunctionLoader, userdata: *mut c_void) {
gl::load_with(|name| {
let name = CString::new(name).unwrap();
loader(name.as_ptr(), userdata)
pub unsafe extern "C" fn PFGLDeviceCreate(version: PFGLVersion, default_framebuffer: u32)
-> PFGLDeviceRef {
Box::into_raw(Box::new(GLDevice::new(version, default_framebuffer)))
pub unsafe extern "C" fn PFGLDeviceDestroy(device: PFGLDeviceRef) {
pub unsafe extern "C" fn PFGLDeviceClear(device: PFGLDeviceRef, params: *const PFClearParams) {
pub unsafe extern "C" fn PFResourceLoaderDestroy(loader: PFResourceLoaderRef) {
// `gpu`
pub unsafe extern "C" fn PFGLDestFramebufferCreateFullWindow(window_size: *const PFPoint2DI)
-> PFGLDestFramebufferRef {
pub unsafe extern "C" fn PFGLDestFramebufferDestroy(dest_framebuffer: PFGLDestFramebufferRef) {
/// Takes ownership of `device` and `dest_framebuffer`, but not `resources`.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn PFGLRendererCreate(device: PFGLDeviceRef,
resources: PFResourceLoaderRef,
dest_framebuffer: PFGLDestFramebufferRef)
-> PFGLRendererRef {
pub unsafe extern "C" fn PFGLRendererDestroy(renderer: PFGLRendererRef) {
pub unsafe extern "C" fn PFGLRendererGetDevice(renderer: PFGLRendererRef) -> PFGLDeviceRef {
&mut (*renderer).device
pub unsafe extern "C" fn PFSceneProxyBuildAndRenderGL(scene_proxy: PFSceneProxyRef,
renderer: PFGLRendererRef,
options: *const PFRenderOptions) {
(*scene_proxy).build_and_render(&mut *renderer, (*options).to_rust())
// `renderer`
pub unsafe extern "C" fn PFSceneDestroy(scene: PFSceneRef) {
pub unsafe extern "C" fn PFSceneProxyCreateFromSceneAndRayonExecutor(scene: PFSceneRef)
-> PFSceneProxyRef {
Box::into_raw(Box::new(SceneProxy::from_scene(*Box::from_raw(scene), RayonExecutor)))
pub unsafe extern "C" fn PFSceneProxyDestroy(scene_proxy: PFSceneProxyRef) {
// Helpers for `geometry`
impl PFColorF {
pub fn to_rust(&self) -> ColorF {
ColorF(F32x4::new(self.r, self.g, self.b, self.a))
impl PFRectF {
pub fn to_rust(&self) -> RectF {
RectF::from_points(self.origin.to_rust(), self.lower_right.to_rust())
impl PFRectI {
pub fn to_rust(&self) -> RectI {
RectI::from_points(self.origin.to_rust(), self.lower_right.to_rust())
impl PFPoint2DF {
pub fn to_rust(&self) -> Point2DF {
Point2DF::new(self.x, self.y)
impl PFPoint2DI {
pub fn to_rust(&self) -> Point2DI {
Point2DI::new(self.x, self.y)
// Helpers for `gpu`
impl PFClearParams {
pub fn to_rust(&self) -> ClearParams {
ClearParams {
color: if (self.flags & PF_CLEAR_FLAGS_HAS_COLOR) != 0 {
} else {
rect: if (self.flags & PF_CLEAR_FLAGS_HAS_RECT) != 0 {
} else {
depth: if (self.flags & PF_CLEAR_FLAGS_HAS_DEPTH) != 0 {
} else {
stencil: if (self.flags & PF_CLEAR_FLAGS_HAS_STENCIL) != 0 {
} else {
// Helpers for `renderer`
impl PFRenderOptions {
pub fn to_rust(&self) -> RenderOptions {