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2017-08-09 16:46:59 -04:00
from PyQt5 import QtGui, QtCore, QtWidgets
from PIL import ImageDraw, ImageEnhance, ImageChops, ImageFilter
import os
import math
from component import Component
from toolkit.frame import BlankFrame, FramePainter
class Component(Component):
name = 'Conway\'s Game of Life'
version = '1.0.0a'
def widget(self, *args):
self.scale = 32
self.startingGrid = {}
}, colorWidgets={
def update(self):
def previewClickEvent(self, pos, size, button):
pos = (
math.ceil((pos[0] / size[0]) * self.gridWidth) - 1,
math.ceil((pos[1] / size[1]) * self.gridHeight) - 1
if button == 1:
self.startingGrid[pos] = True
elif button == 2 and pos in self.startingGrid:
def updateGridSize(self):
w, h = self.core.resolutions[-1].split('x')
self.gridWidth = int(int(w) / self.scale)
self.gridHeight = int(int(h) / self.scale)
self.pxWidth = math.ceil(self.width / self.gridWidth)
self.pxHeight = math.ceil(self.height / self.gridHeight)
def previewRender(self):
return self.drawGrid(self.startingGrid)
def preFrameRender(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().preFrameRender(*args, **kwargs)
self.progressBarSetText.emit("Computing evolution...")
self.tickGrids = {0: self.startingGrid}
tick = 0
for frameNo in range(
self.tickRate, len(self.completeAudioArray), self.sampleSize
if frameNo % self.tickRate == 0:
tick += 1
self.tickGrids[tick] = self.gridForTick(tick)
# update progress bar
progress = int(100*(frameNo/len(self.completeAudioArray)))
if progress >= 100:
progress = 100
pStr = "Computing evolution: "+str(progress)+'%'
def frameRender(self, frameNo):
tick = math.floor(frameNo / self.tickRate)
grid = self.tickGrids[tick]
return self.drawGrid(grid)
def drawGrid(self, grid):
frame = BlankFrame(self.width, self.height)
drawer = ImageDraw.Draw(frame)
for x, y in grid:
drawPtX = x * self.pxWidth
drawPtY = y * self.pxHeight
rect = (
(drawPtX, drawPtY),
(drawPtX + self.pxWidth, drawPtY + self.pxHeight)
if self.shapeType == 0:
drawer.rectangle(rect, fill=self.color)
elif self.shapeType == 1:
drawer.ellipse(rect, fill=self.color)
elif self.shapeType == 2:
drawer.pieslice(rect, 290, 250, fill=self.color)
elif self.shapeType == 3:
drawer.pieslice(rect, 20, 340, fill=self.color)
if self.shadow:
shadImg = ImageEnhance.Contrast(frame).enhance(0.0)
shadImg = shadImg.filter(ImageFilter.GaussianBlur(5.00))
shadImg = ImageChops.offset(shadImg, -2, 2)
shadImg.paste(frame, box=(0, 0), mask=frame)
frame = shadImg
return frame
def gridForTick(self, tick):
'''Given a tick number over 0, returns a new grid dict of tuples'''
lastGrid = self.tickGrids[tick - 1]
def nearbyCoords(x, y):
yield x + 1, y + 1
yield x + 1, y - 1
yield x - 1, y + 1
yield x - 1, y - 1
yield x, y + 1
yield x, y - 1
yield x + 1, y
yield x - 1, y
def neighbours(x, y):
nearbyCells = [
lastGrid.get(cell) for cell in nearbyCoords(x, y)
return [
nearbyCell for nearbyCell in nearbyCells
if nearbyCell is not None
newGrid = {}
for x, y in lastGrid:
surrounding = len(neighbours(x, y))
if surrounding == 2 or surrounding == 3:
newGrid[(x, y)] = True
potentialNewCells = set([
coordTup for origin in lastGrid
for coordTup in list(nearbyCoords(*origin))
for x, y in potentialNewCells:
if (x, y) in newGrid:
surrounding = len(neighbours(x, y))
if surrounding == 3:
newGrid[(x, y)] = True
return newGrid
def savePreset(self):
pr = super().savePreset()
pr['GRID'] = self.startingGrid
return pr
def loadPreset(self, pr, *args):
super().loadPreset(pr, *args)
self.startingGrid = pr['GRID']