merge consecutive actions on the same widget type

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tassaron 2017-08-16 20:44:37 -04:00
parent a1d7cbb984
commit f65ced2853
1 changed files with 44 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -317,10 +317,14 @@ class Component(QtCore.QObject, metaclass=ComponentMetaclass):
if attr not in self._colorWidgets else rgbFromString(widget.text())
for attr, widget in self._trackedWidgets.items()
if any([val != oldWidgetVals[attr]
for attr, val in newWidgetVals.items()
action = ComponentUpdate(self, oldWidgetVals, newWidgetVals)
modifiedWidgets = {
attr: val
for attr, val in newWidgetVals.items()
if val != oldWidgetVals[attr]
if modifiedWidgets:
action = ComponentUpdate(self, oldWidgetVals, modifiedWidgets)
def _update(self):
@ -662,25 +666,55 @@ class ComponentError(RuntimeError):
class ComponentUpdate(QtWidgets.QUndoCommand):
'''Command object for making a component action undoable'''
def __init__(self, parent, oldWidgetVals, newWidgetVals):
def __init__(self, parent, oldWidgetVals, modifiedVals):
'Changed %s component #%s' % (, parent.compPos
self.parent = parent
self.oldWidgetVals = oldWidgetVals
self.newWidgetVals = newWidgetVals
self.oldWidgetVals = {
attr: val
for attr, val in oldWidgetVals.items()
if attr in modifiedVals
self.modifiedVals = modifiedVals
# Determine if this update is mergeable
self.id_ = -1
if len(self.modifiedVals) == 1:
attr, val = self.modifiedVals.popitem()
widget = self.parent._trackedWidgets[attr]
if type(widget) is QtWidgets.QLineEdit:
self.id_ = 10
elif type(widget) is QtWidgets.QSpinBox \
or type(widget) is QtWidgets.QDoubleSpinBox:
self.id_ = 20
self.modifiedVals[attr] = val
'%s component settings changed at once. (%s)' % (
len(self.modifiedVals), repr(self.modifiedVals)
def id(self):
'''If 2 consecutive updates have same id, Qt will call mergeWith()'''
return self.id_
def mergeWith(self, other):
return True
def redo(self):
def undo(self):
with blockSignals(self.parent):
for attr, widget in self.parent._trackedWidgets.items():
val = self.oldWidgetVals[attr]
for attr, val in self.oldWidgetVals.items():
widget = self.parent._trackedWidgets[attr]
if attr in self.parent._colorWidgets:
val = '%s,%s,%s' % val
setWidgetValue(widget, val)