import numpy from PIL import Image, ImageDraw from PyQt5 import QtGui, QtCore, QtWidgets from PyQt5.QtGui import QColor import os from . import __base__ import time from copy import copy class Component(__base__.Component): '''Classic Visualizer''' modified = QtCore.pyqtSignal(int, dict) @classmethod def names(cls): return ['Original Audio Visualization'] def widget(self, parent): self.parent = parent self.visColor = (255, 255, 255) self.scale = 20 self.y = 0 self.canceled = False page = self.loadUi('original.ui') page.comboBox_visLayout.addItem("Classic") page.comboBox_visLayout.addItem("Split") page.comboBox_visLayout.addItem("Bottom") page.comboBox_visLayout.addItem("Top") page.comboBox_visLayout.setCurrentIndex(0) page.comboBox_visLayout.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.update) page.lineEdit_visColor.setText('%s,%s,%s' % self.visColor) page.pushButton_visColor.clicked.connect(lambda: self.pickColor()) btnStyle = "QPushButton { background-color : %s; outline: none; }" \ % QColor(*self.visColor).name() page.pushButton_visColor.setStyleSheet(btnStyle) page.lineEdit_visColor.textChanged.connect(self.update) page.spinBox_scale.valueChanged.connect(self.update) page.spinBox_y.valueChanged.connect(self.update) = page return page def update(self): self.layout = self.visColor = self.RGBFromString( self.scale = self.y = self.parent.drawPreview() super().update() def loadPreset(self, pr, presetName=None): super().loadPreset(pr, presetName)'%s,%s,%s' % pr['visColor']) btnStyle = "QPushButton { background-color : %s; outline: none; }" \ % QColor(*pr['visColor']).name()['layout'])['scale'])['y']) def savePreset(self): return { 'preset': self.currentPreset, 'layout': self.layout, 'visColor': self.visColor, 'scale': self.scale, 'y': self.y, } def previewRender(self, previewWorker): spectrum = numpy.fromfunction( lambda x: float(self.scale)/2500*(x-128)**2, (255,), dtype="int16") width = int(previewWorker.core.settings.value('outputWidth')) height = int(previewWorker.core.settings.value('outputHeight')) return self.drawBars( width, height, spectrum, self.visColor, self.layout ) def preFrameRender(self, **kwargs): super().preFrameRender(**kwargs) self.smoothConstantDown = 0.08 self.smoothConstantUp = 0.8 self.lastSpectrum = None self.spectrumArray = {} self.width = int(self.worker.core.settings.value('outputWidth')) self.height = int(self.worker.core.settings.value('outputHeight')) for i in range(0, len(self.completeAudioArray), self.sampleSize): if self.canceled: break self.lastSpectrum = self.transformData( i, self.completeAudioArray, self.sampleSize, self.smoothConstantDown, self.smoothConstantUp, self.lastSpectrum) self.spectrumArray[i] = copy(self.lastSpectrum) progress = int(100*(i/len(self.completeAudioArray))) if progress >= 100: progress = 100 pStr = "Analyzing audio: "+str(progress)+'%' self.progressBarSetText.emit(pStr) self.progressBarUpdate.emit(int(progress)) def frameRender(self, moduleNo, arrayNo, frameNo): return self.drawBars( self.width, self.height, self.spectrumArray[arrayNo], self.visColor, self.layout) def pickColor(self): RGBstring, btnStyle = super().pickColor() if not RGBstring: return def transformData( self, i, completeAudioArray, sampleSize, smoothConstantDown, smoothConstantUp, lastSpectrum): if len(completeAudioArray) < (i + sampleSize): sampleSize = len(completeAudioArray) - i window = numpy.hanning(sampleSize) data = completeAudioArray[i:i+sampleSize][::1] * window paddedSampleSize = 2048 paddedData = numpy.pad( data, (0, paddedSampleSize - sampleSize), 'constant') spectrum = numpy.fft.fft(paddedData) sample_rate = 44100 frequencies = numpy.fft.fftfreq(len(spectrum), 1./sample_rate) y = abs(spectrum[0:int(paddedSampleSize/2) - 1]) # filter the noise away # y[y<80] = 0 y = self.scale * numpy.log10(y) y[numpy.isinf(y)] = 0 if lastSpectrum is not None: lastSpectrum[y < lastSpectrum] = \ y[y < lastSpectrum] * smoothConstantDown + \ lastSpectrum[y < lastSpectrum] * (1 - smoothConstantDown) lastSpectrum[y >= lastSpectrum] = \ y[y >= lastSpectrum] * smoothConstantUp + \ lastSpectrum[y >= lastSpectrum] * (1 - smoothConstantUp) else: lastSpectrum = y x = frequencies[0:int(paddedSampleSize/2) - 1] return lastSpectrum def drawBars(self, width, height, spectrum, color, layout): vH = height-height/8 bF = width / 64 bH = bF / 2 bQ = bF / 4 imTop = self.blankFrame(width, height) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(imTop) r, g, b = color color2 = (r, g, b, 125) bP = height / 1200 for j in range(0, 63): draw.rectangle(( bH + j * bF, vH+bQ, bH + j * bF + bF, vH + bQ - spectrum[j * 4] * bP - bH), fill=color2) draw.rectangle(( bH + bQ + j * bF, vH, bH + bQ + j * bF + bH, vH - spectrum[j * 4] * bP), fill=color) imBottom = imTop.transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM) im = self.blankFrame(width, height) if layout == 0: # Classic y = self.y - int(height/100*43) im.paste(imTop, (0, y), mask=imTop) y = self.y + int(height/100*43) im.paste(imBottom, (0, y), mask=imBottom) if layout == 1: # Split y = self.y + int(height/100*10) im.paste(imTop, (0, y), mask=imTop) y = self.y - int(height/100*10) im.paste(imBottom, (0, y), mask=imBottom) if layout == 2: # Bottom y = self.y + int(height/100*10) im.paste(imTop, (0, y), mask=imTop) if layout == 3: # Top y = self.y - int(height/100*10) im.paste(imBottom, (0, y), mask=imBottom) return im def command(self, arg): if not arg.startswith('preset=') and '=' in arg: key, arg = arg.split('=', 1) try: if key == 'color': return elif key == 'layout': if arg == 'classic': elif arg == 'split': elif arg == 'bottom': elif arg == 'top': return elif key == 'scale': arg = int(arg) return elif key == 'y': arg = int(arg) return except ValueError: print('You must enter a number.') quit(1) super().command(arg) def commandHelp(self): print('Give a layout name:\n layout=[classic/split/bottom/top]') print('Specify a color:\n color=255,255,255') print('Visualizer scale (20 is default):\n scale=number') print('Y position:\n y=number')